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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I think it looks as though he's trying to look like old school Justin Timberlake. There's always someone out there who finds someone very attractive. Case in point, there were women competing for Ben!
  2. Well, to be fair, it could mean that the person you confessed your feelings to now feels awkward around you and gradually the awkwardness ends the friendship.
  3. It just hit me about the truffle fries...wouldn't it be better if Liam & Steffy's thing were waffle fries?
  4. I found this part interesting: "According the insider, one of the men had become so close with Bristowe that producers became concerned for the show. They brought in Nick Viall, the villain from Andi Dorfman’s season to stir the pot. “Producers freaked out when they saw how close Kaitlyn was growing to one of the men — it was no contest — so they brought Nick on the show [during week 4] to keep things interesting.”"
  5. I have no doubt in my mind this is the case. How else would they happen to know where/when to show up? I remember it happening in one season (the bachelor was *I think* Jesse Palmer) where an overconfident woman cast as "the one everybody hates" named Trish barged in on a one on one date and asked to come back, and viewers pretty much concluded TPTB had to be the ones to bring her back, simply because there is no other way she would even know about that date.
  6. That is a cute breed! You mentioning a dog reminds me, you're a groomer, correct? Do you have any advice on brushing? My Lilly is a Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu mix...her fur is soft but has a cottony kind of feel to it & she gets knotted really easily. The groomer says she behaves for her but she will NOT stay still or listen when I try to brush her. I suppose she's a bit spoiled, and I have NO idea whose fault that it :)
  7. But wouldn't Paul have known that Nikki lied since Neil confessed? Or did Paul think Neil was the one lying?
  8. My very favorite is a tie between Caroline & Bonnie, I feel like they're basically nice people who always try to do the right thing (although in the case of Caroline doesn't always go about it the right way). I also like (in no particular order): Matt - because I gotta root for the human!; Stefan - I find him interesting because he is very flawed and can get out of control like no one else, but deep down I think he has the best intentions; early Elena - was dealt a lot of crap in her young life and handled it the best she could with a lot of maturity (a maturity that ironically went away the older she got). My very very very least favorite begins and ends with Katherine - all Katherine wants to do is survive (how I've grown to HATE that word on this show)...so Kat, please explain what "break up with your boyfriend so I can have him or else I'll kill your family" has to do with your precious survival. Next, again in no particular order: Klaus - whiniest "badass" I've ever seen; Rebekah - maybe if poor lonely "find me somebody to love" Rebekah didn't kill/threaten to kill anybody who pissed her off, maybe she wouldn't be so lonely and would find love; Elijah - "honorable" my ass; late Elena - should have changed her name to Mimi since everything was about memememememe.
  9. My unpopular opinion has to do with Sue getting wins. I very often see on the boards how nice it is that Sue finally got a win. However, that gets said so much that I've come to think Sue basically always gets a win, it's just that how she gets her wins are a bit different. Her pattern: Sue sets out to achieve something (Sue screeches in excitement)/something goes wrong (Sue screeches in disappointment)/the thing that goes wrong turns around, most often by accident/Sue gets her way (once again screeching in excitement). I do give ES credit, I'm sure she's playing Sue exactly how she's supposed to, but I'm finding that the screeching is getting more over the top as time goes on. Sounds like an argument my ex husband used to have with me, he'd say his opinion is an opinion and can never be wrong, so if his opinion is that grass is pink, he's not wrong. Huh?
  10. I need to go to an ENT and get my ears cleaned, because I'm pretty sure I heard Steffy tell her dad something about her having self respect & that she won't beg Liam. Nothing says begging like Bob Hope, truffle fries, plastic parachute toys, snow globes (that's US in there!!! *gag*), and mood rings! Oly, I'm very impressed with you, it didn't take you long to see what a mess this show is :)
  11. Dear SpottedCoachDog, This just made me snort! :) Sincerely, By-Tor
  12. Yo bitch! indeed :) http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/aaron-paul-pranks-fans-announcement-fake-breaking-bad/story?id=31826522
  13. Please tell me these didn't used to be their foreplay/sex toys :( But...but...it CAN'T be! Ivy said more than once that by preventing her from going back there, Liam literally saved her life!
  14. Avery came on the show as a famous, brilliant, sought after attorney, and this is what she's been reduced to? I'm glad the character's leaving if they insist on making her so colossally stupid.
  15. Yeah, why can't she design her jewelry from Australia? And she doesn't want to leave because Liam's here? St3ph must have married the last decent man in Australia if Ivy needs to stay for a schlep like Liam. Wow, that's a shame :(
  16. I finished up the series on Amazon a few months ago. I loved Nate in the beginning and hated that he was with Brenda, I thought he was way too good for her. As the series went on, I did a complete flip-flop and loved Brenda and thought she was way too good for him! I also LOVED those uber creepy commercials they used to show for mortuary "supplies" in the beginning of the series. I hated that they stopped using them :(
  17. Since many have spoken of Vicki, I'm reminded of something that really bugs me. Vamp Vicki was losing control and started to become a threat, so BAM let's stake her! More recently, a vampire loses control and it's a broken-neck nap (I can't recall the last time a vampire in MF was actually staked). I wish they would be consistent...that they either conjured up the nap idea sooner or did more staking later. I guess staking vs napping depends on an actor's contract :)
  18. Good point :) I fall asleep to Raymond every night, and last night I finished up the episodes where Debra/Marie weren't speaking. I'm not crazy about how Debra has a tendency to take her frustrations over Marie out on Raymond (not that there wasn't plenty about Raymond to make her frustrated!), so I really like how this whole thing transpired. Marie could tell the kids weren't behaving, and if I were Debra I also would have blown up over Marie barging in unannounced with other people and insisting on hearing knock-knock jokes. Marie was clearly in the wrong IMO, yet she still made it all about her and got snarky about Debra having no control over the kids.
  19. I don't really understand why it happens that they get cut for looks. I thought Judi/Kelly have said that up to and including finals, the candidates are judged on dancing and whether they have a good look for the squad. So I don't get why or how their looks that must have once been judged favorably are now suddenly not good enough. Kind of like Chandler last year...she had a kind of odd "full face" smile where it would make her look wrinkly (when she really wasn't); well she had that same smile, how did she make it to TC if looks count so much?
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