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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Here is your thread for Travis Manawa, mate of Maddie, highschool teacher trying to do the best he can.
  2. Here is your thread to discuss Alicia Clark, the sullen sister of Nick, who just really wants to get the heck out of 'Dodge'.
  3. Here is your thread to discuss Madison Clark, high school teacher and mom of Nick and Alicia, who in her already hectic life, gets to deal with zombies.
  4. Here is your thread to discuss Nick Clark - druggy rebellous teenager - who will probably be the most self-reliant and smartest person who will adapt and survive in the newly unleashed zombie apocalypse.
  5. Quick one sentence episode synopses for episodes 2-6.
  6. Everyone. Just like over at the Walking Dead threads, please remember to keep the heated racial arguments out of your posts. There is nothing wrong with discussing the POC casting, characters and diversity on this show, but do not get pissy at each other nor dismiss anyone's opinion or brush it aside, or reply with attitude because it does not match your own opinion. In terms of the long-running TWD joke about POC on the show, the show hasn't been around enough to set that "benchmark" yet. As I said, same rules apply here (and PTV in general) as we've seen over on TWD board. Respectful discussion of diversity casting/POC characters over there too, without attacking each other. I don't want this to devolve into back and forth snipping. Thank you.
  7. That's exactly what I though this week and for previous episodes. How stupidly 'Sheep' are these people. Like, some guy comes up to you and says "Hey I'm Santa Claus" apparently the immunes (or uninfected) automatically believe them. Does no one think logic, or second guess motivations or be slightly suspicious (aka self-preserving) or simply question the people further. It's like the immunes are all genetically not too bright because sheesh. Totally totally agree. There was nothing in that speech that did anything to inspire hope, except make me think Ramsey was being forced to speak under duress. Not that he showed physical indications he was, but that would be the first thing I would think. Second, don't preach to me whilst sitting in your cushy office, with clean clothes and food, etc. Tell me what you are going to DO??. He didn't say one thing about how they would combat the virus, or provide aid for the people, or that there are immunes or what the US Gov't was doing. But as we've seen - so many people jump to different sides without even getting a decent explanation, I guess the sheep on this show will eat that speech up. Ravit and Chung!! How dare you kill them off! What was the point? None. Ugh. I don't mind Foster at all, but Ravit had a fun yet kick-ass way about her. Damn show. Guess most everyone else was watching Fear the Walking Dead live (it aired same time), because not too many posts here. I'll be interested to see the ratings for this episode.
  8. Thanks! Whenever he did that weird laughing/grinning think, all I could think about was Clerks II and Elias and waiting for him to say "One Ring to Rule Them All..." amongst *ahem* other things. Gilbert Grape, mostly when Nick was sitting in the middle of the truck with his mom and Travis or looking distressed. And Raoul Duke for the clothes, when he was talking "crazy" and some of the druggie mannerisms (like in the diner). And the actor really does look like Depp. *PERFECTION*. That's it - the character thread for Nick will include this exact line in it, dammit!! Brilliant NorthStarATL!
  9. Very very slow start. A few good scares, but somwhat predictable. I mean, I fully expected the old man sharing the hospital room with Nick to Code Blue then turn Zombie. Close. The woman playing the mom - Maddie I believe - totally reminds me of Elisabeth Shue. But it wasn't until the last few minutes that I finally realized who Nick (looks and behaviour) totally remind me of. Johnny Depp's Gilbert (What's Eating Gilbert Grape) + Johnny Depp's Raoul Duke (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) + Elias from Kevin Smith's Clerks II. Combine those three, and THAT is the physical looks, behaviour and mannerisms of Nick on this show. It's uncanny.
  10. Hey Everyone! As I mentioned in the other thread, SimoneS had a great idea to start a Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread, just like we have in the Walking Dead. So we have one and here it is: S01.E01: Pilot - Pre Air Speculation and Live Chat. It's open now, so go on over and chat and speculate away! Once the episode airs, this thread will open and we can continue discussion here. We'll see how it goes, in terms of how much posts we get for the show. If we don't get that many in this thread, then we'll just keep the one episode thread, but I will open it before the episode airs. If we get tons of posts, then we'll stick with this format. Also, remember the episode is 1.5 hours long so set your DVRs accordingly. Please have fun discussing, but as always, be respectful and courteous. Enjoy!
  11. Hey Everyone! SimoneS had a great idea! She wanted a thread for everyone to live chat during the actual episode airing, and have your OMG! reactions, and such during the episode airing, like we did over in The Walking Dead. So here it is!! This is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread that is open now for your chatting pleasure. Because this series isn't based on any of the Comic Spoilers, I expect no comic talk in here either! Once the episode airs, this thread will close, and you guys can all mosey over to the actual episode thread to continue discussion. S01:E01 - Pilot Oh, and don't forget - The Pilot is 1.5 hours long, so bare that in mind when setting up your DVR's! As always, please be respectful and courteous in your posts, please tag any spoilers - comic or otherwise - and overall, enjoy!
  12. Oh crap...that's exactly what I thought - that he was just turning into a zombie, and because it was the earlier stages, that it took time... And why is he wearing a shrug?? No clue. Interesting though overall the preview. I sense a time jump, then subsequent jump. Like, the first three minutes are showing a specific time, then flashback to T-Minus virus hitting full blown or whatever, then they go forward in time, to show the viral outbreak, and subsequent results. That's how I see it.
  13. And that's my feminist angry theory over why so many of these - let's face it, mostly religious or at least controlling men - demand this lifestyle of their wives. It has nothing to do with the bible or religious values. It has to do with control. If a woman (wife) has no money, she has no power nor control. She cannot make the decision to leave solely because she has no means to support herself. Where is she (and the kids?) going to go? If there are no supportive family or friends around, where? Even if there is support, a woman (or any person) with no job skills is going to have a hard time finding a job. If she does, it's minimum wage. So how can she find a place to live and take care of the kids needs? With public assistance maybe but barely. And you know damn well these woman will have to wait months if not years to get any child support, if any. And how can they afford a lawyer to get said child support? They can't. See how it works? The husband ensures that the wife is totally financially dependent on him, therefore she has little to no choice on leaving him (with the kids of course) and bettering her life. It's a sad situation, which is why you have the wives "accepting" the situation, because they have little choice otherwise. It is a calculated manoeuvre that's been performed by men (and let's face it, society in general) for generations.
  14. Josh Duggar had paid account with Ashley Madison Ah, people like this never fail to disappoint me - aka I know you are all shady bastards hiding shady behavior. It's just a matter of when that knowledge goes public. To quote once again a comment I stole from Jezebel (in my profile but I cannot remember who I got it from!!): Newton’s Law of Hypocrisy: The greater the sanctimony, the greater likelihood of skeletons in the closet.
  15. That was what I actually though, but forgot that the Pres killed his kids until this episode. Why is this given a pass? Because Chandler and co got screwed by The Young SubOnes, and now he is pissed he can't use Niels. And what if Niels was still alive, and used as a "propaganda tool" or whatever it was, and gets killed in the process, is that okay? If he wants to be all high and mighty then, fine, but Chandler wants to act this way, he'd better apply that 100% of the time. Therefore, the President doesn't get a pass either. He committed murder, just like Rachel did. One to spare his kids suffering, one to ensure 100's, if not thousands or more people didn't get infected and die from the virus. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me. Now that we know there is a season 3, I think we will. Then some plot will take place where the "authorities" are baddies or something and somehow the NJ has to come in and rescue her. Cue drama, apologies, forgiveness and deaths that will be easily justified by Chandler.
  16. I completely agree. I get keeping order and trying to not devolve into the levels of "morality" that Ramsey and company seem to follow, but please. Please. Just end your self-righteousness. I actually got into an argument with Mr. HD. Basically, I was like, so it's okay for the Nathan James to kill off the immunes, because they are considered the enemy (though some may not realize what they are doing - brainwashed), but Rachel kills of a guy who happily wandered around with an infected Teddy Bear to kill off some kids - OMG!! The horror! (Tex and the Marine knew about this) Also, didn't the "President" contribute to a lot of the mayhem and killing by Ramsey's immunes - aka accessory to murder through ignorance, but hey, he's "the president', so we'll just ignore his role in any of that. His point is that because the immunes are considered the enemy, they are enemies of the Navy in war therefore the killing is justified. I get it, but in this case - pure semantics. She has a cure for the rest of humanity. To tell Dr. Scott the moment they will get to land, she will be turned over to the "authorities". Please. This is the prime way of making an enemy you do not want to have. Complete self-righteous nonsense. Chandler, you are not the moral authority of the world nor have the right to pass judgement over others trying to save the world. Also, selfish much. You make me look bad in front of the crew, I condemn you.....please...
  17. Then this thread did what it intended to do. Make us all feel better. Thrilled! And we all wish you well. Biggest pile of bullshit ever. The people who say this, are those who have never, ever experienced depression. Idiots. Clueless idiots. Yeah, I wasn't sure because for some reason, your first post, I thought you wrote something that indicated you were a "he", and then I was like, no man, you don't know for sure. Thank you for the clarification and it sounds like you two had a wonderful marriage! That makes me so happy! Why are you making me cry again? Dear god, you broke my heart again. Stop doing that!! *biggianthug* Again, I am so glad that - hopefully - here on this thread, we can give you the love and compassion that you deserve, and at least provide a little support in whatever way we can. If we succeed, it's all worth it. I hope that you are healing, Mybrainhurts. You sound like such a lovely person. ................ Now here is a little story I need to share here, that is not meant to deflect from Mybrainhurts at all, but to show how fat-shaming is everywhere. First, in terms of how much "overweight" I am - about 50 lbs I think. Years and years ago, when I tried to be vegetarian in my early 20's, I used to workout in the gym for about 2 hours, then go kick male ass in the squash court. The smallest I ever managed to hit was 120 lbs (friggin' big European bones). So add 50 on top of that, is where I am now. I'm 5'6" and I am pretty flatchested too (thank god). Anyway, so I encountered an asshole customer tonight that legally I had to deny him the purchase. His response? "You're a fucking fat bitch." Why yes. Yes I am. But I find this interesting. It's the second time I've been insulted with those exact words (years apart), and both times just happen to be venom spewed from a young white male. Go figure. The go-to insult for a woman who is not model thin is "fat bitch". And this is the problem with society. It bothers me. Yeah, I'm 'fat', fuck you. But am I really? (probably) This guy was no thin slender bastard. But that's his immediate anger go-to response. Fat shaming + Misogyny. Women are "fat bitches", end of story. I'm sharing this because it really made me think about this thread, and specifically about how certain cultures are so comfortable with the "fat" insult. Yet, there are other cultures who embrace a woman having some "meat", as it denotes her as being healthy, and therefore able to successfully carry a child.
  18. We already know the first three episode titles: S03:E01: I, Witness S03:E02: Whispers in the Dark S03:E03: Blood and Fear Upcoming Episode titles from SpoilerTV: S03:E04: The Sisters Mills
  19. Yes, please do. The discussion can stay here also, as long as it pertains to discussion about the episode itself. But please DO NOT start snipping at each other over casting and what people think they saw. There was already a few thinly veiled insults being tossed around in here. Thanks and much appreciated.
  20. No, I know it's not a reboot. But it's like the network execs are like this: Clueless Network Suit 1: "We need a new show!!" Clueless Network Suit 2: *furiously reads through stack of pitches* "I don't know, there is nothing here that's - IMO - good". Clueless N Suit 1: *furiously reads another stack of pitches* "I don't know. These ideas are too creative. Too different. Too - you know - unique. We can't have that!!" Clueless Suit 2: *looks up to sky whilst wiping drool from mouth* "Hey, I have an idea!! Why don't we just do the same thing again. Let's do a reboot!" Clueless Suit 1: "That's a great unique and creative idea. I'm in! Which one?" Clueless Suit 2: "Um....Let's hit the Google I'm Feeling Lucky button." *hits button* "Fresh Prince of Bel Air is it!"
  21. Never ever be sorry, man. If life experiences like yours didn't make me (and others) cry, then what I have always believed is coming true. People are "hardening their hearts" and are just plain cold unfeeling people. I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be dead inside, so please, never feel bad about sharing your experiences. It all brings us closer. And I hope that in our little disembodied internet forum way, we can offer some support and good vibes and love to you. Exactly. And that's what irks me about the whole "fat people just need to stop eating" judgemental BS that's out there. Yeah, people like me, who are incredibly lazy and drink too much wine and eat crap food - yeah, I know why I have the extra pounds. Not gonna deny it. But not everyone is the same as me. Most (not all) of these people profiled on the show have some mental illness, or suffer from depression or have medical illnesses or whatever that gets them to this weight. This whole mindset of "hey, you are fat and lazy and are eating too much just stop" drives me up the wall, because no one asks, WHY are you eating this much? Why do you have no energy (depression most likely). And for the record, I do think (never been diagnosed) I have bouts of depression, which is WHY I don't particularily about my health, eating, etc. I just can't be bothered because *shrug* And the flipside is Mybrainhurts (love the moniker, BTW). Granted, people don't know about other's lives, but to "congratulate" and "praise" his (I assume you are a he, please correct me if wrong) weight loss, when the reason for said loss is absolutely devastating, is just wrong. Like, I totally think of TV and movies that would portray this mentality: "Sucks that you lost your spouse, but hey, on the bright side you look great from all of the weight you lost. Now you can fit into designer clothes!" Like, the being thin is more important than - I don't know - the actual lost of a loved one. Humans need to be more compassionate, not judgmental and not so focused on what someone looks like.
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