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Everything posted by ElDosEquis

  1. But, when you can do it under the premise of 'looking out for a friend'? That excuse just give the ramonster a 'defensible position' to fall back on. Lulu: Why are you calling around trying to dig up dirt on Tom-cat? RS: Because I don't want to see you hurt at the hands of another, I WANT TO BE THE ONE THAT FUCKS YOU UP.
  2. Dating is like fishing in a hole. Worm your hook and toss the effer in. If you go in and pull every fish out of the water and toss the on the shore to die because they aren't the fish you are looking for? Pretty soon there is nothing left to fish for. R and S are the kind of anglers that will catch 30 fish and go home unhappy because they aren't THE fish they want. Sometimes eating 'crappie' ain't a bad thing?
  3. LOL, It does have an effect on them. Beffy married Jason, the attention whore - Now how the eff did THAT happen? A smart, modern, business woman fell for some ne'er-do-well? Who's fault is that? Ramona marries some asshole that cheats on her. Imagine wanting to bang a woman who isn't a vengeful, rat bitch that can't hold her water? Sonja? Sonja should get thrown in jail for killing wildlife - She's "shot more beavers" in one season any poacher could in the wild? Carole doesn't care, she's too busy on the tweeter, starting a revolution? It's just a reminder - and a huge burr in their thongs - as to how screwed up their pursuit of wealth and happiness is moving along.
  4. I'd much have a woman marry me for my apartment and be up front about it, than marry a woman who has no problem pissing 40k a month away on a 'nominal' career/hobby/vanity. Lulu may be a gold digging ho', but she has enough sense NOT to brag about how much a ho like her costs a month?
  5. These fucking vultures need to have Lulu admit it, so they can be justified in making evil comments like that. As for now? It's all supposition and they sound like a bunch of harpies making chirping noises. Nothing would suit them better that for her to come out and say that she is in an 'open' relationship. That just allows them to ramp their chirping up - "SEE!!!!! I told you SO!!!!! - and gives the "it will never work" rumors MORE traction. As my mom once said, "Who cares what anyone does with THEIR ass, As long as they don't use MINE to do it."
  6. That and you can drink out of ANY container in the fridge and put it right back in? I have stated this before... Mario and Jason caught hell for being jerks (real and imagined) but there is NOTHING on the planet more horrific than to be out with someone and being on pins and needles during the evening/event waiting for your partner to say something (stupid/rude/nonsensical/mean). Ramona and beffeny have a penchant for saying the stupidest shit in a public/group setting. It's not the 'truth cannon/owing your shit' - it's merely they feel the need to get some last jab in. You can tell people to fuck off in a civil way, but neither has the tact, brains or ability to pull it off. Beffy just throws out the rudest shit - Ramona goes middle school. I remember seeing J and M standing by - after B or R whipped down their pants and took a shit on the floor at a gathering - with the dumbest smiles on their faces, while they tried to figure out what their next move/escape was going to be. Having to follow either B or R is like trying to clean up after a Great Dane with diarrhea that shit on the floor heater vent.
  7. You can put me on 'ignore'. That would be the humane thing to do.
  8. Are we going to have to put up with BF being homeless, again, while she has her new pad remodeled? Luann don't kiss on the lips.......I wonder what she DOES kiss? I want to know what kind of cookie jars rest on YOUR counters! What ever happened to naming dogs cool names like Spot and Stains? Again, what is the difference between living together and shacking up?
  9. That IS the look of a person thinking, "Did I just crap myself?? Scare hole Radizwill.
  10. Oh man, Back before the days of caller I.D. you'd call a liquor store and ask if they had "Prince Albert, in a can". PA was loose tobacco for pipes or rolling - If the clerk said "yes", you would say. "You better let him out because he can't breath in there......" I think SM thinks she had Prince Albert IN HER CAN?
  11. So, we can remove her crown as a manipulator - but I think she needs to remain as a shit stirrer, extraordinaire? You can tell quite a bit about a person when they admit to being a fucking metiche.
  12. On owning a politico or a dog? We all end up with the indignity of slipping a plastic bag over our hands and picking up a nice warm turd. We always end up picking up the messes.
  13. Scare-hole's political diatribe reminded me of a little incident I had with some guy in the veggie department of the local super. I picked up some produce and saw that the plastic bag dispenser was empty, I walked over to where there WERE some PBs on the roll. Another shopper got to the dispenser at the same time that I did, so I made some off hand comment about having to work to get a bag. Nothing about politics. He looked at me and said something about the candidates and how "we have them by the Conejos". Huh? I thought for a second and said, "You mean cojones, Conejos means rabbits." In espanol, cojones is a slang term for balls/testicles, Conejos are rabbits.... This asshole was SOOOOO gung-ho about HIS politics, he couldn't even think of the right term to use. Ahhh, the informed public.......
  14. Tom keeps all the exes phone numbers written on little slips on paper in there.
  15. Scare-hole is a total dipshit. What is the difference between 'shacking up' and 'living together'? I know some guys that would try to separate the two terms, in case something else came along......
  16. Hmmm, interesting.......(the last line SHOULD read "ran out of room, asshole" THAT is how big an asshole she is)
  17. For the last time, NO RAGGING ON JZ............ She brought my wife and I together! (It was our mutual dislike of the old gal, but I do owe her for bringing me true love, what other HW can say that?)
  18. I'd much rather see people pull the pin on any screwed up relationship - Listen to that ONE friend that has been married for years whine and bitch about how effed up their life is. Life is too short to be a bitter asshole......... V = velocity M = mass E = energy. X = Lisar X / M + E = V/VAH Lisa puts her energy into the speed at which she travels towards being a VILE asshole? (the equation is probably wrong, some math whiz will post the correct answer, show your work, please?)
  19. LOL, lisa r could have given her some Depends, from her stash?
  20. You mean it's not as easy as putting a Pomeranian in your lap for a 16 hour flight? Doggie Pampers? I never Lisa Vendor Pets wasn't charitable, I want to see more if it - I can watch chuckleheads 'designing' spaces on HGTV and even then - Many people have no taste, tons of money, but no taste. Sorry I asked about it or questioned it, I'd like to see more substance and less of her 300 dollar shirts, tits and the talking head clips of her cackling like an old hen because someone likes her better?
  21. It's all about the 'brand'. I have NEVER seen or heard of LVP doing any HARD work as far as fundraising/charity goes. Her FRs are nothing but billboards pointing in her direction - to let people know she 'is making a difference'. I'd love to see LVP doing some outreach at an AIDS clinic, maybe going to a hospice and slinging some hash for the people there? Her way of supporting the LBGTQ community is to sit her ass on a float once a year and sell over priced drinks to a crowd at Pump. (How many business ventures can you open that you name after yourself?) Oh, she does bring some notice to her causes, but it's HER name and vanity that headline whatever endeavors she immerses herself in.
  22. Fuck him. go to the event coordinator or type up a nice little note saying that this asshole makes you uncomfortable/uneasy/ill. Tell them that you feel violated (I know, Standard Stock Excuse) and that they should address it. 'nuff said.
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