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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Seriously, just be like "look, that's a sensitive issue right now so I'm not comfortable discussing it until later, sorry." End of story. How is that THAT hard?
  2. Also they dated in high school. How long can you harbor angry dramatic feelings about someone from high school only?! It's not like she has two ex husbands, each of whom she was with for 10-12 years, and is 45 and had a child with each one. We're talking about "exes" who "dated" at 15-16, when they were essentially children. Being able to not hate that person a decade later is not some sort of proof of your extreme maturity.
  3. No, they changed it because people were pretending to be wheelchair users to get to the front of lines. Now you get a number and come back at an assigned time. It's pretty unfortunate for people who need it as it really changes your experience of the park, but too many people were faking.
  4. I don't think she was going to go for the adoption, but I don't think it was a bluff. I thought it was more of a desperate question in a really bad moment. (Not that adoption is bad, but she didn't really want one). Like "oh shit, this is going to be the same as last time, and wtf have I done." Like when people in the heat of the moment say "what if we got divorced?" when that's really not what they want, just because the fighting is awful and they're imagining an escape.
  5. Hahaha!!!!!! <3 And yeah. Call triple fucking A. What is the issue? And why is she always in parking lots?
  6. She's due early August. AND SO AM I AND PLEASE SEND INDUCTION VIBES SO I CAN WEAR REGULAR SHOES AGAIN Sorry, 39 weeks will do that to a person.
  7. I think he is better. He's also pretty emotional though and tends to get caught up in drama and bickering, dwelling, brooding, etc. Hopefully his new girlfriend or whoever he ends up with is not hot headed and keeps him calm. He seems to be very influenced by whoever he's with/around. Jo is more of his own person.
  8. Do bisexuality and interracial relationships still have shock value? I doubt it, she doesn't live in a conservative area like Leah or Chelsea. She's been pretty openly bi since high school. I'm inclined to believe she is attracted to various people (various ethnicities, both sexes) and is just really offensive about everything and everyone. She likes to think she's superior, whether she's dating a white guy, a Latina girl or a black guy. There's no reason to assume she has dated women for "shock value" when that hasn't even been highlighted on the show. She's just a bitch no matter what relationship she's in.
  9. Yeah, when they had their fight they were both almost talking like adult human beings. The cutesy baby voices don't bother me once in a while during sweet little exchanges, but don't you ever just discuss a movie or the news or your kids without talking in that baby-boo-boo voice and repeating what the other one is saying?! I'm sure maybe they have a more normal relationship and interests off camera, but that's partly what makes me annoyed and bored with Chelsea segments even though she's the least dramatic by far. Just have one actual conversation!!!!
  10. That's true too, especially because Jenelle is absolutely obsessed with her dad. If David is ever cute with Ensley in a father/daughter way, I can't imagine Jenelle being comfortable with that for even a moment.
  11. I like the braids. Wish I could do fishtail.
  12. Yes, downthread she said "I was going through the same thing" re: baby daddy drama in reference to the Briana/Luis breakup scene.
  13. I predict Kaiser will be treated like shit until he's old enough to be seen as a dude who can give her attention. Then he will get better treatment. Yes, I think she is that creepy. Ensley will be favored for now until she's old enough to be female "competition" and then she'll be childcare for the inevitable additional children and/or hated due to jealousy.
  14. Yeah, honestly Kail doesn't seem straight, bi, OR gay to me. Just bitchy. I'm sure she's been sexually attracted to both men and women, but romantically, nah.
  15. You have to look at the whole thread to get it. Also, can I just say how much it pissed me off when Kailyn said that she wouldn't be with girls again because they're "drama?" As a bisexual person-- can we not? Girls are humans, guys are humans, all of them can be drama, and no bitch, YOU are the drama, not the fact that your partners had breasts. (What non dramatic relationship has she even had?) Please don't throw the rest of us under the bus because you either pretended to be bi because you were bored or because women won't date you for long (the latter is likely). One thing I will say is that in same sex relationships between women, there does tend to be more frequent communication about the relationship and how it's going. So what Jordan or Javi--not listing Jo because they were both kids-- avoided discussing out of naivete, ignorance, fear, or frustration about how much Kailyn sucked was possibly *not* ignored as readily by her female partners, who might have been more open more quickly about their unhappiness with her behavior. That to her (being called out on her BS) is "drama."
  16. Yeah. It's weird because Chelsea had no real reason to lack self-esteem, but she clearly for whatever reason believed herself to be nothing with a guy, specifically Adam. Briana has no real reason to have a lot of self-esteem (though of course everyone should have basic self-worth, not saying she should hate herself), but she seems to at least not think she's worthless when single, or when without a particular partner. As messed up as her mom and sister are, at least they are not Mama Dawn, encouraging pregnancies and marriages after 30 seconds of teen dating. Briana does that stupid stuff of her own accord.
  17. There are a lot of parking lots in West Virginia. A LOT. And they don't seem to be attached to anything.
  18. I will say that I thought Briana showed a modicum of sense when she broke up with Luis. Yes, obviously it would have been better if she'd showed that sense before the romantic candlelit dinner at The Club, but at least she broke it off with somebody who was treating her poorly and with whom it obviously wouldn't work out, which many of the girls on this show appear unable to do until someone is arrested or goes to rehab.
  19. If the brother did set the fire out of anger, it was likely anger/frustration at 1) not being able to express himself from something (a disability) she admits isn't his fault and 2) THE ABUSE SHE SAYS THEY WERE ALL SUFFERING. If she was, weren't her siblings? And wouldn't that possibly cause a sibling to act out in such a way, especially if as she paints the picture, he was less able to express himself verbally? I'm not saying she has to pretend he or Barb or the sister are saints, or that growing up with such a family was easy or not traumatic, but this kind of I'm a perfect victim/everyone else is an evil asshole sociopath stuff just immediately makes me not believe a word she says. Kailyn's book was similar, so was Amber's, so was Matt's. Like, she can't paint her mom as a victim of awful DV, but then turn around and act like she's just a ridiculous horrible bitch for no reason. Being a victim of DV would make you have some issues. She can't paint a picture of family chaos and then act like her sister is an evil witch for having problems. She can't paint a picture of a severe disability AND a chaotic home and then act like the brother just "victimized" her for no reason. Now, maybe the home wasn't actually that abusive or the brother wasn't actually that severely disabled. But you can't have it both ways. That doesn't make any sense to a reader. You also can't say you were abused and abandoned by your dad BUT HE WAS INCREDIBLE AND THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVED YOU.
  20. Yeah, I agree they were totally abusive towards him. If they were trying to "help" Briana they pretty much guaranteed the opposite. If they had been calm and collected like Chelsea's family, they would have proved that he was an ain't-shit dude. Instead they just seem like assholes and his abandonment of his child appears almost reasonable. Stupid of them.
  21. @Tatum, what you wrote is so so true. I see this with my own students. Unfortunately, many of the ones who need the most work don't know and are baffled by just how far behind their peers they are. When they get C's or D's, they tend to say things like "but I worked really hard." Come to find out that one student who had a month to work on a project had worked on it for 4 days when I pushed him to give me details. I'm sure he was thinking, "but my roommate pulled an all nighter and I worked on it for half a week and he got an A." Well, yes-- and you need to work more than 4 times harder and longer than your peers to get the same results. You're not graded based on your own perceived effort. I don't think someone like Leah is going to understand just how far behind they are.
  22. I know, for the life of me I can't understand why she would go to a state 4-year school rather than a two-year local college. I know she lives in the holler, but there are community colleges everywhere.
  23. I'd have come around and taken her to court to get joint custody. (That would have REALLY driven them crazy!) And a restraining order against the mom and sister. He was too useless for that, clearly doesn't care about his daughter even now. He doesn't get a pass from me because he still has an equal 50% obligation to his child no matter what her family is like, but I'd definitely have made sure I never had to interact with that family. Yikes! I'm sure a judge or mediator could have helped with that so he didn't have to face their harassment (and it WAS harassment). He likely wouldn't have been involved regardless, but they don't see that their behavior helps him and others make excuses for that. I certainly don't think they owed him kindness and gratitude every time he came around to "entice" him to keep coming or something, but they were just so damn EXTRA.
  24. I don't think @Christina was saying that it's Javi's fault. I thought she was saying that he knows she reacts to kindness with drama and screaming, so he's killing her with kindness on camera because he knows it will be hilarious. I would too. Did people catch Kailyn saying on Twitter to Briana that Chris cheated on her? Sorry if it was already discussed.
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