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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. I know. I'd like to think even Brandi would be horrified if she had a husband who stole from orphans and widows. Erika's awfulness knows no bounds. That's what Rinna would ask! Along with: "Garcelle, why didn't you send a thank you card for the sauce?"
  2. I thought this was interesting. I'm with Lisa on Cadbury chocolate! Yum, yum, yum. I'm kind of surprised she uses stuff like Neutrogena and Clorox. https://nymag.com/strategist/article/lisa-vanderpump-favorite-things.html
  3. I loved this week's vibe! The View is back to what it used to be. ❤️ Star looks fabulous.
  4. That's the mean girls for you. It's like when LVP wasn't doing well because she lost her only sibling to suicide, and Kyle said she had her shit too. We all know it would have been something like dealing with the stress of her husband's shadiness. But okay.
  5. Yeah Kathy is kind of a silly, kooky humor. Rinna is hilarious to me. I know she can be mean, mean, mean (😉 any other Days fans), but she really is very funny.
  6. We need a list of all of Erika's lies! She and Tom had a wonderful marriage. Anyone who thinks the age gap is weird should try to be married as long and as happily as these two have been. Can't everyone see how kind and charming he is? Actually, Tom is one mean motherfucker. She wanted out for years but had nowhere to go. Her mother raised her to be tough and treated her like an adult. People forget she knows how to take care of herself, has worked different jobs and was a single mom prior to meeting and marrying Tom at nearly 30 years old. But wait, how do you bank? Tom's money was THEIR money! How dare anyone say Erika just spent Tom's money! What's mine is mine, and what's his is ours, unless it's theft/debt, then fuck Tom. That bastard hasn't reached out to her one time. But he calls her every day. She doesn't know if Tom cheated on her. Wait, she knows he's cheated throughout the years but has no clue just how many women he's cheated on her with. Tom was in a little car accident and is fine. No, Tom was in an accident that people only survive in movies. The side effect is he has dementia that's sort of retroactive and got him to steal many years prior to the accident. Sometimes his dementia goes away and if he finds out you're questioning Erika's stories, he will sue your ass.
  7. It doesn't matter the way kindness does, no. But women generally like to be shorter, and men generally like to be taller. I don't need an NBA tall guy. I just don't like to tower over a man when I have my heels on. I don't consider that super picky. What I don't get are the women around 5'2" who want men at least around a whole foot taller. ETA: Another pet peeve would be masks for me! People are saying isn't it great you save money on makeup during covid! Not really, cause we're spending it on masks.
  8. Wait, so Meghan's currently working for an employer who mocked her, and she's married to someone who said "do not want" about her?!
  9. Yolanda sounded like she had very traditional views on men and women. Women are supposed to be pretty and ladylike (nothing more ugly than a drunk woman!). Men need to make that $. I'm very accepting of everybody, but I'm personally a very feminine women and am attracted to traditionally masculine men. I wouldn't think twice if I had a daughter who played volleyball. Maybe it's because I'm an American or younger than Yolanda, IDK. There's nothing wrong with being a tomboy (or a lesbian), but I always had girly friends who played all kinds of sports.
  10. Erika tearfully asking all the ladies "what are you doing?" with this look of disgust was really something. It's the attitude she should have for Tom stealing from orphans and widows. Something tells me she never spoke to him that way.
  11. For sure. I thought Charlotte had a wonderful life, but I don't doubt everything with Trey was painful. I'm just not sure she really earned that apartment. I guess it depends on how much money Trey had. That's why I agree with T Summer. Even for rich folks, giving an apartment worth several million seems extremely generous. Oh I think Carrie showed an entitled attitude many times throughout the series! lol Yes, Charlotte was very immature for a 30-something woman. I'm glad she grew over the years. She truly loved Harry.
  12. Oh really? I hated how Erika spoke to Teddi. It was OTT and a bully move, but she was legit frightening with the way she spoke to poor Eileen. Yeah Erika's gotta go. No explanation needed if you've watched this season. Crystal reminds me of Teddi. Not the most exciting, but seems like she might be nice and normal. Then she ends up wanting to be part of the mean girls clique. I can take her or leave her. Sutton and Garcelle are the only two I like. Kyle's gotten too big for her britches. She and Dorit both seem to live in this alternate universe. The way they use the words two-faced, honest, bully, none of it is correct. I agree that Kyle has more of a meanness. I can't make up my mind about Dorit. She does seem like one of the nicer ones (bar being set low), but she seems to lack emotional intelligence. She sees Erika as this poor sweet girl just looking out for Tom and Garcelle as a bully. I'm glad she finally spoke up a bit about Erika. I'd love more of Kathy's butler. I also think she should continue as friend of. I wish we'd get Camille to return.
  13. Roses are red, violets are blue. Tom Girardi is evil, and his ex-wife is too.
  14. Yolanda is kind of the queen of wanting so badly to be seen as a simple, down to earth chick, but she's been really rich for a really long time. And it showed.
  15. That reminds me of when Kyle puts on her soft voice and acts all docile. lol It's like they forget most of us have been watching the show for years.
  16. Oh geez I remember that! I'm sure she meant well, but I don't think she realizes most immigrants don't have quite the same experience as her, to put it mildly.
  17. Seriously! Kyle is beautiful, has a handsome husband, four darling kids, and a TON of money. I don't know if she's nicer in real life or doesn't understand how bad some of her behavior is, but sometimes I wonder how she has such a blessed life when she's not the nicest.
  18. Despite the flaws she was one of my favorites until last year. I even cut her slack with Vanderpump because I know Vanderpump can be shady. I just hated the way she treated Denise. Denise never did anything to her and was a friend. I still think Rinna is a stronger asset to the show because of her humor. It's lacking in most of the rest.
  19. Yes! I find it SO endearing when someone can poke fun at herself. Camille is the same way. Rinna has a way of making everything funny, from the way she says "I'm going to talk about it hehehe" to her dancing. Even her single tear crying and her laughs/smirks crack me up. I think the two funniest throughout the years are probably the two Lisas. One of the funniest exchanges was when Vanderpump said Rinna should go back to selling dusters and diapers, and Rinna clapped back, "And guess what, honey? Guess what? Do you know how much I've made on those dusters and diapers? A lot more than your restaurants I'm sure."
  20. As a Charlotte fan, I think her privileged little princess self could be very annoying with that. She talked like she was forced to quit her high paying job, raised his children, and dealt with many years of abuse. She jumped into a marriage, and it didn't work out.
  21. I'm so sorry, that's so rude! People who don't mind their business are definitely another pet peeve.
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