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Kitty Redstone

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Everything posted by Kitty Redstone

  1. Wow. I realize that daytime Emmys are a joke these days, but MB is as delusional as Ron and that ass-kissing blogger (Fairman?) if he thinks that disgusting display is even worthy of one of them.
  2. So of all the crappy episodes to choose from, they picked the most repulsive one to repeat? Who thinks, what better way to ring in the new year than with a psycho torturing a pregnant woman and stealing her baby! The people who run this show are really sick.
  3. Best Actors: Finola Hughes, Maura West, Rick Hearst, Sean Kanan, Anders Hove Worst, Most Intolerable Actor: Michelle Stafford Best Story: Worst, Most Intolerable Stories: Robin being kidnapped again; Nina drugging a pregnant woman, forcing her into labor, and stealing her baby; Jason being alive; all things Fluke; everything mobular (including anything Sonny and Carly).
  4. So did Rick badgerwhinemanipulate Eric into signing the papers? I had to turn the channel after about ten minutes or so because of the ugliness between Maya and Caroline and Rick's droning on and on about no one respecting him just because he's a whiny little snake. Ugh. Just fuck off already, Rick.
  5. I actually like Julian and Olivia together. They're very pretty. The surest way for me to have even less interest in "Jake" than I already do is to pair him with Carly. Rick Hearst and Becky Herbst have such great chemistry. I'd wish for FV to put him on contract and let Ric and Liz have something if I wasn't sure that Ron would completely fuck it all up. Day two without Sonny, Franco, Nina, or Kiki, so that's something.
  6. The Oakes children are delusional. Their father is a cold-blooded, conniving little murderer. Hopefully Linda Opdycke will soon be in jail herself. I think her whole tale of being stalked by Mark Stover was a calculated campaign of deceit, much like the drugs the two of them planted on Mark's vehicle. Such awful, entitled people.
  7. I really hope KM's contract is not renewed and that Days does don't recast the character. Her and her mannequin boyfriend can leave town in witness protection, or go over a cliff together, or get stuck in a closet and forgotten about. Whatever. I'm pretty easy. There has got to be more interesting/less smug Hortons out there than Abigail and, by extension, her mother.
  8. He did indeed. I'd like to believe the investigators looked into it, because he was so calm and creepy. His mother should have been prosecuted for withholding evidence or something as well, but it doesn't sound like even that would have made her believe her son was a monster.
  9. You were right, though! Even though B&B's holiday episode was really great, it wasn't the old way of having a new episode with the characters celebrating Christmas with their family and friends aired on the actual holiday.
  10. Nothing important has ever happened with this story, and when something important does finally does happen, Ron will just retcon it all later when he gets bored or needs another bad guy conspiracy for sweeps.
  11. Totally agree. It will forever piss me off that the jerks running GH are too cheap to air new episodes on holidays. But then they've destroyed the families who would be celebrating holidays anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. So Y&R doesn't air episodes on holidays? I wouldn't watch that soap even if being paid, but I do watch B&B most of the time. The Christmas episode aired on Christmas Eve, and the characters sort of broke character, visited a mission, helped cook the holiday meal, and talked to some of the people being served. It was very heartfelt and heartwarming and more than made up for no episode on Christmas day. Anyway, and even though I don't like most of the Hortons, I do appreciate Days for keeping up the holiday tradition I grew up with.
  12. Those ornaments were ugly. When it comes down to it, I don't care about any of the Hortons except for Hope and JJ. And I guess Lucas, when he's not propping Abigail.
  13. Of course he did. I'm pretty much resigned to never getting my GH back.
  14. Tuesday nights on ID are also something I look forward to. Thank you to those who have pointed out that ID has other good shows that shouldn't be written off. So long as Susan Lucci isn't involved, then, I will give them a shot. :-)
  15. All those people got to me, most especially the little boy who was sad that moving so much made it hard to get a good report card. Such a sweet little guy.
  16. Leave it to Ron to think Krampus is charming.
  17. I knew any Sonny-goes-to-prison story would end up being exactly like this, which is why I didn't want it. He will never pay for any of the awful things he's done in any meaningful way, and he will always be a stutterbarking, hypocritical little douche. The only good Sonny is a dead Sonny. This show is even worse now than it was six months ago. Robin is still being shit upon and now Anna is, too. The Puke story is still going on and getting more ridiculous by the day. Dr. O the torturer is still running the hospital. Nina exists. Franco is not dead. Kiki is still doing whatever pointless shit she's been doing since she arrived. Liz and Sam are back to arguing over some dumb man who should never have been brought back in the first place (I have nothing against Billy Miller but I hate Jason Morgan). Sonny and Carly take up more screentime than ever, and with the Jason reveal still to come it's only going to get worse. The vets I want to see are only trotted out for a day or two a month with stories that happen off screen or on Ron's Twitter. Hell, I can't even enjoy the really good day players because the rest of it is just utter bullshit. I used to get upset with people who said they wouldn't care if GH got canceled, but now I don't. And that sucks because I grew up with this show, and I had such high hopes that with Guza finally gone it could only get better. Stupid optimism.
  18. It's still so weird that Hope's father is married to her half-sister. Also weird? Grown ass women calling their fathers "Daddy," and said Daddy treating his middle-aged daughter like a child. Stop it. I'm totally down with Eve and JJ being together as fuck buddies.
  19. It was The Big Problem, St3phForrester. It was on but I wasn't really paying attention, and just happened to look up to see John and then Richard. You have an awesome blog! The one and only episode of Murder, She Wrote that John did is in my top five favorites of that series. I remember watching it in high school way back in '86, and then not again until A&E started showing repeats in the late 90s. Blacke's Magic also sounds familiar (and since it was a mystery show I probably watched it) but none of the screen caps look familiar. I had no idea Hal Linden was on B&B. It is a small world, indeed. I would also like that. Very much. Rick is a horrible and petty little user.
  20. This is from a post several months ago, in selhars awesome list of old HGTV shows: That was TIPical Mary Ellen, hosted by Mary Ellen Pinkham. It was on very early in the morning when I watched, too. She has a branded starch that the local fabric shop carries (it's very good) but am not sure what else she's up to these days. I loved Jodie Marks (she does spots on the syndicated show Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford), Peter Fallico and Henry Harrison. Henry saved us several hundred dollars once, when the disreputable owners of the rental condo we were moving out of accused us of breaking the dishwasher. In reality they had turned off the water shut off valve to the unit, probably in the hopes they could fool us and keep our security deposit. Luckily we had watched a show where Henry talked about water shut off valves. So we looked under the sink, turned the valve back on, and the dishwasher worked perfectly. Withering doesn't describe the look I gave those two that day. Creeps. Anyhow, I loved those old shows and watched HGTV for many hours of the day and night, but it hasn't been that way for years. Looking forward to watching a few of the oldies on IONLife, though!
  21. Just saw a very young John McCook on a 1968 episode of Dragnet, along with another soap alum - Richard Van Vleet, aka Chuck Tyler from AMC. I remember the latter (and that evil old crone Phoebe) from when I first started watching soaps in the third grade. Seems like a million years ago. Anyway, IMDB has JMc appearing in three episodes of Dragnet
  22. I didn't even know we had Cozi TV. So I looked up their schedule just now and saw a promo that Murder, She Wrote is coming in January! Squeeeee! I haven't seen it on television in two years since we switched to Uverse, which for some stupid reason doesn't have the only station that reliably aired MSW. My husband thinks I'm a complete doofus for loving this show, but who cares. I love Angela Lansbury. Am looking forward to watching the mystery movie after Perry Mason on METV in a couple of weeks, too.
  23. Pissy is the word I use, blanchowens. Both are fitting. The sour look he was sporting today, along with the hunched over shoulders and awful hair style, were not doing him any favors. I'm sure GW is a nice guy, but he is not a very good Will Horton. I wish they'd recast or write the character off. Sorry to say, but I also wish they'd recast or write off Paige. I thought True O'Brien had a lot of potential at first but now ... not so much. I dunno if it's her or the character or both. Maybe if they'd give Paige her brains back along with a new found sense of humor I'd like TO'B again. This really needs to be true. I despise Abigail and can't stand the way KM portrays her.
  24. This story with Eve keeping Paige out of Salem is stupid. Paige is old enough to tell her mother that she doesn't need her support and that she can go fuck herself. There are plenty of 18-19 year olds who support themselves while going to college. Why does Daniel have to run his new potential relationship by Jennifer? Again, stupid. And why, for the love of all that is holy, don't these writers let Nicole move on from Eric? I'm so tired of pathetic Nicole. I think Kate Mansi is fugly, so every time any of these characters or soap mag writers say otherwise I laugh and shake my head. I really hope she leaves the show when her contract is up, and that Days does not recast. Abigail is a thoroughly repulsive character.
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