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Everything posted by Indy

  1. That's unfortunate. He's one of my favorite parts of the show, his rapport with the contestants - both talented and ridiculous - was great. Wonder who will replace him?
  2. True story I really love Tieler, he seems like such a nice kid. He's polite, he's kind to his competitors when they get voted off, and he's quite talented. I've forgiven his moms for his absurd name spelling because they've raised a good young man. I thought Molly should have been higher up. I really like her stuff. But that's probably why she gets dinged...it's actually wearable. I think Chelsea is adorable but I didn't love her outfit. Cartier bores me, so I'm not sad to see her go, though I would have liked her to stay around longer than Izzy or Hawaa, both of whose clothes I just don't get at all.
  3. Didn't love this episode. Kevin and Sophie were boring, too much Toby, and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Horse Dick. Sophie is in a relationship, Kevin needs to leave that the hell alone. And Kate needs to do Kate for a while before settling down with either obnoxious douchebag. I still love Beth, Randall, and co. Tammy Taylor used to be TV guide for being a wife/mom but now Beth is in there too. I love her with the girls, trying to help them with the memory box and gently prepare them for the inevitable. Randall needs to get a new job before he snaps completely because he cannot handle Sanjay and William at the same time.
  4. Yeah, Punky Brewster ran from '84-88 so it would have ended when they were in 4th grade, provided the triplets were on the same school schedule I was and started school in September of '85 (I'm a day older than they are). Punky Brewster was the best. I used to dress like her in Kindergarten. If Sophie was part of the group that ragged on Kate for her Care Bears swimsuit, I'm very surprised she carried a Punky Brewster backpack in 4th grade. The one with the refrigerator thoroughly traumatized me as a kid. Even as an adult, I'm concerned about the dangers of getting trapped in a fridge. And now I want to go watch Punky Brewster episodes online somewhere!
  5. I'm glad to see CT back too. And I hope the Bananas Backpack is featured prominently in the special because that is one of my favorite moments of reality TV.
  6. I'll defend Leonard's layers, at least for work. I work for physicists in a similar field to Leonard and our building is freaking freezing all of the time to keep the lasers and equipment from overheating. I'm generally a cold person so my year-round work wardrobe is sweaters, sometimes topped by a sweatshirt. Even in the middle of a DC summer heatwave where you'll melt outside, I dress like it's winter...summers are actually colder in here because they crank the A/C up and it's like working in a walk-in fridge. Right now I'm wearing a winter hat. So if his lab is as cold as mine is, maybe his need for work-day warmth has just morphed over into his everyday style. What does surprise me though is that Penny, as fashion-conscious as she is, hasn't at least influenced his wardrobe a little. Not a complete overhaul like Dr. Stephanie tried to do, but just little bits here and there. Same with Amy, as much as her personality has blossomed since being around Penny (and even Bernadette), I'm a bit surprised her wardrobe hasn't modernized a bit - not to say she has to show more skin or whatever, but I'm surprised the frumpiness has still continued all these years.
  7. This was definitely one of those episodes where I totally get the addiction and am amazed that he was even somewhat functional. He just had no chance. Poor, poor Robbie. I wanted to hug him. And shallow me would like to say that damn, he cleaned up hella well. He was practically unrecognizable at the end. I hope he stays clean.
  8. Indy


    I believe their personal coaches go, but I'm not sure how much direct control they have over their athlete once they are there (i.e. time with medical/training staff, nutrition, etc.).
  9. YES! I just finished listening to Troublemaker and it was fantastic. I'm sure it was a good read as a book, but listening to her tell her story was so great. Her tone, her attitude, it just came across better through her voice than I think it would have just reading the words on paper. It was like listening to a wonderful, six hour interview.
  10. So does Toby's arrival at Kate's weight-loss retreat mean that we get to deal with two obnoxious assholes fighting over her? If they could arrange for an actual Thuderdome kind of fight, I'd be on board (two asses enter, one assleaves!) but other than that I just can't. Also I hope that Kate invited Toby up there, otherwise he really needs to learn how to back the heck off!
  11. It was definitely much bolder than her original makeover. I loved her first shades of purples and pinks, the new ones are a little too much for me - but maybe they went with more color this time hoping it'll stay around a bit longer and they won't have to redye it so frequently.
  12. Dear Show: Please stop trying to make make me like Toby. Don't put asshole Stable Boy out there as a greater of two evils to make me want Kate to marry Toby. Because that's not going to happen. Like I said before, I don't need you to kill Toby, I just need you to deport him back to LA where he can stay out of Kate's life and off of my TV. And damn you for the funeral glimpses.
  13. Indy

    Figure Skating

    He makes them seem so easy, it's just insane. Like you said, so many other other skaters are like "here I go, Imma do it! Imma do a quad! NOW!" and then land it but just kinda-sorta-cleanly. And Nathan's out there just throwing them left and right, all gorgeous, no sweat. Hell, I'd be impressed with five quads period, let alone five lovely ones. It's easy for me to forget how young he actually is.
  14. Another great episode. It was fun to see JJ and Dylan together, with him being the protective big brother in his own way - and her realization that Ray is going to have to be the big brother that beats people up for her. Jimmy as the zen pick up line attendant was great. He really is the best balance for Maya. Also "I crushed a big boy day!" I would like to thank this show for teaching me the word chelidon. Except my husband has decided it sounds like an extinct animal so he just told me to sneeze into my mastadon...
  15. ^^ I'm with you on all of that! I'm afraid William being all good feeling is just setting us up for dead Wise Owl. Though I supposed I'd much rather have him feel great and then just suddenly keel over than have to watch him slowly waste away and get worse and worse each episode until he dies dramatically in the season finale. Horse guy does seem a little forward, but he has horses so that automatically makes me like him better than Toby. I'd probably like Toby better if he had horses but he doesn't so he can go suck an egg and Kate can run off with the wrangler. I have a feeling that Kevin is going to try to win back Olivia but it really should be Sloan. She's so much better. And why is Kevin taking relationship advice from Toby?
  16. I didn't totally love this episode, mostly because of the excess schmaltz and no grown-up Randall and no Beth. But it wasn't bad (no Toby and no Olivia!!). I both loved Jack's reaction to the golf dads and also kind of rolled my eyes as the halo over Jack is getting bigger and bigger. The babies are exactly one day younger than I am. No wonder I like them :) For some reason, based on Kevin's Challenger disaster conversation, I had them placed as '79 babies but apparently not. As for what generation we fit in, we early 80s and late 70s babies are part of the Oregon Trail generation - https://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2015/04/oregon-trail-generation/. Not quite Gen X, not quite Millennials. We're the weird lunch meat in the generation sandwich.
  17. That would really be interesting. I've been way more impressed with what the kids have been putting out compared to the recent adults so it would be cool to see them side-by-side. Their ideas are so fun and fresh. I'd like to think the adults would have better technical skills but really even with their young ages and limited time sewing, the kids don't put out as many up-close messes as you'd think they would (and we've seen some hot, hot messes from the grown-ups). Seeing them side-by-side, working on the same challenges would be fun. And frankly, the kids would probably be the least dramatic and obnoxious contestants of the bunch too.
  18. This has become my favorite show. I love the family, how they all interact and support/torment each other in just the right way This episode had so many great bits. LOVED Maya's version of dressage. That made me laugh out loud. Dancing FOR horses. Kenneth at the end was also hilarious, narrating everything ever so magically. And JJ's snarky Tiny Tim moment, which was great with Kenneth's dry delivery of the line.
  19. How did underwater ninja win? Neoprene overalls should never be a thing. I liked Allie's look way better (probably because it couldn't be worn on a deep sea dive). I want there to be an automatic penalty for the next neoprene outfit and the next ridiculous story about a spy or a ninja.
  20. I think A'Kai is adorable (he won me over falling off his chair in his first talking head in Ep1) but he seems so young and really should have gone home. I'm sure he has tons of potential as a designer but not every sweet, victim type needs to be saved. I much prefer Tim to use his save for later episodes where a really strong contestant has a bad day or when the judging is just really, really off kilter (like if a guest judge gets too much of an opinion....and yeah, I'm still bitter about the Nancy O'Dell situation a million seasons ago). For me we're still at the stage where there are too many contestants for me to really process but so far Molly and Cartier are my favorites.
  21. I took it the same way, as her being flirty rather than discussing sexual orientation in a serious way. She was saying that what turns her on are dreamy black men with six pack abs, glasses, and a bio daddy who is gay or at least bi, as opposed to people who are not Randall. She was going for "get in the tub with me now, hot man" rather than, "I'm heterosexual." As a whole I didn't love this episode. Not super thrilled with the Toby isn't dead and now they're in love and getting married arc. The Toby/Kate-centric episodes aren't my favorites in general. Also not thrilled with newly blonde Olivia coming in and stomping all over the awesomeness that is Kevin and Sloane. Kevin goofed that one up but hopefully Sloane will forgive him. I did like the glimpse into Rebecca's mother, seeing why future Rebecca is how she is with Kate and food.
  22. That's what I thought it was at first, then it hit me...oh! "Tie....Ler..." like it was a license plate I was trying to decode. Between that and Cartier....oy...
  23. I loved Dylan's reaction to the appendix jar bursting "Ray's baby is loose!!!"
  24. Seriously!! I assume the copious use of neoprene is because it doesn't need to be hemmed but it's so overused. Not every outfit needs to be able to double as scuba gear...
  25. I thought it was cute until she called attention to it herself...had one of the judges asked her, that would have been one thing but it came across as desperate for attention. I nearly wet myself during the intros when the one boy got over excited and fell off his chair. He's my favorite right now just for that!
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