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Everything posted by JamieLynn832002

  1. I didn't understand why it didn't occur to any of them that Blaine might have turned Peyton before she approached Liv. I could see not assuming he did but the thought didn't even seem to enter any of their minds despite it being a very similiar situation to Liv turning Major in season 1. I think it was the brain of the flunky who'd brought the chlorine tablets and he just happened to have been present when Blaine killed Darcy. I think Darcy's brain had already gone to whoever bought it in the first place.
  2. Has it ever been explicitly stated whether the end of series retrospective is counted as one of the 10 episodes? I would have assumed not but Jane the Virgin's was counted/labeled one of their 100 episodes so it made me wonder.
  3. The fact she seems to be bragging about it is just... Does she think it makes her look good? It doesn't read as "this job was so important to me" so much as "I was incredibly rude to a stranger for no reason."
  4. I think this may be my biggest problem (among so many) with the twist, it required Veronica to suddenly become a moron. The guy makes several not terribly vague threats and she just leaves his unexamined backpack in her car? Leaving the backpack would have been too stupid to be believable from Veronica without the threats but he makes multiple threats and she doesn't think "Hmm, maybe I should worry about the bag he insisted on bringing?"
  5. I'm quickly going from hating the twist to kind of hating Rob Thomas. I honestly don't think he has any idea what made the show work. Without Neptune and its people, Veronica Mars doesn't work. And not just because I wouldn't like it, I don't think anyone outside of Neptune would put up with this Veronica's endless supply of bitchy shit.
  6. I don't really think this Veronica was someone any of us had met before, Veronica always, at least post Lilly, had an edge but this Veronica was less "has an edge" and more "randomly a bitch to literally everyone" to the point that no one in the real world would willingly spend time with her. 30-something, in a five year stable relationship Veronica should not be less stable than 17 year old, best friend murdered, recent sexual assault victim Veronica. I feel like we were supposed to take her seeing Jane as progress and it was but going to a single therapy session a year after your husband was blown up before your eyes while you packed for your honeymoon and then immediately fleeing town and abandoning your entire support system doesn't scream "this person is going to be okay."
  7. I've always kind of felt that Rob Thomas originally saw Duncan and Veronica as the show's epic romance and has always been somewhat bitter it didn't work out/the majority of the fandom didn't buy into it so this definitely feels like a fuck you. It's not even totally about being a LoVe fan for me, regardless of feelings toward Logan, it's another tragic loss for Veronica (with a side of probable guilt for the bomb being mostly meant for her) who was already fairly clearly not okay and I hate it.
  8. Evan was still in high school in season 1 while Liv was post med school so there was an at least seven year difference which really doesn't work if they share the same horrible father who Liv doesn't remember. I kind of feel like they suddenly realized Liv still being on the outs with her family made no sense without explanation so they just threw this in with the added bonus of giving Liv a connection to the new evil.
  9. I took the mom saying he came back later and she thought he had changed as that being when Evan was conceived but the age difference between Liv and Evan seems big enough that I'm not sure that actually makes sense if Liv has no memory of the man.
  10. The problem is they that they way overaged everyone, nobody except maybe Felicity looked much under 70.
  11. This is the part I really don't get; the show has employed many people around the appropiate ages. How did they not notice that they didn't look 80? I feel like everyone over the age of 40 who's ever been on the show should be insulted. I know it's more complicated because these actors are younger but surely there has to be a medium somehwhere between 20s or 30s and not a day under 75?
  12. I don't think it was ever completely true but it's especially ridiculous when the last few minutes of the finale are the most recent example of Oliver Queen. Stoic and unemotional that was not. Honestly, I don't even get the memes because by the time Barry and especially Kara existed in the Arrowverse, the unemotional Oliver was largely gone. It just feels like another unnecessary way to shit on Oliver/SA.
  13. About the first If I remember correctly, Liv's mom was some sort of adminstrator at the hospital so Liv may have thought she'd find out that Liv didn't have whatever too easily. Although, I'd still think that would have been a better risk than what amounted to "nope, don't want to."
  14. I do think it's entirely possible they already filmed anything they'd need for season 8 since it probably wouldn't be more than few scenes in the finale. I want to see the reunion (and would love a rewritten future where Oliver's daughter acually gets to remember him/Olicity get to grow old together) but all things considered, I am satisfied with the ending we got and can understand Emily not wanting to possibly damage that by coming back for something that could easily be subpar.
  15. I assumed she wouldn't have known for sure whether they were looking or not and I do think they'd have still been in danger in SC even if if the Circle wasn't actively pursuing them otherwise. I feel like we're still missing something with the William situation because Oliver and Felicity were trying to contact him after he left but he insisted he never heard from them again so I have hard time finding reasons for anything involving him after Star City Slayer.
  16. There are many problems with the threat of the Ninth Circle (starting with: willingly made a whiny idiot obsessed with her dead father their leader) but I could easily believe they never actually really looked for Felicity and Mia. They were way over Emiko's crazy pants vendetta and there wouldn't have been much profit in it especially after Oliver 'died.' If they'd stayed in SC, the Circle probably would have targeted them but searching them out in a place where they were surrounded by former government agents might have been too much effort for them.
  17. This doesn't really matter but are FF Dinah and Roy hanging out somewhere waiting for Felicity to catch up? Because she tells them she will before leaving with William and Mia and then leaves the planet instead. I mean, I know Dinah would probably wait about 20 minutes before writing Felicity off as evil and/or dead and moving on but still...Of course, the three of them going into hiding together seems like a brick stupid plan so maybe it's for the best.
  18. I don't necessarily believe he realized that early either but I could actually see him doing this. It wouldn't have been coming from the same douchey place anymore but Oliver could be really stupid and I could see him deciding that he couldn't pursue Felicity because of the danger but Sara could protect herself and was also in love with someone else so Sara wouldn't get hurt. Of course, I still believe he was with Susan 95% because he thought Felicity wasn't an option, first because of Billy and then because he'd killed Billy so...
  19. That was my first thought too but I don't think Ravi can get memories from brains if he's not on his "monthlies" which he didn't seem to be. I don't think it's ever been all that clear, I'm guessing they do since Major told Michael to wait a few years before joining FG but I don't know if it really makes sense for them to. I've never been sure if zombies are actually dead, I know Liv and most of the world view it that way but I'd swear early on Ravi said she had a pulse, it was just nearly undetectable.
  20. The Mark of Four thing was weird, I can't remember if everyone actually had the tattoo either but I'd swear they said Oliver designed the symbol. It doesn't seem likely he'll have time to pop back to SC for tattoo design (and if he does that rather than visiting his family my rage will know no bounds) so did he design it before leaving town and they just didn't show it? They put so much emphasis on it early on and then it just kind of fizzled out
  21. Random thought: Oliver and Felicity can't but The Monitor can leave wherever he's taking Felicity, right? Because if not, things could get real awkward, real fast.
  22. I do agree with this, especially in an episode that had Oliver explaining what Palmer Tech was (possibly to Felicity!) a little less vagueness wouldn't have hurt
  23. I like her but I'm not sure Lindsay Macdonald pays enough attention to the show to be writing articles about it, in an earlier spec post she theorized Felicity couldn't fake her death and go into hiding because she'd already done that. You know, that excellent plan where she murdered the witnesses and hid herself in a secret prison room in Galaxy One headquarters or as we know it, that time when Galaxy One faked her death and kidnapped her.
  24. Probably but I don't really see how Smoak is much better in that case. Surely the centuries old evil organization is bright enough to figure out that the skilled archer of appropriate age who shares Oliver's wife's last name might be his daughter (okay, maybe not, since overgrown, petulant teen with an obsession with hurting her dead father=A+ leader material in their world.)
  25. One thing that bothers me, if Oliver dies in a few months, why was William on about Olicity abandoning him? Yes, there's still months where them not contacting him makes zero sense but unless Felicity adopted him and we were never told, she wouldn't really have a lot of standing against his grandparents and Oliver is dead. Also, why is Mia's last name Smoak? Oliver apparently died a hero and she was raised completely in hiding, why couldn't she be a Queen?
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