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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. And then we get this... Behind the scenes shooting - Mison and Beharie https://twitter.com/lloveland/status/501734235540312064/photo/1 and this... http://vimeo.com/102555025 Oh show, how you vex me so....Le sigh.
  2. Have never heard/read the books but heard good reviews for this show. It premiered on Showcase here in Canada on Sunday, so watched the episode and overall really liked it! It did drag a little with the set up of Claire and Frank's marriage resuming after 5 years. The narration I actually like as it seemed to flow nicely for me and also gave one Claire's thoughts. I hope they keep it, honestly. Frank questioning Claire about having a relationship - hmmm.. my first thought was that he himself had a dalliance, as he mentioned it would be understandable, yet Claire never questioned him on his own possible affair(s) during the war. I loved the transition of Claire's 1940's dress looking like a shift from the 18th century. Very clever costuming. And Jamie (Sam Heugan.) Wow. That's a good looking man. I like the bits of humour with the Scottish "gang", and how they respond to Claire being demanding/forceful/swearing like crazy. I did find it weird that the British were trying to kill/attack Claire though. She's a Brit also and could be an important person or whatever. I mean, Randall has no idea who she was - what if she was a prisoner of the Scots and had just escaped. She could have intelligence on their movements, who they are. Instead, he attacks her. Strange. Overall, I liked in and looking forward to more. Unfortunately, I'm two episodes behind due to the airing.
  3. I guess this was the case about half way through - when Alfre Woodward's character asked her daughter "Will Chandler still take orders?" Then I was like, No, looks like Titus is on the GOOD side. Even before, I was wondering why they wanted to sniper-out Granderson specifically. Shades of Walking Dead, in the sense of an individual going on a power trip and using the humans for their own personal gain. The use of the corpses to fuel the coal plant was a good creepy twist though. ETA: Frost - you are very right. Who knows how long the virus can survive in a dead body. Allowing it to decompose may contaminate the soil somehow. Burning the bodies makes perfect sense. The creepy comes from the fact that it seemed like Granderson and her ilk were deliberating killing off the people to cull the population of undesirables and get a cheap and easy fuel source. The clapping for Dr. Scott CDC briefcase... How did they even know what was in there? It would actually be kinda stupid to tell everyone in the building a cure was found. False hope and the less people know, the better, in my view. Unfortunately, Chandler lost some of his brain cells when his focus shifted to finding his family. I understand why, of course, but he started letting his emotions guide him and in turn, starting making bad decisions. I expect better from a CO in the Navy. I expect him/her to be able to be a big stronger than that, but then considering the circumstances. I also expect better from the US Navy on this ship - you let one cop basically commandeer your bridge and his minions to take over the ship. I expected the XO to kick the crap out of him. Any of the crew should have been able to disarm the cop and take him out. I guess my expectations are too high, in that I expect more kick-assedness from said military. I also expect more secrecy and guardedness from them. Way too trusting. Tex is somehow going to hook up with the Titus gang and help save the Nathan James crew. Overall not bad and let some nice cliffhangers. And once again, there is probably going to be a long wait for the next season. Damn. I like this show. It's entertaining and fun, despite some flaws.
  4. The fact that the show never indicates that properly executed CPR actually will crack ones ribs. I vaguely remember this from CPR training, but if done correctly, cracked (and sometimes broken) ribs are apparently very common. Correct me please if I am wrong. Oh, and that two or three weak pumps get that heart muscle going but strong. Can't fault them in a way. The actors cannot do full force CPR on another actor, so I guess this really shouldn't be a problem.
  5. Well, Abibel IS an anagram of A BIBLE. The show is probably just messing with us or its some crew member inside joke.
  6. I'm really not joking - you need to write this down. And if you don't, then send me stories of your family history and I'll craft a story out of it!! *grin* "She beat him with a trophy." Your Aunt Lulu and Great Grandma need to be featured/worshipped in a movie. Just awesome.
  7. I remember Odin was grousing about how these military guys were safely hidden in some bunker, hundreds of miles away, manipulating the drones to attack and causing him to lose his arm. When people are angry, bitter and resentful like he is, logic gets thrown out the window. The fact that a drone can do these things without a traditional mano-a-mano between two humans is maybe his beef. Yasomoto said that the alien was found near the goo on the mined planet. So he thinks the alien will somehow prolong his life?
  8. That's the interesting thing about this show. Half the time, they do things in a way that's very believable (to me at least). Like they are astronauts, not military people, or Molly thinking logically and scientifically, not hysterically. Then this. Granted my theory hasn't been confirmed that everything is tracked but it would make sense. If you know you are on ISEAs radar, then you should know to watch your correspondences. Save the futuristic iPhone for another time. Be a bit more stealthy. ETA: Exactly it. His face when he realized he wouldn't have the chance to be a typical father and teach his kid new things was evident. John is having a problem reconciling his "son" with the Humanich within.
  9. The first half of the episode seemed a bit disjointed - they seemed to jump to various scenes that didn't quite fit together. That said... Oh Odin - you are the worst date ever - barely paying attention to poor Julie but now we know why. I figured something shady with him. Love the reveal that he lost his arm due to drones and mistrusts robots because of it. I haven't watched Hannibal but have we ever seen the mommy of a so-called baddie come visit his child. I loved that. Loved the callback of Yasamoto's girlfriend in episode one, to working Odin and his crew. And all of the arguments that were presented to John about why Ethan is a bad idea - dead on. Everything they said would happen has happened with Ethan. And interesting that initially John wanted to shut down Ethan's development, yet for every previous episode, he's been rooting so much for Ethan to be a kid. John is way too naive. In fact, I was wondering almost all of the way through - why they didn't just get rid of Molly. She's right there, easily accessible, but then they answered it, so that's good. Ethan - creepy as ever but so good. Prediction - somehow the alien being's life force/brain will somehow transfer itself into Ethan. Kern's switching allegiences rang a bit hollow but I like him. Kryger didn't seem to really present much compelling evidence, but if Kern knows everything that happened to Kryger and Molly, plus his own experiences then I guess it makes sense. Kryger is a riot and like his character too. Another good thing they pointed out - Molly and Kryger are astronauts, not military or skilled in covert operations. I find this show is really good as being a bit more realistic with certain situations. Same with the security guard. I was all about to dismiss him for being too trusting and then, bamn. Julie treated her workmate - Charlie? - poorly. He obviously likes her and wants to protect her but she's in her own little "I have a crush" world. Feel bad for him. I do have a disconnect with Sparks being so easily manipulated by a vision of his daughter. Somewhere something logical in his head should make him step back and analyze the situation and realize that whenever he sees his daughter, it's not real. Same with Molly. Her motivations seemed a bit lacking, especially her saying goodbye to her husband just to see her baby which she doesn't even know what it will be, since it's an alien/human hybrid. However, I can see this being explained as Molly and the baby have a psychic-like connection and that's what's drawing her to the baby. Might make sense considering the baby knew she was in danger when she was trapped on the 5th floor. And security flaw in my mind. Today, emails and texts and tweets are all monitored and can be tracked, etc. In fact, the Library of Congress I think keeps a copy of every tweet sent. So I don't understand how Molly or Sam thinks they can send emails or videos and look up files without being caught. It's all accessible and a place like ISEA would be monitoring everything, especially from those two. Makes no sense.
  10. Looks like Julie snuck in some programming behind John's back??
  11. I wonder if the noise they heard inside the shop made them think some sick person was lolling around. Makes sense they wouldn't want to go inside to double-check. I thought the red X's were to indicate where the infected living were. Those are the ones exhaling viral droplets into the air and hence need a Red X warning. The spray-painted X's for some reason very much reminded me of the Black Plague - if one of your family was infected, your entire family would be locked up in your house and you could not leave for weeks until everyone died or the immune were left with no symptoms.
  12. Heh. If Crane were single now, it would be a lot easier! Because then the earth-shattering sex would actually be a possibility. It's why I wish I didn't ship them. I've forever been ranting that the show keeps denying the chemistry/connection, but then the show gives me scenes or gives me dialogue that says otherwise - both season 1 and some of the spoilers I've seen for season 2. Please stop that, show. It's very, very annoying.
  13. That's a really good question, actually. I wonder if it's the old adage of "you really want what you can't have. Once you have it, it no longer holds any value." It's almost like the writers stop putting in things that have any flirty actions, longing looks, show of desire, unexpected romantic gestures. I don't watch the ones you mentioned except Castle in the past, and apparently once Caskett got together, they became like an old and stale married couple. So then you are really not shipping them, right? Or shipping them as friends only, which they already are. Would you want them to get together if he were single? I definately am shipping them as romantic. Can't be helped. Too much there not to ship, as much as the show tries to deny it. Sometimes I wish I didn't ship them.
  14. Characters on shows almost always being perfectly put together. Somehow they can afford perfectly tailored outfits by the hundreds - with matching shoes - that never seem to repeat. No one - unless it's a "I'm depressed because someone dumped me" - ever shows up in public dressed in grungy jeans and an out of style T-shirt. Sci-Fi - space themed shows - everyone always wears a jumpsuit in silvery colours, to show future clothing choces, requiring one to not have an ounce of extra weight or bulges anywhere. These same people apparently never need to go to the bathroom either (what, no flaps?). The Friends Apartment trope - everyone can afford a beautiful large apartment/house, regardless of salary. Whenever a woman gets with their true love on a show (and usually gets married), they automatically want to have lots of kids. Not every woman wants kids.
  15. Are you thinking of the War of 1812? I would love that. United Empire Loyalists (those living in the Canadian colonies) marched to Washington and burned the White House and the Capitol. Mindy McIndy - your family history is just awesome! You need to write a book or movie on your great grandmother and her sister! And I love the idea of Lee surrendering to Grant at Appottomex. Grant liked his whiskey and cigars. Other suggestions: - The Pony Express - Landing at Plymouth Rock - The Battle at Little Bighorn - Roswell, New Mexico and Area 51 - The NASA space program - Apollo 11 or Apollo 13 - Shootout at the OK Corral - Woodstock
  16. If the antibody is IgG, then yes, it can cross the placenta and attack baby tissues, if the antibody recognizes the baby tissues as "foreign". In the show, they gave the patients IVIG, which is intravenous IgG, to boost their immune system. It's used as a treatment for autoimmune diseases. It's hard to say. I'm not a doctor, but if the human strain part of the virus attached to the patients tissues, then it makes sense that the body would consider those tissues now an invader. The receptors on the tissues are not recognized by the immune system as naturally part of the body anymore. What I didn't get was why the primordial strain worked as a cure. I got a friendly vibe from the hug between Chandler and Rachel. There was more flirtatious expressions from Rachel towards Tex. But yeah, if they decide to make it romantic, absolutely. The wife will appear at the right time to put a wrench between them, and Rachel will treat her.
  17. Okay, just watched my first episode of this show and I love it. It is hilarious. It helps that I was just in Philly a week ago taking in the historical sights. And now I have to do some reading to figure out what's actually true and what's not so much true. Are the drunk storytellers really drunk though? No one was slurring their words.
  18. Irishmaple, basic blood tests will include electrolyte panel (Sodium, Calcium, etc levels), and may include glucose, iron, magnesium, etc. All depends on what panels the doctor orders. HcG is the pregnancy hormone tested for and is a completely separate test and is a specifically ordered test - not part of a female's regular blood panel. I agree, she probably should have been checked but maybe because no one (save Chandler) knew she was in a relationship, they figured she wouldn't be getting any nookie?!? Isn't fraternizing with coworkers in the military also frowned upon, therefore it wouldn't be the first thought, I guess?
  19. This show seems to finally have settled in. This episode, and the last I actually really liked that John and Molly are working together to figure the mystery out. The episodes before that, I was annoyed that they seemed to be making poor decisions. Now, excellent decisions. Neither of them are being tempted to "believe" or trust someone else. I cannot remember another show I've watched were a husband and wife worked so seemlessly together in their covert activities I think the acting is perfectly fine and I like that Molly hasn't reduced herself into a teary mess, or John into an angsty mess. You can see Molly thinking scientifically on how to proceed, formulating her plans and actions logically. At least that's what I see and I love it.
  20. Bit of a boring episode, yes. Liked seeing Bashir being a bit more confident with his romantic actions and flirty. The only saving grace for this episode - the Klingon Restaurant scene. "Throws plate over shoulder" C'mon, it's hilarious! Klingon Restaurant on DS9
  21. No, I think the ship was just damaged in areas from the small bombs that were set off. They didn't destroy the engine, for example, just the drive shaft, which can be repaired. That's why we saw Crazy Patient Zero roaming the halls essentially infecting everyone on the ship. Captain Ruskov may be a bit more polite to Chandler now, once they cross paths again. I agree about holding together the crew - all will be vaccinated and many of those will want to go home with some vaccine/cure and save their families. Then you will have the baddies trying to get the cure for their own aims. You know even Chandler is going to hear the wife's transmission and want to go home. That was Titus Welliver? Thought I recognized him! Awesome.
  22. A bit of a slow episode but not too bad. Some bad science and medicine though. Dr. Scott using an Eppendorf pipette improperly or at least no reason to use that particular pipette. Correct me if I am wrong, but vaccinations don't take effect immediately. You need a bit of time for your immune system to respond, first creating IgM then IgG antibodies. Takes a bit of time (hours to a couple of days). Though I understand it's in the interest of time to have it immediately effective. Again, I could be wrong, forgotten stuff. Also, injecting Bertrice's plasma into the others would also expose them to other anti-bodies that could potentially kill them. On top of that, blood type matters. You better hope she's blood type AB, because otherwise, her plasma will contain antibodies that would destroy the other person's blood cells. Also, the autoimmune attack - these people will have organ and tissue damage. It doesn't just reserve itself. They all will have some lingering and permanent effects. Wasn't happy about the pregnancy - too cliche. When they mentioned the pregnancy, I actually though that somehow in the second season, the amniotic fluid or something would somehow provide a actual cure or vaccine or something. I am surprised that they found the cure so fast - it's like the show didn't think it would get renewed, so technically they could wrap it up next week. Looks like Chandler's wife was exposed to the virus.
  23. That's what I love about DS9 - the many layers and "shades of grey". Next Generation, though I did like most of the episodes, was too "perfect" for me. Too clean and pristine and conflict free and just...not realistic. The fact that you have principle characters that are not perfect, that have done some shady things in the past, speaks volumes to me. Because it's real and honest and what would truly happen (from my human outlook!) in reality. "War is Hell" and people do nasty things to survive. Kira doing terrorist activities - to survive. And I like that the viewer is in a way forced to see a main character in this light.
  24. That casting news Happytobehere...my god, is that ever spot on. For those who can't or don't want to rewatch, but need to remember anyway.... TV Guide offering a video "recapping" the most important things that happened during the first season. Everything You Need to Know About Sleepy Hollow in Six Minutes
  25. I would hate for the show to kill off Darryl - but this is the zombie-apocalypse. No one is safe (poor Herschel....). I would not stop watching the show if he was killed off, so if they do, he better go out with a apocalyptic bang. However, he's a fan favourite, along with Rick and Michonne, so I'm willing to bet that he'll be just fine for most of the shows full run. I do like the respect and trust between him and Rick - and Darryl's bond with Carol are the highlights of the show. Oh, and Darryl simply being kick-ass.
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