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Everything posted by Taylorh2

  1. Damn Reed. The next time I feel the need to tell someone off. I'm going to hire you. That was the most beautifully articulate 'you aint shit ' speech that I think I've ever heard. lol
  2. Last night I watched Danielle & Mohammed wedding. All that was, was a backyard bbq with a side of wedding. None of the guest bothered to dress up at all. I dress better then they did while I'm just sitting on the couch watching TV
  3. Is there a link to Mo & Danielle's wedding ? I need to see pictures. lol
  4. How old is Mary? WTH is with her 'overthetop facial expressions?! She seems to be totally into her "valley girl" thing.
  5. Yesterday, I saw a preview for the start of the new season: 12/8 Victoria (Katy Mixon) looks like she's gained a lot of weight. Not 'Molly' weight but......
  6. I'm really confused. Are Danielle and Mohammed still together ?
  7. OMG!!! Danielle looks more like his grandmother in that picture. If that's possible!
  8. TiredMe: You used to like the surfers but now you don"t and hope that they don't win because they are good at surfing ? Seriously?
  9. I get the feeling that she is NOT SERIOUS about becoming a Nun. I think she is on a Reality TV show and that's it.
  10. Gee, I'm Black and I've never heard 'the kitchen" thing
  11. Hahaha to Diane telling Dre's mother that she was not part Cherokee, and what does the back of Diane's hair being "her kitchen" mean ?
  12. I might actually start watching this show full time if they write out Cam & Mitchell.
  13. I read that June said the picture of her, 'Chester the molester' and Alana is photoshopped.
  14. OMG!!! I was rolling when they showed the actual pictures of Joe at the end. He was a fat nerd in bad 70's clothes. He looked nothing like the *HOT* guy that they have playing him for this show. Hahahaha.
  15. mojito. Hahahaha. Sorry but I have been a Led Zeppelin fan since I was 16 yrs old.
  16. The first time we watched this, I jokingly told my son (Brandon) that he was "black-ish". I'm a Black female, my dh is White, so that makes our 19 yr old son 'mixed race. We live in a upper-middle class neighborhood in a 2,300 sq ft house-in a very good school district. lol He watches hockey with me. lol Speaking of "Black names" I'm a Black female and my name is Taylor
  17. Shoutout to the daughter being named "Jackie"
  18. I usually mute the sound when Bernadette is speaking. That voice she uses makes me want to poke out my eardrums with an icepick. lol
  19. I wonder what year public schools banned 'Dodgeball ? lol
  20. Didn't see her on 'Extreme Couponing. What did she do ?
  21. There is some ad on TV right now and one of it's tagline lines is about inviting people "to an ugly sweater party" and I always thing about Beverly sweaters. lol
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