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Everything posted by beeziebee

  1. I really do like Chef Jack. Pleasant, talented, doesn't take himself too seriously. But did I just see him TWICE lick or have a spoon in his, or Tumi's mouth, and then drop the spoon back into the bowl/pot from which he was tasting? I just can't. That's too much. He's not cooking at home, for God's sake.
  2. I only half-paid attention to the episode, but I happened to look at the TV to see that brief moment where King Kodouche stood atop his mountain of prairie plague dirt and was circled by the camera for the shot. I can promise you that he suggested that whole sequence to the producers to shoot, and they willingly shot it knowing full well how stupid it made him look. What an asshole he is.
  3. Anyone else see the shot of the broom on the galley counter? Ew. It had been on the floor and now it's on the counter where food is prepared. Just ew.
  4. Kody chastises his wives for not being strict about COVID rules, but he kissed Janelle on the lips. Excuse me? Beyond that stupidity, he is simply the worst husband and/or father there is. Poor Ysabel.
  5. Isn't it amazing how many storylines seem to come from Big Love. It's like Kody saw the series and decided that he'd get a reality show to mirror it. That was a great series--excellent acting, good story lines. RIP Bill Paxton and Harry Dean Stanton.
  6. I couldn't tell you what happened in this episode because I couldn't get past the grammar. There are subject pronouns and object pronouns, The subject ones are used to indicate the doer of the action, the subject. The object ones follow the action or the preposition. So it's not "between she and I", it's "between her and me." I think the Browns (and countless others) think they sound "smart" by using the incorrect pronoun, because it naturally sounds wrong, therefore must be smarter. It drives me insane. This family's butchering of the English language is horrific. Makes me really question their schooling. Stay tuned for next week, it's an episode of lets guess what the Brushes are trying to say: more adventures in mouth-full-of-marbles mumbling.
  7. She said she "doesn't like them". Well I guess everyone else just adores them? Buildings full of sick people, who wouldn't love that? I just do not understand when people use that as an excuse not to enter a hospital when it's evident that they should. As we all saw, she did NOT have an easy labor with Axel. Why wouldn't you avail yourself of the best medical care possible for something as important as the birth of your child? It just seems very immature: I don't like hospitals so I won't use one for my medical needs. I understand there are the earth moms who insist on midwives and home births and all that, and that's fine if you're lucky enough to have had easy births, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. And I agree with whomever it was who said it--that birth center looked way too homey, i.e. the bed, the linens, it just didn't look right for some reason. YMMV, of course.
  8. OMG! I thought that was just me noticing that! Those poor kids--how can they understand their marble-mouthed parents? It's like they're too lazy to enunciate. Ugh.
  9. Archie. Archie is the only salvation for this show. It's just awful. I just want to see 45 minutes of Archie's adventures every week, not these shrieking harpies.
  10. I don't even let my dog and two cats in the room when I have the door to the fireplace insert open for loading. When the fire is going, all manner of ash, particles, and well, embers fly out at will. I wear heavy insulated elbow-length gloves just to protect myself. I simply cannot fathom allowing a child to rest THAT CLOSE TO AN OPEN FIRE. I'm pretty permissive and not an over-reactor, but I just cannot fathom allowing that.
  11. He's just old school. Old country. I'm sure he has a heart of gold in here. Now Jennifer's husband? He creeps me out royally. Just the whole package is creeper city.
  12. Are the steaks in Wisconsin different or something? I don't know where Robert finds beef that has sugars in it that caramelize. I understand he was trying to educate on the importance of a good sear, but don't fabricate facts. That's doing a disservice.
  13. It says "Douglas" on the stern. And it flies a Manx flag, so I presume it's registered in the Isle of Man.
  14. Given Gilead's biblical obsessions, I thought the Marthas were referencing Martha in the Bible, who was known for her dedication to hospitality. YYMV, of course.
  15. I think it was a speech impediment. Mom (whom I wanted to slap) probably thought it was cute and couldn't dare engage the services of a speech therapist. It wasn't enough that he has the birthmark to contend with, he has a speech issue too, which may have contributed to the bullying as well.
  16. That's the first thought that crossed my mind. She knows she's deathly allergic to fish yet doesn't carry an EpiPen? And if the reaction was that strong and immediate, I wouldn't waste my time hoping a benadryl tablet would work, with my airway swelling and aspirating the water. She knows she's been allergic "her whole life", so what's her excuse?
  17. You hit the nail on the head. I don't think anyone hates Matt. The double standard is mind-boggling. Couldn't agree with your post more.
  18. Zach appears to know nothing about training dogs. Berners are great dogs and very smart, and I do think it greatly benefits a child to grow up with a dog, but Zach really isn't training Murphy. That dog would benefit greatly from a few visits from a professional trainer, or at the very least take him to a class at PetSmart or the like. It's not the dog's fault that his human doesn't know what he's doing, but it's the dog who will suffer because of it.
  19. So upon hearing about Kody's desire to run for office, it dawned upon me. He's going for the Big Love thing. Remember how Bill Hendrickson the polygamist businessman ran for office to gain acceptance for polygamists. We know how that story ended---Bill dead, but each of the wives living their own happy lives, somewhat together. I don't know whether Kody knows that a lot of people watched the series on HBO, so this isn't such a new idea. Or maybe it's just a case of life imitates art.
  20. But Ysabel doesn't WANT surgery now. She wants to please her dad, and last night she told her dad that she didn't want it. But Christine said that Ysabel did want the surgery because she hates how her back looks and it's affecting her self-esteem. Even her siblings realize how the scoliosis affects Ysabel's self-esteem. I think Ysabel just told Kodouche that she wanted the surgery because that's what he wanted to hear. I can't help but think that he's anti-surgery for financial reasons.
  21. I'm not sure I can trust Christine's "fillings" about surgery either. If I were Ysabel, I'd be looking into emancipation and seeking out surgery on my own.
  22. I think he was differentiating it from sailing yachts. Of course these people having owned luxury yachts themselves would see that, but maybe he was trying to give a nod to their familiarity with the yachting world.
  23. Eva, I'm glad you call her "Aunt Maxie" and not Ms. Walters, because her name is Maxine Waters. If you name drop, at least get the name right. Sheesh!
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