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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. It's the nickname someone gave Rick's group way back when (like season 1 or 2). They were christened as such, because almost everyone in the camp made the stupidist decisions with regards to safety and survival, to the point that they might as well have been ringing the dinner bell for the Walkers to come and chow down on them. That group did things so idiotic and made things so easy for the Walkers. I think Rick, Carl and Carol are the only remaining originals of CDB, and all three of them have come a long, long way.
  2. I really liked this episode - and show overall - and think that JLM does an amazing job portraying his pain at his past, the things he did in his past during his addictions, and how it really did destroy part of him. I do think this storyline should have been a two-parter. End the first part with a cliff-hanger that Sherlock really did it, then have Bell, Joan and Gregson did up more evidence that would exonerate Sherlock. Didn't quite get the reason WHY that Councilman did what he did. Maybe I missed this, but the two cops who brought in the napkin, questioned Sherlock about Maria's murder. But where did the napkin come from? Did Councilman guy hold onto it for 3 years then give it to the cops?? Made no sense, especially since he tells Sherlock himself that he's read up on Holmes, and knows that Holmes is good with finding clues and evidence that others missed. Why bring in a proficient investigator who could possibly expose you? What did I miss??
  3. Y'all...are....HEATHENS! (especially you, JH - and I love it!) :D I was a teen of the grunge 90s, therefore long hair, scruff/beard or goatee on a guy is totally my thing...sorry Happy Belly. Crane's mine!
  4. In typical tone-deaf FOX fashion, I don't think they have any CLUE as to the memes that this fandom comes up with. "Celebrate Henry and Katrina?" Oh FOX, you have no idea of the snark and hilarious things these people can come up with. It will not be pretty.
  5. I wonder if it's CDB has to try and forget the horror they've gone through the last two years or whatever as they settle in to ASZ. They have to forget what they did, how they lived hand to mouth, the fear, and uncertainty and all of the killing that occcured. The flip side is that they may realize that they can't forget the past - as much as they want to try - and instead need to actually embrace it. Like Carl said, he doesn't want them to get weak. If CDB forgets the last two years, they will become weak. Just my speculation.
  6. Oh, I like this idea. I really do. It makes sense too. Noah's community looked similar to ASZ, what with the manicured lawns and big houses, etc. The Wolves tried and apparently succeeded in raiding that community. I know there is a distance issue, but maybe they are systematically moving along to various areas. Maybe they are even some sort of military with vehicles, etc. The ASZ residents we can see are too soft right now - they need Rick's group to help them defend. They have good defense with the wall, but all it takes is a bunch as asshole humans to build ladders and scale the walls, since there is no perimeter defense, ala Woodbury. Because remember, how does ASZ KNOW about Rick's group in the first place? I can see someone - like Morgan for example - telling Deanna about them. Hmmm...
  7. Here is your pre-air and speculation thread to discuss the 13th episode of Season 5 - Forget. This includes general discussion on the episode, your thoughts, ideas, and all your crazy conspiracy theories, as long as you remain respectful and thoughtful in your posts. As always, beware the spoilers and spoiler tags are your friend. This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread and continue the discussion.
  8. This is your thread to discuss the 13th episode of season 5 - Forget. The gang is still in Alexandria hanging out, taking showers, sleeping comfortably, wearing clean clothes, eating good food, side-eyeing the others, kicking butt and taking names (wait, what?) Please keep all discussions friendly, respectful, creative and intelligent. As always, please do not post any comic spoilers in this thread, unless you liberally spoiler tag it. Also, for the record, ASZ (for Alexandria Safe Zone) is no longer considered a spoiler and can be used as a shortform to refer to the Alexandria community. This thread will open at 10:00 pm. Prior to that, please go to the Pre Air and Speculation thread to chat about the show until then. Be good and Happy posting.
  9. Hawley or Orion?? Hey, Abraham van Brunt before death too...Ah, jhlipton, you are the best! Just hilarious.*grin*
  10. The latest date we will have to wait will be May 11th. That's when FOX is scheduled to announce their renewals/cancellations. So the maximum we will have to suffer is 2 more months of BTS drama. I'll be interested to see what other drama comes out during that time.
  11. * nuzzles Crane over a little, pulls back the covers, invites jhlipton in....* I'm sure he can handle both of us...Yup. Zero shame. AHEM! To keep this thread on track... - Watching a Cirque du Soleil show - At a shooting range with Abbie - I probably said it above, but him completely hammered (or both hammered) - Watching an air show, specifically with any fighter jet, such as F16, F18s or F22 Raptors. - Whalewatching - offered Lobster (gourmet?? This food is for prisoners!!)
  12. I love TURN, so hell yes! Also, getting his reactions to the movie Interview with the Vampire. I watched it recently, and would love his comments/reactions on the Louis/Lestat flashback scenes, when they are at Louis' plantation and the partying that they did. Hee. Ban you...I'm kicking you out of said bed and jumping in myself. *GRIN* Yeah, I've got no shame.
  13. Thank you! We Canadians just want to be able to talk about this awesome show in a timely manner. *GRIN* On that note - I thought this was a pretty good episode. The cyber aspect of it really hits home, in the sense that there is no more privacy anymore. Also, the contrast of the IT guys being so confident with computers, yet the moment real investigating takes place, they were lost. I liked how the 'fake' documents that Henry had were so easy to uncover as fake, and it makes perfect sense. In this digital age with all of the security, it would be much harder for Henry to fake his life. Before, when it was all paper, he had a better chance. Liked the girl at the end putting him as Oxford grad, except if one inquires at Oxford, there would be no record of Henry. The blonde IT chick committing suicide make no sense - she could just disappear and do her IT thing and get a new identity. Just made no sense. Nora, Nora, Nora. You are crazy. When Henry and the other girl (I forget her name) were like "how far would you go to protect yourself." I thought for sure that Henry would off Nora, to keep her silent, but I remembered that the show sated that Henry never killed anyone deliberately. Still, I would really consider it. What a crazy stupid foolish woman. Jo and Henry lying in bed, facing each other and chatting - warmed my shipper heart and so cute. I really hope they renew this show - it's so much fun!!
  14. Or...have Beharie and Greenwood do a talk over for the episode Mama. Mison and Beharie a talk over for Tempus Fugit. Winter and Noble do a talk over for Awakening. Orlando and Neil Jackson do a talk over for The Akeda, Mison and Jackson do one for Magnum Opus (or whatever episode had the flashback with them fencing). Also, by talk over, I mean the way they did on the season 1 DVD - just the episode running in the background and the actors rambling on about stuff. And maybe have the lot of them do a Q&A special features, along with *cough - Goffman*, Metzner and some of the others.) I obviously tried to pick the episodes where the actors were more featured or "died"/died. See how easy that was, FOX?? And if your little messed up pseudo-suits don't have that time, then hire Orlando Jones to run this - he's apparently very skilled at AV production and editing. Let him take care of business in his awesome way. All FOX has to do is view and sign off on it. DONE. ETA: DVD-gate 2k15. Ha! But those tags...those bloody tags...to quote Orlando, the "fuckery" behind the scenes must be epic...and just tiresome.
  15. You know it. Season 2 was all about CFD. Therefore it makes sense that Mison, Winter, and John Noble will do it, with Mark Goffman at their side, spouting his brilliant vision and how this was all planned from the start and how Katrina is wonderful as a "complex" character. If Mison does do it - I really, really hope he ends up being shady as fuck and just make some off-handed snark here and there and there that make you smile like the Cheshire cat. He can 'blame' his Britishness for the American public for not "understanding" his true meaning. Becaues from stuff I've heard, Mison is quite protective of Beharie, and he's gushed about her from day one. You know he's not happy either - he just wisely remains silent. I WILL say this - in the season 1 DVD, only Mison and Beharie did commentary with Wiseman and Iscove. So it makes sense to have the others do season 2 (especially since two of them were killed off). However, because this season was such a mess in marginalizing any of the POC, this is such a slap in the face. If we didn't have the fuckery of season 2, Beharie not doing commentary wouldn't even be an issue. It's just the putrid icing on the rancid cake that is the mess that is SH. *sigh*
  16. Someone asked Orlando is he's doing commentary: The usually sarcastic, almost always enthusiastic and at times loquacious Jones with a one word response. Hmmm....
  17. The Small Talk thread should really be just for chatting and yaddering about anything BUT the X-Files episodes themselves. If you want to discuss a season as a whole, please head on over to the dedicated threads for the full season, or the individual episode threads. This one should really be just for random yadda yadda yadda....(oh wait, wrong show).
  18. This whole SH thing just screams to me of ego and of complete miscommunication and mismanagement. The show rarely if ever does promo. The core four rarely appear on talk shows. There are no promos or advertisements except for the bare minimum. Stuff like this I don't think is determined that early. There are steps and tasks to complete throughout a TV show season - think of project management - there are tasks to complete and milestones to hit by certaindates, and things to remember on the way. The DVD stuff and commentary is something a couple of people have probably been starting to focus on once the show's final episode was completed in its entirety (but not necessarily aired yet). Once production and post-production is done, they could now go onto the next task. But it also depends on the availability of the actor/actress to do said commentary. I have other DVDs and movies where the main people don't do commentary, because a) they are too busy b) probably think it's beneath them at this point in their career. Back to my original point. There is a clear disconnect and a complete lack of communication between the TV show and the network itself. No one can tell me that half of those people haven't got some type of clue as to the clusterfuck of this season and the backlash. All it takes is one of two people to hear about it, then water cooler talk happens and the word spreads. Ego may have something to do with it though - Kevin Reilly loved SH, and FOX kicked him out, so there may be an inadvertent hatred of the show at FOX, because the new PTB feel it is a reminder of Kevin Reilly and these people have large ego and arrogance and think they know better (sometimes they do). But with the show runner and the writers and Abaiers (as K/O rep) and the cast knowing full well on what is happening and having to answer questions about the mess of season 2, there is something that doesn't make sense. FOX steps in to retool the show, but why, if they don't seem to want it to do well. Yet, they haven't cancelled it just yet, but at the same time, we are getting serious shade from the actors, promises from K/O and bitterness from the writers. You would think the writers would want to save their jobs at least, so would do extra things to make sure the show continues on. I've never seen so much dysfunctional and miscommunication and LACK of communication within a group of showrunners and writers and TV network management ever. I've read passing comments on Joss Whedon and some of the Walking Dead earlier showrunners, but never a mess like this, *sigh* FOX, just clean house. Get rid of Goffman. You can keep Metzner, but he never writes for Jenny. Get rid of the obviously Ichatrina-stan who is in the FOX promo department. Get your FOX guys to send the four out on interviews (assuming they want to). And for gods' sake ---> COMMUNICATE.
  19. I swear FOX is doing a social media experiment with the SH fandom as guinea pigs. FOX Exec: "Let's see how the fans react when we do this: a) release a synopsis that is insulting to WOC b) deny our WOC the opportunity to do commentary on S2 c) have the actors do 180's every week on what they want to see on the show re: Ichabbie d) see how long the fans will demand S3 renewal, while we drag our heels e) get the writers to insult the majority of the fans just for kicks by calling them 'not true fans', but also suddenly jump to their side and praise them f) see how long they can tolerate a terrible written person of no redeeming character. FOX Exec: "Excellent idea! And let's not forget to promote the hell out of Empire and tell the public that we LOVE shows with diversity!"
  20. Aww...thanks, topanga! You too are absolutely awesome! Here here. Though this stupid show it doing it's utmost to drive me up the bloody wall.
  21. Alright then. Since a couple of you have mentioned at this point it's not a spoiler, if you guys want to refer to the Alexandria community as ASZ, (for Alexandria safe zone), then you may. It will no longer be considered a spoiler (I was wondering, since last week it was). Carry on.
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