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Everything posted by thosme

  1. Lawrence O'Donnell had a discussion tonight with an intern that was leaving that indicated he (Lawrence) would be right there on TV for a couple more years.
  2. I never made it that way but my sister-in-law made it with instant mashed potatoes because of her budget.
  3. So I've watched parts of the video two times. Does the band get money for me watching? In the parts I saw they were very modestly dressed so perhaps that is their attraction to Meri.
  4. Has there been a new episode of this? Nothing has recorded on my DVR for a couple of weeks and I can't see any new upcoming episodes. I miss this program.
  5. Black olives they can put on their fingers. I always made rice crispy treats. My son thought it was the only thing I could cook. Maybe pinwheels with cream cheese and olives, you could cut in the morning or night before if you can get tortillas where you live.
  6. My mother used to make beef tongue in Philadelphia. I never ate it because it sat in the refrigerator and looked exactly like a tongue. I also wouldn't eat the eels that looked exactly like snakes in the freezer. I have eaten eel since those days and would try tongue mostly as a result of learning about different things on the food programs.
  7. I'm old, short, and decrepit. I want chairs with backs when I go to a restaurant. But I'm grumpy at the loud trendy restaurants where you have to shout to be heard too.
  8. I was in Greenock, Scotland about 2 years ago. My husband and I stopped at a grocery store to look for pretzels (4 different bags of pretzels in an entire aisle of chips, but that's not my point.). Anyway, I went to the covered parking lot and waited for my husband. There was a long line of cabs and people getting in them continually. I was fascinated because I had never seen anything like this before. In my young twenties I was in cities and my roommates and I would walk back and forth. From my mid-twenties on I've had cars.
  9. Thank-you. I don't think she is a danger to herself or anyone else yet. I guess I worry because her father had early dementia and then lived for many, many years under care. Maybe I'll watch and wait unless it appears she is having trouble taking care of herself. Also I will try to remember to be patient which I think I'm getting better at as I get older but certainly had trouble with previously.
  10. I need some advice. A friend of mine is increasingly forgetting things. The worst was last week when we made plans for the weekend on Friday and then she called me a few hours later since she hadn't spoken to me in a while. There are other contuing problems too. She said the doctor said she was fine. Should I speak with her adult children about this. My husband is also having problems which our children have also noticed but he told me he won't go to the doctor because he doesn't want to know. He also has me to remind him about things but my friend lives alone.
  11. Whenever I watch Tom Cruise and David Miscavage together, I think Tom is auditioning to play David in a Scientology or self-funded movie.
  12. Thank-you Miss Lindsey and FrozenDiva. I know what my first two orders of sunscreen will be this year. I have spoken to the Dermatologist about this and other skin problems but because my skin looks pretty good for my age in a high altitude sunny setting, she wasn't overly concerned. I am tired of trying to tuck my neck in like a turtle when I go out though. Also I tried to make an appointment with my doctor in April last year about the problems but I couldn't get in before my annual appointment in August. This year I premade two appointments.
  13. During the last three years I have had a problem with sunscreen. My neck will get painful red welts in the creases. Of course, it took me a year and a half to figure out what was causing the welts. Last year I tried six different sunscreens. The only difference was some took longer to annoy my skin. I don't go out in the sun that often because I also can get a sun rash but I like to go to a farmer's market. I saw the list a couple of pages back but don't have enough knowledge to figure it out. Does anyone have any recommendations? (The excessive sweating may be due to the breast cancer medication or getting older.)
  14. During the last three years I have had a problem with sunscreen. My neck will get painful red welts in the creases. Of course, it took me a year and a half to figure out what was causing the welts. Last year I tried six different sunscreens. The only difference was some took longer to annoy my skin. I don't go out in the sun that often because I also can get a sun rash but I like to go to a farmer's market. I saw the list a couple of pages back but don't have enough knowledge to figure it out. Does anyone have any recommendations? (The excessive sweating may be due to the breast cancer medication or getting older.)
  15. Thank you for mentioning this. We'll probably go to LV this spring and go there although my husband hates coffee. However, all these outings are good for not spending as much in the casino. It will be just like going to Universal Studio or as close as we get.
  16. I enjoyed the couple/family moving to Delft. The husband blending in with the curtains actually made me laugh out loud which isn't my usual response to HHI. Also when the wife said the heater looked like it was where toys went to die, I thought she had a point and put it in amusing terms. The realtor seemed to have a twinkle in his eye too. When I was in Amsterdam, it was pouring rain and I was fascinated with people going by on bikes with one arm holding an umbrella.
  17. The last time I looked at the Sprouts seafood, the tilapia came from Vietnam. At that time the guide I read about sustainable seafood was very against this type of fish. I do get some fresh produce from Sprouts but I haven't bought any seafood.
  18. I play a Simpsons game on my computer. One of the characters is Stephen Hawking who runs around the streets just like Howard's toy. You can also make him helicopter around in his wheelchair. I don't think either is in bad taste or maybe a little to make you laugh.
  19. I have a colonoscopy on Monday. Would it be wrong to ask if I could stay asleep to Wednesday ? (I already voted.). My husband and I already figured out, he could take me on a gurney and roll me into the back of the SUV. Then with couple of pillows and blankets I would be okay there until everything was over. I usually withdraw from civilization until after elections anyway.
  20. I thought it said Jutland on my closed captioning. Isn't that one of the islands in Denmark? They spoke as if they were staying in Japan for the rest of their lives. I have a friend whose brother in-law is a Japanese minister who periodically goes back to Japan but when here has a Japanese congregation.
  21. She (AJ Delgado) is difficult to listen to. Then as a good liberal (who still ends sentences with prepositions) I feel like I'm judging her too harshly but she just speaks over everyone. Steve Cortes is the Republican surrogate that seems the best to me because he actually acknowledges some problems and has a sense of humor. I hope my opinion doesn't get him fired.
  22. Not sure where to put this but I just saw Michael Voltaggio(?) in a Carl's Junior commercial. It seems below his level of cooking.
  23. When my daughter was twelve we were staying at The Las Vegas Hilton and they were filming the Full House episode. We stood around and watched the whole scene going into the showroom. What I remember it how nice John Stamos was to all the little kids there and how all the other stars ignored them especially DJ and Stephanie (no Michelle.). I know the girls were young but these kids were so happy to see them. My daughter was ecstatic when one of the extras asked her to hold her camera.
  24. I think Yolanda is too dramatic and involved with herself. I have even tried to change some things about how I talk about my chronic illnesses based on her bad behavior. However I do understand on some level because I recently told a friend, I could be shot, dying from the shot, and my gravestone would say "She insisted it was her name of illness. Of course, since I plan on being cremated that is an exaggeration.
  25. I vaguely remember them clubbing rabbits. They herded them into a net and then clubbed them. They also kept calling them bunnies but didn't show the bunnies or I closed my eyes if they did.
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