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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Interview with Scott Gimple. Why The Walking Dead Kills off so Many Black Characters. Pretty much what I thought. TL;DR - the cast the people who they thought were the best actors, regardless of what race/gender the original character was written to be. Alos, beware spoilers in the article, if you are not caught up yet.
  2. And voice. His voice and mannerisms were completely different. Kudos to Cory Michael Smith for doing such a great job.
  3. Is it wrong to be kinda happy about this? TVLines ratings for FOX Monday. Minority Report took over SH's timespot. I realize MR could still improve, but FOX, you are morons. You had something good. You should have left the timespot and promoted Sleepy. And think, that those numbers are lower than the worst mess episode of SH. Idiots (Fox is)
  4. I thought it was mostly a body suit (like a tattoo sleeve but full body, and the neck and hands area, makeup. Only because it would take FOREVER to apply full body makeup. Also, the opening shot of her in Times Square, when those bright lights hit her from behind, you could see on her arms/shoulders, what looked like sheer pantyhose material. I can see someone being more childlike/uncertain/insecure, then flipping to kicking ass. She is completely insecure, not sure how to act. Many people who come across as "tough", at times it's deliberate act, or they know they have to present a certain persona. If you don't KNOW you are supposed to appear tough, maybe you won't. But muscle/training memory is there, which is why she was able to defend herself. Overall, I liked it. It engaged me, entertained me and I wasn't watching the clock, so I'm in for now. Also liked the hints at her past (though her long haired wig was bad).
  5. Thank you for this, cynic, and the bolded especially. I love both actors, but hey, but think the Brit is hot (and has a great personality), so there's that edge to him. Are you on the TURN threads here? I forget if I've seen you over there. Have you read the book that the show is based on. If not, then no, it's not historical accurate, but does depict the time well. Lots of it is very different from the book and lots of historical liberaties are taken. It's a good read, if you haven't. I agree about JJ Feild, but what about Seth Numrich?? Hello?? The goofy thing is that to me, pentagrams indicate magic, which then makes me think witch, so that worries me. In any other cases, this would be okay. But now any witch is tainted - like I fully assume that the show will drop all characters and mentions of witches, because of S2.
  6. Or they could have tried an acetelyne torch, so that the heavy metal door could be replaced once the original was cut out, the tunnel remains strong and intact and the contents of the room not dust covered and possibly damaged. But that's just me....
  7. No, no no and NO! What is it with the media obsession with Tebow? He wasn't even good enough now to qualify for a 3rd string QB position for the Eagles, and we all SAW Sam Bradford's performance. Sure, sign Tebow, if you want the Cowboys to lose the next eight games. Maybe the Governor of Texas is really a Washington/Giants/Eagles fan.
  8. I don't think it was filmed out of order. The show films two episodes at a time, for the most part. 301 I believe, means it was the first script written and finalized, 302 after. They filmed both at the same time, but just decided to air it in that particular order...I wouldn't worry....yet.
  9. Love ya too, but since I am a Mison fan and by extension, a Crane fan, I'll be all by my lonesome in the corner rooting for Mison. For the record, when the show started, I really was looking forward to the flashbacks for Crane, as a historical nut. So totally disappointed in yet another lost opportunity/mess on up that. I really lean toward the fact that everything was about Crane's past with the K-wife. Nothing else but that. We never saw anything else about Crane - just the wife, him and wife, finance, him and wife, wife's former fiance, wife, wife, wife. The only stand-alone Crane past we knew about was the Purgatory/Dad vision, and Tempus Fugit, which was awesome. Regarding the promos, honestly, knowing now that Bones also has little/no promo (David Boreanaz was slamming FOX on twitter for this), and knowing that the show was really renewed because of foreign market money-making success, this is the last year for SH. It's also the last year for Bones. The network knows for sure it won't renew SH for season 4, and Bones is done, so FOX is essentially saving some cash, or funneling it straight towards Empire and their other shows. Bones and SH can run one more year, make a little bit of money, and FOX will have a replacement next year, plus all of their other successful shows. If people come back, great. If they don't, it doesn't matter to FOX, since they got the money they wanted out of the show. Maybe a back to 2.0 demo will happen (miracle), but otherwise, this is it for the show. Hence no promo's yet. FOX doesn't care/economics. Another sign - for me - the Canadian network affiliate who used to show SH (CTV) dropped the show from it's regular showing. Instead, it's going to be airing on CTV 2, which is not on of the prominent channels on our Rogers Cable provider. So I was in a panic thinking I won't even GET the show now. After looking around, I think I will, but it's not listed with the other main shows. For the main cable feed of CTV, Heroes is listed instead. *cries* It's just another sign of the "end".
  10. Oh, I didn't know that!! That's why I saw EGOT comments everywhere. E - Emmy (check) G - Grammy O - Oscar (nominated check) T - Tony (check) Okay, someone get Viola to sing please!!
  11. Maybe we need to change the title of this thread....*grin* How about "How to Win Emmy Awards and Be the Absolute Queen" "How to Win Emmy Awards and Slay the Competition?" "How to Win an Emmy and Give A Most Inspiring and Amazing Speech?" "How to Win the Emmy Awards....Just be Viola Davis." Awesome - thrilled for her and looking forward to the new season.
  12. So, not really SH news, but still media involving a SH actor. In her acceptance speech for the Emmy for Best Lead Actress - Drama, Viola Davis - during her thank you/acceptance speech - gave a little shoutout to the most prominent and well-known black women in today's TV landscape.... To quote, "The TarajiPHensons, The KerryWashingtons, The HalleBerrys, the NicoleBeharies".....!!! That's right baby! Loved it - teared me up, man. And (offtopic) but well deserved win for Viola! (and I want her dress.....and TM's pantsuit, and Taraji's dress and shoes....godammit!) On that note.....promo??
  13. Hell ya! Great show. And yeah, Viola is quite deserving of this honour. She is absolutely fabulous on the show! I would say I am torn between Tatiana Maslany and Viola Davis. Really tough one, tbh. Probably TM isn't as well known as Viola, so there you go. Apparently Viola is the first black woman to win an Emmy for Lead Actress - Drama. Awesome!!! (but sad it took so long.....)
  14. I knew it. Last week he said he was the "healthiest" he's been in years. Just like when a commentator mentions a team's unbeaten streak, that is the moment you know - yup, streak will be broken in the next ten minutes. Feel so bad for Romo. So bad. And now the Cowboys have no Dez for 12 weeks, and Romo will be out for probably like 8 or more weeks.
  15. There Ichabod Crane and his own family drama, and then there's Crane Family Drama. I wanted to see the former - his poor relationship with his father, leaving his family behind to go to America, does he have siblings, why a teacher at Ofxord, why did he go into the military (probably drafted), as a upper class member, how did he deal with the harsh life, etc etc. I'm thinking more like how we see the lives of people on TURN. instead, we spent: CFD should really be renamed Katrina Crane Family Drama, since everything stemmed from her and her idiotic and selfish decisions. The purgatory scene with Mison and Garber was one of my favourites and I wanted to flesh out more of their relationship. C'est la vie.
  16. Kinda sad about that because I wanted to know WHY Crane and his dad didn't get along. And you know, Victor Garber. I would have loved to see more of him on the show. Waste.
  17. Yeah, no, totally wrong. Looks like someone either had Star Wars on the mind or just googled it. And I don't think magical spells = "zipping". Do the showrunners/writers/FOX hate Halloween. It's my absolutely favourite time of year, and you have a show based on a fun story that actually invokes Halloween themes, and still, it's "sorta-tangentially themes, they suppose." Damn you, show(z). Not true either. He's not coming back. If the "door was open", they could have kept him on as guest star or something, and he could in the meantime work on his projects and running his company. It's obviously Hollywood spin. Looking forward to this - should be interesting and fun. Especially since Abbie now IS kinda a bureaucrat. I'm sad though that we won't see Crane and Abbie together on a plane. That would have been good. I'm still kinda amazed that there are no promos yet, and just realized that the fall season of shows starts Monday. New Gotham on Monday! Yes. But aparently word (another source) is that there will be a ton of stuff released next week. You'd think so. Because I also just realized that SH comes back in less than two weeks! Time flies.
  18. Are you fucking kidding me, Kansas City??? What. The. Hell.
  19. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment! This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread to continue the discussion.... S01.E04: Not Fade Away Please remember not to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!
  20. Here is your episode thread for your discussional enjoyment! This thread will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday September 20th prior to episode airing. Prior to that, please head on over to chat away in the pre-air thread here: S01.E04: Not Fade Away: Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread DO NOT to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the events or spoilers of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!
  21. What body type is considered attractive in various countries around the world. What the US (and certain other countries) thinks of as "sexy" for a woman, or the ideal body shape, is not what other countries think. It all varies. Basically, in certain countries, a woman with a particular body type would be considered "fat", while in other countries, that lady would be seen as having the most attractive and sexy shape. So, here is (yet) another study - Do you agree? Study: People Who Eat More of These Foods Lose the Most Weight
  22. Well, most dogs like stinky rotting disgusting things. Maybe that's how the GSD got caught/eaten? "Hey, look, something disgusting I can roll in. Yeah!!!' Still haven't watched this episode yet.
  23. Hmmm...FTWD gets a 3.6, 7.19 million viewers for the episode The Dog. That's still pretty amazing, considering the others show numbers. AND Sunday Night Football was on - Cowboys and Giants, so duh, but The Walking Dead has the same competition so... And I'll be honest - I still haven't watched the episode (for canine reasons), and also, I'm kinda meh on it right now. Maybe later this week.
  24. Oh Philiadelphia...what'd you do? Breaking my heart. The first half you were asleep, the second you were kicking butt and taking names, then you rush your kicker and that interception!! *cries* Guess I really will be rooting for the Cowboys next week.
  25. Wait, didn't I tell you to get out...?? Kidding!! I hope you know I was just teasing you. Yeah, dog owners are sick twisted breeds. I'm one of them and proud of it! Honestly, there are enough stories that I read on a daily basis that reaffirms to me - Dogs (and animals) are good. Humans are not. Always save the dog. Forget the humans. Let's fact it, we are a shitty species. Good point about how the virus effects each other. I actually remember commenting on that in a WD episode: God help me, I laughed so hard at this.
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