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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Wow - did not expect this... FCC will consider punishing broadcasters for saying 'Redskins' If Washington caves, the easiest for them to do is change the name to the Washington Reds, change the logo to a big red capital 'R' or capital 'W' or even 'WR' (a la the Bears or Green Bay) and keep the red and white colour scheme. Done. What a mess.
  2. I'm reading the book right now - it is very interesting. There are some definite changes from the book vs. the show. Timelines are not quite right. Simcoe is a paragraph. Anna Strong is a bare mention, whiny Woodhull is in full force (but he has a right to be and is smart to be as such). I think I mentioned before that two separate paragraphs in the book were fleshed out into an entire episode. I never realized how much of an impact the Culper ring truly had on the Revolutionary War. It's a good read. I highly recommend.
  3. Is it wrong that I was really hoping to see a flashback with Ichabod taking his own "air bath". No? C'mon show, do this for us! You know you want to...
  4. Here, here, re: the clothing. I mean, the Big Bang Theory is a prime example. Raj dresses so mis-matched and in so many layers of un-matching clashing stuff. He's also portrayed as a bit of a metro-sexual with good taste, so his wardrobe choices makes no sense. Sheldon is ironically the only one who dresses normally. And apparently nerds don't wear jeans at all. I'm a nerd, and plain simple jeans with a dark in colour, one-colour (preferrably black) shirt is my uniform of choice. Easy, lazy and simple. At least the T-shirts the guys wear are cool. Good looking = dumb but successful in relationships. Intelligence = social awkward, unattractive and can't get a date.
  5. Decent episode. I like the growing relationship between Jo and Henry. The assistant in the morgue (I don't know his name) I always feel so bad for him. He desperately wants friends, interaction and people are so rude to him. Abe and Henry's relationship is awesome, but I couldn't help but think that the conversations they have had about Henry dying, are conversations that should have happened decades ago. I know it's for the viewer, but seems a bit out of place. And what is this? A female police detective who wears flats? Sacrilege! I like the show - it's good fluffy fun.
  6. This is where I struggle with Ichabod and Katrina going on and on about their kid. I know, it's cold and heartless, but Jeremy is their kid only in blood - even more so with Ichabod. Katrina gave the kid up after one year, but Ichabod has never known his own kid. He only knows Henry. To risk so much for someone who don't even know, just because you are blood related rings false to me. Look at it another way. Sometimes family members are truly toxic and you have to cut them loose. Yes, they may be blood-related, but that does not mean they should automatically earn your respect or love or even consideration. Just like with Katrina - Ichabod is obsessed with the idea of having a son, but there is absolutely no heartfelt connection there.
  7. Tom Mison is spending too much time in North Carolina. I swear that when he was talking to Katrina and mentioned Abbie, he pronounced it Lew-tenant, not Lef-tenant. I even rewinded it to check. So which Ichabod did you behead again, Abbie? Okay, the Kindred was so cute, because he kept looking back at Mom and Dad (Abbie and Ichabod) with a look on his face that was like "I'm doing good here, right? You are proud of me, right?"
  8. Seriously? Not in the intimate scenes that matter.... The man is brilliant...Just saying...(biased point of view). The only good Katrina was when she decided to be the mole, and started messing with Abraham. It was the only interesting aspect I've seen of her since. *sigh*
  9. Again, this is a hard one, in the sense of this - think of someone in your life that you are really in love with, devoted to. I get it, I understand it. You want to save them. I get it. Crane loves his wife. But I just have this insane barrier to understanding that, for some reason with this couple. Eh. I do not see it. I just do not understand it. Abbie has had enough experience with Crane to know that he is trustworthy - 90% of the time. That's pretty good odds. It's that 10% - the Katrina percent - that makes her second guess. And you can see it in Abbie's face. This season and last season. The mention of the name Katrina invokes hesitation from Abbie, as it should. She flat out said Katrina is his weakness, and she is dead on. Crane and Abbie have a unique, devoted, close relationship. But for reason that right now I cannot fathom, Crane is devoted more to his wife. And he is a fool for it.
  10. Eh. Well, proof that when things focus on Katrina --> boring. Not a very good one. Actually, my favourite part was the very end, when Henry showed up to be Frank's lawyer. That was cool. Liked all of the Frank scenes. Liked Abbie calling Ichabod out on his weakness - is his wife ever his weakness, man. Liked Henry saying "You (Katrina) and Ichabod are delusion." Are they ever. So, so delusion. The kiss....meh. I guess I have my Ichabbie blinders on, because...Meh. Wish Abbie would call out and yell out to Ichabod but I think really think this will manifest itself later. They will be pushed further and further apart this season. Abbie's going to get pissed off - and rightly so - and read the riot act to Ichabod. And he's going to have to deal with it. And amend his actions. Abbie is too trusting right now, because she finally has someone she feels she can trust. But she needs to slap some sense into that boy. And Jenny taking the fall - Love her. That is it.
  11. This is true. Everyone has jumped on the Cowboys bandwagon once again. Next week --> 3 and 1 Houston Texans - with QB Ryan Fitzpatrick, Arian Foster and JJ Watt(!!) against 3 and 1 Cowboys, with QB Tony Romo, Jason Witten and Dez Bryant. I don't know man - what to pick, what to pick... Tough matchup. However, the match is in Jerry's World, and the Cowboys tend to suck at home. Usually.
  12. Isn't it hilarious how when a QB or a running back or a team has a good week, they are the greatest think since sliced bread, but then the week after, they have a crappy week and everyone calls for heads? FOX NFL Sunday was discussing this with the overtime rules. Remember how last week, the Seahawks/Broncos went into overtime and on first possession, Seattle gets a touchdown and win the game. So the argument is - well, Peyton Manning didn't get a chance to get the ball, therefore the rules should change and he should have had a chance. And I am like, Dafuq? Why? The only sense of reason came from Michael Strahan and Jimmy Johnson. They are like, you had 60 minutes to get a touchdown. If you can't in regulation, too bad. Terrey Bradshaw and Howie Long are arguing for rules changes. I agree with Johnson and Strahan. And the comment was - if it was any other QB besides Manning, no one would be arguing rule changes. Totally dead on. Last week, Kirk Cousins was the answer to Washington. Now they want him gone. Last week, Geno Smith was the QB answer to the NY Jets, now this week the commentators are like - you have to give Michael Vick a chance! They are so bandwagony and flightly! And no, Jerry Jones is NOT a good GM. I cracked yesterday that he should stay up there in his little private box and away from the sidelines. The moment he comes down and starts lurking, the worse the Cowboys do. Just stay away, Jerry. And next week, if the Cowboys lose, it'll be, "well, they don't have the right players..."
  13. Yeah, the 251 years old is incorrect for sure - didn't really think of it at the time. Crane died in 1781, and since it's 2014, that makes it 233 years since he woke up. As for his age, I just use Mison's age (32), so technically, Ichabod should be 265 years old. He would have been born 1749 (give or take a year or two). I've seen this comment a lot actually. Right now, Katrina is not her own person. She is defined by a man - whether it be Headless, Abe or Ichabod, but isn't that how woman in the 18th century were defined? Woman were not considered people, just property is father's or husband's. For me, the flaw is two-fold. Complete lack of chemistry with Ichabod. So when the show tells us about this Grand Romantic Perfect love, I see nothing. There is nothing that I've seen about Katrina that makes me go "Ah, I see why Ichabod loves her." The only rude thought in my head is she must be good in bed, because there is nothing else that seems out of worldly or special or different than others. To me it's the epitome of the stereotypical romantic notion of love that one reads in romance novels - like the marriage idea of a perfect husband, perfect wife, 2.5 kids (one boy, one girl), the perfect house with white picket fence. It's a desire - a fantasy - but not realistic. This relationship has no substance at all (so far). Second problem is the lack of power from Katrina. She's supposed to be a powerful witch, and they couldn't give her the necklace and have her enchant it. I can only think that the house someone dulls/kills her power. But then, she isn't that much of a powerful witch, now is she? If we assume Ichabod has no powers, then why is Jeremy more powerful than his mother. He would have only inherited half of the strength, so where did he get his crazy powers from (grandparents? Who knows). Anyway, I totally agree - insert Katrina into the dynamic and it loses something. And you don't get that when Jenny is in the dynamic - she slots in there perfectly. So we will see. I think it goes like this. Abe gave Katrina the neckace. That evening, she broke it off with him, handed it back. Abe, pining for Katrina, kept it on his person. So when he became Headless, he still had it. When Ichabod was interrogating Headless, Ichabod pulled out the necklace from Headless's neck area. Now Ichabod has it. We see the same necklace later when Ichabod redraws the map. So Ichabod has it somewhere in the cabin. Which is why I think the enchanted necklace is a second one, that Headless or Moloch or whoever made to allow Katrina to see Abraham as a human.
  14. I'm blown away by some of these lopsided scores. 45-14 Giants. 41-17 Colts. 38-10 Ravens. 38-13 Dolphins. 33-14 Chargers (well, that's not surprising), 41-26 Vikings (the Vikings??)
  15. Recent casting news: Turn - Season 2 - Owain Yeoman joins as Series Regular Turn - Season 2 - Ksenia Solo joins cast as regular
  16. But then how did Headless/Abraham get the necklace? The last time we saw it, Ichabod was holding it before he redrew the map. Unless he broke into the cabin and stole it. I think it's a second one that's been enchanted. My problem with Katrina is she was always a plot device with no substance. They tell us about this wonderful love, but no showing and there is no chemistry between the actors (and Mison has chemistry with everything, including Golems). I think Ichabod may be in love with the idea of Katrina. It's exactly like the "perfect romance." but seems hollow. In fact, I do remember in one of Crane's monologues, where he said "I will not take her for granted anymore." I thought that an interesting line to include. I think she will too adjust much easier than Crane. She's not as stubborn, which will be fun. I originally wanted her evil, because it would be so much fun, but since that's off the table (shame), give her some abilities. She's a witch - well, do witchy things. But don't take away from my Abbie and Ichabod. I think that's an excellent question - can he be changed back? Like, if he reunites with his head to become a whole human, but then somehow rejects evil/Moloch, then somehow loses his Horseman status and becomes a mere mortal again. I mean, if on the show they can take a dying man and turn him into the Horseman, they should be able to take those powers away. Interesting.
  17. Alright guys, time to move the conversation on. This thread is about the television show The View, not personal political leanings and affiliations and the like. As always, we have our handy dandy Ignore feature available to one and all. Thank you.
  18. That is what is so weird about the way the show hides stuff from Crane. I mean, I can see if the people around him were like "Well, I don't think Ichabod can handle the information that he is a Witness, etc" - some people cannot. But Katrina withholding that she is a witch - it's not like Ichabod would go around demanding that she would be burned at the stake. Hell, he saw demons and strangeness before he died. On top of that, HE was the one to convince Abbie that she was a biblical witness, not the other way around. He is an easy believer. So the fact that everyone lied to him and withheld information is just strange. But most likely it was for plot - just like the only person who has ever been completely open and completely honest and truthful is Abbie. I don't know if the lack of information from others is deliberate, but the openess and honestly from Abbie is I think. And it provides a huge contrast to Katrina and her shady information-hiding ways. Of course I could see another retcomm where she was told NOT to tell him anything, even while in Purgatory, which would be strange. I mean, so much difference between when Katrina contacts Ichabod from Purgatory - she cries, looks sad and shies away from saying anything. Now granted, it is for plot, I know. If she did, half of season 1 would not need to occur (you know, Hey Ichabod my love, I had a son and Abraham is the Horseman of Death and oh, BTW, to get me out, someone needs to take my place...). Now contrast that to Abbie - she summons him to Purgatory and tells him flat out everything right away. Right now, Katrina is written as plot device and from the previews of the next episode, again seems so incapable. It is really sad, actually. (But I still prefer Ichabod and Abbie together, and scenes with just Ichabod and Jenny. All are wonderful)
  19. Yeah, I noticed that in the second viewing - I think it's from the next episode. He's learning to drive a car with Abbie and says that "they need their own Horseman." Very excited - should be a good scene. Hopefully a good funny one. No, I think they just added clips from the next episode also. I doubt they will focus or show other things that happened during the time jump. I think it's more that Henry planted the idea in their heads that one year has passed, but it really didn't. They think so, but like Ichabod said, they can't remember any details. Kind of like deja vu - you swore you did something, but it never really happened. Of course with this show, you never know Honestly, I thought it was just an easy explanation to get those two together to talk and hug. There is some evidence that the first episode changed a bit. There was some background pictures of Crane (well, his double) in the dollhouse, Andy driving into the middle of a Revolutionary War battle in a cop car and helping Crane, a bunch of zombie soldiers and Crane fighting off some of the zombies. That may pop up in the next episode possibly or was cut all together. Who knows. I think they are just changing things to suit to new narrative. I mean, Katrina was supposed to be using magic to communicate, but now we find out it's through a mirror. So, when Abbie and Crane talk, it's the actual lair, but when Moloch and Katrina communicated, they both "changed" the background appearance of where Abbie or Crane are. Which is weird but most likely a retconn. Fake Ichabod is a bit strange because he knows almost everything going on, except how to pronounce Lieutenant. I can see Moloch listening and allowing the conversation to happen, so that Crane comes back for Abbie with the key to Purgatory, so that Fake!Crane can get said key, Except, if he's listening, then his demon should know how to pronounce Lieutenant. I did get such a kick out of that scene, and also liked when Abbie mentioned Katrina, Fake!Crane looked a bit confused like he didn't quite know what she was talking about. It's convenient plot points I guess - like how no one - NO ONE - told poor Ichabod anything about demon fighting or whatever in the 18th century. They fed him information and basically waited for him to put together the bits and pieces of information to assist in demon fighting in the 21st century.
  20. Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.02 - The Kindred - 3 New Sneak Peeks Oh that second sneak peek - truer words have never been spoken, Henry. Truer words...
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