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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. Then why the holy hell did she keep calling him instead of the police??? BTW, great recap, as always :)
  2. Regarding hiring more transgender models is concerned, you're absolutely right. How is letting Maya return as "lead model" going to help show she wasn't fired? Because she is going to say so? I'd think it would look more like "yes we fired you, but now we are getting bad publicity, so if you agree you may return as lead model & we'll give you a boatload of severance under the condition you say you weren't fired." As far as Rick goes, he should have to report to Loading Dock Guy :)
  3. Either that or if Ivy becomes interested in someone else. I'm still not a fan either. I'm sorry, I think TK looks like he could be LG's father & it makes me uncomfortable to watch their scenes. It's not even that I'm opposed to May-December (I liked Eric and Donna), but these two are icky IMO.
  4. IMO if that is done then there will be no more show.
  5. Can the show just have Lucy get hit by a bus or something so we could get her out of the way?
  6. I absolutely DESPISE the mustard bitch! In one of the commercials where she's trashing the house (not sure if it's supposed to be her house or the ketchup's), she screams SO shrilly that I have to mute the sound. Also, I despise the implication that women are horrible and unstable when we are broken up with.
  7. Carrie Underwood? Blech, cross Sam Adams off the list of beers I'll drink.
  8. That would be like me getting a centipede tattoo!
  9. What is with that picture where she looks like a dead body waiting be outlined in chalk?
  10. OK stupid question, but the marriage only took place to keep Ivy in the country, and Ivy denied that to immigration officials. Regardless of her current status, which she was not aware of at the time, couldn't she get in some hot water for fraud?
  11. But if Joe didn't do it, that DNA wouldn't match DNA evidence found on Avery.
  12. I LOVE the way JLD delivered the line "I think it was a gun." And I loved when Kramer congratulated the wife of the fat-free frozen yogurt shop owner on being pregnant.
  13. The Parking Spot I admit is ridiculous. I mean there is no way something like that would ever happen, but I love it because of how ludicrous the whole thing is. Plus, I will NEVER not laugh at "Man that Michael Jordan, he is phony!"
  14. I thought I knew a thing or 2 about fashion, but I have never heard the term "lead model" used before this show. I mean, I know that companies like to feature a model (Gisele Bundchen for VS comes to mind), but I never knew they referred to her as "lead model".
  15. I'll sit and have a beer with you at the unpopular table, I am too! I adore Dean Norris, and I can't stop looking at Rachel Lefevre, desperately trying to figure out what they do to make her hair look so damn good! I'm watching on Amazon Prime and I'm now up to the middle of season 5, but so far I don't dislike AJ, I just dislike how Carmella coddles him then gets offended when he doesn't listen to her. I really can't stand Meadow, and part of it has to do with Jamie Lynn Sigler's horrendous voice. I do have what I think is a very unpopular Sopranos opinion...I like Janice. *Whew* it feels good to get that off my chest. Yeah she was manipulative, but I couldn't help but think that deep down she really did care about her family.
  16. Yes, like how we always hear that (whatever location the show is currently in) is the perfect place to fall in love.
  17. I didn't like Eric & Donna at first, but they grew on me. I always HATED Jackie & Owen. Remember when Rick (KL) had the hots for Jackie also? That was too ridiculous.
  18. Steffy spent HOURS putting together the photos and parachute men? That is one of the saddest things I ever heard :(
  19. The article Alison linked to perfectly states how I think many are feeling (me included):
  20. I heard that alcohol flows pretty freely at all times. When Kaitlyn is in the house she's rarely seen without that glass of white wine. I'm beginning to think that wine glass is permanently affixed to her hand :)
  21. Regarding songs for Waffles: Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love"
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