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Everything posted by Indy

  1. I think I read somewhere too that the writers/actor like the laser pointer board because it allows JJ an level of interaction with his family and Kenneth that he wouldn't have if he used a computer voice to communicate.
  2. I'm willing to give the show a try, mostly because I'm going to have room in my allocated tv-watching time because I've booted Blackish and The Middle, but also because I'm a glutton for punishment and still enjoy BBT. But I'm concerned that it's just not possible for a child-centric show to not be limited and cheesy.
  3. Indy


    I love Morgan Hurd (and not just because we share a first name and both rock glasses ?). She's really growing up and seems like she's here to play in the big time. Even with beam, it was a great international senior debut. I love that she's so expressive and light on floor, but still a hell of a tumbler. I have high hopes for her in the future.
  4. Indy


    Men's World Cup from Stuttgart is on NBCSN at 11pm on Monday. Women were on tonight.
  5. She really just can't leave well enough alone, can she? I wasn't into Rita as a host, but she was pretty innocuous. And I very much liked the new judging panel. Oh well, this cycle was the first time I'd watched ANTM in years so it's not that big of a deal to me to remove it from my show line-up again. I just can't do Tyra anymore (though I suppose if Tyra as to be back on my TV, I'd rather her be on ANTM than AGT...I'm very much not okay with that casting decision...)
  6. UGH! I hated the episode with him as Leonard's old bully too (too many bullying flashbacks to find that one enjoyable). That's one of the few episodes of this show that I flip by if it's on reruns. I don't think I'm going to enjoy seeing him every episode.
  7. ITA. After going through the adoption process, I'd love to see it realistically portrayed. It's so emotionally grueling and isn't often portrayed that way. I would like to see this be a full season process for them, not an instababy showing up in episode three (and lots of hugs to you in your wait, I know how much it sucks to wait and have to renew everything over and over...start to finish we were at almost 3 years and ~30 rejections before being placed with our son) As far as Randall's condition affecting his ability to adopt, I don't think it would be too much of a problem domestically, especially taking into account their financial means to go through a private agency and their assumed willingness to adopt a non-white male child (which would potentially match them faster too). My husband takes medicine for anxiety (though he had not been hospitalized) and immediately prior to our homestudies had some life-threatening health issues and neither were a problem for our adoption. But that's domestic, foreign is different. China has particularly tough regulations when then it comes to health of potential adoptive parents (even BMI is a factor), I'm pretty sure neither me or my DH would have met their approval. If he takes or has recently taken any medication for anything like anxiety or depression, he could be ruled ineligible to adopt from many foreign countries, even if he isn't want we'd necessarily call "mentally ill" here in this country.
  8. That was....underwhelming. If we are going to spend the entire duration of the series waiting to find out how Jack died, I'm not going to be happy. I'm not even sure I have the attention span to wait until next fall for more episodes of the show. So they've basically established that Kate is NewRebecca, Randall and Beth are NewPearsons, and I guess that makes Kevin NewJack. I assume that Season 2 will be them becoming their parents. Randall & Beth's story line is the only one that interests me.
  9. That seems like a terrible idea...I'd have rather it been Seacrest. At least he can host a show without making everything about himself. This might be the nail in the coffin for me with this show
  10. Pro tip: don't watch this show when you're having a crappy morning and already sad and feeling bad about life...it won't help you feel better.... Overall I was pretty pleased with the episode. I loved Tess and Annie's fun-eral. It was precious and pretty darned perfect. William loved those girls and they loved him, it was a great tribute to their grandpa. And William's postcard to Beth had my eyes leaking. I'm happy Randall peaced-out of his job, but I do hope this doesn't mean the entire family is L.A. Bound...though I do like all the siblings interacting together so it's probably gonna happen somehow. Speaking of L.A., Kevin better take that Ron Howard gig. I don't have enough of an attachment to Sophie to care whether she stays or goes. Really, I still want him to be with adorable Sloane so maybe Sophie will say no and Sloane will run off to L.A. with him. And just when the show was starting to finally wear me down on the Toby front (I enjoyed him during the balloon scene, ruining everything because there were now only 49 balloons), he has to go and make an inappropriate penis joke after the play. Dude, just dial it back 1 notch and I think we can be friends. I feel like Jack's death will be related to his trip to Cleveland, but not necessarily drunk driving. Maybe he'll be walking and hit by a car or get in a fight with the dude from Rebecca's band or something. With how guilty Kate feels, it has to be something to do with that trip but the car crash seems too obvious.
  11. Definitely agree that there were one too many subplots in this episode but it was pretty cute. I loved Kenneth plot - him & JJ with the lasers and letter boards was hilarious ("are you two starting to look alike?") and then with all of the kids, trying to level the playing field for trivia (no Pixar questions!) and orchestrating the inclusive fight club. I would have liked to see more of that and less Ray-of-Sunshine. I also enjoyed Jimmy and the dad's dance party.
  12. They're rebooting this?? If Carson isn't a part of it, that's just a travesty.
  13. Indy


    Televised non-college gymnastics this weekend: American Cup on NBC on Sunday from 1-3pm (Reagan Smith & Riley McCusker are the US girls) and the Nastia Liukin Cup on Saturday from 7:30-10 p.m. on NBC Live Extra (which I assume is an online thing) or 11:30 p.m.-2 a.m. on Universal Sports (for those of you who don't sleep or want to set your DVRs...)
  14. I loved Ray's "I identify as rich!!" line. Also the exchange between him and Maya at the end, calling back to the pilot with both the train and her apologizing to him while he was screaming during the amusement park ride. And the bit about the two trains coming so close together "it's a tragedy waiting to happen!" I would have enjoyed Dylan Parent Trapping JJ and Kenneth more if she had shown them the real version of the movie. None of this Lindsey Lohan remake nonsense. That's just wrong.
  15. Well color me surprised, my favorite of the four won! Chelsea totally grew on me over the season and going in to the finale she was my favorite to win. I really liked her collection, though slightly disappointed that a ninja didn't feature in her story. I really liked the beginning of Chris's collection but it went downhill for me fast. He bugged me most of the season, just too over the top and trying to hard for the sound bite, but Chris was a super gracious second place, which was nice to see. He did well and should be happy Izzy's neon athleasure clothes were just...ugh. The only thing that saved them was that she didn't put plants on her models' heads. And Hawaa actually made clown clothes. Float in a parade, Jubilee Jumbles, neon nonsense. I just don't get the appeal of her at all.
  16. Totally agree here. It looked just like the iron on patches in a craft store. I really think Tieler is a sweet kid (I mean, he comforted Hannah when she was crying about eliminating him instead of the other way around) and I liked some of his earlier pieces (and I've never liked Hawwa's designs, ever) but I think it was his time to go. And yeah, now we know why his name is spelled all wonky...when your name is Tahmi, of course you spell your kid's name Tieler instead of Tyler! I honestly don't love any of the finalists. I suppose Chelsea is my pick because I find her less irritating than the other three, and her bizarre neoprene ninja sea turtle ditzyness has somehow grown on me. But something tells me it's Chris or Hawaa for the win because their clothes are garish and I like them the least. I never like the winners anymore.
  17. Loved this episode. I knew this was the end of William, our wise owl (I was worried that it was going to be the end of Jack too but thankfully the writers aren't that cruel) but it didn't make it any easier. But what a beautiful way to tell the beginning and end of his story. Love, love, loved him greeting his mama at the very end. Just beautiful. And William "meeting" Jack was lovely too. I'm going to miss William so much. He's one of my favorite TV characters in recent memory. I do appreciate that the writers didn't go 150% sad and heavy. The levity with the treasure behind the brick (the confused looks on the current homeowners faces were great...strange men ask to see your house, one takes apart your fireplace, and then they leave....) and drunk Randall ("sorry, I was raised by white people") were golden.
  18. This line, plus the confused looks on the homeowners faces was the best.
  19. Indy


    I'm curious if Tasha knew they were going to tweet out that quote right after the interview.
  20. We hates her, we hates the Madison forever!! I'm the same way with Sarah Lancaster. Deep down I know she and Madison aren't the same person, but I just can't forgive her. She will always be Madison and Madison will always be THE WORST part of one of my favorite shows. When I rewatched Everwood a few years back, I thought I might have outgrown my hatred of her but no, I haven't.
  21. I may or may not no longer hate Toby. And I may or may not hate to admit that. Also, I'm pretty sure next week is going to break me wide open into a sobbing mass of sobbing. They're gonna kill Jack and William in the same episode, aren't they?
  22. I agree. It would be nice to have a new face who doesn't take him/herself too seriously. I wonder if there's a past contestant that would be a good fit? Someone who is funny but also has been-there-done-that. Taylor maybe?
  23. Indy


    No. It's just a record of the skills being done in Elite competition and who is competing them. So if you want to see what skills make up someone's routine or if you want to see who is doing a particular skill, Spencer has put together a really fantastic resource for this.
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