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Kitty Redstone

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Everything posted by Kitty Redstone

  1. Kyle is such a vicious, hypocritical little shit. Interesting that he didn't admit to Jack or Summer that he'd already committed corporate espionage. I really, really don't want Adam to go back to the Newmans.
  2. NGL that move would've worked on me, too. I'm hoping the rumor that his empire is in financial trouble is psyops, and that Tucker started the rumor to somehow end run the stupid Newmans for once. I'm so tired of them, especially Victor, always winning.
  3. Oh I'm sorry you spent the holidays feeling that way, @KittyMom4. I sometimes fall into the same comparison trap. One of the larger garden-themed YT channels I watch has such beautiful gardens and I love their content, but sometimes it almost hurts to watch. Not their fault at all of course; they're living their dream, seem like nice people, and recognize how lucky they are. But on tough days it's difficult not to wish for a little more. I'm going to take a page from you, and on the days when I'm not feeling good about things, to just stay away from social media and do something I love instead.
  4. My 50s husband and I are two more of them. We've never had extra money to invest in the stock market, so when retirement age comes we will be dependent on Social Security and working part time forever. Thank you for this! I rarely spend any time on social media but it's an unusually slow time right now (I'm a self-employed artisan). I thought seeing some creatives doing creative stuff would make me feel better. Lesson learned, for sure!
  5. Instagram. I rarely engage there but wanted to see pretty stuff and get inspired. Instead I came away feeling a bit depressed and even more demotivated.
  6. Despite Lauren's ugly, peek-a-boob dress that only a Klingon woman could love (ST:TNG watchers will know what I'm talking about), I really enjoyed today's show. First, I had no idea that Lauren and Jill were half-sisters and didn't know that Lauren had another son. Second, I'm far more interested in Lauren, Michael, Fen, Kevin, Gloria and Chloe than Victor fucking with the lives of his children, Jack and Diane stealing jewelry, and whatever is going on with Abby and Devon. I wish the Fenmore/Baldwins were on more often. Finally, Zach Tinker is such a good looking man.
  7. MO's long, slender legs probably make her look taller than she is as well. I'm going to start paying more attention to the footwear and character blocking on this show. It'll be more interesting than the stories, heh.
  8. Brilliant! This might be my favorite soap couple nickname ever. Was she? I didn't see what type of shoes she was wearing, only that the height disparity between them was especially noticeable today. So far I'm liking him. His warning to Victoria today was especially fun.
  9. I knew Abby was taller than Devon but didn't realize how much taller. She's towering over him today. Michelle Stafford should lay off the bronzer.
  10. I'll still sit with you, @SweePea59. While I think Chance is attractive, I agree that he's not a good actor. He always has the same expression, the same tone of voice, the same body language, no matter what emotion he should be playing. Dude doesn't even squint his eyes when he's angry!
  11. Victor is such a manipulative prick. I hope Jill tells him to fuck off and die.
  12. I sincerely hope there is no baby switch. It's been done so often, and frankly I'm still scarred by the Babe/Bianca baby switch from AMC a million years ago and never want to see something like that again. Also, it's bad enough that there's been no repercussions for Carly but anything that gives her yet another reason to be smug and superior would be too much.
  13. Yes, what could be more fun than eating pizza with Chelsea, Billy and Victoria? Those poor boys. Also, was Lily always a gaslighter or did she take master classes from Billy?
  14. It didn't help that her dress, hair, eyebrows and skin were all the same color. The only contrast was her mouth full of veneers. I haven't been paying much attention to the Jack and Diane story. Is it their plan to frame Stark for the theft of Nikki's necklace?
  15. Anna is not on enough. I wish Anna/FH's appearances weren't tied to Valentin/the guy whose initials I can't remember. I'd like to see more of MEK as well. CW's Nina is the best thing that's ever happened to the character of Sonny Corinthos. It's astonishing how much more tolerable (and yes, as someone upthread said, charming!) he is. And I say this as someone who has hated Sonny since he gave Karen drugs and got her on a stripper pole. Sasha and Chase are very pretty together. Add me to the Ryan and Heather appreciation club.
  16. No one here knows anything about their marriage, so I'm certainly not going to come to any firm conclusions or judgements about either one of them. Frankly I'm not that invested, either, as I'm a very casual observer of celebrities in general. I'm trying to empathize with two people who couldn't be further from my own way of life, using on my own experiences. That is, people evolve and change even in stable marriages/long term relationships; and the strain of being with someone who has an illness (mental or otherwise) takes a toll on the other partner.
  17. This discussion makes me glad we went away to get married. Just us and nature. No fuss, no muss. While I understand people wanting to celebrate with their friends and family, the wedding industry is as predatory as any payday loan lender. And all the family drama! No thank you.
  18. Maybe her husband is trying and it's not working. Who knows. Putting aside her struggles, she's probably not all that different from other rich and famous people. They don't like to be told no, surround themselves with toadies, get an exaggerated sense of their own importance and lash out (with aggression or drug and alcohol abuse) when that worldview is challenged. Still, I feel bad for her that she can't sit down to a meal without a bunch of looky-loos pulling out their phones to photograph her like she's a zoo animal. I would never, ever want to be a celebrity.
  19. Willow is demented. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't her only personality trait (other than simpering, that is). What a waste of a character. And speaking of a waste of a character: Drew. Sonny's disgusted reaction to him and Carly was surprisingly good. I also appreciated CD dialing Michael way down. CW was great. Nicholas Chavez and Avery Pohl continue to impress, even if they are stuck in a baby storyline. Marcus Coloma was also very good today, especially at the end. I like this idea a lot.
  20. IDK. I have some sympathy for her but think she must be very high maintenance. Maybe he's realizing she's more than he can handle. It can't be easy to live with a diva, especially one with her mental health struggles. Her personality disorder(s) don't even allow her to put her children's needs above her own, so he's likely not faring much better. Must be an exhausting existence for both of them.
  21. It's too bad that Katie Phang and Ali Velshi aren't on during the week. I miss seeing Ali every day and enjoy when Katie subs for Ari. If I had my way, Ali, Katie or Ayman (or all three of them on a rotating basis) would have Alex's timeslot.
  22. There's not much going on right now that I'm invested in, though I've nevertheless been tuning in every day. Sharon and Chance would be a pretty couple; Audra has become more interesting; and Devon standing up to Lily was a surprise. As usual, however, it's the posters on this board that make this daily grind worthwhile. To wit: The best description of Phyllis ever written! Followed by the best description of Victor and Victoria ever written ... And then the best illustration of Nick ever illustrated (my gosh I'm still laughing 15 minutes later!) ... And finally, the most accurate description of Kyle that will ever be. Y'all are the best!!!
  23. The Family History Mystery movie looks good. I had no idea they were airing it so early, though. What a strange time to premier a new movie. It's interesting they're doing a Garage Sale Mysteries marathon beforehand. I wonder if this is HMM's way of testing the waters for the return of Lori Laughlin? While I don't care for her one way or the other, I loved the rest of the cast of GSM and was disappointed they shuttered the series due to LL's criminal troubles. As for Candace Cameron Bure, I won't miss her at all and wish HMM would just recast her and make more Aurora movies. The only reason I watched those movies was for the other cast members.
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