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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I totally think it could be just how her head happens to be shaped. And I would normally never judge a parent for something like a baby's looks. It just seems possible in this case given her treatment of her other kids. Of course a lot of it is just wild speculation, but it's just so easy to do when Jenelle & Soulmates (new band?) are so neglectful.
  2. I think it was meant to be both, like a double entendre (hustle & heart= tough but caring-- idk where she gets THAT idea; but also a racial meaning) but then when she was called out, she conveniently switched it to just the one more innocuous meaning.
  3. I am not much older than Javi and I was an idiot at the age he married Kail for sure.
  4. Yes, there are people who choose staying at home because they HAVE to financially (aka because childcare is more expensive than staying at home) or because they just love their kids and have a true passion for home/family. While Chelsea obviously loves her children and husband, she's been the pampered princess of her dad and moved directly from that into marriage, and now apparently wants to be MTV's pampered princess--that is, paid big bucks but having to offer nothing in return, including filming anything she doesn't want to film, having the storylines go exactly how she wants them, only discussing what she wants to discuss, presented in a positive light at all times despite not letting them film most of her actual life/private moments, etc. She's fine and all but she's not much like the other SAHMs I know; she's more like a 'lady who lunches.' There's not a lot to hate or disrespect but also not a lot to specifically *respect* either, if that makes sense. She's just sort of...there.
  5. Javi was born in '92, I believe.
  6. I don't think anybody has an issue with Chelsea staying at home, though I personally wish at least one of these girls would use the money or fame from MTV to show the value of education, volunteer/give attention to a worthy cause or something (have we ever seen them care about anything or use their fame for good at all?) --but that's just me. I don't disrespect stay at home moms or dads at all. But most stay at home parents I know don't stay at home *on TV* after being a teen parent, get paid six figures per season (and much more for social media posts) to discuss their drama and televise their children, and then complain and whine when the show is dramatic or spends any time focusing on their drama. That makes me give side eye. If she wanted a simpler, slower pace, I would assume she wouldn't stay on reality TV which is as not-simple and not-slow paced as it gets. I don't hate her or anything but she's not the average stay at home parent, but seems to want to be treated like she is (aka, no one ever criticizes her, bothers her or pries into her personal life. She gets paid to not have a private personal life!).
  7. Omg noooooooo I'm half thrilled about watching this upcoming train wreck and half disappointed in Javi. Jo got it together post-Kail and I want Javi to do that too.
  8. Yes, while I agree that Kail might be "Suzy without the alcoholism" that is saying a ton. Not being an addict/drug user/partier makes a huge difference and most of Suzy's abuse and neglect were due to substance abuse. Also, like you say, Kailyn might pawn off Isaac on Jo or Lincoln on Javi but they are their responsible, sober dads who SHOULD be playing an equal role, not random men who could be/likely were addicts, molesters, deadbeats or abusers. I got the sense that Suzy's soulmate pattern was more like Jenelle-- obsessive and consuming, then on to the next.
  9. You guys might have been going to clubs but it clearly was not THE club.
  10. If Javi gets with Briana and the drama starts anew, I'm going to feel a lot less bad for him. Fool me once...etc.
  11. Suzy straight up told her daughter she didn't love her as much as her latest boyfriend on camera. She kicked her out of the house when pregnant and clearly put her boyfriends first throughout Kail's life. She was drunk while watching Lincoln after promising to have gotten sober yet again. What I saw on camera was an alcoholic abuser. She was arrested in 1995, when Kail was a kid, for drinking and driving. Her blood alcohol level was .25, which is blackout level. She was forced into rehab. Where was her daughter, then a little kid, when she was blackout drunk and driving, which was likely constant if she got caught? Where was she when she was in jail? And honestly had I been Kail I might have been bitter enough to act EXACTLY like she did with the latest probably fellow addict soulmate who comes before me in my mom's eyes. I'm imagining Jace not picking up after himself in Jenelle's 68th boyfriend's house at 16. Suzy's boyfriends were likely addicts too because why else would they put up with alcoholism, so she was probably more like Jenelle. Left for days at a time and pawned her off on anybody who would take her. She was an abusive mother through and through, and an addict.
  12. Lol, it's Jenelle's fault really, I don't shoot the messenger
  13. Apologies if this was already posted
  14. Omg I am literally devastated right now. Newborn Time is not the time to watch this!!
  15. Yeah, in that whole thing Kailyn comes off the worst, Chris second (honestly he seems like a total douche, but in this example at least he wasn't the one who originally went through the phone? But ugh at trying to provoke fights on Twitter with an ex you don't even know) and Javi seems a bit immature and naive but not bad at all...he's more the victim than anything.
  16. I know that a show like Teen Mom is somewhat self selecting, but...I've known other teen and very young parents and it really seems like MTV purposely sought out the lowest of the low. Some took longer to get their educations, some didn't, some are still with their partners from the time, some aren't, but nothing like this. I know they like to bring the drama, but at some point isn't it just too much spousal/partner, child and animal abuse?
  17. If he ever goes to Miami--Dr. Miami= obsession with Kail If he kisses someone-- he kissed Kail once If he signs a form-- he signed divorce papers with Kail If he goes to Chik Fil A-- he ate it while fighting with Kail If he looks at porn-- he took half nude maternity photos with Kail If he breathes-- Kail let him breathe sometimes
  18. I heard Kailyn literally OWNED the Bahamas. SHE DID PHOTO SHOOTS THERE
  19. Their new slogan should be: "MTV: Where Bein' a Felon Ain't Illegal"
  20. That was my favorite illogical leap of hers! I went to an Italian restaurant last night with my husband. I also went to eat at Italian restaurants with former partners. #basicallycheating #mustbeinlovewithkail
  21. Oh my God, let's play a game: How Many Child, Domestic and Animal Abusers Can MTV Pay to Be On TV? Between him, Jenelle and David it's like an episode of Most Wanted. Dude couldn't get full custody OVER JENELLE, doesn't have any custody of his other child and has two pending domestic violence charges for choking. Yeahhh I really don't care about what it's like to "be" him. It's definitely in line with her constant need to be entertained. She feels like life is a theme park designed just for her, and when something malfunctions even slightly or is a little boring, she wants to speak to the manager. She doesn't see herself as an active participant IN life, just someone who deserves to be entertained by it.
  22. Yeah, you can tell she doesn't want to be difficult but her face sometimes looks so pained like "OMG CAN I JUST SAY WHAT WE ARE ALL FUCKING THINKING RIGHT NOWWW"
  23. Vee's side eye in the last episode SLAYED me. Jo was still trying to tiptoe around it and be all "I should probably go get a lawyer, just for Isaac's sake" and her face was like TOLD YOU THIS TWO YEARS AGO BRO BUT HEY WHAT A GREAT IDEA JO
  24. I get why it's different and all, but yeah, it's still funny.
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