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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Yes, my mind went to Glenn Close.
  2. Yeah, they basically pandered to the audience, jamming in balls, weddings, wealth, fashion, choirs and churches. Also, stop trying to make Blanca happen. Her every utterance was a wall quote. I remember partying as a young woman in the French Quarter, looking up and seeing a wraith passing through - an emaciated young man covered with Kaposi's lesions, drifting down the sidewalk. I've never forgotten him. Rest in peace to all those we lost. FU to those who resisted and blocked efforts to learn about the disease and explore treatments.
  3. Billy Porter's moment, alone in front of his mirror, was transcendent. I thought he was preparing to suicide, but I guess he was granted a peaceful death, looking beautiful.
  4. Her wardrobe is divine, and styled beautifully, but it seems a bit unrealistic. I don't know anyone who dresses fabulously every minute of the day. I'm too busy checking the wardrobe out to focus on the stories.
  5. I am not religious, but I grew up in black and white southern churches with gospel music. It always lifts me. So I loved this episode. What talent. I had not heard of Ledisi - astounding. The church hats, Billy's wardrobe...fabulous.
  6. I remember reading that Paris' parents were kind of down on their luck financially when Paris' infamy broke, and that Paris' lucrative shenanigans and deals were supporting her family.
  7. Kathy is so weird it's uncomfortable to watch. I thought this season would break viewership records - due to Erika - but that's not the case apparently. Good.
  8. I'm wondering why Crystal is on this show. She apparently has scads of money, and her husband is successful, she's elegant and intelligent...and she's quite the elitist snob. Why would she do this tacky show?
  9. I watch this show just to immerse in my beloved New Orleans. I miss those accents, which are dying off in my own family. I love all of the participants, but Keely is especially awesome.
  10. The show has one foot over the shark. They are all pandering to the cameras now. Monica is especially transparent, practically manhandling her boyfriend into position as the cameras rolled. I'd prefer if the older generation remained themselves, instead of struggling to be quippy and clever. "prick tease" I question whether Vishal was as drunk as he pretended to be.
  11. Does anyone remember Goldie Hawn's character in "Private Benjamin," when she was swanning about her fiance's chateau in an outfit just like Leah's khaki monstrosity? Also, quoting an earlier poster: "The career of the highly educated Eboni has consistently trended downward. After her good education she became a lawyer doing substantive work. However, she chose celebrity over substance to become a opinionated talking head. (I include all talking heads in this category). Now in a further slide down she has become a Real Housewife who will probably never be taken seriously again." Let's not forget that pesky little bankruptcy problem, which Eboni mentioned in her first episode but didn't really take responsibility for. That's the thing I give her serious side-eye about.
  12. "Why are you so angry" is very passive aggressive and patronizing, regardless of race. That statement should only be uttered by a concerned therapist. Not by someone who proceeds to get very angry herself, complete with blotchy red neck and face. At one point Lu looked like a cartoon she-demon.
  13. It's been said that Andy Cohen "adores Leah." He only adores her because she woke up a tired series during her first season. He also adores that she's unstable and he can manipulate her for the show's sake. Leah's pretty crafty - is she manipulating Andy right back with these ridiculous teenage dramatics? On this latest episode she reminded me of a pouty kindergartner: "I'm can't take another minute! I'm outta here!" Stomps off. Waits for camera. Doesn't get it. Stomps back into camera range. "I'm still so mad, blah blah blah." Flails around and stomps back out.
  14. Ramona presented an extremely sexualized persona during her first RHONY seasons, including around her young daughter and at her daughter's school activity - I think it was a dance? Mario and Avery were often embarrassed by those antics. Just sayin'.
  15. Won't Ryan be in custody for a very long time? Assuming he isn't charged as an adult, he'll be housed in juvenile facilities to await trial and serve his time.
  16. Underwhelmed by the last episode. Given the caliber of the acting, the show could have focused on Erin's murder and Kate's personal journey alone. Leave off the other missing teens, the writer, the endless red herrings, and Siobhan's extended story. More Julianne and Jean. If they were planning on a second season, they shoulda kept Zabel. But I'm content with just one season.
  17. Dan had a residual sweetness inside, and that helped Andrew and his family connect with him and get him into treatment. I'm glad for his children. However, living across the street from his ex-wife, I worry about old patterns and resentments surfacing. He just have the constitution of a bull to look so differently after he got sober.
  18. It would be normal for any police, including Mare, to reach out to a deceased cop's family. The script is asking viewers to weigh if Mare failed Zabel, or if he should have known better. The script even muddies the waters by having Zabel confess that he is not as skilled as he has claimed.
  19. I wonder if Billy has learning disabilities or another developmental disorder. There have been instances in real life where folks like this are manipulated into confessing crimes - in my own family I know how suggestible they are . The show has stopped short of specification, but Billy has been shown to be timid and anxious. He may have been dominated by John and others his entire life. Perhaps he fathered DJ, was drinking heavily and blacked out when Erin was killed, and believes he killed her and moved the body, or knows John killed her. I'm bored with Siobhan's story, which took away from other more interesting plots and characters. On a lighter note, the little kid who plays DJ was just waiting for his chance to dive into the bathtub water during his "drowning" scene. Little trooper.
  20. I think production will orchestrate the entire cast's response to Erika's revelations. They want to keep Erika for the viewers her scandal brings. Also, timing...thus far she hasn't been charged or arrested and they have to be careful to avoid defamation.
  21. Yeah, he gets it from the parents, who pander to the cameras constantly, especially Dick, who constantly mugs at the cameraman.
  22. Snort. Minkoff is stunning. I'm a sucker for conservative elegance. With the exception of Minkoff and Dorit, I was very disappointed in the fashions at the "BBQ." Erika's fat lips: maybe one of the widows found her and popped her one. Kathy seemed off. Maybe nerves.
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