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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Indy


    I swear just when it seems like this can't get more disturbing, it does. 37,000 images AND Go-Pro videos of him molesting kids. Sick.
  2. What happened is that one of the boys was out mudding with a few other people and their truck got stuck in the mud. The mud covered the exhaust pipe and they all died of carbon monoxide poisoning. I think there also were some drug related arrests to cast members.
  3. Me too (I laughed just reading your post!). Every time my DH and I are driving somewhere that involves a Euclid Avenue - and they are more prevalent than you'd think - one of us screams that quote. Because it never, ever stops being funny.
  4. I don't believe any of the characters are over 40, but rather in their mid-late 30s. I'm female and in my mid 30s. My husband and a good majority of his friends are just as into Harry Potter as I am. Harry Potter has been mentioned quite a few times on the show. Raj has a wand, they watched Harry Potter and 98% of the Sorcerers Stone on Raj's crappy TV, Quiddich has been mentioned multiple times, and the term Muggle gets tossed around on occasion. I believe Leonard was a late adopter to the books, though. There was an episode where Leonard was reading Half Blood Prince and Sheldon spoiled a key plot point for him in that book and in the following book. Penny also spoiled something for him, so she's at least read the books as well.
  5. YES! It's absolutely something people their age are into. If my husband went to the Wizarding World without me, it is grounds for a divorce. And I may or may not be wearing Hogwarts socks right now.
  6. I'm excited to see this show come back! I've given up on regular PR but really enjoyed this version last time around.
  7. It seems at least lately that most sitcoms with multiple children have one that always gets dumped on or forgotten...Alex on Modern Family, Brick on The Middle, Junior on Blackish, etc....
  8. Jackie Evancho is singing the national anthem at the inauguration..... http://www.etonline.com/news/205091_agt_jackie_evancho_to_sing_national_anthem_at_trump_inauguration/
  9. I haven't watched this show in YEARS but tuned back in last night for the revamp mostly because I went to high school with one of the judges so I couldn't look away. I think I'll stick around at least for a few more episodes. I do like the mostly Tyra-free format. She got so tiresome after a while. I'm not sure how I feel about Rita Ora as a host, hopefully she'll settle into the role of host/mentor a bit more as the episodes go. But she's not annoying at least. Color me surprised that they cut the bitchy girl (whose name I don't remember but didn't it start with a Q?) and the girl hung up on Kyle. Both of them seemed ripe for all the drama that shows like this loooooove. I'm sure there'll be plenty of drama without them. Kyle is gorgeous, she's my favorite at the moment.
  10. I believe Amy is a neurobiologist not a neurophysicist
  11. Damnit show!! You just convince me to cancel my season-pass to the Toby Hate Train (something about Kate's face when he showed up made me lighten up a bit on him) and then you go and give him a heart attack? WT-everloving-F! I wanted him off the show, not dead! Though maybe him dying will help Kate get the support she needs from her family for her weight loss plan/surgery. The scene with Tess realizing that William is gay or at least bi was awesome. Her nonchalant reveal was adorable, and the silent reactions of Randall and Beth were great. Randall's was like, "ooooooohhhhh, I get it now"....and Beth's was like "wow this is a weird-ass night, I need more wine." I'm glad we got some resolution about Clooney the cat. Sloane is fantastic. She's spunky, cute, and smart, and she's great with Kevin. I hope she really does wind up dating The Manny. And I want to go back and memorize how she tells the Hanukkah story for when I start telling it to my son. Because it was perfect.
  12. Beth: Understanding and forgiveness are two very different animals. The adult in you is all good but the little boy in you is still hurt. Randal: So I got him a boat. You're welcome little boy!
  13. Indy


    No, Ashton wasn't there.
  14. Even with all of the years of Intervention I've watched, I never knew anal heroin was a thing. I suppose it makes sense but damn, that's a new low. I love Candy. She's fantastic.
  15. I love this show. It really seems to be settling in as a funny show, in a snarky but sweet kind of way. All the family members have a great dynamic and it's fun to watch the different combos each week. I love the brothers together. Ray, in all his awkwardness, going in whole hog on the practice date was hilarious. And the moment between the boys on the beach was sweet. I also like that the show isn't doing the "chase after the girl even though she isn't interested in you and make her love you" path that a lot of shows do. It's ok for things to not work out, you don't have to wear someone down until they have feelings for you. And it's not the end of the world. It sucks for Ray and JJ that Jillian and Claire don't want to date them, but high school stinks like that. I like the realness there.
  16. That's because he's the Wise Owl from a Pixar movie. He knows things.
  17. I'm fascinated by culty religions so I'm all in with this show. I haven't read Leah's book yet but it's on my to-read list. Jenna Misgavige's autobiography is a fascinating read, especially from the point of view of a young child in Scientology. She's Ron's niece so her leaving was a big deal.
  18. thanks for fixing that! I like your version much better than mine :-P
  19. I want Olivia to move out to LA and get involved with Toby. Then they can be irritating together.
  20. I hope so. Olivia is my new Toby. Sloan is great, she can stay but Olivia needs to not be any sort of romantic interest for Kevin. Ever.
  21. Even though I'm roughly the age of the kids, I'm finding a lot more amusement in playing "where's waldo" with my current stuff in the 80s flashbacks than I am with finding my childhood things. So far I've found my pink floral crock pot and my washer and dryer. My husband doesn't watch this show with me and I'm pretty sure he thought I was a little too far into my wine when I hollered "come up here, our washer in on TV!!" and rewound the DVR so he could see them too. They came with our house and have never known for certain how old they are, but now we know (assuming the props department is accurate....and by my husbands guess at the age of the crock pot, they are pretty spot on with their appliances).
  22. I've always enjoyed JRB in Big Bang, Kripke amuses me, but I really love him as Jimmy. They're starting to flesh out his character really nicely and I love how he interacts with each of his kids. Though it was fun to see Kripke back on Big Bang last week; I'm glad he's finding room in his schedule to continue that character on occasion.
  23. QFT. The whole gang needs to be on the same coast. I want to see Kate and Randall interact. And Toby needs to go. He needs to go far, far away.
  24. And now in addition to my crock pot, Jack & Rebecca have my washer and dryer. Which I think means I need new things. Seriously, the washing machine they zoomed in on in the first 10 seconds of the show is my damned washing machine and matching dryer. And despite what Rebecca says, they're way way better than any new ones I've ever had. Particularly the dryer. It is the best dryer in the world. I loved high William and Beth. Especially when the daughter came downstairs wanting brownies and Beth had to put her mom hat on. Though that might have bested by "oh hi Seth Meyers" while Randall and Kevin were fighting on the street. Deadpan Randall for the win. They've done a fantastic job casting the younger versions of Kevin, Kate, and Randall. The teenage ones are great too. I enjoyed the scene of Kate putting on all the eye liner, calling back to when adult Randall made the comment about Kate's eye-liner phase.
  25. Penny's apartment could be a colony of Sheldon's? Though since they were doing an episode about two countries joining together to be one and merging flags, maybe there will be a new flag in Sheldon's future.
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