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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Wanna know what song Ichabod sings? Wanna hear Mr. Mison sing? Here you go. (He's got a nice voice, and I love the noticable accent change at one point - I like). TVLine article about Monday's episode (spoilers of course) and clip - Crane's Karaoke Debut
  2. The URL is actually The website is actually scifinow.co.uk, not scifi.co.uk. I fixed your weblink for you in your original post, DJG1122. I'll throw it in here too. Article link ---> HERE
  3. Episode 2.16 - What Lies Beneath - Extended Synopsis. Okay...weird and kinda been there before, same plot repeated, but okay. Episode 2.14 - Kali Yuga - Four Sneak Peaks.
  4. ScreenSpy did an interview with Tom Mison about the rest of the season, the finale of season 2, yadda, yadda. Some interesting stuff. Some hinted spoilers in the article, so beware.
  5. Yeah, but previews, trailers and promos are important parts of the advertising of the show. That's why we still have movie trailers and promo commercials on TV. To get people excited about the show and make them jazzed about something they really want to see on screen. You can use social media to reach a small segment, but news articles, magazine covers/articles, TV promos are needed also, and that seems to be sorely lacking with the show. At the end of season 1, and beginning of season 2 they released a 5 minute long "trailer" that made it look like a movie that were very cool. So imagine releasing a 5-7 minute long trailer, showcasing Abbie and Ichabod, Jenny and Irving, some action, some creepyness, etc and that's IT. And do it fast. Promo season 3 episode 1 and focus on Abbie with Ichabod. And actually feature them prominently in the episode. Then episode two, feature them prominently together. Episode 3, more of that. The audience that left, stopped watching because of the lack of focus on Ichabbie, and Abbie/Jenny in particular. So make that the focus, back it up with news articles, TV guide, web articles, interviews, etc that reinterate what will happen in the show. Then actually film episodes that showcase these characters and relationships, and you CAN get some - if not most - of the audience back. By actually coming through on what you promised the audience, then they may slowly come back. It may take a couple episodes or more, but it will work. The fact that this show shed viewers so rapidly tells me they can regain viewers rapidly. The Walking Dead had a really bad season 2, and people had may issues with season 3 and on, but they slogged through and now look at them. Season 5 going strong, tons of viewers, in fact growing each year. The X-Files started out slow, hit its stride after a couple of years. So there is a chance. Look at me, being all positive.
  6. On a shallow note, yeah the man-bun is a really weird choice for the hair department to do. Why would Crane put his hair up like that, for a "business casual". Remember the Purgatory scene last year, with Crane and his father. Why didn't they just do his hair like that? Completely pulled back into a neat ponytail. I mean, I'm sure Abbie has a spare hair elastic she could give Crane. There are tons of guys with long hair today, and they just pull it back in a ponytail. I guess this is another case of Crane doing something goofy in the presence of his wife?? :') Sad isn't it. He's probably bored to bits too and isn't working alongside his favourite acting partner like he used to be. Notice when he's talking with Abbie at the end about Irving and the bullet, he's much more lively and has a real spark with Abbie. Then he goes to talk to Katrina, and the spark is very muted. There was a little, but no where near the spark with Abbie. Not sure if its a subconscious or not. I did laugh that it seemed like Ichabod is having a flirty conversation with Abbie, then seems to remember his wife exists. It was almost like "I guess I should go talk to her." Also interesting that this is the second time the show has deliberately pointed out that Ichabod never mentions the wife to anyone else. Strange.
  7. Exactly it. Especially if restoration work or preservation work is to be done. Someone would have found that large journal. It would be different if it was a slip of paper hidden somewhere, but not a large journal like that. A piece known to belong to a prominent person would have been searched thoroughly, if only to possibly find some paper work or something that could garner a large sum of money at auction. As for the necklace, I think early this season it was mentioned that she can't take the necklace off. It's enchanted somehow so the clasp can't be opened or the chain broken. So not her choice. And I admit, I like the necklace. And technically, Ichabod picked it out for her. He just didn't buy it for her.
  8. Tom and Lorenzo speak no lies... This made me laugh too: ETA: Don't forget to read the comments....
  9. Or that the drawers weren't opened and searched, even if it was just to clean them. That a large journal could remain easily hidden in the top shelf drawer for over 200 years. Antiques Roadshow would be appalled, as am I. The Cake is a Pie and Darian - your posts are gold!! So hilarious!! Made me howl!
  10. I feel bad for you, TV Juriste, having to rewatch the episode for the recap *grin*. Make sure to include the blatent LIE about Katrina knowing she was preggers AND the fact that her and Ichabod have zero chemistry or any modicum of passion at all. Ichabod has more passion ranting about modern day injustices than his own bloody wife. You can quote me on that!! Hee. The South Park made me laugh. The Daily Show I love. Good choices.
  11. I'm hoping not doomed either. Maybe some people bailed on the show because of the TCA announcements. Possibly. But I think it's more the fact that we all knew it was Katrina focused. I mean, the esisode prior to this got half a million more viewers. Goffman and co can sit there and make excuses all they want, but there is a single reason why the show is failing. Okay, maybe not a single reason, but a focus on a particular character and everything connected to her (except Ichabod) that is causing the show the fail. I didn't even think the episode was that bad. Dull, but not cringe-inducing. Still. Ratings don't lie.
  12. Awww...poor Liza. It seemed she really like Falcone, probably in a fatherly way. Damn, Falcone for killing her. And Fish - so easily shut down by Falcone. Her plan was ridiculous. Falcone wouldn't simply step aside. She should have know that even if he DID, others loyal to him would step in and cause havoc. I get her respect for him, but really? Weak Fish. Penguin - again, one punch takes him out. RLT plays him excellently, but the character goes from manipulative to weak and begging to comically stupid. Too bad. I just don't see how this guy can be an uber-villian. Can I just say - I love Bullock to death. He is hilarious. Just awesome. Him and Jim are amazing together. Great chemstry.My two favourites characters are Jim and Bullock. And Jim threathening the commish - excellent. And Jim and Leigh?? Barbara who? Morena Baccarin is so much more engaging and interesting than Barbara. Keep her.
  13. Totally forgot the add: Jenny: Maybe Katrina can help.... Abbie: rolls eyes. The shade...the brilliant shade...
  14. Oh, why am I not surprised. A Katrina-centric Date episode got demo ratings of.... 1.3! 4.16 million viewers before adjustments. That means that half a million viewers bailed because they were disgusted and/or turned off by an episode that features the Crane's on a date. Duh. Go figure. Smart viewers. In a court case, the judge or jury would have ruled "guilty" by now. The evidence is overwhelming.
  15. Eh. It wasn't that bad, but at the same time, I'd had some cocktails so you know - medicine. Unfortunately I don't remember the end of the episode and what happened but it doesn't seem like I missed much. Things to point out. Why is Abbie helping Crane dress for his "date". I find it very interesting that usually on TV it's the WIFE who ties the tie or adjusts the collar or whatever for her man, usually with some witty or funny or romantic dialogue and a passionate kiss. Yet, here we have Abbie doing it, not the wife. And seriously - Katrina should be able to HEAR everything they are saying. She's only like five feet away. This show. And this so-called perfect romance. Okay, when they are looking at the couple who are touching each others butts. With a couple that actually likes each other, they would see that, make a joke, and do the same thing. Are the Crane's even attracted to each other? Then we have her kissing him, and he pulls back because he has to investigate something. See, in a real romance, the guy would probably pull back, say something like "I've got to go" and sweep in for another kiss before leaving. I watched Gotham prior to this show and the kiss was nice there. Can someone explain to me how this couple is supposed to be the perfect epic 18th century romance. BORE-ING. Dead in the water. It is anti-chemistry, but also the writing. If they really want to sell it, it has to be done better (not like I want to see it). Ichabod had more chemistry and life in him talking to Abbie on the phone, for god's sake. End the marriage now. Loved, LOVED Jenny yelling out loud that Hawley didn't tell her about leaving in ONE bullet. Hilarious. And once again, here is the difference. Jenny may be squicked out when taking bullets out of the zombie. But she does it. Then we have Katrina who cannot put her hand in a jar of rats. This is a witch!! Eye of rat, toe of frog. Just pathetic. I cried when Frank was in the interrogation room and Abbie spoke to him. The puppy dog eyes....! Orlando, what you doing to me?? But seriously, the gang just popped Irvings body in the ground, no ceremony, no nothing? Dear god. That is terrible. Seriously. I liked Abbie being all firm in her mistrust for Irving. She only ever bends for Ichabod. He's the only one that can make her change her mind or at least try other options. Man. I wish at times she would hold firm to her beliefs, but it really tells you how much of an impact Ichabod has on Abbie, and how much she believes in him. Not always a good thing, but... And once again - Abbie and Ichabod are the best with each other. Ichabod is awesome too with everyone BUT his wife. Then he becomes really boring. That art restorer guy I liked a lot, and even the opening of the episode with the jazz playing in the background I liked. But Katrina is deadly boring, there is no chemistry at all. End the marriage. Oh, and Michelle Trachenburg was terrible. Someone somewhere mentioned that she was a terrible actress and they were right. It was like modern day woman playing in the 18th century. Bad, bad casting. And remember, the casting department has been pretty much spot on with their selections. And I would love a Katrina defender to tell me. Katrina told Ichabod that she didn't know she was pregnant when she buried him. But she knew. She told Abigail Adams she was. I suspect the writers just forgot, because they are lousy writers. But if it's deliberate, then this person has told yet another lie, and yet she never gets called out for it, has to answer for it. Pathetic. If FOX renews for season 3 and retools, just give me Abbie, Jenny, Frank and Ichabod. They are the best. The foursome is what makes the show so enjoyable. The rest - even though I like Hawley - can go away. ETA: Forgot to add. How on earth does Katrina NOT know the people her husband dealt with. He may have not told her he was a spy, but we know Ichabod is a proud boastful man. He would definately have told his beloved of the people he talked to in the war. Again, makes no sense. She already knows. These writers are writing them like they don't know each other at all.
  16. SLEEPY HOLLOW: Orlando Jones Teases Surprises, and More I'm calling it now.
  17. Please don't feel bad, savinggrace. And don't think those thoughts didn't float through my mind. Then I have to slap myself for allowing myself to think like that. Woman have enough problems in the world without perpetuating this stereotype too. *bad me!* We all know casting couch scenarios exist. But we also know that female actresses are judged a lot on looks/body, while the males have a pass. So I don't want this board to go there, because I believe we are better than that. :') Scratch that - I KNOW we are better than that on this board. I bet some of you already have, but if you've read any of the racist garbage that came out this weekend after the TCA announcements, you'd be appalled and livid (or maybe not surprised). It's not the first time, it won't be the last, but regardless, it's garbage. That's what I think too. If they did, they would be thrilled with developing the Sleepy Hollow universe and mythology and creating a show "bible" to adhere to. It seems like they are just going through the motions, hence the uncreative ideas and stale dialogue. I'm cynical so anything's possible, so you never know. I guess we will find out soon enough. And yeah, lets hope its because of reshoots. Four more episodes to go. We'll know by the middle of February, I guess.
  18. Does anyone wonder what the hell these two talked about when they were married?? Seriously. So Ichabod needs pointers to court his bloody wife?? Also, she didn't know he was banging Betsy Ross. Again, seriously?? Did they ever interact at all? I mean, there is the whole "all they did was have sex" but that doesn't even seem to be the case. This is the oddest relationship ever, I tell you. It's supposed to be the perfect romance, but hell, even trashy romance novels do it much much better. And I am going to predict that him not telling her about Ross, will exonerate HER on all of her lies. Those many many lies... Oh, and don't forget the required ship tease, of Ichabod saying to Abbie about "OUR" time. I'm gonna need a lot of wine.
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