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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Get out of here. Now..... Man, that's just wrong - but logical actually. Except for one thing. I can see the ZA disease being similar to Mad cow. Once you eat the contaminated flesh, you get sick. So dogs eating human flesh would be carriers of the virus but not affected themselves. Once a human eats the dog, they ingest the virus, it's in their bloodstream and boom, they are infected. Mine loves strangers, but barks at most noises and anyone who dares to walk along the sidewalk in front of the house. It is just not done in her world. And if another dog passes by, there is hell to pay. I get angry when selfish humans forget the dog. So angry. It happened in the movie Signs -
  2. HOLY COW(Boys!) Man, that was amazing! I never understand why teams are not able to move the ball for more than three quarters of play, but the last 2 minutes - boom! Congrats, Dallas. Damn, that was insame!
  3. *weeps*. Why, WHY always the GSDs....I'm gonna to need therapy after this episode. *hugs my furry baby*
  4. *cries* This is exactly what my doggie looks like. Since dogs are loyal and humans are not, if a ZA breaks out, I'm going all Insane!Rick on their asses.
  5. Thanks for the heads-up. Aw man, seriously. Spoilers I don't mind. Honestly. I don't even want to see this episode anymore.... This husky is not impressed with this news.....
  6. I haven't watched this yet, and haven't gone through the thread yet (bloody Cowboys are pathetically losing). Did a dog die or get hurt? Please tell me no. I need to know, to prepare myself.
  7. Thanks for letting me know. Needed to adjust the DVR recording settings. The sad (?) thing is that the Cowboys/Giants game is on tonight. If it were The Walking Dead on, I would insist on watching it almost live today. Sadly, I can wait to watch this episode tomorrow. It just isn't as Must See TV as TWD is. Be good guys when posting tonight!
  8. Get out....Don't even put these thoughts in my/our head...*gets kleenex box ready* Not the puppies...leave the puppies alone... [i just made the mistake of looking for a cute doggy picture to post, and instead, I am in tears over some pics of clearly abused dogs. God, I hate humanity.) Maybe the episode title is a play on loyalty to someone??
  9. I initially thought something about Zombie-sniffing dogs, or at least that the dogs can detect the undead and alert the humans. Then, I thought a neighbours dog. Still, better be no dead or injured dogs. *hugs my GSD*
  10. Also remember lifestyle changes. Before technology and excess food availability, what did most people have to do on a daily basis? Chores. Preparing large areas for planting food, the physical labour needed to maintain those fields. Laundry that had to be done by hand. Large quantities of firewood had to be chopped. Going into 'town' could be a long walk - miles and miles. Life involved a lot of physical labour that we simply don't need to do today. Back then, sure you ate fatty bacon and meat and potatoes and pasta. But you burned off those calories because you worked hard all day for many hours a day, doing physical labour. Today, most people go to work in a car, then sits at a desk for eight or more hours. That's the difference. No one does the same amounts of physical labour people used to. Therefore no one is burning off large amounts of calories on a daily basis, that would offset not eating like a 'bird'. And now, individual genetics, environment, free availability of food, lack of physical labour and basically modern life all contributes to obesity.
  11. Because asparagus and raspberries are really good. I think you are also forgetting that everyone has individual tastes and like or dislike certain foods. Like, I like tuna, but in moderation. Cottage cheese makes me gag (the texture). Green beans are okay some times. Apples are good is in season. Oh, and melons here are not cheap at all. Bananas are cheap, but also contain a lot of calories. Fruit is good, but some has lots of sugar. And no way is a cup of cottage cheese and a tomato a meal - it's a snack. Not a meal. In terms of tomatoes, fresh from the garden tomatoes are perfection. Unripe sprayed with ethylene grocery store tomatoes are absolute garbage. And greek yogourt is awesome, as long as there is fruit in it. Now if you - algebra - can eat like you've mentioned and feel satisfied, then more power to you. That is awesome. I cannot. I need a bit more substance in my food, else I feel like crap and get a major headache. However, people do get used to eating less, over time. Also, life is too short. I want to enjoy my food and wine - sometimes not in moderation - because otherwise what's the point. I'm thinking specifically as Asian culture, where noodles (think Thai or Chinese or Japanese) and rice figure prominently. Asians also eat lots of veggies, seafood and fish, which is very good, and yes, eat small portions. If my local Asian grocery store is any indication, desserts are not sweet (thank god). I'm thinking, for example of the Inuit. Because of living in harsh climate with no growing season to speak of, traditionally, the Inuit ate lots of fish, seal, whale (blubber) etc. Their bodies adapted to be able to extract the most nutrition out of a limited diet. Once the younger generation started eating a Western diet (obviously imported foods) the obesity levels skyrocketed. Because those people have metabolisms that store almost all fat, due to environmental conditions and metabolic adaptation. Same thing happens in nations like Fiji and Tonga and any Polynesian culture. The food they did eat, they were fine. Once many of those people eat Western type foods - and not overeating - their bodies stored the food differently than say an Eastern European or African person. Most of these people are not eating massive amounts of food. It's simply genetics.
  12. I'm thinking one of the first things this morning the Steelers are doing is looking for a field goal kicker. ETA: Man, the Patriots have "balls", I tell ya. Arrogance and balls. Steelers website alleges headsets worked only when NFL reps nearby Tomlin, Steelers address headset problem. Convenient that the "grounding" issue and weather didn't affect the Pats. The Pats have cheated so much in the past, and cheated this way with the headsets, that I completely believe it.
  13. Congrats on the progress and thanks for the information, notyrmama. Very interesting. Another question - do you ever feel the side effects of not eating much, like light-headed or dizzy or weak at times? I know some of what I mentioned could be considered low blood sugar, but just wondering besides initially not hungry, any other side effects in the beginning and now, that your body has adjusted. The throw-up thing I've heard - that the stomach just cannot take much, so it rejects too much food. Another risk is eating crappy food, therefore the patient doesn't get the proper nutrients to serve the body well. And personally, I hate throwing up, so I'd rather not eat.
  14. I really honestly think this. If the show gets renewed, then yeah, they get to fight John TAALR Woods. And Lucy WILL be back. They rebuilt Ethan, they'll rebuild Lucy. molly, X, 'schrooms and LSD. There is no other explanation. That's exactly what I thought. Molly, show you're yellow eyes. I thought the special effects people forgot to colour in her glowing eyes. Seriously. I totally forgot about Julie having prosthetics until you mentioned it! I thought it was some sort of workout ankle band for her treadmill that she was wearing. Apparently the writers did too. Also was amused at her bloody fingertips was trying to scratch out of the coffin, then two minutes later, she's typing away on the keyboard. Oh, and show? Nice Dell Rackmount Server Front Metal Covers.
  15. Honestly...that was some of the strangest, the writers surely ingested some 'schrooms and LSD, weird ass shit I've seen in a long time. And I watched and side-eyed the last half an hour of Interstellar. Just...weird. And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot.
  16. The opening scene with poor Charlie, I couldn't help but have a quote from the movie Heathers run through my head. Christian Slater's Character JD to Winona Ryder's Veronica: 'I knew that loose was too noose...Noose too loose..."
  17. Thanks for the thread start, ottoDbusdriver!! Totally forgot today is Wednesday! Ugh. Season finale tonight, everyone and as ottoDbusdriver just showed us, the episode is two hours long.
  18. Not just GMA, but NFL football restarts and he's on FOX NFL Sunday to do analysis (great fun show, BTW). So he jets to LA to do that, then back to NY for the Monday morning show.
  19. An actual Nimitz class aircraft carrier. I mean, they are out there. There are ten currently in active service (though I think one of them is about to be decommissioned or at least overhauled) and run on nuclear power, so no need to refuel at all. And they've got Jet's. I'd like to see an F-18 Hornet or even a "lowly" F15 flying around. I know we'll never see one, because a) money and b) availability to film on them, but they I can dream. Which begs the question - where ARE the other battleships/aircraft carriers? I mean, a few had to be in the middle of the ocean with the virus hit. Did the Russians blow some of them out of the water. Or were they all ordered to port and subsequently the crew got all infected. If you are the US military, I would have definitely ordered at least two of the aircraft carriers to go silent and stay away from land (as they did with the Nathan James) just in case. Too much thinking...
  20. Absolutely. Everything in all of this boils down to one thing - Money. It's the reason why Goodell let back those high profile players who were beating their wives or whatever other crimes they committed. Hell, deflategate is similar to those over the top reality shows. To not let them back = loss of revenue. People adore a good train wreak. For all we know, Goodell hoped to milk it for all it's worth, if only to increase viewship. Goodell made decisions to ensure his own power, and also a healthy and rising revenue stream. He would make an excellent CEO - he's got the self-serving, cheating, lack of morals, money-only focus most of them seem to have. It's sad really but not unexpected in today's world.
  21. I agree with the Kick Goodell out part for sure. Hire someone who isn't in Kraft's (or any other owner's) pocket or won't be bought off by the rich owners (hard to find, I know). The NFL needs a commissioner like this who actually has integrity. It really makes you wonder about the Patriots and their so-called dynasty, about how much of their victories and SuperBowl wins were all due to their rampant cheating. And then teams like Seattle - who I assume didn't cheat - now appear so much more talented at having won their own Superbowls.
  22. Hey guys. Just wanted to drop in and leave a little reminder to respect the diifferent opinons, theories and analysis of the whole Deflategate/Patriots scandal. It's a crazy situation with lots of potential for all of us to get into polarizing arguments that I am starting to see hints of. And we know how passionate people are about NFL football. Get (rightfully) pissy with Goodell and the Evil!Pats, not each other. Thanks.
  23. Raja, I slightly modified the title of this thread, because it looked a bit spammy to me. But great idea for a thread!
  24. Chinga was creepy as hell, TBH. Totally Stephen King all over it too. Just watched one that I haven't seen in ages - Theef - and actually really liked it. It was good. 2Shy is one of my favourites, as is another one called Hungry. Season 5 and 7 really are underrated, especially 5. I tend to choose rewatches a lot from season 4 and 5, for some reason. Just consistantly good episodes.
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