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Everything posted by ElDosEquis

  1. I can see the New Shark Tank clips................ Beffy: Your idea sucks, You suck. You don't seem to have the balls to bring this item to market. Do you have balls? Do you know how to use them? When I was trying to an item to market, I just sold the naming rights - so I didn't have to get my hands dirty........Did I mention that you suck too? I had a wonderful belly laugh at the idea that she could ever 'mentor/invest' in a new product without being an asshole to the inventors....
  2. I have seen both her 'dates' - they are attached to the arms, below her wrists.
  3. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/suspected-drunk-driver-identifies-hillary-clinton-article-1.3134398 Could be worse, you could have Mickey Mouse mitts?
  4. Look online for 'cell phone gloves'. So what happens when someone pisses you off and you need to flip them the bird in a 'fingerless glove'?
  5. Off to the races!!! My first Oaks bet was a longshot that came in second........
  6. How the fuck do you get into a car and NOT know what the buttons do? My mom would have slapped me on the back of the head and said, " STOP playing with the buttons and WATCH where YOU are going!!"
  7. Her problem is that fucking zipper on the duffel bag. She just can't figure out how to work it.
  8. I think that the Chuckster deals in cash only. He's pretty much house bound and there are really no checks to write - other than a water/sewer bill and what else? If Chucky has problems with electricity, what other paranoia might he be afflicted with? Being spied upon? Spaceships in Area 51?n The Grassy Knoll? (plus remember when Jimmy brought Chucky his supplies and newspapers, Chuck asked J to pay himself from the cup on shelf?)
  9. Good question! I want to say that it was Walter that came up with the idea, after Mike did the recon of the PD station where the footage was kept?
  10. This sets up a GREAT caper - almost like the "great train robbery/Science, bitches" hijinks of BB? I immediately thought about the cassette tape at end of the "Escape from New York" flick..............me thinks that Chuck and Howie are going to be left at the hearing holding their respective genitalia in hand, wondering what went wrong.
  11. This one episode just rounded out the whole BB/BCS world. Watching BCS is akin to watching cars dart across a railroad crossing, You KNOW there is going to be a collision, it's the severity of the wreck that is in question.
  12. You bet. Tying shoes and wiping bums, count too. Of course, you can always claim you are a Housewife of (Insert your town name here) and get yourself a nanny or two?
  13. God didn't want people fighting over who was a better parent. Being able to squeeze out another human being is a Super Power.
  14. My dad had a saying, "it's better to have one crazy person in an argument, not two......"
  15. So what the fuck happened with the rabbit? I was waiting for it to go "the Last Mimzy" on the whole group.
  16. I can only imagine that what LR spews is kinda like that watery bowel feeling you get right before a case of projectile diarrhea?
  17. I see what you did there. When you need to get wasted to gather up some chutzpah, you probably are abusing something.
  18. Original Gangster. I grew up knowing real gangbangers and none of those Haus Ho idiots would even rate a mention as 'gangster' anything. No 'gangster' would ever be caught dead acting like those fools.
  19. She said, "when they go low, we go high". There is a lack of oxygen as you gain altitude. ; )
  20. the joke goes, "if you remember the 80's, you weren't partying during the 80's". I think it's more a problem of having a fucked up personality - than a fucked up person?
  21. Carole just took a page from the "George Foreman School of Naming His Male Kids" curriculum.
  22. Thank you. I have noticed that when people claim to be 'informed' they are so slanted to one side, they walk with a limp. Just because you are 'informed' doesn't mean you are smart - and I don't mean that in a political sense - most of the time you are only going to read whatever you want to read. --- Scare-hole reminds me of all the fucking sports fans I have ever known. The rabid, loudmouthed assholes who - right before a championship game/series - go on and on about how THEIR team is going to kick ass, dominate, rule, own and kill the opponent. It wasn't about the politics, but how the winners and losers act after the fact.
  23. When they go low, (We) got high. - J Dore. --------- I wish EVERY fucking idiot on 'reality TV' would stop with the OG/gangster references. NONE of these fucking twits would know a 'gangster'/how a 'gangster' acts - It tickles the shit out of me when I hear the word come out of any of these assholes. They'd last about two minutes with a real group of gang-banging chicks and they'd be asking for their mommas to come pick them up after five.
  24. Did carole's couch ever get on the internet like Yoyo Foster's fridge?
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