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Everything posted by Jediknight

  1. The Time Bros are no more. Props to the show for having 2 guys admit they love each other, without any romantic or "not in that way" stuff. It's 2 best friends, who have become brothers admitting they love one another. Of course Zari is the only one that doesn't have to go to the bathroom after drinking Ray's green juice. She probably drinks stuff like that all the time, but the rest of the Legends don't, so it's not a shock to her system like it is for the others. Nora spent most of her life as host to a demon, surrounded by people who just used her, but with the Legends she found a group that liked her for who she was. It was nice to see her get one last night of fun with Book Club before she and Ray left. Nora deserved it. Legends won't be the same without Ray. He's been there since the beginning, now it's only Sara and Mick as the OG Legends.
  2. Tonight on Supergirl, a lesson in how bigotry is bad, because unfortunately some people still need to learn that. I like that Nia isn't just brushing off that she almost killed somebody. That's a big thing, and the show isn't ignoring it. I also think this is gonna be the catalyst for getting Brainy back to being Brainy. He won't be able to sit back while Nia's in that much pain and ignore it. Kelly, be careful investigating what's going on. We don't want you to die. And still going with Leviathan being connected to Darkseid somehow. Next week, we get Super Alex.
  3. Yeah, seems like some Crows were behind Lucius's murder. This should push Jacob out of the Crows, and to helping Batwoman.
  4. Is that what you think, you nerdy, uh awesome intelligent poster? They should look at the man in the Oval Office, and his temperament, if they think a reporter asking a great question is out of line. It is a great question. How are you gonna make sure the disease is contained, and ultimately eradicated if everybody can't get cheap access to those tests? I want to hear that former Sheriff insult more people. Will he call somebody going against him a simpleton Adonis of a man? Call a woman who shoots him down an arrogant awesome gorgeous goddess?
  5. Great to see how much happiness Melissa's found with Chris Wood, after her previous relationship.
  6. He may find him annoying at times, but I think Constatine does care about Gary. So Gary not leaving his side, is good for Constantine. He hugged Ray when he came back to life, but full on kissed Gary on the lips, and was gonna leave Gary his house. As weird as it sounds, Gary is somebody that can get through to Constantine.
  7. Methinks that Caity Lotz is a John Woo fan. Just a hunch I have after watching this episode. I was disappointed that there was no Bill and Ted reference. Come on, you have an episode with Bob Genghis Khan, and no reference to Oshman's Sporting Goods or Twinkies? Make your free throws. Nate and the scooter, oh my goodness. Only Legends can get away with Genghis Khan trying to take over 1997 Hong Kong and having a fleet of motorized scooters. Gary got another kiss from Constantine. Still a fan of Garystine. Ray, propose to Nora, and let Gary be the flower boy.
  8. John, Dean Winchester also killed Hitler. So he killed Hitler better than anybody else killed Hitler. Sorry, figured we could all use a chuckle, I hope.
  9. Luke, dude, shoot your shot. Mary's into you, you're into her, go for it. I was chuckling at Luke needling Kate about Sophie talking to the woman. I took it as friendly jabbing due to Kate's comment about working alone. Glad that Mary finally knows. Kate's little Bat Family is gonna grow to include Kate, Luke, and Mary. With possibly Alfred's daughter popping up from time to time.
  10. That was fantastic. Lena looked genuinely hurt by what Kara said to her. Maybe that will be the thing that Lena needs to get over her issues with Kara, start to mend fences with her, and become a force for good. Here's a theory, the reason that everything kept going wrong, was because Mxy was showing Kara that she can't blame herself for everything. If she sees a version where everything went right, she's gonna blame herself even more and carry the weight of the universe on her shoulders. Mxy was just showing her that not everything is her fault.
  11. Not sure if Nate punched him because he was Zari's boyfriend, or because that guy was wearing a giant s'more on his head, and being Zari's boyfriend gave him another reason to not like him.
  12. Zari was going to marry a dude who wore a giant s'more on his head. This episode also had the decapitated head of Marie Antoinette talking, while the headless body ran around, and at one point said body got Mick's gun. Just another day in the life of the Legends. Doughnuts, there is nothing they can't do.
  13. Gotta mention the scene where this plays in Birds of Prey
  14. "What in the world?" "And then we were saved by the Legends, Nora was your father's Godmother." "You guys met the Legends?"
  15. Sara: "Babe, it's happening." Ava: "We're final girls!"
  16. Goldface: "I'm from Connecticut, I went to Yale."
  17. The Legends writers had to have written Amunet and Goldface's stuff. That's right up their alley, that was a hoot. I'm always up for Amunet returning and Katee Sackhoff chewing scenery. Sometimes you just need that, like with Trejo as Breacher, and Wentworth Miller as Snart. Sometimes you just need to let somebody go nuts and sink their teeth into it, and have a blast.
  18. That was a whole lot of fun. Of course, it's Legends, that's what you expect. Just a quick shallow note, damn, Tala Ashe has legs. Had to get that out of the way. Sara and Ava's joy at being final girls was excellent. Everything Sara and Ava was good. Ray got his prom with Nora, and Nate. Do love how Nora just knows that Nate's part of them. He's Ray's bro, so it's a package deal. Also love that Nora admitted that all the Legends were the right people. She has love for all the Legends. Nora with Freddy at the end, yeah, Nora's wanting kids.
  19. He didn't stop Sam from making the bet, he didn't argue with Sam, and said "They matter to us." She can read people, and she could read that both of them had the will and character of the old heroes. They had what they wanted, they had a chance to become superheroes, and were willing to give all that up for a group of strangers. That impressed her, both Winchesters impressed her with that. It wasn't about the playing, it was about what both were willing to give up, and do for a bunch of people they had just met.
  20. Yeah, that was bullshit. Could have at least had them come back, and Kate either tell them to get away (not wanting them to die if the car explodes) or Kate tells them to find something to help pry open the metal. Heck, they could have had one of them get cut, and the other one have to apply pressure to the cut. Do something to make them look like they tried something. I was expecting them to help Kate, and afterwards say something like "Your secret's safe with us, Batwoman." I liked that Kate not only got a Beth back, but on her birthday she also knows that more and more of Gotham is seeing her as a beacon of hope. Let Mary in on the secret. Kate's Bat Family needs to be more than her and Luke, bring Mary in.
  21. Some people like different things. Me, I was entertained by the episode. And I took all the goofiness, the music, and sound effects, to be a sign that it's Chuck screwing with them. They almost put him down in the previous episode, so now he's really mad. Killing them would be too easy, he wants to cause them pain, he wants them to question everything, he wants to completely break them. And then, he'll kill them. Chuck's a petty asshole, and I saw this episode as Chuck continuing to be petty.
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