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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. This is what I'm thinking too. We had Katrina lamenting her friends back in her own time, and how she missed them and her era. Now the time travel spell was introduced. I bank on that too. And for Crane to stay behind though - THAT is huge. He's been going on about his wife, his marriage, a new life ad nauseum. For him to choose to stay would be big. Then his wife will not be killed off, appeasing one group. He can mourn her, and move on and there is no issue with him cheating, or betraying his wife. Man, I hope this happens. However, it does leave the door open for her to return to the present time....unless they pointedly say that the spell is a one-way spell.
  2. I agree with the comments about Helena. i.e. there was no difference between Katrina and Helena, except for the clothes and blonde wig. The voice was exactly the same, and I'm like, "you couldn't put on another accent?? Nothing?" Not too good. At least we had confirmation that Katrina's powers are plant-based. Anyone wanna tell me again that the root that Mary Wells tripped on was conveniently already there?? Yeah right. The writers, however, have no idea what the word "powerful" is. From day one, they have been repeating over and over again, "Katrina is a powerful witch." "Katrina's powers are growing stronger." Where? Freezing and blowing up flowers. As someone else pointed out above, she is such a delicate flower that she tries her weak powers once, and if they don't work, she stands there blankfaced. DO SOMETHING!! Run at the person, cast another spell, throw something at them! Se just stands there doing...nothing. The anger that Crane channels when anyone hurts his special snowflake..(flowerflake?) I wish he could channel that anger and kill off Henry once and for all. However the end with Irving - very interesting. First he's all confused at what's going on with him, but he's going to be helping Henry. It's gonna be good. When the time travel thing was mentioned, I laughed. Then my first thought was - good, they can send Katrina back to her time and off the show. Second thought? The end of the season is going to have all three of them (Crane, Abbie and Katrina) zapped back to the past. I'm not joking.
  3. CFD = aka the bullshit waste of time about Henry and his inability to actually get humanity, and how Crane (Ichabod) becomes a useless foil in the presence of his wife, and how his wife (Katrina) would rather allow humanity to burn and die, than actually do something to save it. Oh dear - this is very volatile of me. CFD --> Crane Family Drama.
  4. Mmmm. Yeah, I get the fear over the Evil!Katrina. Last thing we want is more of her. This episode illustrated that. However, I will start with this --> For the first time in SH viewing history, Katrina did not irritate me, piss me off, make me roll my eyes. The part when her eyes rolled white, due to the evil influences - awesome....truly!! I found it VERY interesting that Crane was looking for a place for himself. Note the words. He did not say "we". He said "I". Huge, huge words utilized. Other than that, it was a decent episode. Eh, last weeks was infinately better, but you know what - I didn't groan at Katrina, I didn't hate, I didn't curse. Actually, her testing her magic was pretty fucking cool - I was all over that. Even her eyes going all "evil" at one point. See, I thought that was awesome!!
  5. Yeah, there's a bit of a theme with those people, I tell you. Now that I am semi-done mourning the "Worst Play Call in SuperBowl History", I went back to check. 382 comments! Wow. These articles usually only get around 50 comments or less. I swear this person learned his PR from M. Raven Metzner and company. He's agreeing wholeheartedly with those who support his review/Katrina, and bashing/deleting most of the rest. There are a couple of people pointing out WHY they dislike Katrina, and how the ratings have tanked due to the CFD, nicely and logically, and he's getting up in arms. Dude. Dude...Either ignore the question, or respond with Well, I see it like this, but thank you for your insight, I really appreciate your comment. Oh, and here is a concept - don't write such a poor biased review in the first place. If the drama on the show itself isn't enough, the behind the scenes or fandom drama will be. Five Things to Know about Spellcaster. Just a few things about the episode, no major spoilers.
  6. TV Juriste, you need to rate the episodes on a scale from 1 (Deliverance aka bad bad episode) to 10 (Sin Eater, Mama, or whatever one you think is amazing) and let us know. *grin*. For scientific and reference purposes of course. That SpoilerTV review now has over 100 comments....god love this fandom! Go Seahawks!
  7. Good point about the timing of the Mison clip. Most likely deliberate. Good PR move. Honestly, with the way this guy wrote the review, I don't think he even knows what the episode was about. He's too focused on pretty Katrina and her hair and whatnot, that maybe to him, the episode featured Katrina prominently because that's all he paid attention to. *grin* Read the comments too. They are amusing. I'm putting stock in the reviewers who basically have complained about the same things I've (we've) complained about in the last few weeks. If those people now come out and say the episode is good, then I believe them. It's kind of the reverse bias, but the things pointed out were legitimate, not just how pretty someone was.
  8. Indi, I wouldn't take what this guy writes, or the regular guy who does the reviews seriously, in terms of what's actually in the episode. Both are major Katrina fan-guys. The regular guy thought Deliverance was an awesome episode (the hell?). If you notice in the so-called review, all he does is gush about how pretty Katrina is, how amazing she is, how awesome her magic is, her hair colour, yadda yadda. On top of that, he makes the point to say he doesn't ship Ichabbie. What does shipping have to do with the episode? The regular guy does the same thing in each review. There is nothing of substance here (IMO). In the comments, he says that Katrina is gone for half of the episode to "recharge." her powers, and that it's mostly Crane and Mills in the thick of it. These reviews from SpoilerTV are notoriously biased towards Katrina. I take more stock in reviews that are neutral, logically analyze what's one screen. Also, TV Juriste has seen the episode and thinks it's pretty decent. I trust her word, so am gonna watch.
  9. I've heard this also, that the previews you lucky guys get were halted for a while. I think it happened after the Deliverance episode. There was so much negative comments about the episode before it actually aired, it was insane. The beginning of the end. So you've seen it, and it looks to be a step in the right direct?? Yes? Excellent. They can't fix everything right away, it will take time. Kali Yuga had some small tweaks made, but yeah, I also heard that Spellcaster is the first episode with the major changes. This sounds like a step in the right direction. For what's its worth, from Marisa Roffman, who writes for GiveMeMyRemote, commenting about Spellcaster.
  10. Go here. Scroll down a while to find it.
  11. That's why I love the guy. He's just does not care. God, I am finding this all so bloody hilarious. Of course I'm commenting, so I'm part of the craziness, but still. The Schaden is strong today. But I will say that I am totally creeped out by this person. Truly. It gives me so much second-hand embarrassment but it's like creepy too. Same with that one person on twitter who lost it this week. We're talking stalker levels of creep. There is only one person who has a true grasp of the character, the mentality, the mannerisms, the physicality and overall how Ichabod SHOULD appear on screen. And that would be Mr. Tom Mison aka The Man Who Launched a Million Few Entertaining Meltdowns!! He is the one who brings the written material to life on screen. Everyone else is just a parody or a cosplay with no real insight into the actual character. ETA: Okay, my mouth dropped when I viewed this. Reason #1) damn, Mison was looking FINE right at the beginning of the clip. Wow. #2) THIS was interesting, even though much of it was about Katrina. This is what I want to see. And an actual explanation of a certain thing we've been complaining about. What the guy said to Katrina - damn show....
  12. Too late. The heads have already started exploding and its not pretty. It's quite disturbing actually. For the record (from a knowledgeble source), that segment was filmed some time in November. Also, all of the clips are from Heartless and prior. Honestly though, Mison's just messing/teasing with the fans and the shipping, that's all. Is there some truth in it? (i.e. hinting at the show). We shall see. It's still pretty funny though/makes me laugh.
  13. LOL. Yeah, I love that we're crazy devoted enough that we are analyzing icons that abaiers throws into a tweet for fun. Hee. I intrepreted his icons like this --> OMG, I LOVE this episode, it's so shocking! Be prepared to cry though. There's gonna be some evil, but don't worry, we know what you want. There's gonna be action and explosions! Someone's going to die, but you're gonna celebrate!! You're going to have hope about something, then you are going to cheer when it happens, and I think you'll LOVE it! It might be a gamble, but this episode is so worth it! Or he could've been drunk and just randomly clicked icons!!
  14. I took it like this. From the actual quote, my modification in bold: "All of us hope that no matter how bad we (Abraham or Henry) get, we (Abraham/Henry) can somehow be redeemed by the love of another person. No matter how evil he (Abraham or Henry) gets, I think it's either redemption through her (Katrina) saying, "I was right," (they can be redeemed) or I'm (Abraham or Henry) going to make her (Katrina) suffer for the rest of her (Katrina's) life" The "I was right" is Katrina saying that. At least that's how I intrepreted it. Especially since to me, this has been almost spot-on portrayed in the show.
  15. That is really interesting, this response by Orci in hindsight. The things that stood out, the "I was right." part. Haven't we heard this repeated over and over again. 'Katrina was right." and the whole focus on redemption. Well, I was never invested during the flashbacks. I thought they dragged the whole show down. And instead of half-baked riddles, she did half-baked magic. And they did run in circles - rescue Katrina, she goes back to Headless, rescue Katrina, she goes back. Redeem Henry, maybe not, redeem Henry, maybe not. Fiery personality - I've only seen it a few times - there should have been many more examples of it. Earlier in the season, there were a ton of behind-the-scenes pictures released that showed the writers and Winter at a bar or something, writing and discussing stuff. The description indicated that Katia was talking to the writers about her storylines, where it was to go. This is why both Mison and Beharie have been smart with their twitters. Beharie, barely says anything except a few shoutouts to fans. Mison, nothing. Avoiding social media with reference to criticing ones job is the right decision. Orlando gets away with it, because he's a comedian and shades everyone and was doing it from day 1, so its not such a glaring change. She really should have said nothing. The final cut is definitely for SH episode 18. I kinda of read this as Goffman is just glad it's over, and also thinly veiled message to fans. 232 obviously references how "old' Ichabod is (how many years between when he was buried and woke up." The clensing and shaving, I think because he tends to have stubble and some fans have negatively commented on it and it's percieved hygiene of it. .(C'mon stubble is awesome!").
  16. I found the article that mentioned it. Sleepy Hollow Mid Season Post Mortem. It's around the middle of the article, when he was asked about the Mama episode.
  17. Before James Corden takes over as host, the show is going to be having a revolving door of guest hosts. Link to the schedule.
  18. Goffman mentioned it in some print interview recently, maybe even around the hashtag fallout and the scrambling by the writers. You never know though - There was mention of implications for Abbie...
  19. Episode 2.17 - Awakening - Extended Synopsis. Ahh....lots of spoilers in this one so beware. Sounds interesting...
  20. This is a fabulous idea. I love it. Implying that if Frank looked at his own reflection, he wouldn't see himself, but he would see Henry, or even the Horseman of War's avatar. The ending scene did make Katrina seem shady, but if her concerned look was because she knew what had really happened (and we find out in the next episodes), that would also make sense. Also lends credence to the theory at the beginning of the episode that Frank becomes War. That's why she took his reflection away - so he doesn't know, and the next steps could be planned. I like it. My only complaint is that the first thing she did was ask about Henry. This is why people don't like Katrina. Not concerned about the dead man himself. Not concerned about what he's feeling or thinking. Just "where's Henry." Unless again we find out she already suspected and that's why she asked. Shallowness time. Hawley should have spent more time shirtless this season *grin*. And damn, can Mison drop his voice very low. Seriously deep voice when singing. Awesome. Also, I like that Mison suggested the sailor shanty for Ichabod to sing. If you already didn't now, the song is about a sailor who gets syphilis.
  21. Totally forgot to add - Crane driving Hawley's Mustang!! Come on!! That was awesome! I was hoping to see Crane driving again and he's a speed demon. Really good episode, truly.
  22. Fabulous, fabulous episode! Seriously! I loved it. I rewinded the opening like three times to rewatch. Gnarls Barkley's Crazy - excellent choice. The four of them at the bar, drinking, relaxing, having fun. My god, the cheering and major whistling from Crane - loved seeing him with his "hair down", literally and figuratively. THIS was one of the best episodes this season for me. Hands down. Even the story focus on Hawley was perfectly fine. I never had an issue with Hawley - liked his character so am sad to see him written out. And yes, he was written out - confirmed on twitter. Hope to see him back in season 3 ever once in a while. It's too bad, because he would've been fun to pop up every once in a while. Jenny, Crane and Abbie are the trio I absolutely love. Loved Jenny asking both Crane and Abbie about their relationship. Loved the argument when Crane and Abbie were locked in the vault. Yes, Abbie needs to get more angry at Crane, but this is a step in the right direction. They really act like a married couple, don't they? And contrast this with how there is never a proper conversation between Crane and Katrina. There is nothing wrong with Ichabod and Abbie talking things out - that's how good relationships thrive. They work things out. Suppressing everything is a serious issue in marriage. See Katrina. The story with Hawley feeling compelled to help Camilla was really good too - solid I thought. Well acted, well done. Jaime Murray was a good guest star. I contrast that with last weeks Michelle T. as Abigail Adams, who fell very flat. Very little Katrina and when she was there, she didn't drag the story down or bring the pace to a screeching halt. But yet again, here we go with her. So selfish. It's all about her and her son. No care for Irving, no concern, nothing. Please show, just take what has already been established for 1.5 seasons and make her evil. Even when you write her neutral, she comes off terrible and shady. Just do it!! Overall, loved it. The karaoke was fun, awesomely done!! I liked seeing them just relaxing at the bar, drinking, having fun. No one mentioned it, either here or on the show, but I thought it was very strange that the wife wasn't there. I mean, you want her to get used to modern times, and hitting a bar is one way to do that. I don't want her there, but if you step back and look at it - strange, isn't it? Instead, we have Crane and Abbie on a double date with Jenny and Hawley. Thank you show!! Seriously. Loved this episode. This one is one that I will rewatch. It's been a long, long time since I felt that way, but this one was really good. If this is the direction the show has turned to, it's a very good one. Step in the right direction. This is what should have been seen throughout the entire season. Well done, show!
  23. I read that information about a week or so back. The individual who originally posted this does know some people who work on the show (behind the scenes) and is aware of things that will happen on the show that most of us are not aware of at this point. I can see this for this reason. I totally don't expect Ichabod to have a stream of woman coming and going from the cabin, and him screwing his way through the women of Sleepy Hollow. He isn't going to be shown sleeping around at all. What I DO expect to see is this: He'll meet a few woman, go on a couple of dates, and realize that these woman are NOT ABBIE. It's a way for the show to demonstrate that no matter who comes into his life romantically - they are not Abbie. If the show gets the third season and they go ahead with romantic Ichabbie, that's what I expect. It's that typical TV trope of a person denying their attraction to another person, until they finally realize that that particular person is "The One." He'll realize that he really enjoys Abbie's company, spending time with her, etc, once he goes on dates with other woman.
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