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Everything posted by JamieLynn832002

  1. I loved this. The SCPD stuff was stupid and annoying but the characters thouht so too so it worked. I love that Diggle is fully back. I'm not sure how I feel about Mia being even sort of named after Moira both because she and Felicity didn't like each other (although I think this might have changed, at least on Moira's end, had she lived to see Oliver and Felicity together) and it seems like an iffy choice while trying to bond with the sister she encouraged/forced your father to abandon.
  2. I'm really close and I never cry at tv or movies. I think next week is going to kill us.
  3. But even supposing Oliver and Emiko die, Mia wouldn't be the last vestige of the Queen family bloodline because William is still alive and if Oliver dies in COIE, Mia should already be born/any decisions about who knows about her existence already made. Also, if the Ninth Circle is after Mia, taking her to/raising her in Star City and giving her the last name Felicity still uses would seem way stupider than Felicity's ever been.
  4. Is it bad that I sort of like SCPD shirts because while stupid, it's still a marked improvement from Oliver's current "my wardrobe was replaced by that of a middle-aged professor with no taste" look?
  5. I'm okay with the show ending but I'm now very afraid that Oliver dies in COIE and that's it. I would hate that. Even beyond wanting Olicity to get a happy ending, I want Oliver to get a better ending than sacrificing everything for years only to die young, leaving behind his wife, son and newborn daughter while his city still ends up destroyed. That's a terrible ending.
  6. And wasn't the tech GPS coordinates to the buried Arrow gear? Which presumably doesn't exist yet since it contained the 'Mark of Four" and Oliver's still using it. Nothing about this makes a lick of sense.
  7. Yeah, here it felt more like a Donna/Felicity situation where they love each other and are just very different people than the "my parents suck" impression I got before.
  8. Dig found his old personality, yay! I loved the Olicity scenes. I also really liked the Laurel/Felicity scenes, I still wish they'd done more actual redemption but the scenes work. Dante is already 20 times more compelling than Diaz ever was (this might just be my love for Adrian Paul talking) Can we get whoever roasted Diaz a medal? I like the Mia and William relationship but the future remains stupid and confusing.
  9. I need BS to stop being one of the most likeable people on this show. It's disconcerting.
  10. John Diggle in seasons 1-5: ARGUS is shady and I don't trust them, even if my wife is in charge John Diggle in seasons 6 and 7: Oliver decided not to let me use his secret identity, must stick head up ARGUS' butt while bringing even more shadiness to the table. Seriously, who is this guy?
  11. Maybe they tell everybody else that Mia is Donna's daughter? That still wouldn't explain no one noticing Felicity was pregnant and would seem kind of pointless if Olicity/Felicity still raise her but it would maybe explain how being a Smoak instead of a Queen somehow protects her.
  12. Clearly it all ended up in The Glades. I realize being a vigilante in city going to hell would a be harsh life but lighten up, hair and makeup people! Have they never seen people in their (I'm assuming) at most mid-fifties?
  13. I hate them all too and I don't think the divorce one even makes sense. Short of Oliver actually trying to kill Mia or Felicity (which would never happen) I can't see Felicity cutting Oliver out of their daughter's life or Oliver letting it happen. And since they apparently never left SC, I don't think it would explain the team not recognizing Mia.
  14. I don't disagree but if he is dead, why did William tell Roy that Oliver and Felicity both left him? And if he dies in the crossover Mia should be born by then so William should know about her unless his grandparents secretly cut off contact (which I do think is possible, Grandpa's facial expressions looked shady to me during the goodbye scene.) Totally with you on being okay if they render the FF pointless by changing it. At this point, they're sucky (in a the future sucks way) and largely nonsensical, I feel like just pointless would be an improvement.
  15. Am the only one who would be absolutely convinced right now Dig was going to die if it wasn't for the fact they haven't gotten the stupid tattoo yet? Something about an episode titled Spartan makes me nervous.
  16. If they suddenly revealed Ray's hair was a sentient being sent to spy on the Legends, I'd accept it, no questions asked
  17. I actually think it's possibly both and was in Suicide Squad's case too. DC/WB has them push the property to sort of promote the movie but once the movie actually materializes they pull permission to use the characters/name. I doubt they'll actually lose the characters this time around though. Although I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if I'm wrong.
  18. I can actually sort of understand that it would be kind of frustrating to be on a show with such a passionate fandom and your reception is at best mostly crickets but tweets like that are not going to help especially when others have received actual threats.
  19. Yes or least when the actor appeared on the Star City 2046 episode of LoT he was John Diggle Jr going by Connor Hawke but since JJ was still Baby Sara back then it's all pretty confusing. ETA: Or maybe not since the WB press release calls him Diggle's adopted son. They couldn't make this more confusing if they tried.
  20. I'm worried about that too. Unless the next episode kicks off immediately after the last scene, I feel like it's likely to be offscreen. He was in the room and even with stress of William leaving, I can't see him not immediately asking her what was up.
  21. I really loved this. I feel like I probably should have spent less time agreeing with the murderous psycho but dude had a point.
  22. At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm going to find this a very apt phrase for the FF regardless of who Mia is or isn't.
  23. I do think that's what they were going for but I wish they'd been a little clearer. Of course, now I'm imagining Felicity actually trying to explain and I'm having a hard time seeing William not either thinking she's gone crazy or being angrier because he thinks she's making stuff up (or possibly because they didn't bring him home when his Dad was The Flash) so I'm not sure what I really wanted. Maybe a line in a previous episode about Elseworlds having screwed up their plans to see William would have worked.
  24. Everything about them leaving him at school for Christmas annoys me. It doesn't make any sense, in Unmasked they were clearly looking forward to him coming home for break and nothing happened that should have changed that. I'm a little iffy on the grandparents since William and Samantha would presumably have been missing for more than a year between Taken and Lian Yu and they apparently didn't report it but I'd have much rather they went with him visiting them than Oliver and Felicity abandoning the child they'd both been missing for months alone at boarding school for no apparent reason.
  25. I don't know, it seems like it would be a weird choice but currently the FF's make the entire show seem fairly pointless so either way I don't really get it. If I was in charge, I'd rather render a season or so of occasional FF's pointless then risk ruining any rewatchability by making everything the characters have ever done or fought for pointless but I don't know if Beth feels the same way.
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