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Everything posted by Normades

  1. I think he's kind of cute in an unattractive sort of way (if that makes any sense). Their kids do seem to be very cute after going through an awkward stage, so I think there's hope for him. I still love me some Davia!!
  2. Not a name I love, but seriously, their last name is Bridges. Did they ask Don Johnson for permission first?
  3. When I saw the article about BW and her girlfriend Fernanda, I thought could that be the same girl who "dated" Tamara? Of course, I thought no way. Just shows you I always underestimate the thirstiness of these people.
  4. OMG!! You win the internets today. 🤣
  5. Botton?? At first I though she was sewing on a bottom. I'm going to assume she means button. This from the celebrated author of a world renowned book. 🙄
  6. I definitely think that's why they would encourage Christine to stay. If she leaves, one of them will be Kody's emotional punching bag. I also thought a long time ago that they must not have health insurance. I think that's why they delayed taking Truly to the hospital when she was seriously ill and it's why they made Ysabel go through those stupid treatments. They always try to do things on the cheap, unless it directly affects Kody.
  7. Personally, I don't think the world needs dimbulb Joy at the controls of an aircraft. YMMV. I don't see a problem with Abbie going to the air show. She seems to embrace flying and looks like she enjoys it. I'm sure they like getting Gracie excited about their interests, too. Lots of couples expose each other to new hobbies/ideas. My boyfriend like flying, too and I would def go to an air show, even on my birthday. I like theater and museums. He enjoys those with me. The air show would make more exciting pictures than a museum. Since Abbie has shown some agency in her life, I don't worry about her giving in to all of JD's interests. They seem to have a good partnership. Now if it were one of the other girls (Kendra, Joy, Anna), I can see the point of them being overridden on their interests.
  8. Okay, I admit this is a pet peeve of mine because it happens with my name as well, but seriously, couldn't Carlin look at the post and see that Abbie spells her name A-B-B-I-E and not A-B-B-Y? Stop being so lazy.
  9. Doesn't everyone make decisions based on income? I mean, if I didn't I'd be driving a Maserati instead of a Mazda. Meri's so stupid.
  10. I'm sure Rinna loves the Scott/Amelia storyline. Also, isn't it interesting that once the Kardashians got cancelled, Scott hooked up with someone on another reality show?
  11. OMG!! There are no words for that screeching. It's far worse than any of you let on. Who is singing the higher part? Truly horrendous.
  12. She may have been trying extra hard to work things out/deny the problem even tho she knew it was bad. Been there.
  13. Normades


    She's a cute baby, but that bath pic is too much. Also, I'm old, so some of the things I was told might be out of date, but I thought you shouldn't take a bath after giving birth until you've had time to heal. Also, I thought you weren't supposed to get the cord wet on the newborn. I remember doing sponge baths until that happened with my children.
  14. I notice the verses showing say something about not grumbling and judging each other. I don't think that's a coincidence.
  15. I agree. Also, don't most churches ask you to tithe 10% of your income? I seriously doubt JimBoob has ever done that.
  16. Jill needs to repurpose an old toilet bowl and plant flowers in it. That's always really klassy.
  17. Who is wearing the flowered dress? I can't place her.
  18. Yes, but that's JimBoob, and as we all know: Duggars do things a little bit differently.
  19. Is it usual to do an ultrasound at 12 weeks? It's been a long time since I had kids, but I remember them at 20 weeks. Does this mean she is getting real medical care or did they go to one of those storefront ultrasound places?
  20. I don't care what she says, if she wants me to believe she's not going to shill Plexus on that group, I've got a bridge to sell her in Brooklyn.
  21. Well, I certainly hope they are wearing turtlenecks, heavy leggings, and denim skirts while they swim.
  22. Every time I read this thread title I see "Biblically Boinking Together." I guess that's not till Sunday, tho.
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