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Stella MD

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Everything posted by Stella MD

  1. Part of that lack of progression is that every week the big shocking revelation for the adult characters is something that we already know as viewers, or could have pretty easily guessed. For example, this week we got "Drill is real! He isn't just a figment of the kids' collective imagination after all!" (obvious from Day 1) and "the big rock is likely from outer space!" (a pretty easy guess from the many unearthly properties of both the rock and Drill, and ). Stop pretending any of this is news, show.
  2. I guess the point of the game was to prove to Lena that Minx wasn't just playing games and/or outright psychotic by showing that Drill could answer questions Minx couldn't possibly know herself, standing outside the door. I'm not convinced that Lena is really on Team Drill at this point, but I anticipate that Drill will tap into her insecurities to get her to take down his new mortal enemy, Claire. 10 bucks says the gun that was randomly introduced last week will eventually be pointed in Claire's direction. Frankly at this point I don't care who it shoots, althoughs Lena's perpetual twitchy skittishness is annoying me more than Claire's inappropriately flat affect, so I guess I'm hoping she accidentally shoots herself. Was Drill's thermal energy imprint supposed to impress and frighten us? I mean, okay, so instead of just flashing lights, the energy can coalesce into a visible fog. Whoop-de-doo.
  3. You mean when his spaceship crashed into the Tanner's garage? ;)
  4. Forget the house - I'd be completely freaked out to have Bad-Seed Minx in my house, even if she were my own daughter. That kid belongs in a locked ward, or pre-emptively pushed down a set of stairs for the good of humanity.
  5. I'm not sure that I understand why Drill needed Henry to go through the tunnel, if the flood was going to be ultimately blocked by Sean. I guess Henry was there to buy time? But why not just teleport Sean in to pull the hatch earlier then?
  6. I completely agree, Padma. Also, although I'm disgusted but completely unsurprised that she would write a tell-all whine-fest, I find it odd that she would go back to the Juan Pablo well when she's been 'victimized' worse by multiple other guys since then.
  7. So help me - I'm actually finding Shawn more and more attractive, even though I still simultaneously think he's the spitting image of Alf. Not sure what that says about my sanity. And Ian, while I understand your desperate need to save face after royally embarrassing yourself on national TV, your squeaky insistence that you have plenty of sex is possibly the least convincing statement I've ever heard on this show of continuous hyperbole and lies.
  8. I initially heard "Drew" as well, but I think that's just Harper's annoying little-kid diction. I was actually somewhat irritated that Harper's mom survived the fall because it meant we would get more of lispy, not-too-bright Harper. How old is she supposed to be, anyway? Anyone old enough to have a rickety treehouse two stories off the ground should be a little smarter that something bad is happening when Mommy isn't moving and has blood pouring out of her head.
  9. That's actually somewhat believable, especially if he doesn't have capacity to leave AMA. However, I laughed out loud when, faced with a patient with unknown medical history who is spouting sheer nonsense, she sits right down with furrowed brow and is immediately willing to believe his crazy notions, rather than smiling politely while working him up for his acute psychosis. I mean, just working the odds, it's probably much more likely that he's a schizophrenic who came off his meds or is acutely delirious because of an electrolyte imbalance, rather than his reports of aliens attacking through the lights being a legitimate concern.
  10. Is the Experian commercial somehow hoping that I'm going to identify with this horribly bratty bitch? Because I really just want to smack her. Hooray, honey, you joined the world of responsible adults and paid your bills on time. None of that allows you to behave like Veruca Salt with your feet on other people's furniture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMtafFoJNBk
  11. I watched a bit last season and so didn't turn this off last night, despite wanting to plunge for the remote every time the vocal fry/upspeak/general vocal hideousness started (seriously, Dorothy is 27 and still talks like that? Most high-schoolers sound less stupid). I like Morgan, but I suspect that part of my like for her is that she seems to be actively maturing beyond this group of vapid imbeciles. The rest need jobs, an infusion of common sense, and a mega-dose of reality. I'd feel a lot more sorry for the Hasselhoff daughter if she hadn't just voluntarily signed up to appear on a show with her high school tormenter. I mean, duh, did she expect not to interact with her? Did she somehow not get that filming this awkwardness and the subsequent tearful meltdowns was the reason she was added to the cast? And I'm shocked/horrified that her sister is apparently a middle-aged woman who stepped directly out of 1982.
  12. Well, he certainly *looks* juvenile enough to be dating a 17-year-old.
  13. Am I the only one who immediately thought of Colonel Angus?
  14. This is actually one of the reasons that I didn't care for the joke - there was nothing clever or insightful about it. Yes, child molesters have a sick compulsion and are willing to ruin their lives for it - duh. Where's the joke? The other part that I didn't care for is that the studio audience was obviously not into it, LCK clearly got that they weren't feeling it, and he just. kept. going. More skilled (or less socially clueless) performers would have been able to read the crowd and switch gears. Not surprised to hear that he has 'no means no' boundary issues in his personal life, because his felt like the same thing - we were all going to hear this joke whether we wanted to or not.
  15. I kinda love sober badass conspiracy-solving Eleanor. I also like that she immediately called out the queen for faking the test results and being responsible for Robert's death. Usually that level of on-screen insight doesn't come until many weeks have passed with me screaming at the TV, 'connect the dots, dumbass!' That said, I'm not sure that the queen's motivation makes any sense here. So she dethroned her own family (and herself by extension) to put Cyrus into place? Is she planning to borrow from Hamlet and marry the king's brother? How does any of this help her? Liam and Ophelia can both go take a long, boring vacation off screen. They're boring and pointless separately and together. Go away.
  16. He's the son she never had! Oh wait...
  17. Ha - as if anyone in the family has an ounce of insight that their role in the universe is to be the gum stuck on the bottom of our collective shoe. Without that same sense of entitlement, Kris never would have subjected us to her stupid family to begin with.
  18. I'm not worried for Noah in the slightest, given that he's on Derek's team. They could come out and do the Chicken Dance out of sync and still get a tongue bath from the judges - it's written in the stars, or at least Derek's contract.
  19. Even the cousins all have names that start with 'K' (including a second 'Kourtney' variant)? How inbred is this family?!?
  20. Gross. I despise Andi but even with that in mind, this is an almost laughable step down for Josh. Somehow I can't imagine any adult finding Kardashleigh and her 8-year-of view of the world dateable. Guess Ashleigh's friend with the five-head (whose name escapes me - Kale's mom) was correct about the lure of the intact hymen.
  21. I think the hooker with the Michael Jackson nose is somehow pulling a long con on Teddy. Why would the feds, rather than the local Nashville vice squad, waste their time investigating a hooker, other than to figure out her clients as part of some bigger case (and if so, they already caught Teddy on tape, so...) The whole sudden need for cash THIS VERY MINUTE, NOW NOW NOW, DON'T STOP TO THINK ABOUT IT feels like a complete scam. Meanwhile, Teddy telling Maddie that he's not going anywhere was the biggest, clunkiest anvil of all time, so I assume that he will be the liver donor. It was obviously always going to be one of Rayna's exes, who was already figuratively sacrificed for Deacon in the past and now literally dies to save him for Rayna. And as much as I hate Luke, I guess there is more of a country-music-themed storyline to tell with him. They don't seem to know what to do with Teddy, so may as well get kill him off. Maddie's mopiness is annoying, but completely believable for a moody teenager who had her birth father kept from her and now just learned he's dying. That kid should have been in therapy since the daddy reveal (get started now, before the dad who raised her kicks it too). Considerably less believable, and considerably more annoying to watch, was Juliette's meltdown. That was terrible writing, terrible acting, and strained credulity even for a character who used to be an insufferable diva. Nobody older than a toddler acts like that. Come on, show.
  22. The presence of Dallas Lovato in general made me laugh. Who more appropriate to train these kids for their lives as D-list celebrities than a famous person's sister?
  23. Clearly I'm getting old, as neither host nor musical guest is distinguishable from word salad.
  24. Interesting. I wonder if Nick was added just to up the number of warm bodies.
  25. Do people really still walk around with checkbooks in their pockets in 2015? Particularly when attending a casual family barbecue, instead of some location where they're expecting to make a major purchase? I rolled my eyes when both Claire and Mitchell whipped them out instantly.
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