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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Was he? I don't remember. Need to watch it again. If this is the case, then there is your season 3. I bet mutation or something hitting the immunes, then maybe spreading to the rest of the world. Hmm...
  2. I agree and disagree with you, algebra. Certain foods affect people different ways. For example, Some cultures heavily feature rice or noodles in their diets, and yet their citizens are healthy and thin. Yet other people cannot eat a diet heavy in those starches, because their bodies will just store those starches as fat. And please don't refer to a sentence as dumb. Processed food is cheaper in many cases, especially when compared to meat. Meat is incredibly expensive now, as it fish, seafood and anything like that with protein. That greek yogourt you are eating? Costs $4.99 for a four pack (individual portions) for me. Tuna, yes it's 99 cents. A box of Kraft Dinner is also 99c. One can of green beens is not fulfilling enough for a lot of people. I mentioned before that a bunch of asparagas is $3.99 on sale. That can purchase two or three cans of pasta, which is more filling. If I wanted to buy chicken breast as a lean protein, it's almost $8.00 for two individual chicken breasts. Obviously choices matters, but for people living on a very limited income, what goes further? A box of KD or a can of beans? Both cost the same. Which can feed more than one person? The KD. Just going through my local grocery store flyer, here is a comparison of prices (in Canadian dollars). Skinless chicken breast ($5.99/lb) one bunch of asparagas ($4.99/lb), a small flat of raspberries ($3.99), Bell Peppers ($3.99/lb), 850g tub of Greek yogourt ($6.99), cottage cheese ($3.99 tub - cheapest brand.) Now, dry pasta ($1.29 one box -454 g), jar of Ragu tomato sauce ($2.99 for 26 oz), medium ground beef ($3.99/lb), Hamburger Helper (1.89 /box), frozen Michelina's dinners (one portion - $1.99), box Kraft Dinner (99c box), box Chocolate Chip cookies ($1.99 - cheapest brand) The better meal is the chicken breast, asparagus, peppers, with some greek yogourt with raspberries for dessert. Yummy actually. So for four people, grand total would be $21.96. The meal would consist of 1/4 lb chicken breast, 1/4 lb of asparagus, a cup of yogourt with some berries on top. Not many calories, that's for sure. Or, for $10.26, I can cook up the box of pasta and the fatty ground beef, pour on the jar of Ragu, and give people chocolate chip cookies for dessert. That will definately feed four people a fair amount of food for half the cost. Is it better for you? Of course not. But economics win here. You are right though, that the people and situations around you affect how you eat. Absolutely. I wish I could buy organic free range chickens with no antibiotics, and free runs eggs and expensive veggies and fruit and all of that. But financially I can't, just like a lot of these people can't also. And I just showed you how processed foods are cheaper in some cases. Note the some. Not always, but in many cases for sure.
  3. Like some of you said, I too think this episode was filmed before they knew they were being renewed. Because it is a fitting end to the series. Complete closure on everything. Once they knew they were being renewed, they just filmed two scenes to add on - Rachel and Tom being all flirty and the one where Rachel was shot. Otherwise it was perfect closure. I expect a time jump. They said in the show that the Nathan James would be in dry dock for months. So Chandler does his thing, the crew all does their thing and something brings them back together to sail again, I guess. I assume Rhona Mitra will be back, so I guess they can say that they need her to make more of the cure. In this episode, she used up the last of the vaccine to make that aerosol spray the Helo delivered to the crowd. But maybe there is another viral mutation, or the cure loses it's potency after some time and the show encounters an isolated community (like, people in the West coast or something) that they have to save. Or the show will still be fighting the idiot immunes. Maybe she'll have to make a virus to combat the immunity, just to teach those idiots a lesson. Also, notice the cure made it to a small area in America, and has to be delivered by close contact. So what about the other continents? As it's left, Europe, Australia, Asia, etc all still have infected people. Hell, places 100 km north and south of Missouri don't have the cure. There are no commercial airplanes flying, no fast enough mode of transport for people to spread the cure and Dr. Scott said that the effacy of the cure would only be around for about 8 days. I am sure they can spin something. Great series, loved it to death and glad it's coming back!
  4. You know, I have to say, there is a lot about the Military that I respect insanely. I really do. I should have prefaced this with the fact that I'm not American, so (to me) the military doesn't figure as strongly in our culture as I (assume) it does in the US. With that said, I will say that every visit I've had to the US, it has always included a visit to a decommissioned now-museum aircraft carrier or old ship or sub or military museum etc. I do love sea-faring vessels (and jet airplanes like mad), and love the entire honourable military culture. Again, doesn't mean that's real life and everyone follows it, but its a nice thought. I love the military porn and the fact that most of the ship gargon is pretty authentic. Again, this is what I've been told, and that the author of the books was quite adamant about getting it right. That fascinates me. Anyway, I'm in for season 3 and hope it's awesome!
  5. Sacriledge! Out, Out with you!! Don't be insulting the greatness that is Keanu! Honestly - to ME - I totally see a combo of characters from movies I've seen. Elias from Clerks II, Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The clothes, the mannerisms, the FACE. It's all there, man. The actor is a young Johnny Depp clone, if he was on heroin. That's what i see - and makes for perfect casting. And dude's a good actor.
  6. Honestly, the cliffhanger I thought of....that the cure would have some nasty side-effects or backfire somehow. Especially with the whole wonderful we all love each other/isn't the miiltary awesome self-congratulatory montage in Memphis. I thought for sure someone would suddenly start hacking up guts..... Guess I was wrong. And I cried, BTW, when Master Chief Jeter reunited with his in-laws. Dammit show. It was not the clifhanger I was thinking at all....but still a good one. And nice chemistry between Rachel and Chandler (wait, is this Friends?) Sorry, Rachel and Tom. You know where that is heading next season. Looking forward to it - and the season - already.
  7. You do realize that there are ailments or illnesses that cause people to gain weight (or lose weight), or retain weight in an otherwise unnatural way, right? Like, someone with hyperthyroidism will considered "blessed" in society, because they don't gain weight and will be quite thin, but someone with HYPOthyroidism will not because that affliction basically makes their metabolism non-existant - therefore eating normally will cause them to gain weight. I remember a few kids - when I was in eight grade - that were quite chunky. These were boys, for the record. They were short, quite chunky and didn't do sports. Then they hit puberty. And shot up one foot in height and turned into lean, slender bastards. A chunky kid is not necessarily an indicator for someone overweight later in life. For these lucky tall people (men in this case), it was probably their bodies way of gathering energy so when the growth spurt happened, it (the body) would be ready. The flipside is that I knew a family where over-eating was clearly an issue and the mother, father and daughter were clearly obese. Clearly. So there are shades to this grey, in that sometimes a kid is simply that way because of genetics, and other times the kid is that way because of influence. To assume a family is deliberately being "fat" just to collect those checks is quite disingenuous. Same as saying someone on welfare doesn't want to work because the check is easier. Bullshit. Most (note, there are abusers in the system) people don't want to live poor lives. Most want to have an opportunity to have a good life. But there are no jobs, so it makes it harder for these people to survive. With no money, they can't afford fresh fruits, veg and other healthy foods. Processed (fattening foods) are unfortunately the answer because they are cheap. And so begins the endless cycle of Poor = Fat = Poor = Fat and so on.
  8. Damn, you'd think with a lot of us not being happy with the pilot would have abandoned the show, but no. Damn, those are some strong numbers. Pilots always do amazing, and there is always a major drop after, so I guess AMC is "smarter than your average bear" because they are reaping the ratings rewards.
  9. Enough with the attacks on each other. Everyone is allowed to express their opinion without slamming or disrespecting others who may have a different opinion then you do. We all see things differently, so therefore our opinions will also be different. No one needs to back out of anything. If you don't like someone's posts, use the IGNORE feature, instead of attacking. Please resume talking about the episode. Thank you.
  10. Especially since JDM sizzles..... *grin* That's exactly what I thought...So you have been hiding from the authorities for years, yet you decided to tear the throat out of a litltle humanich boy to give your wife speech after many years without, but gave yourself up mere hours after?? Made no sense. I think...based on my own little musings, that maybe it went like this. John Woods developed the Humanichs. Remember, he wanted them to learn like a normal human would. Molly goes to space (as did her colleagues before her) and got infected with the aliens. Molly herself is infected, comes back to Earth and the threat of alien invasion is now known. The military - along with TAALR - are now made privy to this, and start to devise plans (both cooperatively and independently) to defeat this enemy. At this point (in mid season 1), is when TAALR decided to do it's thing. Only in the last few months/year did the computer take over. Before that, it didn't care.
  11. Keith David is SO familiar to me (especially the voice and smile) and I was racking my brain trying to remember where I've seen him before!!. He has a lengthy lengthy resume, but I specifically remember him from a movie long ago called Men at Work!! He was awesome in that!! But Calderone, my friend...I don't think ripping out the throat circuitry of Ethan is the best way to go make friends or gain some trust. Maybe John could have brought you some spare parts. Your large forcefield maybe made to be smaller to hide you, or maybe your wife (humanich friend) could go out and get the parts for you herself. Otherwise, that was messed up. JD, god I love you, you sexy thing, but you're pick-up line was flat and not the most creative and romantic in the world. Where is the passion between those two? Poor Julie. I do feel really bad for her and horrifed about her being in that cargo coffin. My worst nightmare. And damn Lucy, don't mess with her ever. However this goes down, I predict TAALR will be "defeated" and Lucy becomes the big bad season 3. Ethan vs. Lucy. And I do not like Madam Secretary or whoever she is. I'm questioning her sanity and pure decision making abilities. And duh that none of those employees walked out. SOP. Charlie is okay! Yes. He is the most moral of the bunch (besides Ethan) and just a really good guy. Make sure he is okay. But he and Julie are really underestimating Humanichs and the computer networks abilities. The computers will always be one step ahead...no wait, make that millions of calculations a second ahead. Oh, and Molly - really? You are an astronaut who is alone in outerspace for 13 months but you doesn't know binary?? Yeah...no. And that long "phone number" / coordinates were NOT obtained by those 11 or 12 chess board square light flashes. Each number would consist of 8 zeros and ones (eight bits making a byte which represents one number). That's 8 characters x the 20 or more numbers for the code. It should have been Star Trek Data rapid speed light flashes for a long time. But hey, I'm nitpicking a show that is very nitpickable. Still, I enjoyed the episode overall and looking forward to next week.
  12. Hmm...moving from NY to LA?? Not sure I like that. Something about NY's buildings and overall city feel was a perfect match to the 1940s era, IMO.
  13. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment! Please note though - episode three airs on September 13th, in two weeks, so bare that in mind. This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread to continue the discussion.... S01.E03: The Dog Please remember not to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters! And if any dogs get killed in this episode, show, there will be hell to pay...
  14. Here is your episode thread for your discussional enjoyment! This thread will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday September 13th prior to episode airing. Note the date! Prior to that, please head on over to chat away in the pre-air thread here: S01.E03: The Dog: Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread DO NOT to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. There is a thread to compare the shows HERE, so any mention or discussion of the events or spoilers of the Walking Dead goes there. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!
  15. In some cases, yeah, more main characters they are looking for certain characteristics, but even the guy cast to play Travis was cast not because they were looking for a Maori, but because casting liked the guy. Happens a lot. That's what I think - the people cast auditioned for those roles, were good actors and just happen to be black in most cases. Hell, the guy who played Cal was really good at appearing like a perfect pure honest teenager, and then switching to being a shady drug dealing guy. He did that really well. It just happens that the actor they cast was black. The actor they cast for Chris, though, obviously needed to look like his dad, though Maddie's kids don't look like her. There is also how much reputation an actor has, so like the guy playing Matt or Nick or Alicia, you guys recognized them from other shows, therefore that could be partly why there were cast - better know people.
  16. Because I am a fucking fool messing with this show I cannot contain (because I am invested...), but please, clarify this sentence: Whose blown characterization? Abbie's? Yeah, I agree. But everyone ignores that blown characterization that most don't care about because apparently it is acceptable - they blew Crane's characterization all through season 2., But hey - he's 'crap' and no one cares...( though - almost - everyone still wants him to hook up with Abbie). The fact that THIS particular "retcon" affects Abbie is the problem. Not the retcon itself. There are a myriad of reasons why shows do these stupid rewrites/retcons/etc. But the fact that this one affects Abbie specifically, people don't like it. That is the plain fact and reason for this outrage, IMO. Give me another reason for it, and I'll regress, but that's not what I've been reading. LeeLeePanda is quite right that pilots do not make series. Very true. Pilots are to engage the businessmen and get them to sign on. Once that happens, the creators have semi-free rein to do their thing and establish the show world. I presented my opinions as someone who has formulated opinions based on their own viewing habits. For instance, shows I am not engaged in, I didn't catch the little nuances and shoutouts that TV shows tend to do in some cases. But the ones I cared about, the shows I cared about - dammit, I remembered everything. And I remember very little in day to day life. I cannot remember the prevous week. My memory is shit. But I remember in detail the Pilot of SH. I remember in detail certain episodes that "hit me" that I will never forget. That is what I was trying to intimate - that those episodes that truly "hit" you, you will remember. Others, not so much. But when it hits you, you remember the facts and scenarios that otherwise, are a mere blip. So those episodes that "hit you" are the ones that you remember in detail and will quote and debate "canon".
  17. A person invested in a show is not an atypical viewer at all - especially with a show that apparently was renewed solely due to fan interactions. My comments are posted not as a mod (hence the lack of pink), but as a poster who thinks differently than others. However, I guess I must bow out of this conversation, since I do not agree with the rest of you and am offering a different perspective to the situation. No worries. Looking forward to the new season. See you then.
  18. Hmm.. I think I didn't express myself clearly enough. People who watch shows that they are a semi-interest in, are mostly not going to "sweat the small stuff". Like, okay, some continuity here and there - assuming they catch it. If one is not as invested nor paying much attention, these type of things go unnoticed, and if they are noticed, it usually endeavours a "whatever" reaction. As long as it entertains, then awesome. If you are someone invested heavily in a character or a TV show, then these glaring discrepencies stand out so much more. A general viewer wont necessarily remember the exact words that Abbie spoke in the pilot, but those of us really invested will remember. Because it means something to us. It is important, it impacted us, it made us think and remember, feel and connect. A casual viewer won't even notice the retcon, and even if they do, they'll just "meh" it. I've done it so many times with other shows I watch that I like, but am not insanely invested in. The few shows that I am really invested? I can give the writers a run for their money in terms of what exactly happened, who said what, timelines, character development, etc etc. The writers themselves have proven that they don't remember the minutae that the rest of us does. Most of you here are the same. This is why a retcon such as this hits more, or bothers us more than most casual viewers. Because we are invested and because we care. And fact is - it seems that you are implying that while "others shows have blown continuity" Sleepy Hollow is not allowed to. Why? Almost every other show does it. Why can't Sleepy? It's because you feel completely invested in Abbie, the other characters and the show itself. Which is why it stands out more. Sleepy is a TV show like every other TV show - it's subject to the same network rules, regulations and executive decisions that other TV shows are. It's not special, however we think it is. It is only special because we ourselves feel it to be special to us. To FOX - the only thing they care about is money. Does SH make money. Yes? Then renew. Otherwise, it's gone.
  19. Yeah, I was wondering too about the ship and repairs. They already had hull damage the previous episode, now even more. There is not a lot of option to fix up a battleship as a) you need a place and b) you need engineers/mechanics to do it, and most of them are dead. Dr. Scott "curing" the family threw me off. First, because she was focus on the kid, yet all three of the family members were obviously infected. Second, the typical TV Trope of "I Shall Not Explain My Actions" at all came into play. Rachel want to cure the kid, but all she does is hug and whisper sweet nothings to the kid while the parents watch. Almost everyone will expect a syringe or a vial to consume, not a hug. But of course she doesn't EXPLAIN how she is curing the family - just cryptic words. Love the XO and how they took out the sub. Seriously, do love the military porn on this show. Even the hard to port/starboard is feasible since apparently these ships test their ability to do these extreme maneouvers. Very cool. One of the best moments? XO going "Ah, what did you do now, Tommy?" Awesome. This is such a great fun show to watch. On Sunday's, two shows air that I want to watch both at 9:00 pm. This one and Fear the Walking Dead. As someone who loves TWD, I expected Fear to grab me more. Anyway, taped both but watched The Last Ship first. The hour FLEW by. It was over in no time. Then cued up Fear, and watched it after. Man, did the time friggin' drag by. What a difference.
  20. Nope. You are not the only one. I could do without all of them, except Seamus Duncan (who might actually pop up again). The rest...meh. Oh, except two others actually but I don't know their names. The young female cop (black lady) who came into Irving's office and interrupted Ichabbie, to mention his wife was on the line and the young male cop (asian guy) who directed someone somewhere. Those two were adorable and I wish they were re-occuring more often. The time jump is not four years - its one from the end of Tempus Fugit. The four years is supposed to somehow been slotted in BEFORE Crane woke up. It's feasibly, if one doesn't think too hard about it, which the writers in the past don't think about continuity either. Happens in a lot of shows - difference is that many of us are invested nerds and we know every little detail, which is why this makes it stand out and seems wrong.
  21. No, the people who actually smoked pot - bands and singers and all - would still be able to present a more interesting and engaging show. Wait, what? Really? I didn't know that. Thought he was much younger than that. No wonder he's messed up and looks depressed and done with life all of the time and dresses like a comfortable slob (I am also a proud Gen-Xer and can totally relate).
  22. I like it, and am happy for poor Mison that he doesn't have to suffer with the wig in the stiffling Atlanta/Georgia heat. Knew he was growing it out when he kept showing up at comic cons with a hat to hide it, but thought they would at least give him extensions.I remember him saying how one late night of shooting in the NC heat, they finished filming, and of course they then had to remove the wig before he went home. He had tons of dead mosquitoes embedded in his own hair. Poor thing. What this also means...is that certain people can run fingers through his real beautiful hair. *grin* If you noticed, he - or anyone else - never ever touched his "hair" ever on the show. I don't think he even tucked stray hairs behind his ears ever. So natural hair will be a vast improvement and much more comfortable for him. There is a head shot on the internet of Mison when he was younger (early twenties I think) with shoulder-length hair. Trust me, he looks friggin amazing and it really suits him. *drools* So we'll see if he keeps growing it out.
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