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Everything posted by LadyNebula

  1. I'm so sick of steampunk. It's a cool idea, but as a geek who is involved in several different fandoms, I see people putting steampunk twists on EVERYthing. I'm just so bored with it. The episode isn't even over yet and I'm already looking forward to next week.
  2. I loved Jay. I even grew to like him with Manny because it gave him a story. He's probably the only Emma-era character I miss... besides, he was the recipient of my favorite line of Degrassi dialogue ever: "You gave me a social disease!" Gold.
  3. Am I the only one bothered by Rodney's geographical ignorance? To paraphrase: "No one cares about the guy from the East Coast... there's a guy from Texas, a girl from Utah, some hick from Maine..." Uhm. Dude. Last I checked, Maine was on the East Coast, and not too far from Massachusetts, either.
  4. I love me some Elden Henson. I think he'll be a great Foggy.
  5. I wasn't aware Sean had died. He and Pedro made such an impact. Their love story was beautiful.
  6. I totally forgot about that. Wasn't that when they caught the Unabomber and Cynthia was like,"I know him!" I think he had been her friend's professor or something. I actually knew who Sarah was before she was on the show. She was an editor for Image Comics, which I thought was the Best Job Ever (still do, to be honest. Reading comics for a living? Sign me up!). As a female teenaged comic geek, I loved seeing a woman involved in the comic industry who was successful. I wonder whatever happened to her and if she's still working in comics.
  7. She's not. A few years back on The View, there was an exchange between her and Whoopi, regarding Christopher Columbus or something. I don't remember all of it, but I'll cut right to the meaty part: Whoopi: You thought the Earth was flat? Sherri: I never really thought about it. Now, let's discuss Skippy. I was wondering why he looked familiar to me, and then I realized he was on a show called Virgin Diaries. His mom would try to help get him dates, and she wore a tee shirt that said "Wing Mom." Oh, Skippy, it's good to see your awkward self again!
  8. I like where you're going with this. I especially like the cult thing... since the hat has an association with freemasonry, maybe next season deals with secret societies? That could be very interesting.
  9. I got distracted. Is the girl being held captive the same one whose boyfriend was killed by the clown during their picnic? I couldn't be bothered to go back and watch again. I could have sworn that I read that we'd see what was under the clown's mask in the first episode and I'm really disappointed it didn't happen. I find him sufficiently creepy, and I'm kind of more interested in him than the freakshow.
  10. It seems that's who my mother was thinking of. Whether or not it was him, it's very cool you got to meet him! I'm liking the chatty greeters as well.
  11. I giggled at "my worldly Yoda-like wisdom." That guy was fantastic. So much whining, ugh. There's no crying in The Amazing Race! My mother insists the actor playing Churchill appeared in Doctor Who. As I'm not a Whovian, I haven't the slightest idea if she's right, but if anyone knows, please chime in.
  12. Oh, Korina. Just STFU. I would've been fine with both of them going home, but I'll gladly take another week of Char's ineptitude over Korina's ugly attitude.
  13. Am I the only one who didn't find the nerdy minotaur funny? I actually felt bad for him and wanted to give him a hug... which is a testament to how great the makeup was.
  14. I thought it was good sportsmanship on his part, helping others with the compass. But he's cocky and a wee bit frightening. Plus, their teeth are so white, I'm kinda freaked out.
  15. I loved Pharley! Probably my favorite GL pairing ever. Around that time, we got that awful clone storyline as well, but I actually really like Peter Hermann. I'll never forget Michael's death scene - I was sitting in my hotel room in Disney World, putting off heading to the Magic Kingdom because I had to see Michael's send off. I'll never forget his,"I'm dying, I'm dying." Ah, well... Peter's gone on to better things, like Mariska Hargitay.
  16. I hate Jess. HATE him. I also am not a fan of Dean. I always thought Logan was the best of the bunch. He wasn't a pushover like Dean, and he wasn't a complete asshole like Jess (just a partial one) - he was a happy medium. Once he and Rory got together, he was decent boyfriend material. He's the only boyfriend of Rory's I can tolerate. I know Taylor is supposed to be there for comedic relief and to show how "quirky" Stars Hollow is, but I can't stand him. He has no redeeming qualities. I actually like Kirk.
  17. Seth Green and Dave Foley were so adorable together. Bromance! I would love to be on Dave Foley's team, so I could say,"This is a Dave I know, I know." KITH fan for life, yo.
  18. The only good thing about this episode was Scott Foley... and the look on his face when Butt Nurse chose him at the end. Bro looked terrified.
  19. Was just about to post this. I loved Caleb and was hoping to see him again. This is so tragic. He seemed like a genuinely kind person, and he was a delight to watch compete. His loved ones are in my prayers.
  20. I also have a bit of a girl crush. My goodness, Samira Wiley is beautiful. Poussey has quickly become one of my absolute favorites (along with Nicky and Suzanne) and I can't wait to see more of her next season.
  21. July 10, I believe. I feel the same way about what I'm sure will be a snub for Melissa McBride.
  22. Wasn't it mentioned in Season 1 that he visited her once before? I could've sworn someone (Nicky?) said he visited her when she was first incarcerated. Of course, that could have been a lie Lorna told.
  23. I agree. I spent the entirety of the first episode wanting to get back to Litchfield. Vee looks like she's going to be a suitable villain. Can't wait to see what havoc she wreaks.
  24. Wow, Lori Petty looks rough. I wouldn't have recognized her if not for her voice. That said, I hope we see more of her! I loved how Piper seems to cause chaos no matter where she is - she barely knows this woman, the other is a stranger, and they're fighting over her. Maybe she should stay in the SHU for everyone else's protection.
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