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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Not to mention Zippers. Big huge Zippers. I also realized that her coat mirrors Crane's. It's that dark blue colour that matches his, and has large metal buttons on the collar area. The once again matched in what they were wearing. Cool. She chooses work over romance, it seems. When she went to Quantico, she broke up with Luke. She was all business (with a bit of flirt) with Hawley. She has told Ichabod countless time, our mission is more important than relationships. So yeah, I can see that - she's friend-zoned him. If they 'go there', then Crane's gonna have to be the one to 'make the move', so to speak. Because Abbie has always put work before pleasure. I agree. 17 Reasons to Love Abbie Mills.
  2. A nicely written completely truthful list cleanly detailing why Katrina had to Die. Perfect. And from the same site - 17 Reasons to Love Abbie Mills.
  3. Yeah, there are always little flaws with shows, so this thread is definately needed. Now that the season is done, I am going to close the poll in a bit, and eventually delete it. But from my poll options: Half thought Henry and/or Katrina would be gone. Henry dead - Check. Katrina dead - Check. Some thought Hawley would be dead. Hawley dead gone - Check. Moloch obviously isn't going to return - yet. And 22% thought LESS CFD, as opposed to 11% for NO CFD. But the way things ended, I would think NO Crane family drama will be in season 3 - thank god. Even Tom Mison says he's bored of it, so let's hope he can convince the writers of that too. 71% of you think that the show will be renewed, and I really hope you guys are right!! *crossfingers*.
  4. That reviewer guy is completely off the rails too. He reviewers obviously have a bias to them, in some of the comments he puts in there. And responding to the comments like he is - big no-no. It just makes him look bad. Unfortunately, another one of the guys on there will back him up and slam anyone who points out some reality checks. He should not respond at all, unless it's to something more generic, like a question like ratings. Slamming opposing opinions, and repeating it, and arguing with the commenters just look bad. What kills me is those upset that FOX pandered to the "masses." Yes, yes they did, because the "masses" left in droves. That 10% seems to not understand how statistics work and also how elections work - i.e. majority rules. If 75% say "yes" to no more Katrina and loved the finale, and another 15% say the finale was good, then guess what, that is exactly what the show should "pander" too - not a small obscure group RPGing or tweeting out utter nonsense. The latest will be by the middle of May, during the Upfronts. I suspect the announcement will be grouped with the other FOX shows not renewed yet. Though I really wish FOX would just annouce it already..Haven't the fans and viewers suffered enough?
  5. I think Crane finally finally realized that Katrina was a lost cause and that in the heat of the moment, with Abbie's life in jeopardy, he reacted. He was trying to stop her from hurting/killing Abbie and the show made it look like it was an accident, to not make Crane look too cold blooded. But her death needed to be done. What a wasted opportunity for the character of Katrina. Since day one, I've been saying Shady!Katrina is most welcome - bring it! - and there were hints dropped left right and centre. Instead, Goffman decided to live a fantasy and make her the perfect woman, worshipped on a pedestal, who could do not wrong. Yet, we've seen the last two episodes, and Winter can do the evil angry and smug witch so well. And I bet you she had fun with it. But no - Goffman and co decided to live thieir own fantasy through her, and destroy the show in the process. What could have been. And I agree - Mison reaction to Katrina's death was go heartbreaking that I didn't cheer at all - was just on the edge of my seat. He was so good overall. When it's 18th century Crane, he was so good with portraying that confident, comfortable self because he was in his element. He's in his own time, so nothing is strange - only Abbie is. Loved seeing him so confident and assure and - for want of a better word - slightly colder. But then every once in a while, a little of the quirky Crane pops in, reminding us it's still the same guy, but without a couple of years in the 21st century. When he comes rushing in to save Abbie from the cell, his annoyed reactions to Franklin, and when he's handing over those dried flowers to Grace. Loved it. He's such a good actor (I'll stop gushing now). Me too - everything you said. Abbie has seen Ichabod in is element, and has learned a bit more about him and his life there, which was nice. Also, Abbie realizes that despite the strange circumstances, Crane is a good man, and that they have a strong bond. For him to risk his life, his military position, his family, etc, for a strangely dressed woman speaks volumes. He made the right decision, just like Abbie made the right decision when Crane first showed up, however insane everything was around the,. The hug was not shipper-epic or as desperate as the one in This Is War, but it's how Crane would have reacted. Present day Crane would hug back NOW, because he's comfortable with Abbie but think about the Sin-Eater hug. Abbie runs over to give him a hug. Look at this face - he's like wide-eyed for a moment of "what the hell", then takes a few seconds to respond. And he knows Abbie at this point. A strange dressed "crazy" woman from the "future" suddenly squeezes him to death - the react was exactly what I expected. He's reserved and about propriety. I did get a kick out of Abbie half-squeezing the life out of him - thought that was hilarious. Also does he ever tower over her. Crazy. Camera's on Abbie's face straight on, and all you see is his coat buttons - not even the neck area but middle chest. And then she adjusted his coat before he goes for the Horseman. Loved that. Excellent episode. I think this one was my favourite of the SERIES, to be honest. I would buy the DVD's just for this one (Hear that FOX). This show and characters have so much potential - I really hope FOX renews it for at least one more season to see where we can go.
  6. SpoilerTV guys review of the episode, complete with salty salty delusion. Oh, and read the comments - they are hilarious yet infuriating at the same time. I have to wonder what show some of these people are watching. I really don't understand what these people are seeing on screen with watching SH. I really don't. I admire the commenters who are trying to provide a reality check, but alas, they fall on deaf ears.
  7. I'm loving these interviews, especially Mison's. He is so done with CFD, and even calls it that. He doesn't want Ichabod to be in mourning next season, because everyone (including himself) is simply bored with it. He mentions that they were talking about killing off Katrina and he thought it was a great idea. Mr. Thomas Mison - he's totally one of us! Bless you, sir! You are the best! Oh, and Goffman. You are definitely the consummate politician. Spin spin and more spin. We all know there were changes made last minute. Nice that you think that this was the plan all along. It wasn't. Also nice that you think that the mission will take precedence over Ichabbie, yet Crane dates are canon. Good one.
  8. I loved the opening scene with Crane fighting on the battlefield, but what kills me is this scene was supposed to appear in season two "This is War." Look at Crane's clothes. He's wearing the light brown breeches and white shirt that he wore at the end of the season last year that he got from the reenactment. Also, his hair is in the half-pony tail like it used to be. Also look at this coat. It seems to be in decent condition, but there is no metal button on the collar. In the very next scene, Crane's now "done up" with a vest, a slightly different coat with the collar button down, and his hair completely tied back. Even though he looks more formal, that would be what he would be wearing on the battlefield. Not that I don't like the gaping open shirt though *grin* I would love to know what the original intent was for this scene in This is War. Purgatory or something else. I'm on my third rewatch because the episode is soooo good. Season 3 please!
  9. You know, everyone`s talking about the hug. Screw the hug (seriously). Focus on Abbie taking down that sleazy guy who was going to hurt her. Hell friggin yeah! That was a thing of beauty!! The selfies on her phone - OMG, beautiful. This was a FANTASTIC episode. It kept me engaged, had action, suspense, a great story. And I'll say it - evil Katrina was awesome. This stupid show should have done this way before - how awesome and tense this show would have been. Ben Franklin - decaptiated! Damn show! The bond! GRACE DIXON! You know, I really don't want to gloat over Katrina's death, but at the same time, I really do. THIS is the best death ever. I do not care. This focus on a pathetic Katrina destroyed my show to the point that renewal is a question mark. Kat should have been evil from day five, since it's the only thing that made her interesting. The lot of us didn't want her dead because of Ichabbie. The lot of us wanted her dead because we knew that the show was being poisoned because of the unfortunate storylines. But right now, all is right in the Sleepy Hollow world. It is good, and goddammit it, season 3 better happen, because the potential is so bloody great, I cannot.....
  10. All I have to say - is my Original Four are intact. Abbie, Ichabod, Jenny and Frank. Those are the four that I want on my screen. I love the interactions and dynamic. At least the show ended (hopefully not permanently) on this. These four need to do their thing.... Also, Abbie is the American Dream - hell yeah. And Crane's birthday is August 18th. That makes him a LEO. Because I am insane, this appeals to me. Mison is a Leo, Crane is a Leo, and I just happen to be a Leo. My heart just exploded.
  11. I am so bloody happy right now. They decapitated Benjamin Franklin! Holy shit! Crane - even though you would think he would not - still listened to Abbie and got it. Grace Dixon - OMG!! She was so lovely and her magic - slamming. Ichabod looking at the selfies - damn this bloody show. Again, season 3 I and we NEED!
  12. This thread should change it's name to "She's a (Not so) Good Witch". You know what - as much as I am celebrating her death right now - having her go "baddie" earlier this season would have been AWESOME! Winter can do it acting wise, and it would have given some major angst and drama and action. Stupid fucking writers who blew that opportunity. And I'm an Ichabbie shipper.
  13. What's one way to say to the REAL FANS, we've made a fucking mistake? Have Ichabod KILL his wife to death!! Hell fucking yeah! I'll have more to say tomorrow, but hot damn. Also, Abbie taking down that Patriot who was gonna torture/abuse her. Boom, she smacks his head against the jail wall. I. LOVE. THIS. SHOW. This was a fabulous episode. If FOX is reading this, you really need to do a season 3. SEASON 3!!!
  14. Yeah, but it was a old school 70s or 80s Cadillac - you know, the ones where the Mafia can lay out four bodies in the trunk with room to spare...That car is solidly built - can plow through anything!! I thought it was weird too to leave the motor home and car outside the compound. Anyone could steal it. I guess it was done for suspense, because we don't know what's behind the walls, but still. They should have drove in.
  15. That Wes is Annalise's son given up for adoption? No, not at all. Just my speculation. I missed the first three episodes of the season, so maybe those episodes show why Annalise seems to have a closer bond with Wes. She just seems to have a soft spot for him.
  16. Oh man - I didn't see it like that during the conversation between Aaron and the boyfriend (forget his name). I took it as a way the show decided to show Rick (and the audience) that Aaron was not trying to deceive them and really wanted to help them. If he was setting up CDB, the conversation would have indicated something shady, like mentioning others that are around, or something that indicates to Rick that he should be wary of them. So by having the conversation be sweet and fluffy, it showed Rick and the audience that Aaron could be trusted. That's how I saw it. Same with the previous scene when Glenn couldn't get the Cadillac to start up again. They see the flare gun, and Aaron's like "forget this, I gotta get out of here." I took it as he knew that his partner was in danger, and wanted to leave to help his boyfriend. When that part first went on, I took it as Aaron being shady, but once he was reunited with his boyfriend, that's when I thought back to the flare gun scene and realized he just wanted to help boyfriend. Also, the White Caddy plowing through the Walkers, and being entirely red at the end of it, and Michonne pulling body parts from the grille and Glenn wiping off guts from the caddy- Damn, that was gross. Also, The flare gun in a walkers head? Awesome! (but again, gross)
  17. Great interview. I will say, this quote made my brows go up... So did I, Mr. Mison. So did I. Damn, he's not holding back in that interview though, is he? And you can tell he's so done with this season and the character assassination of Ichabod everything the wife steps into the picture. Good man.
  18. The tactics may change, but the reasons why a community would welcome more people is quite suspect. Extra people require water, food, clothing, shelter. Respecting humanity is one thing, but survival is another. Fact is, extra people are a burden and people are assholes/selfish/brutal. Again, trust no one. The reasons as to why Rick's group are so welcoming to Alexandria were never made clear....therefore...Rick and company should be quite wary.
  19. Rick's group is strong physically, therefore good for labour. Also, divest them of their guns and weapons, and treating them like slaves were treated in the past, that would (unfortunately) work, unless they would rather take their own life. Michonne's attitude makes sense, because the last episode, she was willing to make the trek to Noah's family's community, because she thought it a possibility to "settle". This community better work out, but I still am quite wary. I laughed though. The shot on the highway of the Washington Monument and the Capital building was true/correct (from what I remember), but then the next shot is like "yup, still in Georgia!"
  20. Totally agree. I "ship" them so much. What a great bond!! Okay, first of all - excellent episode. Much more engaging than last weeks (which was more sad). Totally understood why Rick was so suspect over Aaron's motivations. Once one withholds information or refuses to disclose important info, yet asks Rick and the others to TRUST him....Nope. Rick wants to feed him the apple sauce. Yeah, you may not like it, but if you want Rick to trust you, suck it up and eat it. I know it was done to make Aaron look shady, but still. Some of his behaviour was quite suspect. Trust No One. I totally get Rick. Also, you had Aaron saying "We need you..." and I'm like.....why??? Tell me why. Hubby's prediction - Rick's group is needed to perform manual slave labour for the "community." I know the spoilers, but I thought the idea made complete sense. We had the Governor with his crazy dictatorship, Terminus with the cannibalism, so what's next? Slave labour. That's just what he thought and I was like....damn, yeah....makes total sense....
  21. Makes sense. Of course there is a level of insecurity here, because Ichabod has NOT cheated on Katrina with Abbie at all. When one has a strong relationship with a strong level of trust and honestly between a pair, another woman (or man) should not be a threat at all. But seeing as that relationship is very toxic with lies upon lies, then the reaction makes sense. Maybe that's why they are all praying for Ichabod to be killed off now. (while I pray for him to be free of the wife!)
  22. Yes, that one person is quite "prolific", but there are a few others who are much worse recently. That was the post I had to educate them on the actual Washington Irving story. It was amusing. But these comments from these people have been going on for months actually. This is nothing knew - just the site is. Everytime I go to that site, my mouth drops open in shock. Just, sick sick stuff. I almost feel sorry for Katia Winter. Imagine that these people are your fans. That would suck. Episode 2:18 - Tempus Fugit - Promo
  23. SpoilerTV posted about about the "Save Sleepy Hollow" Campaign that's going on out there. This show is really an exercise on how social media can make or break or simply influence a TV show. Crazy. But I love it!
  24. This is very telling actually, and a hallmark of Ichatrina shippers. The argument against those who disliked Katrina, her storylines and the overall character arc ws always - always - "You just don't like Katrina because you ship Ichabod with Abbie." No matter what argument and proof and logic you presented about Katrina and her story arcs, it always boiled down to "You just want Abbie and Ichabod to get together." Uh no. I think the writers had the exact same mindset. They were so focused on shipping, that they never took a step back and looked at the bigger picture, looked at how Katrina was being received as a whole, how her storyline was quite disturbing, how the characters were being damaged, how the rest of the show was suffering as evidenced by the ratings. To them, it was simply those pesky Ichabbie shippers complaining that their ship was not happening fast enough. But it was never about that. It was about putting a good show on TV, respecting all of the characters and writing good storylines.
  25. If you really want to get a sense of how disturbing these people are - go here. It's a compilation of screen shots of tweets and posts the few Katrina fans have put out there time and time again. Beware, because your blood pressure will rise. Four of them all belong on one other forum and myself and a few others have had to dole out periodic smackdowns and reality checks over their comments. It's really sad, actually, that there are these people like this out there. They also keep calling Ichabbie fans racists. To quote The Princess Bride - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
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