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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Kim's daughter Brielle on Kim's show Don't Be Tardy is making a six figure income. The Brown's are rolling in network dough!
  2. I'm sure if they spend any money on travel it's written off as a business expense on their taxes! I'll bet Theres a lot written off with filming! Heck the government probably owes them! These reality folks are rolling in sponsorship money! Nobody works!
  3. I think tlc will say goodbye to them! They're a hot potato and tlc is probably done!!!
  4. Those inside pictures have to be somewhere on the internet if it was for sale or rent!
  5. See that's the point! There is a time for everything! Meri made a huge mistake and Mariah blew it up and over and over! Healthy people know all about seasons. A time to be mad and a time to forgive! Unfortunately Mariah doesn't understand forgiveness. She'll take Meri 's infidelity to the grave with her!
  6. Sadly I have to agree! She's ugly inside. Meri is more ugly on the outside! Being in a room with either of them would be trying!
  7. Gosh she's all tatted up!!!,
  8. So I'm thinking of other reality shows and I'm sure the Brown's are reeling it in. Look at the Kardashian s, little people big world, Kate plus eight, little couple. They are all living high on the hog! The Brown's are entertaining us with weddings and their moves. Along with kody and his hair. The family is not all that attractive but most of us are interested in the life style that carries the show! They have survived several seasons. Watch the commercials. That always gives you a look at the popularity of a show! Heck Deal of no deal is paying $1,000,000 for one hour!!! There's good in dem der hills! Lol
  9. Interesting this mansion Meri is living in. I would say Sister Wives is bringing in a lot of income to afford homes like this. I'm curious how much this house would cost at market price? I think all of them make a whole lot more money than we realize. Like it or not tv reality stars make lots of cash. Meri would never settle for a smaller home. Never. Remember how they wanted her to build a much smaller home in Las Vegas and she refused.
  10. Vanessa seems like a really nice person. Pretty, educated and well put together. Why oh why would she settle for this???
  11. The Skull head on the left arm watching the left breast for any action! Gawd that's ugly.
  12. It seemed to throw him a bit with the different locations and the fact the two gals went home. He wasn't real sure how they would end the season with just one left. Then there are all those new words to learn. LOL Dis and Dat!
  13. Oh I do agree and both of the good bye girls were in full makeup for the surprise visit. Cassie didn't even look or ask who was at her door. She knew!
  14. Well that certainly was a very scripted finale! I think it was really a stick it to Reality Steve who has ruined the show year after year! I thought Colton and Cassie are a cute couple but she's young 23 to really commit plus a long time boyfriend waiting in the wings. The questions about Colton 's virginity and the overnight suite were insulting and in bad taste! I know they advertised him as the virgin bachelor but really??? When the men and women from bachelor nation were on stage I had a hard time remembering who is with who! So there's that.
  15. Fat Tony thought he was so special during the wedding when he was front and center! I'm sure he thought he would go on to be a key player!!! No way! His day in the sun ended with street tacos!
  16. Just seeing her on tv is exhausting! Why doesn't she leave? It's the show and the money! She's not giving up her share of that pot of gold! I'm sure her trip to help Mariah move will be come part of the show with dinners, hotels and airline tickets paid for by the network! Meri is nothing without this show!
  17. I would hate, hate a return of Caroline. She's a PIA and even her own show was a no go. Nobody likes Caroline and her all knowing BS. I think Melissa found her voice when Jackie arrived on the scene. Teresa and her nastiness is no match for a college educated attorney. She looked dumb and stupid when she went head to head with Jackie. Joe should go to Italy. He did the deed and those are the laws of the land. Teresa gets a choice and her choice will always be herself. She loves the glamor of being on RHWONJ and she loves thinking she's the boss lady with her ugly mouth. I do feel sorry for the girls because they have no choice in the matter but Joe and Teresa should have been thinking of them when they scammed millions. It's on them. You do the crime you you do the time. If your not a citizen You break the law your deported. What part of that don't those free loaders understand. Joe had plenty of time, his whole lifetime, to become a citizen but it's only important when he's being thrown out of our country. Ask those he scammed and stole money from how they feel about him being deported. Hasta La Vista you scam artist.
  18. I thought kody very telling when he explained why Meri wanted Cottonwood! Meri loves 'being on top'. She wanted Cottonwood to prove to the sister wives she and kody rule! She's a huge pain in the ass and I'm so happy kody told her she sits and says nothing! what a vile person she is! I think she's dragging her feet because maybe she wont be getting another mansion in Coyote Pass! I think kodys going to push for a single home. One they all share!good that should take about one season! Lol
  19. I'm sure in some way we the people are paying for Mariah 's Latte's!
  20. Melissa needed a Jackie in her life to help her deal with Theresa. I hope Jackie never leaves!
  21. Does anybody there do yard work? That lawn could use a good mow!
  22. I'm curious. Is Meri going to have another mc mansion just for herself? She is all alone by choice. She doesn't host family get togethers. Why does whiny Meri always win?
  23. I liked Elyse who left early. She said you can't find love in this environment! Sigh.
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