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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Plus, this is always about him being CEO. What, he's also CEO of his father's house???
  2. He acts? I never noticed, I'm too busy drooling when he's on my screen :)
  3. I couldn't understand why I enjoyed the wedding when I can't stand Deacon or Quinn, but you hit the nail on the head as to why I did. That's why I found it hilarious when Ridge & Taylor were clutching their pearls over Thomas not wanting to go to college AFTER he won some fashion showdown against Forrester when he designed for Spectra.
  4. I wish I could give this 100 likes! Because I can't say it enough, shut up Hope.
  5. In "The Cadillac" when Kramer puts the cable guy (disguising himself as the phone guy) on hold and plays the new age music. Not sure of the episode, but I love the "Tommy Tune is a very good dancer" conversation between George and his parents. The look on Elaine's face in The Fatigues when Eddie Sherman reads his first catalog entry: "It's a hot night. The mind races. You think about your knife..."
  6. He is? Wow, I am shocked that he still has such a high pitched voice at his age.
  7. I'm so glad I read this, now I'm looking forward to watching tonight. I was SO sure that little shit Hope was going to have Deacon bowing to her greatness.
  8. So Hope, who (rightly) doesn't let anybody tell her what to do, can tell her father (who she barely knows) who he can/can't marry? In her same annoying, whiny staccato? I see KM didn't take acting classes during her time off.
  9. I wasn't particularly bothered by Rick's turning down the wedding invitation. As Quinn's boss it would have been nice if he accepted, but to me his rationale made sense, he hired her for her talent, but it doesn't mean he likes her.
  10. Brooke has been my favorite character from day one, and she is even getting on my nerves with how she's been behaving lately, especially with that "I forbid you to (fill in the blank)" nonsense. I guess I'm not as loyal & steadfast as Maya :(
  11. Did you also know that Maya is honest, loyal, and steadfast?
  12. But here is where my disappointment lies. Certainly it would make no sense for Jimmy to embrace "Saul" at the end of the series as Walt did, but it happened to Jimmy too early. No, he is no law firm lackey, and we know he won't end up being one, but I would have liked him to accept the position and realize then that it's not the life for him.
  13. At the risk of sounding mean, I can't stand Nicole and enjoyed the hell out of her making an ass of herself :) I also liked seeing her face drop when she found out Carter knows Maya's secret.
  14. I can't stand JMW & how full of herself she appears to be, but I do have to agree with what she said in the article regarding Steffy: "I want to slap some sense into her whenever I see her heading in the wrong direction, which happens so often,"
  15. THAT is exactly what I wanted to see. I wish the episode would have ended with Jimmy walking in for the interview, and I wish next season's opening twist would be that he did accept the position with the firm. I wanted to see the transition from Jimmy to Saul happen gradually over a period of time. The way it was done felt not only forced but rushed. Which makes me wonder, was BCS intended to be a series with very few seasons? In any event, IMO this was a dissatisfying ending to an otherwise excellent 1st season.
  16. Which reminds me, I was surprised the writers had Nicole use that term.
  17. Considering all the crap Quinn has not only pulled but gotten away with, I feel like she has no right whatsoever to judge anybody else's actions. Yeah, that pink blouse/tan pants combo has been doing her no favors. But as long as they are frumping Brooke up, I say she should go full throttle dowdy and show up in a polyester pantsuit while reclaiming the matriarch title.
  18. The ego propping IS "honesty no matter the cost" in Rick's brain :) I guess the writers are making Nicole look worse every day with her opportunism to make us sympathize with Maya. It's not working with me, I just can't stand either of them.
  19. It's no secret that I'm a Victor fan, and even I was annoyed about that!
  20. To be honest, I think RS is attractive, but I really don't see anything exceptional about her. That being said, although I'm a Brooke fan, I think her line to Deacon about him finding someone more beautiful was ridiculously uncalled for. i hate when women do that to each other. Just accept that you're both attractive and move on, no need for competition. Besides, it's all in the eye of the beholder anyway.
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