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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. I thought kody very telling when he explained why Meri wanted Cottonwood! Meri loves 'being on top'. She wanted Cottonwood to prove to the sister wives she and kody rule! She's a huge pain in the ass and I'm so happy kody told her she sits and says nothing! what a vile person she is! I think she's dragging her feet because maybe she wont be getting another mansion in Coyote Pass! I think kodys going to push for a single home. One they all share!good that should take about one season! Lol
  2. I'm sure in some way we the people are paying for Mariah 's Latte's!
  3. Melissa needed a Jackie in her life to help her deal with Theresa. I hope Jackie never leaves!
  4. Does anybody there do yard work? That lawn could use a good mow!
  5. I'm curious. Is Meri going to have another mc mansion just for herself? She is all alone by choice. She doesn't host family get togethers. Why does whiny Meri always win?
  6. I liked Elyse who left early. She said you can't find love in this environment! Sigh.
  7. Maybe the straw that breaks the camels back will be if when the 21 day fast is over and Ashley decides she needs an after baby vacation with her husband! Vanessa is left sexless with the little ones!!! That should do it!
  8. I'll give that a thought! They're on this show because they needed an extra couple and they signed up! I just can't imagine sex with Bernie in that rental home with those young teens listening! Uggg just uggg!
  9. Ashley has such an evil smirk as she makes all this crazy stuff up to stall the inevitable! What hold does she have over Demetri? He showed his real self on the first date with the one that got away! And he loved it! Demetri is very sexual, Ashleys very bossy and Vanessa seems to agree to anything.
  10. Yes I agree. I see you Kate! As another poster stated this is how Kate steals the show! All eyes are on Kate! Stephanie needs to let AJ know it's not alright to continue his abusive behavior to the crew! Blondie is right Stephanie is next! Does anybody think Will has ever had sex? He's not a sexual person at all! True that Jasmine isn't all that but what red blooded guy wouldn't take what's being offered! Questionable relationship for sure!
  11. So Kail had 50/50 custody but still took Jo's s child support! I hope he didn't back down and kiss her a.. As always!
  12. Paige wants a girlfriend and Bernie wants a new sex partner! Polygamy my arse!
  13. This was painful to watch! Surely this isn't reality tv right! They are reading from scripts to amuse us. Right? Jasmine give up on Will. What guy wouldn't go for it? Something's wrong with Will! Aj you need to watch your mouth. Those hizzy fits are hurtful Keith you married a career woman not a baby momma. Maybe you didn't make it clear at your interview for the show! Can't wait to hear Luke's secret next week! What could it possibly be??? Lol
  14. I donno about that. Vanessa and Demetri seem ready and the heat of passion sometimes overtakes logic!
  15. They don't seem to be loaded with cash. What's their money situation to take on more responsibility and mouths to feed? Surely the woman isn't in it for Bernie..right?
  16. All this for a night with Dimitri? Run Vanessa run! Ashley is just loving this game. No way is she allowing Demetri and Vanessa to hook up . Demetri might get a wild hair and do the deed behind Ashleys back! Now that would be interesting.
  17. I hope Jo wins and Kail has to pay up the ass! They share custody and Jo 's been kissing her ass for ever to make nice. She continued to take his checks and pretend to be queen bee! The worm has turned! We're onto you Kail!
  18. Hannah b and her padgent smile for a whole season!!! Yipes. I'm already picking whose going to bachelor in paradise which to me is low rent!of I thought Colton and cassie were together per reality Steve a long time ago. What a confusing season! I'd like it to go back to picking somebody completely new for bachelor and bachelorette seasons.
  19. Cassie is into Cassie and she plays it sooo well!
  20. If Dayton is special needs and is planning on going to college isn't there a commute college he could attend in Vegas by their homes? If they are in a plural marriage why do they each require mcmansions??? The only thing plural about their marriage is they all screw Kody!I What a mess!
  21. Does Jo work? Honestly does anybody work? I wonder if MTV carries health insurance on this group of free loading idiots?
  22. Yes, yes and yes! It's all about the mother daughter relationship s! Where you choose your battles and don't sweat the small stuff! Sam loves her girls and they surely love her! She's terribly outnumbered so there's that. Add in the wacky mother who I shall ever forget peeing in the library! Sam surely brings home the bacon and fries it up in a pan! She is a W O M A N!
  23. That dorm room looked sweet! Big too! I loved Sam trying on clothes! Welcome to middle age kiddo! Long way from California to Chicago! What are they thinking???
  24. I agree her hair is in very good condition. I wonder if she's seeing any $$ from her product line?
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