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Everything posted by LadyNebula

  1. Well, that sucked. REALLY wanted Yale to pull it out. I love me some underdogs, and I hate when other teams get all clique-y. And if they couldn't win, I wanted anyone BUT Big Brother to win. They were shady as hell. Ah, well. Cheers for Lou Seal, anyway! I loved Joel Zimei on Behind the Mask.
  2. That song they were singing - the whole time, I swore I'd heard it before. And then it hit me - I'm almost certain that a band in Disney World's Animal Kingdom sings it. And since I was there last month and heard that band several times, the song stuck. It's quite catchy - when sung correctly ;)
  3. Wow, Jonah was incredibly unlikeable in this episode. I was actually rooting for Kelly, which I have never done.
  4. I swear, I forgot a few of these people existed, probably because for the first half of the season, I was so blind with Twin Rage. Seeing them again tonight made my blood pressure skyrocket.
  5. Was the flower lady Patrice from HIMYM?
  6. It a good thing Kevin didn't fill the fake RX. Blatant forgery, and not just because it said 2 refills (again, narcotics get no refills). That plus his sweaty ass? You're screaming "I'm a junkie!"
  7. I dunno... I've never known a drag queen that wants to look like an 80s couch. I mean, yeah, it's drag, but they still want to look good. Trust and believe, if a queen wore that in front of RuPaul, they'd be sashaying away faster than you can say,"Halleloo!"
  8. Oh, Randall. Don't go toe to toe with Kitty Forman. You'll never win.
  9. Well, in PA we can take RXs from other states, even on narcotics. But they have to be written or e-escribed. Phone orders for Vicodin is a no-no.
  10. Would Jack and his brother have been in the same unit? Didn't they stop doing that after WW2 and the Sullivans?
  11. Same. I hear that same phone call 5 times a week.
  12. Small complaint, but an issue for me as a pharmacy tech: Kevin said he was out of refills on his Vicodin. There would be no refills, as it's a Schedule II drug. He would need a brand new RX for every fill. Sorry, it just bugged me.
  13. She was on the first All Stars, and was paired with Manila. They went home too early.
  14. Can we please stop with the peplums? Seriously, why are they a thing? They don't look good on anyone, in any circumstance. Just stop.
  15. I actually liked it. I'm a huge FM/Stevie fan, and Landslide is a favorite, so I was rolling my eyes at first. But I found the arrangement to be lovely, and enjoyed Chrissy's performance. I did find it to be an odd choice though, as that song really is best suited for a contralto, which Chrissy is not (hence the arrangement).
  16. I was pissed that they didn't have William Christopher. Granted, I did look away for a second, so maybe I missed it.
  17. With that montage, you'd think Kacy died or something. Geez. Look, I salute Kacy for what she's accomplished, but at this point, I almost think it was a fluke. She hasn't done anything very impressive since - except inspire a new crop of fantastic ladies - which I think should be her legacy. You can tell any joy she ever felt doing this was sucked out of her when they started the "Mighty Kacy" crap. No one can perform under that pressure. But I never agreed with the "Mighty" nonsense. She's talented, but I think there are other women who are better. I think even Kacy would agree with me on that. Harsh? Maybe. I like Kacy, and I feel for her. I wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors, and I hope she finds her joy again!
  18. Hey guys, did you hear Maggie Thorne got divorced?? No? We've only mentioned it every time she's on camera! I feel for the MIT guy, but since he can't compete, do they bump someone up to take his spot? Yay, Nick Hanson!! Last year was a heartbreaker. So glad he hit the buzzer.
  19. The bloodiest episode of Project Runway yet!
  20. I realized we haven't seen Tonia's husband Perry in awhile. Hope all is well with him/them as a couple.
  21. The affectation. Their speech patterns and demeanors seem very fake to me. I feel the same way about Alyssa Milano on All Stars.
  22. An unconventional challenge? Oh no! We've never heard of such a thing after 16 seasons of this show! However shall we make this work?? Also, note to Sinead O'Connor:
  23. Well, that wouldn't have been an incorrect description. Am I the only one who can't stand The Towers of Power? Their bro shtick is super annoying. Something about their attitudes during the last Team Ninja Warrior rubbed me the wrong way too. Like,"We're so awesome, we're bros, we kick ass, and oh... here's the woman we had to put on our team. BROS!!!!"
  24. I would LOVE to see Weird Al. He would be fun to watch. If I had to choose a pro to return, I would want Karina back.
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