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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I missed the "W" carved in the foreheads too - someone/some group leaving a little message or something else? A way to mark the bodies to ID them as future zombies, perhaps? At the end, when the truck smashed into the other bigger truck and all of those flailing torso's with attached heads come tumbling out...damn show...that was creepy. Nicely done.And SOOOO Creepy. Like someone else said way up earlier - Rick and co are going to be coming into contact with those guys - who will be the 'Wolves', or the ones who carved the "W" into the foreheads. The de-legging/de-hipping makes sense if you don't want the zombie's running after you (take off the legs) but still, it would've been easier to cut off the heads, leaving a pickup bed full of chomping skulls (shudder). Easier to move and transport. Or just - you know - figure out that destroying the brain stops the zombie.
  2. Don't give it so SyFy (because I don't get the channel), give it to AMC. They are moving away from reality TV and focusing on scripted shows. And as we see with The Walking Dead, they won't hold back either on the disturbing dark elements of the show. Why did they throw it initially on Friday's in the first place. Any other day of the week (except Monday). I probably already said this upthread (having Deja Vu). I swear every show Im watching this year will be cancelled. *Le sigh*
  3. It was more than just the Thou Shall Not Kill. It was his inability to at least see that some humans are evil and they need to be dealt with in a certain way in the 'new world zombie order'. Martin didn't necessarily have to be killed, per say. Tyreese is a big dude. He could've beat the crap out of Martin enough to turn his face into some pulp, and make him very weak, and then properly tie him up so he couldn't escape, do any harm. Therefore no longer a threat. Then when Carol wanted to check up on Martin, she goes it and takes cares of business. Ty didn't necessarily need to kill the guy. Just do a bit of damage, which he could not do either. But he also hesitated on killing zombies, who are incredibly dangerous was a problem too. That's how I see it, just my opinion.
  4. This made me laugh, DeLurker!! What the hell was I thinking, looking for logic. Foolish me. I guess it was dumb of me to have writers actually remember some stuff and link certain aspects of the show. Duh. I agree about the corset + lack of oxygen. It's the only explanation. I'll just focus on the Ichabbie and the pretty British man. And Katrina. And we all know how that turned out.....
  5. I wasn't sure. I saw them pull Tyreese's body from the car to the road (and thought they aren't going to leave him there, are they??), but didn't see any action or motion that seemed like a headshot. Then when they were burying him, they showed his forehead all clean and undamaged. I mean, I hope they would have done a head shot, it just wasn't obvious. Washington isn't necessarily a good idea, simple due to population density. Granted, most people are dead, zombies rotting more now and kiled off, but still. Too many people = danger. We saw that with Atlanta. Let's see if they get there. But if you are only 100 miles from Washington, I guess they should try. I mean, it's like 500 miles from Altanta to Richmond (not sure where they started from), so that extra 100 is nothing at this point. I did laugh when they were driving to Richmond, because the only road sign passed was for South Carolina. I always think of that scene in Zombieland with Tallahasee finding a big Ford 350 (i think it was), loaded with guns/gun rack, and he's like "Thank god for rednecks!" There's got to be some four wheel heavy duty trucks out there that are from the year 2010 on. I don't think Michonne lost it. I think its more she's tired of roaming and wants a purpose, just like Abraham. Without Washington, they are aimless. Washington gives them a purpose, though like I said, population density means it may not be a good idea. California would be the best. Long growing seasons, water, mild weather, no snow. East coast is okay, but as we know from this year, too much snow. Middle of US is desert, hot, dry climate. Up North, short growing seasons, snow, cold. West coast would be the best, IMO.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that about the injury. Everyone else was shown with their major injuries, but no head shot for Beth? They could've simply put red crusty blood on her forehead and in her hair for effect. I did laugh at her singing with the guitar. Oh show, why do you do this. She wasn't annoying this episode though. .................. It seems like the majority want the thread title left as is, so I'll leave it for now. I don't know, I just like the irony and like lulee said, "how can I miss you if you won't go away!"
  7. But that's the confusing thing. Based on interviews and previous stuff posted online, Katia Winter has said that she's offered input and also worked with the writers on Katrina plot-points. There are different shots of her with the writers, with tags saying she's working with them on stuff. So this is what's disappointing about it. When the writers told her about Magic Mystical Pregnancies, it doesn't appear that she said..."uh, maybe not." Or when she fainted or failed at magic, I wish she would have said, "Can I not faint this time." If I'm being charitable, maybe she did. I would have HOPED that she would maybe pointed out how bad of an idea certain things were. On the flip side, she wants to work and wants to increase her screen time, so maybe she didn't want to complain. I understand that. The problem is that this whole thing backfired on her big time. Big time. The backlash that came from the Deliverance episode was epic. Even those fans who had no use for Katrina KNEW that idea was terrible. We don't have to like a character to know how badly serviced/written they have been. What sucks for her is the quality of certain of her fans. Based on comments and stuff I've read online in multiple places, I feel back for her solely because of the comments from her "fans". There are some nasty ones out there, to the point where someone out there created a tumblr with screenshots of their posts and it's obvious delusion and/or racist content. I don't think I've ever read anyone who were huge fans of Mison/Ichabod or Abbie/Beharie ever write such vitriol. So I feel back for her for that. Because most (not all, but most) of the support she is getting is coming from people who says awful things. And if that's your fan base. THAT would really suck. I don't know - I feel bad for her. What a rotten turn for her. She wants to work, wants a paycheck. I get it. Actors/Actresses put their foot in mouth's all of the time, so it's a lesson learned for her. The men tend to be forgiven easier for stupid things said. She was ill-serviced by really poor writing and a producer who has no vision. On top of that, her fans are an "interesting" lot of people who have said some shameful things. She just can't win. However, it doesn't excuse some of her comments and her acting abilities/delivery, etc.
  8. Again, more glaring inconsistencies with the writers and their inability or desire to actually create a BIBLE for the show, to keep things straight. Remember how Katrina claimed to not know she was knocked up and told Ichabod that...Then we get the date episode and she DID know. A couple of people tweeted two different writers. one producer. Do you know what the response was? "We're looking into it." and "maybe is was something we missed." Dudes...There were only 13 episodes in season one and you can't remember a major detail like that. As for the insta-obsession with all things Katrina/Van Tassel - how do you know that wasn't the case BEFORE the changes. I'd put money on that being the case (and Goffman's own self-insert) before FOX stepped in and said "change it!". *wink* I did think it was weird that she recognized Solomon on sight. Yes, portraits existed, but there was the artist's talent. But not everyone could afford to have a portrait done for them, and if they could, it's not like the portrait was available for everyone to see. That's what bothered me a bit. Solomon didn't actually look too well off, and even Katrina says "times were hard." so where would the money come from to get a portrait made. On top of that, the flashback says that they sent Kent to Purgatory right after. So why would the witches need to know what the dude looked like, and why would they be afraid of him. He was trapped in The Purg for hundreds of years. There was no mention of him being able to flit in and out, so why was he so feared in the real world.... See, that's what I get for trying to introduce some logically analysis into the show....*sigh*. Which is yet another missed opportunity for the show. The long-livedness. They never explained why the Four Sisters were around for so long. But why not apply that to Katrina too. Make her long-lived too, something that would be an obstacle in the marriage (Crane would grow old, but she would not). It could have actually been Katrina in Salem, and she could have demonstrated some actual powers *cough, yeah right* or something. Again, great possibilities squandered. No, not just you. He was looking quite fine this episode. Very very fine....I'm gonna miss him on my screen is there no season 3. What a waste.
  9. Man, two major deaths in two episodes. Poor Tyreese! What a terrible way to go, I tell you. I had to turn my head at the amputation scene. I mean, that is very difficult to survive - he was already profusely bleeding before, then no tourniquet used? When they were driving in the car, I was like, "C'mon guys. He's going die" and was waiting for him to turn and attack Noah. And when they buried Ty, did they not at least give him a head shot, so he doesn't turn. I didn't see that. Chad Coleman did a great job. Same with the guy who plays Noah, though everytime he's on screen, I think "Hey, it's younger Orlando Jones." They so look like twins. I hope they don't kill off Noah. I really like his character. I actually laughed when Beth appeared in screen singing. Oh god. Same with the Governor appearing. All I could think about was this forum and what you guys are going to post in the Beth thread or how you guys are going to react. *grin* I thought it was a decent episode, gruesome but well done. So they are off to Washington. Oh, and Rick and Michonne forever! Those two work so well together and are so in tune with each other.
  10. Fucking figures.... Tweet from Baiers.... Based on stuff that's going on, I really think it's NOT been renewed but cancelled. Either that, or Baiers can't say anything until the official announcement and is backtracking...
  11. You guys want to change the title again? C'mon, I thought the "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone" was so apropros... *grin* If a few more want it changed, just say so and it will be done.
  12. Because she always looks scared or has tears in her eyes, no matter what. It's like a perpetual case of runny eyes/allergies. The "corset" is her original black "witch" dress she was always seen wearing in Purgatory. Since she's going back to her time, she probably grabbed her 200 year old dress to fit in with the times. (not that I mind, it's an awesome dress). Thought I remember Headless got her a really fancy dress to wear in episode 2 or three of this season. The black one is better - fits with baddie Katrina.
  13. Just watched the one with the Steak and Eggs and shock of all shocks --> The challengers dish looked amazing though. Perfectly cooked steak rolled up with chimichurri, on a bed of hollandaise, a sunny side up egg on top and a citrusy asparagus salad. YUMMY! Then Flay makes scrambled eggs. Scrambled Eggs?? I was like 'what are you doing, Flay?'. Why scrambled eggs?? Overall, it was a good one. I like Sunny Anderson and Ted Allen as judges. Ted Allen is the best, truly. The rest are too over the top. What I DO hate is when the judges go bother Flay and the challenger when they are in the middle of something. I would be so irritated with the distraction.
  14. That's why I think it's the wrong version/older version. Why would any TV show allow or trust a bunch of individual sites to write up the synopsis for their own episodes. Language matters, as we know. Each synopsis would be too different and biased on context. Getting the audience excited about the episode matters too. Why would any TV network leave it to amateurs (in a way). They want to control the content. I would expect each TV network to write their own synopsis ONCE - ensure it is perfectly correct - then send it out to all of the media and affiliates. It's like sending out a press release. Then you never have errors, and the wording is exactly the way the network/TV show wants. The fact that they mispelled Crane's name once in the synopsis is a hallmark of SpoilerTV. They misspell all of the characters names half of the time. And I think you are right, MissAlmond - I think SpoilerTV had a little childish tantrum over the comments and retaliated. If you read the comments, you'll see that they were very accepting of anything pro-Katrina, but the moment someone logically pointed out the problems with Katrina using facts, they got all defensive, angry, insulting and started deleting. There was one exchange between three people - the guy who posts general ratings news, the article writer and someone else. The someone else was posting rating facts and correlations, and the other two were slamming that person down, and getting all pissy with him. What kind of media site is this?? Neutrality is the key. Step away from the arguments and shut the hell up. Delete if you are really don't like it, but do not engage and do not respond.
  15. Aaron Baiers is posting more stuff on twitter, and I think I know what went wrong. Here are his tweets.... The synopsis posted was the ORIGINAL synopsis or a preliminary draft before the last minute changes. I'll bet money that this is what they were going to do for the most part, but then changed some stuff at the very last minute, because of more backlash. Some parts are valid in the synopsis, some are not. Basically, they accidently offered the wrong version of the synopsis - the older one. That's why Baiers says it should never have been posted. Because it wasn't the updated one. But it was a version that was sent out earlier to the media outlets to post.
  16. I knew you would be, Blackhoney. Just checking to be sure, for reasons. *wink* I am going to be very interested in seeing if they re-release the synopsis and what wording changes have been made. You know, we have to marvel at this show. Not only did it manage to destroy itself with a few episodes, the back management seems utterly incompetent. It's just insane! I really have the feeling now that the show is done, and they are just getting out the final episodes, and whatnot. That's why the lack of promotion and the lack of care.
  17. For my own reasons and interest, do you have links to those two fanfics, by chance? Thanks FierceAfroChick!
  18. I would guess the Nazi's figured out that when Adam died, he would appear at a specific location. They would position guards there, and he would simply be recaught before he could get away and brought to the same camp again. Just my guess. I really love this show and hope ABC gives it a chance for a second season. This episode was really well done and I liked the case of the week, and the encounter with Adam. I had to turn my head at his flashback scenes, it was so disturbing to me. Just terrible. Doesn't excuse his actions, but still. I have a feeling that dagger might be a way to end the resurrection curse he and Henry have, which is why Adam's looking for it. Love that little trivia that the photo was Judd Hirsch's real parents. Love it. He and Henry have a great relationship. And the scarve flip was hilarious! Excellent episode.
  19. Damage control I expect. Maybe he and the others didn't think of how angry the fandom could be. Though considering the whole #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter hasgtag, you would think they were NOT that stupid. And of course these are the episodes where FOX stepped in to right the sinking ship. So it is possible, if I give him the benefit of the doubt - that the synopsis is wrong. Or more likely, they know the show is cancelled, and are just trying to squeeze out the most amount of viewers they can for the final few episodes, because after that, who cares. I tell you, these producers/execs are wishing there was no such thing as a Tumblr, Twitter or blogs right now. Wanna bet the released synopsis will have this wording inserted instead?? That's what it SHOULD have been, but I bet the revised will be identical except for that one sentence. What a mess.
  20. God, the drama never ends with this show, I tell you. There are some major management issues too in the background. Okay, before everything decides to stick a fork in SH for good, because of the synopsis and Abbie / runaway slave, some background. SpoilerTV is the one that released that extended synopsis, not FOX. abaiers tweeted this in response to the synopsis: FOX also demanded that the synopsis be removed from the SpoilerTV site. It's no longer there. Apparently the synopsis is written by SpoilerTV, not FOX. (which makes no sense, but whatever). Damage control or just a clusterfuck of bad luck and poor management?
  21. I completely understand the outrage, but I have a feeling they are trying to do parallel when Ichabod was in jail. Abbie will be wearing strange clothes (and pants, of all things), have no ID/papers, no money, nothing on her, no explanation as to why she is being there, in the middle of a battlefield, from what it sounds like. Because humanity is dumb, some soldier will of course automatically think that she could be a runaway slave. I didn't say it's right, but its a knee-jerk reaction from a white man in a time or war, a time of male superiority and when England was really starting to rebel against slavery, yet they were still engaged in the slave trade. Slavery wasn't abolished in England until 1833, but there were rumblings against the practise for decades before. Just like you said, it will be very quick scene where he questions her, she says some things that really impact him, then he sneaks her out of there. And please don't upset over this comparision, but it can be considered something similar to a person who is a known Patriot, for example, deciding to switch sides and become a Redcoat. The Redcoats are going to throw him in jail right away and interrogate him to be SURE he isn't a traitor. I know there is a bigger picture here, adding race and being a female, but I can see WHY this would occur, if that makes sense. If Ichabod is killed by Katrina, then he is never on the battlefield. He never meets with Headless/Abraham and therefore doesn't get slashed and killed by Headless. Katrina and the coven wouldn't have put Ichabod into a deep sleep for 200+ years. Because he was in a deep sleep, and because Katrina did it, the Coven kicked her out. Because she was kicked out and sent to Purgatory, she had to leave behind her baby to be raised by Grace. If Katrina is still around, she would be able to raise the kid, the kid wouldn't be a mess, and he wouldn't have been buried alive and become the Horseman of War. Corbin lives. Headless probably won't be around. No Horseman of War. No Four White Trees and the Mills sisters. Jenny never goes to Tarrytown. Lori Mills never goes crazy. The family is normal. None of that happens. That's what I think. Other than that, it could be that she is being forced to kill Ichabod, because of Jeremy's wishes.
  22. Thanks..I think. Too bad I was right. It was the first thing I thought the moment they mentioned time travel. Are you surprised? So instead of pissing off one group or the other each week (Ichabbie vs. Ichatrina), they've decided to piss off EVERYONE!! Good job, Goffman. And so much for the "Great Love Story", eh? Katrina tries to kill Ichabod. At least that will be the final nail in the marriage coffin. I do see the parallel they are trying to do with Crane vs Abbie being in jail. Problem is with Abbie, they are walking a fine fine line here, and need to be very careful with how they do it. God, the shade from Orlando will win awards. My prediction for the record: --> Katrina trying to kill Crane - final nail in marriage coffin. They are donzo. Duh. --> Katrina stays behind in the past (of course) and can now properly raise Henry. Since he never gets buried alive, he never becomes Horseman of War, and Irving never gets killed. Crane's situation will go one of three ways: a) Crane does get axed by Headless for a second time, and Katrina puts him in the spell, he gets buried, awakens, and everything starts from scratch. However, Katrina, being evil, won't allow herself to be sent to Purgatory, and can defeat her coven, and therefore be able to raise Jeremy. But the Witnesses are still needed and Moloch is a threat again. b) Crane never gets axed in the first place. Therefore no chest scar, no burial, no waking up in the future. Katrina is not kicked out of the coven. Katrina can raise Jeremy properly. Headless also does not exist, since Crane wouldn't have beheaded him. Everything they have been through never happens. Irving never dies. However, Crane still chooses to go into the future to be with Abbie. c) Everything from above EXCEPT if they know the show won't be renewed, CRANE will be killed on the battlefield and Abbie gets sent back to the future. This episode will act like a SERIES final. If the show gets renewed, then they can start from scratch with new threats, like Katrina being the big bad or something. If the show is cancelled, Crane will be killed, Katrina and Jeremy will stay in the past and Abbie goes to Quantico. The End. No shippers win and no one is killed save for Crane. God, I'm depressed.
  23. THIS made me laugh. I love Harvey to death, and yes, he's totally a grumpy bear, but he has a heart and is loyal to Jim. Love him! Jim and Leslie are awesome together. I love their banter, flirting, etc. They have fantastic chemistry and Morena Baccarain is awesome. My only beef was Penguin. How is this guy not dead yet? He is sooo weak and should've been iced six episodes ago based on his inability to defend himself. The whole car compacter thing made me roll my eyes a little, because Penguin didn't even try to escape. Then the car is being crushed, and the driver side door pops open, allowing Penguin to actually get out of the car. Instead, he's still begging for his life on the phone. There was no reason for the owner of the lot to believe him. I don't know, I just thought it was a stupid scene. I love Maroni messing with Penguin, that was good, but it just seems that Penguin begs too much all of the time. I'm not saying that Penguin needs to be muscle. I'm just saying that he gets into too many situations where he should rightfully been shot by now. He needs to learn to save himself, not be constantly begging for his life. On top of that, Fish, Falcone and Maroni know they've been played by Penguin. So he's got no one to protect him anymore. Overall, good episode. Just, they need to "strengthen" up Penguin a bit. Have him be able to save his own butt, without begging.
  24. Episode 2.16 - What Lies Beneath - Promo Clip Wait, is that who I think it is?? It is!
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