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Everything posted by ElDosEquis

  1. A local metro PO was killed in a traffic accident a few days ago. On the way to run an errand this morning I noticed that for 1/2 mile along a nearby parkway, someone had taken the time to tie blue ribbons in every tree and sign posts on BOTH sides of the street. A bit down the road I thought about EJ and her meltdown over ED's non-comment about her son. I wondered how she would react to such a kind show of support from the community? After all, NO one knows what she goes thru at night?
  2. NOW I find this out? I have a nice little scar, mid thigh on the right side where I punched the tip of a pair of scissors into my skin. I was trying to cut a pair of Levis into shorts, while wearing them. I guess I owe Kyle an apology?
  3. The "appropriate" length of time is probably close to the amount of time a person can stare - comfortably - into the sun. Some people just don't realize there is a certain danger in pursuing both goals?
  4. I used to carry a Swiss Army knife. I lost THREE before I gave up on having one handy - I also lost a really nice Buck knife, too Fast Forward a few years? My dad passed and we got to cleaning up his stuff and my mom said to me, "there is a box of knives that you may want to have, they belonged to your father". I was immediately humbled - She gave me a old cigar box that he kept all HIS knives in - I took the box and opened it. Inside were some beautiful old folding knives - bone, bakelite handled - but the ones that caught my eye were the THREE SAKs that I had lost. I started to laugh. I lost had them around the house when I'd whip them out to cut something when I was working with Pops. Instead of returning them to me, he'd put them into the box and waited for me to buy another - I did get the best of him in the long run, I stopped carrying a knife? (Oh, the Buck knife was in there, too!) ------------ I have FOUR pairs of scissors - all the same brand, model - but that is another story. ALL kyle had to do was to measure and -instead of using scissors - she should have used the ruler and a box cutter. Someone mentioned having Mo help her out, but he was too busy trying to figure out what color of "AGENCY" tee would go good with Levis?
  5. This really has not been a good week for women and 'fabrics'? LVP has to iron her own clothes, breaking her previous record of handing it off to the hired help. Kyle can't cut a straight line to save her life and then THIS happens? http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-astronaut-floats-away-20170330-story.html I am appalled.
  6. LVP tries to "put on the dog" because she want to be thought of as some 'cheeky, funny and bawdy' broad. Humor is a hard thing to pull off in a group. Especially a mixed group of people that barely know each other. I seem to remember Mr vanderpump getting all tight in the shorts because someone was dogging his old lady? Listen carefully to LVPs jokes/humor/puns and jokes - they almost always are cringe worthy and meant to main, hurt or demoralize. Check the wind, distance, sight your target, slow your breathing - deep breath - half exhale and s-q-u-e-e-z-e that trigger. Simple.
  7. Oh, By the way? PK was a knucklehead for - Not moving his seat/excusing himself/brought it up in the first place and telling his wife he 'enjoyed the view'. Either way he was screwed - he admitted to looking/seeing/liking it, I wonder if he said she had a nasty crotch and Doritos had reported back with that info? EJ would probably have flown into a rage wondering why PK wasn't thunderstruck by the glimpse of her privates. I am SURE that this would have played out differently with any of the other Hohubbies. Ken is too old, Mo? too dumb, Harry? too afraid and Vince? he would never cheat on Eileen? Now? factor in the reaction of the Haus Ho's toward EJ if their hubbies were 'assaulted' in the same manner? ------------------ LOLOL, This Old House is doing a show on lawn care and aerating your lawn........EJ should look into making that a profession?
  8. Italian/Espanol. Nalgas - slang term for buttocks en espanol!
  9. If her crotch, labia and vagina are so 'precious' to EJ, she may as well keep them all under wraps, lest someone catch a glimpse of the 'treasure/money pit'? You can have a Playboy looking crotch, but it's the person that it's attached to that makes a ton of difference - IF you do not respect yourself, how can you expect someone to respect you? Her ass isn't anymore special than anyone else's ass. I don't owe you any fucking apology if YOU decide to leave the house without keeping your culo outta the wind. If you cannot foresee the possibility of someone seeing your ass - You need to work on your issues. When you wield your 'sexuality' like a club, lure, trap, prize - you got some serious fuckery going on in your life - And no one can help you with that - it's all you and where your 'sit' on the subject.
  10. You have to love galvanic power - Two guys that owned a bicycle shop started us on the way to the moon, every small contribution, is that first step in that leap for mankind that people talk about.. I think that they should do more of the HW doing their own chores around the house. LVP doing her own ironing and bitching about it was kinda funny.
  11. Nope, I don't trust MY wife with anything sharp, I have watched SNAPPED too many times. Tape, safety pins and leave the tag on, so you can return the outfit later on?
  12. Aw, come on! NO underwear is a sign of sexual freedom. It's NOT a choice, it's a lifestyle, fashion statement and - damn it - a way to test a man. If he looks, he is a creep, if he doesn't look he is a creep or something is the matter with him - Her sham squad looks at her while she is naked and NOTHING happens?
  13. I just had an amazing thought. Kyle could have easily and evenly cut the hems on whatever she was wearing. Someone would need to teach her how to use a ruler, first?
  14. Thanks, I didn't know the difference! I have a basic knowledge of the 'horse trade' - shoes, colic, hooves and they don't do well with the newer cell phones, something about not having thumbs?! We had a horse for a while.....until someone told me "eff you and the horse you rode in on". I got effed, the horse escaped the indignity?
  15. When I first began watching the HW shows, People would talk about the "talking head" clips. That made me laugh..... Since we are dedicating songs? Once in a Lifetime.. And you may find yourself Living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself In another part of the world And you may find yourself Behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house With a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, well How did I get here? Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground And you may ask yourself How do I work this? And you may ask yourself Where is that large automobile? And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful house! And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful wife! And to close the 'loop' OIAL was the song used in the flick "Down and Out in Beverly Hills"!
  16. Fuck, another personality to keep track of? ---------- When I looked at the title of the epi thread, I immediately thought of David Bowie and his "Diamond Dogs" album, I was tooling about yesterday and had Ziggy Stardust in the car, I woke up this morning and saw that the Library of Congress had added the album, ZS and the Spiders from Mars to their collection, (talking heads/remain in light was added too!) and DB came up in a previous post........So what was left? To dedicate a portion of Queen Bitch - from Hunky Dory to a HW!!! She's an old-time ambassador Of sweet talking, night walking games And she's known in the darkest clubs For pushing ahead of the dames If she says she can do it Then she can do it, She don't make false claims But she's a Queen, And such are queens That your laughter Is sucked in their brains
  17. So, does this mean that they both have the same cerebral capacity?
  18. There was a boy wonder horse jockey named Steve Cauthen. He was born in the U.S. and went to race in England while he was pretty young. A few years later, he did an interview for a sports show and he had such an accent, I had to make sure he was the same guy. If you weren't influenced by your surroundings and people where you live(d)? You are probably dead.
  19. We DO have a 2-0 record in World Wars. And Bollywood would just be Bolly, if it wasn't for our movie making prowess?
  20. There is a difference between the Honda Center and a Honda DEALERSHIP?
  21. It looked like the dressing area to the local 'bad community theater' or the storage area for high school drama costumes.
  22. Horses do get 'pedicures' - they have the crap taken out from under their hooves - think of one giant nail on their foot/hoof? They are inspected for any abscesses/wounds on the bottom of their feetsies and have the hoof trimmed. Horses are shod to keep them from wearing down the hoof on different surfaces - usually those are horses that work or are ridden regularly. LVP had a 'doll house' and an area about 10x10 in front of that structure. Besides routine care, horses that small really don't need to be shoed.
  23. TOO funny! I recently heard a term/saying (it was a caption to a youtube video) that said something like, "Girl gets dragged". Huh? I clicked on it and it was a girl fight where one of the participants was pushed down on the ground, grabbed by the hair and literally DRAGGED across the street. The gal that got 'dragged' stood up and her hair looked quite a bit like the usual mess that graces EJ crown.
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