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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. It's not even that this season is "less fun". It's this: There was a scene when they had Headless in that masonic cell, and Irving says "A dead guy, a mental patient, and a time traveler from the Revolution." and Abbie responds 'That's our team." It's not quite the team, but for me, the team is Abbie, Ichabod, Irving and Jenny. Where is that team? They only had brief scenes but the chemistry and awesomeness was undeniable. This season, it's all gone. And for what? To push that Emmy for Noble. To force Goffman's Muse to the frontlines? To irritate the fuck out of me? The overall vision is gone. Who would have thought that their panicky writing for season 1 (because they were literally writing episodes last minute due to circumstance and timing) would actually be better than their well-thought out second season.
  2. Glad you think so too - because in my head, I was hoping for the ratings to be crap. I really was - because as you said, The Katrina-files are so dull and boring and typical and - meh. It makes me sad for Nicole Beharie, Orlando Jones, Lyndie Greenwood and Tom Mison. All four are superior actors that shouldn't have to deal with such utter bullshit that this show has devolved to. I mean, that foursome is spectacular in terms of chemistry and ability and the like. Yet, this idiot show separates them? Seriously? People wondering why Orlando didn't tweet this episode - are you surprised? He's done, like I'm very very close to being done. I've long thought that Mark Goffman is the problem. He is the Head Producer/showrunner of SH, and is constantly promoting all things Katrina. In interviews he has been the (only) one promoting and gushing over the epic love that is Katrina/Ichabod and Katrina herself. He is the one who has written 90% of the Katrina-centric episodes of SH. I am actually really surprised that he didn't write this one. I honestly feel that he is messing with the good of SH and fucking it up big time.
  3. No, I disagree with this, solely because 18 episodes does not have to equate with demon babies and pushing Katrina down our throats and character assassination on all fronts. The stories SH tells are so unique and crazy, yet they are writing typical tropes and shoving characters in the background. They didn't have to write stories that pushed Katrina to the forefront? Or if they did, in my view, they could have wrote stories that made Katrina evil - since her behaviour is so shady already it would make sense. Why couldn't they write an episode where she figures out how to bypass Henry's blocking of her powers and escapes herself? But no, they can't do that. They didn't have to write Irving in Tarrytown, nor write the words "we must redeem our son" spewing from the mouths of the Cranes every fucking episode. The writers could have focused on Abbie and Jenny a bit more, but instead they pushed more Crane drama - boring drama at that - at us. From what I have read, it's not FOX that is forcing these changes - surprisingly. It's the writers themselves. Just from what I read. Remember last season, when they had the Horseman in that Masonic cell, and Crane is interrogating him. Crane says "Feeling less than robust?" and the Horseman responds by angrily pulling at the chains. Remember Crane's response.....? "Good." Now picture it in your heads, his facial expression, narrowed eyes, the way he emphasized that word. "Good...." That's how I feel about the ratings drop.
  4. Eh. Eh. I prepped myself for the mess that this episode would be with lots of wine, so I don't even remember - what, Henry trapped Moloch in a jar? When did this happen?? Disgusted and disappointed in this show now for so many reasons (in no particular order): First, the demon pregnancy trope. Thanks show for basically reducing a woman to an evil spawning uterus. Much appreciated. Especially a woman who is supposed to be an all powerful witch. The hell? And why couldn't that all powerful witch apparate to a safe place when she was around the gas station (she can do this - mentioned in the first season). Yes, so powerful... Second, for shoving Henry and Katrina down my throat, both of whom I have no use for. Third, for still having Ichabod and Katrina be so fucking ignorant and stupid to honestly believe that their son is redeemable. The scene between Henry and Ichabod at Tarrytown, I was like, yup, this stupid show is going to waste the rest of the season on redeeming this evil bastard. Fourth: for sidelining two of the most compelling woman on TV - Jenny and Abbie. For what, to show demon pregnancies? To shove your muses into my face? Ugh. I'm been watching too much Walking Dead, because in my mind, I was like - can't they just ceasarian section the demon baby out of Katrina, and put a bullet and a knife blade into it's skull and chest? No? I was actually pleased that when Katrina was like "we have to redeem our son" and Ichabod is like, are you crazy, no way? That was realistic to me. That response I get. Not "we have to save our son". Do you not understand that your son was the one who knocked you up with a demon baby. Instead, we get Ichabod trying to reason with Henry at Tarrytown - are you serious? How bloody stupid are you, Ichabod? You honestly think you can reason with Henry. Honestly, I want Abbie and Jenny to figure out a Witness Power Transfer Spell. Then they can transfer out the Witness part of Ichabod, put it into Jenny and go stop the Apocalypse. The Cranes can hole up in their lovey dovey cabin and out of the way, and the Mills' sisters can go take care of business. On top of that, Abbie doesn't have to spend her money on stupid people, and can save it for better things. That's how I feel right now. I hate that Abbie isn't full out calling out Crane on his idiocy. Yell, scream, punch him, anything. Something to put him in his place. Because I can't take it. Abbie deserves better. Humanity deserves better. I watched Constantine and Gotham before SH, and both episodes were vastly better. My only positive note - can we somehow get lots of screen time of Ichabod in bed sans shirt, without the wife being there? prettyplease.
  5. Two - apparently reluctantly released and hard to find - promos for tonights episode - Deliverance. FOX seems to released at least four or five promos usually by the weekend for the following Monday's episode, but this week they didn't. I can only imagine why *sarcasm* If I were to defend them, I could say that maybe there is too much spoilers in any promo they could make, but I highly doubt it. S02:E08 - Deliverance. Advance Preview Voter Apathy
  6. Are you surprised? I'm not. This is a Save!Katrina heavy episode, and one that I already know I'm going to hate. The previews would highlight how irritating this storyline is. However, people who have previewed the episode said it wasn't that bad. Eye-roll Katrina scenes (so what, I am going to be eyerolling for at least 45 minutes...) and a little Ichabbie. However, conveniently, they released one little Ichabbie focused promo just today, and one yesterday that I didn't watch, because I didn't want to work myself up. Check the Media thread - I'll throw the links up there, if I can dig them up again...
  7. Best movie ever - Double Tap!! I noticed that too. When Tyreese took out poor Bob, and the doctor in the hospital room to the guy he couldn't save, the bones seemed so fragile. Flesh rots, but there is a reason we find the bones of humans from 2000 years ago. Bone is pretty strong and resilient, even buried in the ground for centuries. Unless the virus causes osteoporosis also???
  8. Semi-minor nitpick for me. When Beth was grinding up that tablet with the mortar and pestle, mixing it with water and injecting it - would that even really kill the doctor-patient? It was such a small dose. I mean, first of all, the Clozapine or whatever it was, was in pill format, which means it is most effective when absorbed by the stomach. Second, each pill contains a precise dose. Beth semi-ground up the pill, barely mixed it with water and injected a very small amount of it. There is no way that amount of drug would kill him - he had the equivilent of small piece of the end of the pill injected into him. Nowhere near the strength of the pill itself. I can only think that that particular drug cannot be injected into a body, even in tiny amounts, or that Beth actually introduced an air bubble into the syringe. For some reason, I was under the impression that the drug that Beth injected, interacted with what the patient was already on, which is what killed him. Anyway, just my nitpick.
  9. Not a bad episode, though the moment Cop Dawn said "you owe us", my slapping hand got itchy. Then that Gorman guy - creepy, creepy person. So glad he was dinner for poor Joan, though he should have suffered more. What is it with humanity on this show? Is Rick's group the only one who can maintain a modicum of sanity. Everyone else goes off the rails and abuses the other humans around them? I mean, I know humans in general are questionable a lot of the times, but really? Crazy Dawn and her new world order. Yes, I want to live in a society where I am forced to stay at a place I don't want to, have to work off things I didn't even ask for, get routinely beaten and if a woman, raped. Seriously? I was praying for Beth to grab a syringe and stab Dawn in the eye. Liked Noah - and oh did he resemble a young Orlando Jones. I had to do a double-take. What I didn't understand was their escape plan. Beth should know better. No change of clothes, no food, no supplies, no weapons of any sort. What was she thinking. She should know better. Also, I didn't like how every scene she just stared silently at the other person whose face I wanted to punch. I mean, I get not revealing too much info, but when Dawn and the doctor were going on and on about life being good here, I was dying for Beth to say, "I've managed to live a life outside - it can be done and done well. THIS is not the only option." Instead, nothing. Silence, which really disappointed me. Carol!! Oh my god, please tell me she is going to be using Dawn as shooting practise? So glad to see her. You people better not hurt Carol....
  10. Everyone. Just a reminder that we have a nice new shiny thread called The Relationships of Sleepy Hollow. The in-depth conversations on Abbie Mills and her relationships with others in the Sleepy Hollow-verse should be discussed here, as are any other relationships that appear on SH. We also have a thread for the amazing Lieutenant Abbie Mills where we can discuss her awesomeness. Thanks.
  11. "Death to the Opposition!" - Worf, railing against the Vulcans in Baseball! ............................ Julian Bashir: What are you eating? Miles O'Brien: I'm not eating; I'm chewing. Julian Bashir: Chewing what? Miles O'Brien: Gum. It's traditional. I had the replicator create me some. Julian Bashir: They just chewed it? Miles O'Brien: No, they infused it with flavor. Julian Bashir: What did you infuse it with? Miles O'Brien: Scotch. ............................ Miles O'Brien: I don't know why Captain Sisko insists on me being here. I'm not a senior officer. Julian Bashir: Maybe he just wanted to see you in your dress uniform. It does show off your figure. ............................ Julian Bashir: Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible, but causing people to suffer because you have forgotten how to care... that's really hard to understand. (this episode - Past Tense 1 and 2) is such a chilling episode to me, especially because I can honestly see how the Sanctuary districts could appear in this day, especially with the economy the way it is now. It's insane how much foreshadowing this episode ended up being) ............................ And the most poignant, honest and chilling speech ever from a Star Trek Captain: Benjamin Sisko: At 0800 Hours station time, the Romulan Empire formally declared war on the Dominion. They have already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So this is a huge victory for the good guys! This may even be the turning point of the entire war. There is even a 'Welcome to the Fight' party tonight in the ward room. So... I lied; I cheated; I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men; I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all is... I think I can live with it. And if I'd have to do it all over again... I would. Garak was right about one thing...a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it...because I can live with it. [pauses] I can live with it. [pauses] Computer, erase that entire personal log.
  12. Poor Tony Romo has a fracture in his "transverse process" - a small bone that sticks out on either side of the vertebrae. It's not related to his previous back problems. He also didn't practice all week. They say he'll "probably" start, but most likely it'll be Brandon Weeden. I feel really bad for Romo - his back is his weakness, like the knees are RGIII's weakness. Say what you will about the Coyboys, but Romo is a tough bastard. I mean, he played with cracked ribs and a punctured lung for an entire game.
  13. Now that you've said this, I wonder if maybe it somewhat goes like this: Right after a person becomes a walker, they still have their memories, some random thoughts maybe, or at least a conscious sense - maybe in flashes, maybe like a hallucination or vague memory. But the zombie basically starts decomposing right away, because technically it is dead. That's what we learned at the CDC - that only the brain stem is alive, functioning, etc. But as time goes on, the body rots, and so does the brain. So those little things that seem to humanize them in spurts, eventually rots away. So with Merle, he was a fresh new walker, so he still had flashes, vague cognition of Daryl. If allowed to continue existing in the state, it would quickly go away as the brain rots. Just my thoughts.
  14. I'm interested to see if they are going to include viral mutations into the mix. Only because it would be really likely for different variations of the virus to exist. I think to Abe, Eugene represents Hope for Humanity. If Abe for any reason lets himself believe that Eugene knows nothing or not as much as Eugene lets on, it might break Abe's will. Abe can focus on his mission to Washington, and it in turn allows Abe to focus and not let himself fall apart at everything going on around him. Just my view.
  15. Here is your thread to discuss, dissect and analyze everything and anything about the poor rotting corpses. Are they sentient? Are they alive? Do they make good pets?
  16. Seeing requests for thread title changes. A couple of people have mentioned Carol: One Day You Just Change I actually really like this one because it encompasses Carol's journey and overall arc. She's a Late Bloomer is kinda the same, but I think the direct quote from Carol is better. I'll change the thread title and if anyone is really really not pleased with it, PM me some more suggestions. Cheers.
  17. You know, I read this today, and read some other actor comments and pretty much am thisclose to being done with the show. I've been waffling for about two weeks, just disgusted with the whole redemption arc and Save Katrina! and now demon babies and this whole article. This is not the show I signed up for, nor is it the characters I care to have focus on. To me, the show decided on a path to try to secure John Noble an Emmy, and also to push Katrina into the forefront. But again, this is not the show I signed up for nor have any interest in. I've tried to be positive and champion this show and storylines but I feel done. Right now, I feel like the show is doing this: Oh look, cute Ichabbie scenes, how cute and fun and...HENRY and KATRINA. HENRY and KATRINA! What a waste of the interactions of two brilliant lead actors and two brilliant supporting actors (Greenwood and Jones).
  18. Emissary +++ Babel +++ Duet +++ Dax --- Move Along Home --- (this episode must die.....!!) The Forsaken ---
  19. Glad Corpse Crushers won - their rollercoaster cart as a thing of beauty, as was the evil clown. The boy yes, looking totally cartoonish and unfinished, but the rest was spectacular. The other team (Sweet Nightmares) concept was good and the twins were creepy but the suckers/candy lining the front were not well done at all (like I could do even 1% of that), and the devil face looks good, but a bit messy. This teams small scare was really good though. But yeah, that sugar artist - Brea or whatever - what a miserable nasty person. Stop complaining and do your work. The rest are also stressed. The worst was at the very end, and she's like "Guys, we've got to get this done." Yes, you do, ALL of you, including you. If those other two come back as a team, let's hope they pick another sugar artist to join. Overall, pretty good.
  20. Other spoilers / possible things I've read recently: - Yes, the Kindred will be back (poor baby...how is it that a monster creature can make us all go - Aww...poor puppy...) - The spoiler also commented that when the Kindred comes back, so will the Horseman of Death's skull - I was like, duh - how do you think they made the Kindred? - We'll get backstory on why Andy was in love with Abbie. - Abbie and Katrina will of course argue over killing or redeeming Henry. Ichabod is obviously stuck in the middle and I'm not sure how much he will vacillate. - To paraphrase: "A certain witch will use her powers against a certain witness." *drops dead on floor* I am going to guess that Abbie tries to take out Henry, and Katrina stops her. That will not end well. At all. Hoo boy. - Episode 9 will feature Mama Mills and a storyline that reminds me so much of an X-Files episode....
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