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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Indy


    Lolz, Geddert announced his retirement right after USAG suspended him. I'm sure that's just a coincidence https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2018/01/23/twistars-geddert-says-email-families-he-plans-retire/1057165001/
  2. Indy


    Kerry Perry was there for at least a bit, I believe starting day 2. I agree that she should have been there the whole time. To listen, to learn, and to show that she truly gives an F about changing the environment that has terrorized Elite Women's gym in the US for so long
  3. Indy


    Reading about Mattie was heartbreaking. I knew the part about how she was blamed and shunned after Worlds but wasn't aware how her UCLA career ended. Poor girl was abused and traumatized in every way.
  4. Indy


    This is fantastic. Even if Kerry Perry was truly planning on doing this from the get go, you know Simone calling them out about not wanting to return there lit a fire under their asses. Simone is the best in the world, she has a lot of power as a victim who is still an active competitor.
  5. It's going to be weird to me to have no Bob Costas at the Olympics. I always enjoyed him. It'll also be a bit odd with no Matt Lauer, but not in a bad way...never cared for him but with NBC controlling the Olympics coverage he was omnipresent. I wonder without them how much more Seacrest we'll get....
  6. Has there ever been another country banned for doping before? I know there have been other country-wide bans before but those I can think of have been political or humanitarian.
  7. Yep, it absolutely existed as an insult. And I know this because I was born in 1980 and when I was 2 or 3, my mom made the questionable parenting decision to teach me to call the mean kid in daycare who kept pushing me off the rocking horse a douche bag. She started with "creep" but since I couldn't say my Rs she decided that the next appropriate insult to teach her toddler was douche bag.
  8. Damnit show, I think I don't hate Toby anymore. I really want to not like him, I've tried so hard not to give into the show's pressure to not hate Toby. But then he goes and asks dead daddy for advice and Kate's hand and does the hoodies and proposes and crap I think I like him.
  9. I'm roughly Sheldon's age and mom made me sit in the back seat until practically middle school. I'm not sure why, I guess she thought it was safer, but it definitely was unusual...her friends used to comment on how she looked like my chauffeur.
  10. Indy


    Gutsu will always be one of my favorite gymnasts (she's my second favorite Tatiana). Sadly she's probably not the only former Soviet gymnast with a story like that - if the US girls, who all lived at home the majority of time, were left vulnerable to a predator like Nassar, I can only imagine what girls in a system that had total control of their lives and livelihoods could have been exposed too.
  11. That makes me really sad. He was one of the shiny stars of this season for me, and one of my overall favorite PR designers (he had my love from the start with that coffee filter dress). i appreciated his skills and his lack of drama.
  12. That was the highlight of the episode for me. I don't like her character at all but that line was funny
  13. OMG the Doc Baker-Fraser comparison is so true. He really is Prairie Fraser.
  14. Indy


    Yep, she was wearing pink. I don't think we'll ever get rid of the pink completely. But the blue options were so pretty. Blue looks good on most people and they were lovely. I liked Ashton's bars leo the least because of all the flesh mesh but the colors were pretty. I also loved the blue leo Canada had, that Ellie wore in AA and Shallon wore for vault. With the maple leaves it was so wintery and Frozen-y.
  15. Indy


    I've really been enjoying Tim, John R, and Nastia as commentators this week. Tim and Nastia seem much more relaxed without Al. And Nastia has really upped her game commentating on MAG. When she started you could tell she didn't know much but now she seems to have done her homework. I also enjoy John throwing little bits of snark at Tim for his stupid catch phrases. And none of them has said anything horribly obnoxious as far as I can remember so big plus! I loved Yul getting a floor medal! He's just so pretty to watch. I hope he can up his D scores without sacrificing his form so he can really be at the top. Paseka's form on vault is just so...so...ugh. Jade getting silver was awesome but I really wish she would have beat Paseka.
  16. Indy


    And Morgiboo saves the Worlds! Hopefully this will mark a turning point and event finals will all go amazingly (and by amazingly I mean that Jade will win vault, Tabea beam, and Nina bars, the US men will medal on all their events and Epke will win high bars....what? I can dream, right?)
  17. Indy


    I...just...can't...anymore. I mean, didn't really want her to win but I wanted her to have the option! I wonder what the body count for Worlds is now?
  18. Indy


    I'm with you on Ragan. I have nothing against her as a person and she's a fine gymnast, but she just doesn't excite me. She's fine, she's functional, but she's just not...my favorite gymnast. This year is very reminiscent of 2009 so she'll probably win. And Kim will be ecstatic because one of her mini-mes will have finally done something big internationally. I'd love Morgan Hurd to kick ass and medal. As a fellow glasses-wearing Morgan, I have a soft spot for her. But if she does medal, then we'll be treated to more obnoxious Al Trautwig comments about how China will want to reclaim her. Nina would also be awesome to see medal, and I'd be cool with Melanie too if anything just to see other flags flying during the medal ceremony rather than the usual cast of characters.
  19. Indy


    Well at least nobody was seriously maimed or injured tonight so that's a plus. I just can't get excited about the Chinese men's team, but they did solid clean gymnastics tonight when it counted... I'm happy for Kenzo. He's a real boy now who is competitive AA and not just a freaky little tumbling machine, so that's nice to see. Especially to see him carry on the Japanese medal streak. Oleg needs a nap. He just looks so tired. Which he probably is because he competes non stop. I so wanted him to do well. As much as I wanted Manrique to medal, he had a good day. I always forget about David and how much I like his gymnastics. His fall was gutting, just so sucky. Nikita too, I wouldn't have minded him medaling either Yul had a great day. Top 10 finish his first time out is fantastic. He has a really bright future ahead of him. Im much less excited for tomorrow night than I was for tonight. The women's competition just seems so blah for the AA.
  20. Indy


    Me too. I'm not sure how Akash does on HB in general since he's more of an AA guy but all he had to do was not screw up to have had a better showing. Plus he's part of the future of the US men's team so I wish they would have sent him just to get experience at Worlds.
  21. Indy


    I'm so sad for Kohei. So sad. But he'll come back and be amazing again because Kohei does Kohei things. It has to be a bit less exciting for whoever wins because there's no King to beat now...it's kind of like an asterisk needs to be put next to this years results that says *no Kohei. If it can't be Kohei, I'll be so excited if Manrique can win. Oleg can have it too, but it would be so cool to see Manrique take the title. And if you ignore Sam, the American men did really well so far. But Sam also does disappointingly Sam things. He's a great gymnast but he just cannot get his shit together when it counts internationally. I'm looking forward to the women today, both for USA and NED. **** Well mother f-ing hell! Iordache just hurt herself on the one-touch floor warm ups! Like carried off the floor hurt. Why can't we nave nice things?
  22. Ah that makes more sense. I forgot that BBT moves to Thursdays after football is over and thought it weird that they weren't permanently pairing the shows. The six week or so gap between episodes 1 and 2 is still a bit odd but it's probably so they can use BBT to draw viewers into the regular Monday shows before it moves days.
  23. Not until November, I believe. This was sort of a teaser episode. It won't be airing after BBT once it airs regularly.
  24. Me too. He'll do something to make me think he's changed and that I no longer hate him, but then he returns to obnoxious self-centered douch bag form and I remember why I hate him. I really want Kate to dump his ass
  25. Indy


    Thanks! I knew it was rebranded from something but got that something wrong.
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