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Kitty Redstone

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Everything posted by Kitty Redstone

  1. Maurice Bernard and Steve Burton drove me away from GH for years. I came back just in time to see Jason Morgan shot "dead" and kicked into the harbor and the return of Sean Kanan's AJ, which were two of the best things this show has ever done. It's been down hill ever since. Bringing fan favorite vets back only to waste them, dumb them down, or outright shit on them; the continued presence of Luke Spencer and Sonny Corinthos; and the additions of useless characters like Silas, Kiki, Franco, Sabrina, Felix, Rafe, Levi, and who knows how many others has made me watch less and less. Michelle Stafford was the final straw. She sucks so damn much. I have no faith any more in Ron and Frank to do right by these characters or this show's history. Six months ago I would have been thrilled at the mention of a renewed brownstone. But these two will just fuck it up with bad storytelling, bad pacing, and cheap ass sets. And all the speculation that they're going to bring back Jason has me shaking my head wondering why, why, why. They suck, too. At some point I guess it will finally sink in that the GH I once loved is never coming back.
  2. Sami and Kate are fucking magnificent! I can't remember the last time a soap story made my giddy. I know Days has its problems, but it is 1,000 times better than GH. Can't wait to see Eve make Jennifer even more miserable than she usually is.
  3. Was that about the same time EJ came stomping in to her office after he received the photos, wondering if it was her that had sent them? Kate was pretty suspicious of what he was hiding after that, so maybe she went digging then? No matter what, though, I really, really want Kate and Sami to be playing both EJ and Stefano.
  4. Sami should utterly humiliate EJ and Abigail. They both deserve it. I wonder how long Sami has known, and who told her. Hopefully it was Kate, but I'd take Nick from the grave, too. One of those "photos in a safe deposit box, only to be delivered in the event of death" kind of things. A comeuppance engineered by Kate ands Sami would be much more satisfying, though. I laughed out loud when Nicole gave Marlena that smack down. Yes, it's a pretty despicable thing to do but I can't stand Marlena when she's smug (so most of the time) and am happy that Nicole is finally doing something other than being a desperate sad sack. Hope looked very pretty today. Dark blue is her color, and I love her hair. I'm ecstatic that Kassie DePaiva is back on TV.
  5. When I was little my dad used to make us watch ancient Shirley Temple movies. They made him nostalgic for his own childhood, a time when her movies were simply old. Whenever little Shirley had to emote, she'd huff and puff herself up, speak in a certain wubby tone, stick out her bottom lip a bit, and knit her eyebrows together. She may have made use of finger pointing for emphasis, too, though maybe she only did that during her sing-and-dance numbers. Anyway, for some reason today all I could think when watching and listening to Missy Reeves trying to act (after I got done laughing at her horribly ugly and unflattering outfit) was wubby little Shirley Temple. I'll never be able to unsee it, either. Was it revealed who was outside in the hallway, or was the next scene Kate in Sonny's club/cafe/whatever? If it's the latter, weird.
  6. I'm still laughing at whatever the hell Jennifer was wearing today. She looked ridiculous. I think this outfit was worse than the Austin Powers getup from a few weeks ago, and that thing was horrible.
  7. I'm also looking forward to Deacon and am thankful that Brad Bell scooped up Sean Kanan after the idiots at GH utterly wasted his talents. That was some awesome, classic soap right there. Ridge's DRAWING HAND dun dun dun! Such a terrible actor, that Ron Moss, and unattractive IMO. I don't miss him at all. Nor do I miss TK's version when he's off the screen for a week or so at a time. I wish they would have cast someone different for Ridge and brought TK on as a new character, maybe someone from a rival fashion house or something.
  8. Why does this show continue to put that pissy little greaseball in the role of put-upon leading man? Gawd! For awhile Sonny's screentime was significantly reduced and I thought I might get my show back, but now he's back to being on all the fucking time. How many incantations will it take for MB to retire? Because I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'd double that number to get a new head writer who gets that soaps take place in a moral universe that makes at least a little bit of sense, and who writes characters with understandable motivations and believable relationships with other characteres, and is able to craft good stories with consquences and fallout that drives new stories ... and gets that soaps are not for making mobsters, hit men/serial killers, and other assorted societal leeches the heroes and clowns of the show, and not for plot-point nonsense only intended to make the audience say (paraphrasing RC), "Oh no they didn't," and not a forum to settle petty personal scores. RC is such a stupid hack. Damn but GH sucks. I don't care about most of these characters, and the ones I do care about have been dumbed down, stuck into stupid stories, ignored, or trotted out to prop Sonny or Sabrina.
  9. Yeah, she's not at all rootable here. <shallow> If she had better hair I might feel a wee bit sorry for her <shallow>. I don't know what they're doing to her character, but Nicole has been pathetic for a long time now. Hopefully this is rock bottom. Perhaps her actions and God-is-responsible rationalizations will circle back to her never getting over the loss of her baby? It's sad that she has no family in town, that Dan and Rafe are her only friends, that so many people can't stand her, and that she never, ever learns from her mistakes. IDK. Maybe it would be better to just kill off Nicole and have AZ come back as someone new. I agree with this as well. Jennifer is a prissy little princess who is no stranger to manipulating people, either. She needs to go far, far away, along with her daughter.
  10. And if her mother was Eve, wouldn't she have mentioned to JJ that her and Teresa are related (neice/aunt, right)? Marlena is such an asshole, as is Julie. Nicole saw right through boring, oval Jennifer today. Jen can say over and over again that she does the things she does because she's protecting poor, dumb Daniel (who BTW should be pretty offended at her lack of regard for him), but she's just jealous and envious of their friendship. I wish Eric would get hit in the head and wake up with a new personality.
  11. Now that's really unfair to donkeys. Actually, I can't think of any animals that are boring, nosy, lazy, entitled, and self-absorbed like Jen and Abby, so there probably isn't a fair comparison to be made in the whole animal kingdom. I agree with the rest of your sentiment, though. Those two hags are horrible. There has got to be more interesting preople the show could bring back and focus on instead. I like Peanut6711's idea of a Steve, Bo, and Jack adventure.
  12. Puke is my favorite. But then I wish Tony Geary would retire, taking Maurice Bernard, Laura Wright, Michelle Stafford, Kristin Alderson, Roger Howarth, Michael Easton, Sean Blakemore, Teresa Castillo, and Marc Anthony Samuel with him. The show would improve without their characters, even if Ron C.'s shitty, shitty, uninspired, shitty writing stayed the same.
  13. It would make a great paper. If you do write it, please post it somewhere when you're done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to read it. Hopefully Ridge falling out of the helicopter won't come back to bite Bill in the ass. Sometimes I really don't like Bill, especiall when he's bullying Katie, but I dislike Ridge even more. He's a douche no matter who plays him.
  14. If Ava kills the Slagbeast, then I will love her forever. Can Sonny and Nina piss her off next? That just might make me rethink my decision to start skipping this fucked up show. Threatening to kill a woman after she has her baby is not entertaining, Ron Carliavati. Nor is watching a woman have to beg Uncle Fester for her life. It is sick. And what isn't sick about this show is stupid and boring. I feel sorry for Kelly Monaco. She got through years of acting opposite a block of wood only to be paired with someone just as boring, only scrawnier. Also, they can have every character say that Michelle Stafford is beautiful but it will not make it so.
  15. What did GH fans do to deserve Michelle Stafford? I knew she was coming but it still didn't lessen the blow. She's fucking horrible. Like Maurice Bernard horrible. It's bad enough that TIIC threw away or let get away people like Tristan Rogers, Genie Francis, and Sean Kanan (and along with them any hope of adventure or business stories that could tie back to the hospital), but then they go out and get MS for the completely dull Silas? Just another reason this show sucks. And Levi. Sorry, but that dude is as funny looking as Kiki. I can't believe Maxie would ever have sex with someone so gross, but then I remembered she screwed Spinelli lots of times.
  16. Thank you, Stinger97. That's exactly the set I was thinking of. It was overused but I sure do miss it and the seasonal decorations they gave it. I think Ric and Liz had a snowball fight there many years ago. Box305, Robert's townhouse with the secret communications room and the brownstone sets were my favorites as well. It's sad what this show has been reduced to - Tony Geary spitting on himself in a half-assed insane asylum and Maurice Bernard stammering threats and pointing a gun at the belly of a woman in a half-assed island getaway.
  17. Whatever happened to the nice waterfront set that was near Kelly's? It had two sets of stairs and a bench, maybe some planters. It was a whole lot nicer than the one they have now with the oil drums.
  18. I love AZ but her hair is fucking tragic. Just absolutely awful. Also, this story sucks. I am ready for Nicole to move on and stop being so pathetic, especially over dull Eric. GV is a beautiful man but making him a priest was a mistake, IMO. Like some others, I also appreciated Paige not falling for Bev's mind games. I like JJ, Paige, and Bev and think Bev in particular has a lot of potential. I hope they don't destroy her for a teen triangle or turn her into some twee afternoon special on the dangers of pot smoking.
  19. Today was the first day I've watched in a few weeks, and I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised! Except for Shawn, Carly, and that Franco creature, it was as close to old school GH as I've seen in a very long time. Ron Carliavati obviously did not do any of the writing, except maybe for the name-calling and hair-pulling between Bobbie and Lucy. How I wish RC would go away so that Anna, Duke, Lucy, Scott, Kevin, Felicia, Mac, and Alexis (with Julian!) could be on more often.
  20. Seconded! As much as I can't stand Jennifer, Abby, Nick, Gabi, et al, at least they're not Sonny Corinthos. As many problems as some of these stories have, at least they don't involve the death of a legacy character, two other disgusting characters having sex in the crypt of the dead legacy character and his decimated family, or a bunch of other boring stories that involve characters that no one has ever even seen or cares about. I'm actually liking DOOL for the most part right now and am looking forward to the fallout of Nicole accidentally (stupidly) shooting Dr. Tan and whatever is coming down the pike for Nick.
  21. Oliver does seem to have a type. Hopefully he's not playing her for a fool, because even though Aly is weird and creepy I like them together. Agree about the ice, but I think the sex appeal problem might lie largely with her adult partners (Oliver doesn't count, IMO). Liam is an asexual doofus, Thomas is a handsome but asexual block of wood, and Wyatt is an asexual, slightly more disturbed doofus. Now if Hope were paired with a true bad boy character, perhaps a hot young cell mate of her daddy's who happens to follow Deacon to town (HINT, HINT), and she still can't bring any heat ... then, yeah.
  22. I skipped yesterday because I hate Carly no matter who plays her, because I've hated Sonny ever since he drugged Karen Wexler and turned her into a stripper, and because I couldn't bear to watch AJ sacrificed for two of the most vile characters ever. Again. Ron C. is a hack and Frank V. is an ass for allowing it. They both suck. The whole thing makes no sense. They bring SK back in a great back from the dead story and then proceed to waste him for months. Why? There was so much history, potential story, and talent there. But instead of actually doing something with him they kill him off to provide angst and screentime for Stumbles and the Slagbeast. So, so stupid. AJ's gone while Kiki, Silas, Franco, Felix, Sabrina, Carlos, Sean, Olivia, Nathan, Dante, Lulu, Sonny, and Carly are still here. It boggles my mind.
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