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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Changed the thread title so that people don't get confused. You know what I really miss? Real music. You know - the bands who actually play their instruments on stage and the singers who can actually sing. MTV and Muchmusic long ago stopped being "Music Video" channels. Someone here told me it was because of licensing/copywrite issues. Too expensive. So now it's all strange reality TV. I miss rock and roll. And I don't get the obsession with Taylor Swift (who apparently cannot sing) and Beyonce and Miley "The Tongue" Cyrus and Ariana "Left Face" Grande et all. It must be because I'm old, but man, there is a reason most of the music I still listening to are bands/songs from the 90s, to many decades before. I will say this - I'm dying to see the fashions of the guests. Saw a pic of Nikki Minaj. Yeah....
  2. Returning shows I'm looking forward to --> Agent Carter, How to Get Away with Murder, Gotham, Sleepy Hollow, The Walking Dead, Elementary. I think that's all of them. New shows? Quantico sounds really interesting. So does Lucifer. In 2016, The X-Files. Hoping to see another season of Great British Baking Show. Halloween Wars.
  3. Yeah, J.D seemed to have completely fallen in love with Halle. The problem for me is that the first few episodes of the year, he spend most of the time calling her crazy and threatening to send her back to the asylum. It almost seems kinda weird that he's so into Molly even though he hardly knows her. Last week same thing, with his speech about Molly making him a better person (or was it this episode. I forget). It just seemed to come out of left field. However, JDM is a beautiful man. Everytime he smiles, those dimples, dammit. Lots of good eye candy on this show. Him, plus the evil alien dude (forget his name) But the kissing was weird, because of the recently shed skin thing. What I found amusing is that she "shed" her skin, but still looks perfectly human. I want to see from V lizard skin or something show!! Green blood or something. I thought Shapeshifter meant JDM was having a blast playing Texas Hold'em poker with Pierce Gagnon, plus Ethan's reactions too. Kid's a really good actor I have to say. So....Toby is dead right? Yikes, a missile to the head. You know, no one on this show has a lick of sense (except JDM). When you are a high ranking general who knows the military tactics of your organizaton, when you see a drone, you should get the hell outta there. He's the guy remember who wanted to bomb the bar and kill everyone there. The only people who seem to have any sense are the hybrids and J.D.
  4. I remember reading that the name Madison for girls became trendy after the 1980s movie Splash became a hit. Madison in the movie (played by Daryl Hannah) named herself Madison, from the New York street sign - Madison avenue. Before that, they said it was never (or rarely) used as a girl's name.
  5. Heh. I speculate that there is a possibility that this episode shall not drag in time, nor seem repetitive, nor make me question the decision to make such a show as FTWD. Just give me a show that grabs my attention, man. I admit, certain times in TWD, I was bloody irritated and wanted to abandon the show for it's sheer stupidity. But I stuck around, because whatever, and it was worth it. Please, FTWD, don't make me regret you.......
  6. . Oh I like this. I changed Madison's thread title to Eloquent Nonchalance (I hated the one I put in) for now, because it's much better!
  7. Here is your episode thread for your episode discussion enjoyment! This thread will open at 10:00 pm. Prior to that, please head on over to the: Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread ....to discuss prior to episode airing. DO NOT to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenting mates!
  8. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment! This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread.... S01.E02: So Close, Yet So Far Away .....to continue discussion. Please remember not to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenting mates!
  9. That's why I'm just coming up with possible scenarios. *shrug* It's not like TV shows are known for getting the facts 100% right. Just because in real life one needs 3 years of work experience, doesn't mean that in TV land, it requires that also. Also, this show messes with actual fact and history all of the time, so why stop now? That's why it doesn't diminish to me the sacrifice that Abbie makes. Deciding against Quantico/FBI is a major major decision that would be hard to make. Oh, I like this possibility. A lot. They probably won't go there, but that would be really interesting to explore. I mean, her meeting Ben Franklin changes the timeline slightly, as anyone who is a Star Trek or time travelling TV show watching nerd knows. Personally, I don't think the writers are doing anything that complex - but who knows. But as I said - I'm really ambivalent and also apathic to this upcoming season, but last year, when I was ridiculously excited, I got disappointed really early on. So hopefully the reverse will happen this year. The Extant reboot for the most part seemed for the better (well, the last couple episodes were...weird) but anyway, it could be a good thing. We simply have to watch and see!
  10. Ah, not really. Because they are going to do the trope of "forbidden" romance with the boss scenario in the past, BUT!!! since she is no longer reporting to said boss, romance abounds. Again, I disagree. Nothing the showrunners have - barely - said, screams or even hints at Katrina 2.0. To me, it really doesn't. Viewing episode content themself may change my mind, but nah - really....I don't see it at all. I think people WANT to see it - i.e. are jumping to conclusions, expecting the worse. But I don't logically see that happening based on evidence. But hey - what do I know? I may eat my words, or I may be rubbing it into your faces that I was right. *grin* Either way - just give me a bloody good season, SVP. That's all I ask. Classic SH awesomeness....
  11. It's not a minor matter, but on the show, them retconning or ignoring already established history is nothing new - in fact it's business as usual. They completely dropped August Corbin's files and their importance. They extended the lifespan of a pointless witch and make her incredibly weak. They killed Irving then resurrected him (he was supposed to remain dead). They turned kick-ass AK-47 wielding Headless into a love-sick weakling. They dropped anything about Captain Reyes. They decided to ignore Jenny's artifact finding powers. They screwed up the pregnancy timeline and public knowledge of baby!Henry. They didn't bother to explain Luke's "death" or not-so-death. They never answered or addressed the fall out from the mass murder of the Masons, amongst other things. Hell, season 2 is so much of a blur for me, that the other retcons/unaddressed things I don't even remember. The only one - the only one - who has escaped most of these character destroying stories or changes in motivations just happens to be Abbie. Go figure. Also, because we have so little history of Abbie's past, why does everyone think she didn't go before? She is supposed to be 27 at show start. If she went to University, she would feasibly have graduated at the age of 23 perhaps (I see Abbie - since she is quite intelligent, graduating younger than her peers). Maybe she decides to enroll in the FBI, but decides half-way through training, at that point in her life, it isn't for her. Maybe her mental state/stress levels. Maybe she didn't have the drive at such a young age. Maybe her rebelliousness worked against her. So she bails, ends up at SH Police department and is there for a few years. Now that she is older, a bit more mature, confident in herself. Then, the thought hits her again. Quantico. She wants to try Quanitico again. It's something that has become a passion, something she really wants. She confides in August Corbin, who encourages her, and she decides that this time, she really wants to do this. She commits herself to this career move. So she applies and starts studying for the entrance exam again, and training and she is determined to get into Quantico and ultimately to be an FBI agent. Then that night happens, she meets Crane and the rest is SH history. So it's even more poignant and meaningful that Abbie decided not to attend Quantico. She was there once, left for whatever reasons, then decided that YES, this is her path and career desire, and boom, she decides against it again. I guess I can come up with various scenarios in my head that could expand Abbie's story and give her some good meaty material. Again, teenage Abbie was in a bad place, got caught, Corbin gave her a choice. Clean up or go to jail. She went to university but assuming she went at age 18 or 19, she graduated 22 or 23. So there are FOUR unaccounted years that we have no idea of, of what she could have done. Hence the retcon. Makes sense, in a "let's make drama, introduce a cock-blocker against Crane, expand Abbie's history" sort of retcon way. Which is why I repeat. I'll wait and see how the episodes grab me.
  12. I think everyone should wait and see how the actual story unfolds. Oh wait, I sound like LDJ. He's absolutely right though. You know how many times I read the long detailed episode synopses for the show from SpoilerTV, and got really irritated with certain parts, only to find out that in translation/unfolding on screen, it wasn't as bad as I thought, or in many cases, actually pretty good (whenever no K-wife was involved). I remember side-eyeing the karaoke idea as really cheesy (it was awesome), and thought the yoga was a stupid thing too (it was great until Crane brought up the K-wife). I never mentioned it here, but I thought it. Fact is, of course it's a retcon/reboot. It has to be, to "reboot" the series and go back to their "roots" - aka Abbie and Crane. Nothing wrong with that and quite expected. Also, while the pilot was fabulous (brilliantly fabulous) the whole Abbie was/wasn't at Quantico was such a small sentence that they just decided to retcon it anyway. Eh. Whatcha gonna do? Extant totally retconned everything from season 1. Castle did some late season retconning. Other shows do it too. Happens all of the time in TV land. And I just want to remind everyone once again what the reactions were (including myself) that everyone had about Abbie going back to the 18th century in Tempus Fugit and the resulting internet meltdown that occurred, before presenting the best episode of the series. What I am interested in is how the existing characters, the new characters and the episodes will appear on screen, act, and how the story will unfold. So, like I say *shrugs shoulders*. Eh. Whatever. I'll watch and see. I was incredibly excited for 8 months for season 2, and that excitement was quickly killed by episode 2. Maybe my apathy and non-excitement for this season will yield something exciting and amazing for all of us viewers and make me impatient to see next weeks episode.
  13. Actually, I noticed that about the hair dye too except differently. The bright red dye was all around the bottom ends of her long hair - indicating that her hair was shorter and dyed red, and it's been growing out these long months. That seemed legit. The problem was the dye itrself. From what I understand, those bright coloured dyes fade very quickly. They don't last that long, so having it so vibrant red after months and months - no way. It would have dulled in colour by now. But hey - she looks "hacker-chick cool" so there you are.
  14. ^^ Sure - sounds good. We can change it again later if something more definitive about the character happens or that the character does. ETA: Oh, I changed In the to Into, because it flows a bit better and also, he shone actual light into the darkness of the church, but also is trying to shine positive light into the "darkness" in Maddie's life and his own life. Hope that makes sense.
  15. Oh, I didn't know that!! Well, I'll tell ya - parts of downtown Vancouver are pretty grungy, so that might fit right in with LA. The major thing that missing?? Is the massive looming freeways of LA. Vancouver has NO major highways at all. The Trans Canada highway, yes, but in BC it's more like a four lane country road, so any scene of a mass car exodus will be shot in LA. Also, that scene where Nick shot Cal, in the viaduct (is that what they are called?). Vancouver doesn't have those either. It does have the grungy looking houses worth over a million though... Hey!! Vancouver is awesome. The scale between LA and Vancouver will be missing though. Big difference in size. And remember, the X-Files filmed there for four years, and is filming their season 10 now, so if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for FTWD. *grin*
  16. Here is your thread to discuss and compare Fear the Walking Dead and the already established tv-verse of The Walking Dead. Here be Spoilers! If you haven't watched the Walking Dead, back out slowly! Any and all reference to events of the Walking Dead, the differences and similarities with FTWD, and any discussion on the actions, motivations and behaviours of the various characters all belong here.
  17. No worries. Because this spinoff is new, we're all just figuring out the inevitable posting rules for FTWD and to protect others from being spoiled. We could have a separate episode thread for each episode, but I just don't see that much traffic right now. I think a thread that compares/discusses the two worlds though is needed - spoilers and all. I think for the episode threads, I guess it has to be no mention of TWD at all - aka "The Clarks did ABC but CDB did XYZ". (Still blown away one of you has never watched TWD at all but plans to...that's like 5-6 SEASONS to watch. That's a lot!!) Anyway, so how about for now, while were are sorting out things, lets say there should be no reference to The Walking Dead in the episode threads.. Morgankobi or whoever wants to, if you want, create a standalone thread to compare both shows. If not, I'll do it tomorrow. If we find that too much overlap is occuring (I don't think it will), then we will have two episode threads (plus the Live chat). Thanks guys.
  18. Good question. From what I understand, this series is standalone and is not based on any of TWD comics or characters. It's also set when - in WD timelines, Rick was technically comatose in the hospital. So there should be no overlaps at all. The only thing I can see is ONE thread comparing the behaviours and reactions and survival abilities and behaviors between FTWD and TWD. Other than that, no Walking Dead references (aka spoilers) should be here in any of the episode threads.
  19. Oh, BTW guys. If anyone can come up with better thread titles for the character threads, by all means, come up with something and tell me to change it. It's just there is not much "distinctive" about the characters right now (save for Nick). I am partial though to Nick's The Walking Depp title - a couple of you suggested it and I think it's perfect.
  20. True. He kinda reminds me of Columbus from Zombieland in that respect. As I mentioned in the other thread, he also reminds me of Fear and Loathings' Depp mixed with Elias from Clerks II (plus a couple other Johnny Depp roles.). Maybe that's where the FEAR part of the show title came from - Fear and Loathing - simply because the actor reminded them so much of Depp (I don't know, just throwing it out there - *shrug*)
  21. Episode 2.12 - Cry Havoc - Promo. ETA: Damn, I though for sure that Last Ship would be killed in the ratings by Fear the Walking Dead. I taped both and watched both on a delay (so I could fast forward through commercials.) But - happily no. The ratings are very slighly lower but not by much. Same demo share as last week. It held up. Excellent.
  22. I think part of the problem (all?) was the lack of action or evidence that the shit was hitting the fan. This series is only 6 episodes long, so get on with it. They needed more "action." in the final 30 minutes showing things starting to degenerate. An example would be when Travis and Maddie hit that traffic jam, and with all of the cop cars and firetrucks, etc. Same with Code Blue guy. They could have had another scene with a CDC team rushing through the hallways in full gear, in panic mode, to hint at what's going on. Maybe more evidence of something deadly in the church. We only saw the one slick of blood on the floor, but there should have been more "hints" at "something bad". it just seemed like the show went Church to Hospital to School to Church to Hospital to School, etc etc. I'm going to watch it next week too, but at this point, The Last Ship has priority for me (and it has it's flaws too).
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