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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. So they rewarded the spoiled quitter and axed the one who listened to a critique and tried to revise her design. Allrighty then. And then we are treated to Oprah-fied speeches from the judges. The competition is wired. Victoria's dress was a travesty. Marquise's was clumsy. All the designers know what's going on. There was a weird whiff of attention-seeking from Dayoung. There's a story there. I really wanted to see her collection. Delvin's and BBrittany's were my favorites.
  2. I'm watching but haven't formed an opinion yet. So far, so good.
  3. I caught myself wiggling in boredom and remembered my childhood self doing the same in Sunday morning sermons. Someone has it in for Meghan M. and the timing is hilarious. The imagery is arresting but pointless.
  4. She's a PR person. And yes I noticed the same thing. Annoying effort to bring in viewers.
  5. Thanks for the post Auntie Pam. The puppy did look healthy, but that shelter looked very tenuous. I think the officers were attempting to serve a warrant or make an arrest and it wasn't clear to me whether anyone was available to care for the puppy. That flimsy plastic top would not last long in wind and rain. And I wonder if they have coyotes in that neighborhood. For long periods of time. Very cruel. As is leaving dogs in indoor crates for eight hours a day. And don't get me started on the dogs who spend their entire lives on those chains that run along a short suspended overhead track. I'm so disappointed we are losing Montana. That location provided some visual variety. Michael K on Dlisted has been riffing on Sharpie eyebrows forever. I guess the trend lives on.
  6. Jeff has always yearned to make his living in the entertainment industry; he craves the spotlight. I read that years ago he worked in a casting agent's office, which is how he met Jennie, who also craved the spotlight.
  7. I perceive this in many reality TV shows. In some cases production is complicit, in some cases it gets away from production and they lose control of the narrative. The shows are reality in name only.
  8. I haven't watched all of the recent episodes. Did they say anything about the white puppy that the officers fed and watered in Florida? He did not appear to have adequate shelter - no protection from rain. Not to mention fresh water and food. He was desperate to be rescued. I was hoping the officers would report him to animal control.
  9. As of episode 2 the show lost its way. So disappointed. The moody and off-kilter visual framing is a poor substitute for real storytelling tension. I stopped reading King a long time ago. Maybe his books are best served by movies, where all the elements can be presented more cohesively. I'm hanging on for the actors, but using FF.
  10. It was fun to watch the "Sue Special" and remember her arduous path to sprucing up Kavik and acquiring her lovely cabin. But I gotta say that a solid hour of pedantic Sueisms was a bit much to endure. Finally some real predators! We've heard so much about them throughout the series but rarely see them. The latest regular episode gave us grizzlies. The show's participants must thank their lucky stars because I assume the extra income has really saved some of them - especially Sue and Jessie. Jessie was barely making it and Sue's future didn't seem secure at all. Chip and his shade at people who work in cubicles. Smug jerk. He forgets that 1) the state of Alaska could not handle it if everyone left their cubicles, swamed to Alaska, and copied his lifestyle 2) Agnes gives him his lifestyle and 3) cubicles (and factories, etc.) keep our economy going and provide services and goods, including tax-supported commodities to Alaskans.
  11. Disappointed. The jokes fell flat or seemed forced. Maybe they rushed this into production?
  12. Geoffrey was wearing a rainbow print, Christian made a subtle comment about it (i.e., gay pride), and Geoffrey came back with a deadpan "you know I'm gay right." They were having a silly moment. I liked seeing Geoffrey's quiet cheeky sense of humor. I wonder if DaYoung had an illness, and the lack of sleep and nutrition and stress exacerbated it. Geoffrey told her to eat. She's made two odd comments about physical sensations in her body. I watched the CFDA mentorship competition reality series, and it was a big deal with heavy hitters as judges and mentors. Some of the winners went on to notable fashion careers. If PR's CFDA mentorship prize is real, then I figure the judges will pick someone like DaYoung or Brittany as the PR winner. DaYoung's work is elegant and marketable, and Brittany is smart and moldable. Delvin should stick to strategic shade at people like Sergio. Much more appropriate than some of his earlier nasty snipes. I feel like Ashley Longshore is just the latest media flash in the pan who knows how to market herself. She has a gallery in the French Quarter. I did enjoy her positive interactions with the designers.
  13. TMZ reports that some of the Cheer gang are in LA, shopping for more opportunities, such as a movie version of the series. I didn't read all of the details, but Jerry is there. Also, Netflix and the Cheer production company are in talks for more shows, I presume a second season featuring the Bulldogs.
  14. Given this latest episode, I'm pretty sure viewers are being punked. While I believe that this deck crew is inherently misogynist, I'm convinced they are ganging up on the women to satisfy production's desire for drama and ratings. Lots of people are probably hate-watching and being driven to Instagram and WWHL. It's crass and insulting and I hope it backfires on the deck crew and Bravo.
  15. I agree with this. People need to let go of the dated notion that women in the workforce need to be soft and nurturing. I especially liked that Monica confronted her pastor about her church's dogma on homosexuality and gender. But to be realistic, she is holding a power position in her town. I believe the Oprah story because I and so many people I know have been asked to work for free. This practice is especially prevalent in the "glamor" professions, where so many people will do anything to work their way in to an industry. I've seen it in news, Capitol Hill, and entertainment. Thanks for posting the Youtube link. That's the first I've seen the entire routine. I hope these kids don't get their heads turned by temporary "fame." They need an education and a plan for post-cheer.
  16. I'm watching "The Farming Life" on BritBox, which is about farmers' lives in Scotland and Ireland. While it's not a vet show, vets are shown working on the animals. One thing I noticed is the use of an ultrasound in all of the pregnancy checks, which not only affirms pregnancies but also specifies the gender so that the farmers can do their planning. One of the farmers even has a cow-flipper that tilts the cow so that its hooves and limbs can be more easily worked on by the vet. I also notice how gently all of the animals are handled compared to what I see in other shows, including the beef cows. Anyway, I think Pol uses rotating young vets because they're cheap. Other practices do the same, but he needs to bring in more fulltime vets and pay them well. Surely there are vets who will work in his understaffed practice for the right salary. I'm not surprised to read about his business model. I could understand it if he is struggling financially, but he appears to be wealthy.
  17. I'm not holding my breath waiting for forgiveness from a drunken racist jerk who is painting herself as the victim in this scenario.
  18. Absolutely ElectricBoogaloo. People should stop claiming Native American ancestry if they don't have bona fide proof. My friend handles applications for tribal enrollment for a large tribe, and she says it's not possible for there to be as many ancestral "Indian princesses" as there are people who swear their grandmothers, aunties, etc. held this title. Just one example of the nonsense that sprang up beginning in the 1970s.
  19. I loved Nancy's outfit but agree that its connection to the challenge wasn't clear. I'm glad that Chelsea won and liked how she did connect her design to her heritage and honored her grandmothers. Sergio's efforts to be compassionate reminded me of Buffalo Bill in "Silence of the Lambs." Bill the psychopath would practice mimicking normal people's behavior. Sergio's affect is very disturbing. Elaine the judge earned her Bravo paycheck by carefully explaining to Sergio why his transparent manipulations just didn't cut it. And his dress was hideous. I can only speak for Native Americans and cultural appropriation. First, some regalia items are very sacred and worn only by a relatively few honored tribal leaders, such as the war bonnets. Seeing tacky war bonnets, made in China, worn at Halloween or keg parties is deeply offensive. Second, Native Americans have been massacred, shoved all over the US, and even today fight to have their treaties honored, to collect monies owed them, and fight for their rights as sovereign nations. As late as the 1970s they were being pressured to move to US cities, promised jobs that never materialized. Their languages and customs have been annihilated, families broken when little kids were forced into Indian boarding schools. Their culture was almost wiped out. From this perspective, it's annoying and offensive to have the beneficiaries of all that mistreatment turn around and pretend to "honor" Native Americans by using their likenesses as sports mascots, in costumes and clothing, in cheaply made fake Indian jewelry..,all of which line the pockets of the people who do it. It's insult added to injury.
  20. I thought the first two episodes were dreadful. Not because of the unfinished work, but just the acting and production. I won't finish the series.
  21. How do US taxes and visas work for yacht crews who work in non-US locations? Are these folks independent contractors? (I'm not asking about Bravo income; I know how that works.) Seems like it would be difficult for any revenue agency to track and collect taxes on these tips. Could this be part of the attraction to the industry? My friend was a purser for a cruise line for many years, but he was a W-2 employee.
  22. Katherine and Travis will do this dance forever. It feeds their need for dysfunction and drama. Meanwhile Bravo is desperately trying to save the show.
  23. When I spotted her I gave a little happy squeal. I loved her on "Hannibal." I hope we get to see enough of her this time.
  24. So excited for the new season to start Jan. 20!
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