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Everything posted by JamieLynn832002

  1. I'm not too worried about Felicity/Overwatch yet because I think here it was because Felicity's story was freaking Oliver out by changing/using a gun (the horror!) and I'm not sure how well that have worked if she was also being Overwatch/Old Felicity (not that it worked that well anyway.)
  2. Is there some sort of lull in the constant wave of suck that is Star City? Because if not, designing/getting matching tattoos so you know can trust people you've already trusted for years seems like maybe not the best use of vigilante time. Calling it now, Star City went to complete shit because Oliver suddenly started wasting all his time on tattoo design and the criminals figured out the tattoo and got them too so the team had to trust them.
  3. Watching it on youtube with the music stripped, to me it sounds like he says "I've missed you" but I'm not sure.
  4. I know! I actually agree with a lot of the points in that article but that is just so ridiculous. She didn't always win against the villains (mostly because, despite her years as a member vigilante team/eventual status as the wife of a vigilante, no one, besides Dig briefly, ever bothered to teach her self-defense) but she was never a meek damsel waiting for rescue.
  5. I'm convinced that they're so committed to the mystery of the ff that by the end nothing is actually going to completely make sense but other than a long con, the only way I can see William and Maya (if she's Olicity's) not knowing each other really making sense without necessarily making Olicity shitty parents is if Samantha's parents get custody before Maya is born/while she's a baby and William, who's already been abandoned/left a million times, interpets that as Olicity abandoning him and cuts off contact. It's still fairly crappy with a lot of plotholes but it might work.
  6. The flashforwards are so weirdly inconsistant that I'm beginning to think Star City isn't that bad, everyone in the future is just really f-ing dramatic.
  7. I agree but I think part of the problem is that, to Oliver, whether he loves her isn't even a question and then she followed that with indicating she isn't sure their relationship is good for her/she's good for their relationship right now and I'm guessing he shot right past reassuring her that he loved her to full-blown panic-mode. He's existed for months mainly on the hope of getting his family back and now his wife is seemingly saying that while she wants that too, she isn't sure it's possible and unfortunately, Oliver often seems to go goldfish mouth when worried.
  8. Rewatching (because apparently I hate myself) I'm more okay with Oliver. I feel like he's more terrified than anything else. Terrified that, after everything they've been through, he's losing the woman he loves again, there's nothing he can do to stop it and it's mostly his fault. The somewhat goofy look on his face when she says she loves him more than anyone should love another person indicates to me that he's still fully in love with Felicity, whoever she is now but he doesn't know how to fix this. Oliver has always said all he wants is for Felicity to be happy and whether they stay together or not, it's pretty clear that this Felicity isn't happy. She's petrified and he (with fairly solid assists from their suckyass friends and Diaz) did this to her.
  9. Especially since it was implied Felicity was an expert on the Longbow Hunters at this point. Of course, in order to know that, Dig would have had to speak to his traumatized, almost murdered friend about something other than his judgment of her (extremely logical) choices and it's pretty clear PodDiggle isn't here for that.
  10. So true. I was pretty vocal about hating the previous apartment but they somehow found one that was even less homey. And judging from what we could see of the hallway, I think it may just be the loft set horribly redressed.
  11. Right now, I'm not even sure I want Olicity to work it out. Part of me wants Felicity to be like "Fuck all these judgmental assholes!" and just leave town (but only if we follow her, I can't take any more of the Dinah Drake Hour.) She shot someone who was trying to kill her husband and almost killed someone who'd been actively trying to murder her, her husband and their child for months, this "Oh, my God! The horror!" reaction is infuriating. They're pushing so hard on Evil!Felicity to try and make the flashforward seem plausible but she's only doing what every other character has done a 1000 times for often fewer reasons so I'm over here going " Yeah, still don't believe this but if Felicity wants to blow up Judgmental Asshat City, I'm on her side!"
  12. Well, that sucked. Reminder to self: when the critics wax poetic: be very afraid, suckitude is coming. I liked the first Olicity scene but that was pretty much it. It had about 2 billion times more Dinah than I've ever needed.
  13. Oliver to William in the present day? I don't know if they can cram him returning from school into the episode, but a phone call? I was assuming Oliver to Felicity since it's very close to what he said to her at the wedding and with her recent "dark" turn she might need reassurance but William makes sense too.
  14. I think if they were going to insist on adding him back in, they should have moved him so it looked less like he just creepily stood there watching his friends making out.
  15. Yeah, Dig's pretty much yearly realization that ARGUS is shady as fuck kind of makes me worry that he's taken too many blows to the head.
  16. I don't get how Olicity is soapy and therefore terrible but Oliver bouncing between sisters, Laurel having an evil twin and tons of not actual deaths somehow aren't.
  17. What I really don't get about disappearing Dig is that he really served no purpose in that scene. He had what may have been a guilty look on his face while watching them (and I'm guessing may have flown Felicity there) but he didn't actually interact with either of them so if they really wanted the artsy pan out shot they could have just cut Dig out entirely without it making any real difference.
  18. Me too. I think they were going for the poetic justice of Diaz being the new inmate 4587 and they also needed to be in Oliver's cell so Diaz could rip the picture but leaving the guy who has repeatedly expressed his desire/attempted to kill you, your wife and your child in the one cell in the entire prison that you absolutely know doesn't lock is just so stupid that it really hurt what should have been a badass Oliver victory scene.
  19. The Count of Monte Cristo which Oliver had been reading since the premiere (where he also used it to throat-punch Brick)
  20. Olicity are finally reunited and their love is so powerful it apparently makes people disappear. All things considered I'm okay with this episode.
  21. I agree, the closest I came to thinking she was crossing was when she was willing to let Anatoly die and even then, while I love Anatoly, he's a mob boss who willingly joined Diaz in trying to destroy Oliver, his family and his city so I was mostly okay with it.
  22. Possibly because she wasn't? They dated but Oliver has only had one fiancee and that was Felicity.
  23. I feel like FutureRoy should have gotten suspicious something was up the second he was told Felicity had started calling herself The Calculator. He knows how ridiculous she thought that codename was and shouldn't believe she'd ever call herself that even if he does for some reason accept that she turned dark.
  24. I feel like the moral of this story is that if you trust Rene, you can pretty much count on him selling you out at the first opportunity. He has sold out Oliver twice and now Felicity, I wonder how long until he finds a way to sell out the new Green Arrow?
  25. I liked this episode for the most part. I wish PodDiggle would go away and real, non-sucky Diggle would return (at this point, I'm mostly pretending the drug he got from Diaz last season somehow started f-ing up his brain months later) and Curtis and his f-ing birthday need to take several seats but Felicity and Laurel and Felicity and Anatoly were interesting and as much I liked Stanley and didn't want him to be shady, the reveal that he's at least not what he seems was well done.
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