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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. Bella was always exotic and pretty with striking eyes, but she looks very different from when she was younger. She denies getting work done though. I believe Carla's beauty was entirely natural as a young model. I wonder if Yolanda and David did work for awhile because they seem to have some old school views as far as women. Didn't David make a comment about a lot of women not being good homemakers or good at entertaining? I forgot exactly what it was. Yolanda prided herself on all of that and said she should have been Martha Stewart's daughter. I feel like Yolanda isn't one of those hateful people, just ignorant. I remember during the reunion she said she didn't care if her kids were gay but that she thought it was a choice, and Andy was like, yeah no. He also said that Ken had better tits than her now. I'd like to think most husbands would just be like please get the implants removed if they could be making you sick, you're beautiful just the way you are.
  2. Yes! lol What's funny is Rinna is up Erika's butt now, but she was kind of judgmental at first. Someone asked her why the videos were a big deal to her when she watches porn, and she said you don't meet the porn stars! lol
  3. McAvoy is a cutie, also think McMahon is rather easy on the eyes . . .
  4. It's strange that their stories are so similar. I think all of Yolanda's kids are beautiful and seem lovely. It's just funny that Bella appears to have stolen Carla Bruni's face. lol
  5. Oh that's so annoying I'm sorry! I have always had good customer service with Macy's, but it has been a bit since I've done an online order. I hope this isn't the norm now, because I've always loved Macy's. I like that it's a good balance of being a nice department store but also having a lot of affordable items. The downfall of retail makes me sad as a gal who loves to shop.
  6. I was distracted during that segment, but I think it's sad how much some people work just to pay the bills or not be deemed lazy. Let's say someone works the average 40-hour work week. That alone is plenty of work imo. There's also the getting ready to go to work and drive to and from (at least for many jobs). Even for people who don't work second jobs, there are only so many hours left each day M-F. It's not easy for most people to also get enough sleep, clean, cook healthy meals, exercise, spend quality time with family, just relax. Something typically suffers. I've done the double job thing, and it sucks.
  7. Were there any rumors about Harry being gay or a rapist prior to "let's talk about the husband"?
  8. Didn't Crystal Hefner also have both Lyme and Breast Implant Illness?
  9. It really was. What I find endearing about some of the others, like Camille and Rinna, is they have the ability to laugh at themselves. It's like she always has her panties in a bunch. Oh wait . . .
  10. People who work damn hard to maintain and enhance their looks but act like being beautiful has no advantages.
  11. Much as it's harder for me to say something nice about Rinna these days, I think she's trying to play up the Harry Hamlin thing at this point. I think it's funny and also sweet she puts her husband on a pedestal.
  12. I know Yolanda wasn't perfect, but I did prefer her to a lot of the others. She could be abrasive, but she wasn't a bully or cruel. I liked that when she met Kim she really embraced her and was kind. I think she picked up that Kim was vulnerable. Brandi said she carried a nasty pillow of Kim's while they were traveling and never complained. She never trashed any woman that Mohamed cheated or allegedly cheated with (unlike Brandi). She could have gone off when Brandi made the disgusting comment about a very young Bella being an alcoholic, but she didn't. (Imagine if Brandi said something like that to Erika about her son!) I couldn't figure out the deal between her and Vanderpump. I wasn't sure if she was jealous that her ex called Vanderpump his soulmate and was so enamored with her. Or maybe she felt Vanderpump was kinder to him and not truly her friend. I wonder if being ill affected her temperament with the women. I could see having less patience for Real Housewife shenanigans if you're sick.
  13. I forgot where I heard this, but apparently the TJ Maxx Erika goes to is a really nice one. I love any TJ Maxx myself, but some have more high-end items than others.
  14. Sunny is the total package-brains, looks, and most importantly, a kind heart.
  15. Yup. I say those who have the luxury of only doing work they're passionate about not ever tell people to pick themselves up by the bootstraps.
  16. Yup, and again, if Vanderpump said something like that, they'd call her out for being petty. Rinna, Erika, and Kyle have different rules for themselves.
  17. Thanks, and agree with all of your post. :) One thing I find funny is Dorit boasted she speaks four languages to Garcelle. Garcelle speaks three, so it's not like she'd be that wowed. lol
  18. Yes! I like Garcelle and Sutton too much to want them to deal with the others. Ali Landry would be great to add on!
  19. Yeah, even likeminded people might not want to work with her if she's so difficult. I'm not a fan of Sean Hannity, but he's said to be a super nice guy IRL. That has to help as far as getting and keeping a gig. I think Tucker Carlson is one of the most racist and gross people on TV, but supposedly he's not too terrible to work with. Meghan might not be the worst person (I think she's much nicer than Tucker for example), but no one wants to be around someone so combative when there are so many people out they're hungry for the type of work she wants AND who will be grateful and pleasant.
  20. Ana's joke about Tucker Carlson defending a black woman was hilarious! Also, her hair color looks beautiful on her.
  21. For sure! I know I have. I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with her. You'd have to walk on eggshells.
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