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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. As much as I despise Matt and couldn't bring myself to feel that bad when Amber was having to be held back and threatening to beat his ass, the fact remains that she is a serial domestic abuser that MTV keeps on the air. He is a POS and utter worthless trash imo (and a psychological abuser himself) but he is still her partner that she chose and she clearly didn't learn anything from her last DV situation. She has no room to complain about how anyone else treats *anyone.*
  2. I thought she mentioned getting off work at some point on the show. I could be wrong or she could have quit since then. Doesn't he also sell condoms and cookies?
  3. It's true. Jenelle does get a lot of flack, as does Farrah. I don't know why Amber and Cate don't get nearly as much criticism.
  4. For sure. "She was just cooking with the knife." Um, you weren't there, dickhead. The dude who actually was married to Debz OG at the time says she did get physical that night.
  5. Amber is actively violent, attacked a cast member last season and threatened/charged her partner this season, and Cate and Maci abuse substances while driving/pregnant and leave their kids with addicts. Farrah is rude/obnoxious and really bitchy, which given the other behaviors on the show, is sort of meh at this point. Out of the 4 she deserves to be off the show the least imo.
  6. Do we think it's true that David tried to get with Farrah before her mom?
  7. This thread is so disheartening. No wonder they feel entitled! The comments are ridiculous!
  8. I think they definitely need to move on. Part of it is complicated, though, by the fact that the parents are still around and toxic in most cases. Debra and Farrah are still somewhat codependent and Deb's crazy is all in our face, partly because she clearly wants a reality show paycheck (and a rap career apparently). With Butch and April-- I no longer feel "bad" for Cate and Tyler about their own experiences with them, but they're other toxic, messed up people on the show who continue to act in toxic, messed up ways. So it's not really about "excusing" anything for me as much as it is, "wow, all these people are effing crazy." Just as the former teens on the show are adults now responsible for their actions, the middle aged adults on the show are reality show participants too who are choosing to get judged in exactly the same way as their kids by appearing on TV and acting insane. And the show they're on is about their family dysfunction, so of course we are going to notice and comment on that.
  9. Instead he ENCOURAGES Amber and Matt to stay together!
  10. I would have LOVED for him to have asked Leah and Corey why Ali is allowed to play T-ball against medical advice, Tyler and Cate why they are so rampantly disrespectful about the adoption and why they would even consider leaving Nova alone with April or Butch, Maci why she clearly drank pregnant, Amber-- I can't even choose the number of things I'd love him to grill her about... Ironically the only two people I've seen him be somewhat hard on are Chelsea (for hooking up with Adam at the time and not showing more of her dating life onscreen... eyeroll) and Farrah.
  11. That plus Michael's continued relationship with her has always made me think the same. He does not admit to abusing her physically but has said Debra did. He has also confirmed that she has been raped more than once (once by James Deen, who has been accused of rape by many women actually, and other times by other men/another man). Mostly though, the guilt he seems to feel and the fact that everyone in their family is so shady and evasive about the "dark times" they went through have always made me think that she was molested and Debra blamed her for it due to her "Christianity" or they didn't report it when they were supposed to. No proof of that of course, and we'll never know. Based on the way they all talk about her childhood, with Michael and Farrah getting closed off and teary and Debra aggressively deflecting, that's what I happen to believe.
  12. I mean, Jenelle and Amber are still on the show, so I'd say yes.
  13. I think you hit the nail on the head here. Michael likely knows he didn't do enough to stop it, but he also eventually left, likely because he was a target of said rages as well. The arrest with the knife, the creepy religiosity, the refusal of any wrongdoing on the basis of wealth, the unhinged screaming about wanting to die in a nail salon because your daughter doesn't like your fiance-- some weird, bad stuff went on at home. I know Farrah says she was called names after she got pregnant, but I assume they were more of the "worthless whore" (screamed drunkenly) variety rather than normal levels of anger about a teen pregnancy. Debra is good at playing victim now that she's on TV and Farrah is crazy too.
  14. Yeah, unfortunately dick pics are not new. I wish they were just an unfortunate new fad.
  15. Both of her daughters hate David...she should probably eventually get a clue that he doesn't "cherish" her.
  16. How can people see what she does and still be her fans?!?! I am dumbfounded.
  17. I think she means well but I agree, she is obsessed with protecting Ryan and with their family image. Drives me nuts.
  18. About time! I'm glad they got the strength to do it. I think they are nice people and really tried to be accommodating. More than I would have been.
  19. @SPLAIN, I totally agree on leaving her child with a crackhead. Why should CPS be involved with Sophia? But not with the child of two potheads who leave their kid with one felon/addict and another addict (not sure if April is a felon) all the damn time? Um...
  20. While I don't disagree that Farrah can be a huge bitch, her upper middle class upbringing has nothing to do with whether she was abused or not or whether she was around violence or chaos. A nice house doesn't make abuse less abusive. She is also now being regularly used by her mother for money and fame, and she has always worked in one way or another outside of MTV since 16&P, so it's not like she's taken handouts for years while crying abuse like Jenelle. It's likelier that she supports Debra at this point. I also have to disagree that Catelynn is kind, sweet, or polite.
  21. I would actually believe this, possibly?
  22. Holy shit, you are not entitled to ANYTHING because you had sex and made a kid. It might have felt that way when you were 16 but it's been how many years? Pretty much seems now like they'll feel entitled to her forever because they had unprotected sex. And Tyler seems to feel even MORE entitled than Cate. He didn't even carry her for 9 months! And no, that doesn't make you entitled at all either, but literally all he did was have sex, he didn't even have those months of physical bonding-- and he told his girlfriend he'd leave her if she didn't give her up for adoption. You can't cry now about that...!!!
  23. I guess it doesn't matter if Amber breaks his spirit by kicking him down the stairs on national television.
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