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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. 😳 What’s this? I didn’t see it in the live special. Why, why would they cut this? One thing I realized after finishing it is that I don’t really perceive Skylar Austin as part off the show. I Hate Everything but You felt thrown in. I don’t begrudge either him or the show, it really didn’t take up much air time, and he was fine. But I was very meh about it unlike everything else during the special.
  2. I am watching it now and I love both the cast and the audience. There are so many great things. David Hull being the biggest ham during Vella’s performance, the entire sexy medly, PSA about the pregnancy included, the sexy electric toothbrushes, the quick Super Sperm bit with the sperm bouncing off Bloom.😂 I don’t want it to end. The mention of mother during Diagnosis makes me really sad the show didn’t use her in the final stretch of episodes.
  3. Overall, I liked it fine. The Eleven O’Clock song was terrific and I chortled at Rebecca and Paula staring off into space to get intoRebecca’s head. Also did with Maya’s big reveal and the reaction to it, George’s fun hair, White Josh forever unimpressed with Rebecca and Father Bra’s and AJ’s freaked out reactions at the end. What didn’t work for me was how everyone’s lives a year down the road were presented. I had zero issues with where anyone ended up, I just can’t help thinking there was a better way to show thta to the audience than Rebecca’s drawn out speech.
  4. I guess we should at least learn how Roy ended up on Craphole Island since he shows up in present day. Although I do hope this doesn't mean he spends 20 years there. Or that Oliver clues him in into how to "be there" while not being there. I'm not really sold on that being Future Oliver since SA doesn't seem aged up AT ALL. If he has filmed, maybe it's something completely gut wrenching, like Felicity dreaming about her family being together, only she's imagining Oliver the way he looked when she last saw him. Or it's going too much in the other direction from 2046 AltOliver, who looked 80 at the ripe old age of 60.
  5. There better be a photo like this on their mantle before the show ends.
  6. Am I misremembering or does Nathaniel's place have those exposed brick walls? It fells like Dr Akopian guides her through her possible futures with each of the guys or something.
  7. Didn't they say it on the show, though? It feels like they have. As for Paula's salmon situation, where it misfored was at the end IMO. She wanted to have a better system for everyone. But she's really not that affected. She should have told that other mom off. Whatever, annoying mom. This is my last potlock anyhow, my youngest is leaving home in the fall. But you go on camping out and providing complicated expensive dishes no one eats for your two youngest. Ta.
  8. Oliver and Felicity exiting stage left at the end of this season and the Oliver, at the very least, appearing in the crossover would have made sense story wise. The crossover threats have always been bigger than just one city apart from the first one. So the threat would have directly affect their family as well.
  9. Does anyone know if this is available enywhere else? This is only available im the US and I'm not there.
  10. There's a shot of William coming to the room missing. Just sayin'.
  11. I never forgot (or truly forgiven) Starling City. It's like baby Sara before baby Sara in my book. Just wrong.
  12. All good points and your posts makes me expect Rebecca ending up single once again. Maybe the thing that's causing us confusion actually IS the point - there is nothing seperating one of the guys ftom the herd, there's no initiative on Rebecca's end, just following the rules they guys have set out (which, blergh). I would have enjoyed this stretch more if they had seperated the guys from Rebecca because I truly have enjoyed some of their scenes and then, have Rebecca run into one of them and a happy romantic ending implied in the finale if that is the planned outcome.
  13. I think it's 12. I'm allergic to peanut and soy, so that's two. And I think pickles are the worst smelling thing on Earth and people have been duped into thinking it's actual food.
  14. @DianeDobbler, which finale was rewritten, series finale, season 3 finale?
  15. It's really too bad they couldn't find something else for the guys to interact and squabble over, because if I ignore the background, I actually really liked their scene at the beginning and the one between Josh and Nathaniel at the end. A lightning bolt. I mean, I do like the guy. Hee. Josh is the biggest idiot of them all. If you're going to partake in this weirdness, at least move out beforehand, so you don't have to look at Rebecca getting ready for her other dates, dum dum. While the ending does point towards Greg, the big song (definite highlight of the episode) mentions the collective mind deciding. The last time that was mentioned was when everybody was trying to get Daryl and WhiJo back together. And we know how that ended up.
  16. The entire show is basically Oliver's redemption arc.
  17. I think I identified where Chico thinks this happened in the episode. Rene doubts whether they should take Laurel at her word that Emiko (can these people decide how that name is pronounced, please!) killed Diaz, and Felicity responds that Laurel has changed a lot. It's a gripping 10 seconds
  18. I don’t remember that, just some vague Curtis could return at a later date comment in one (more than one?) exit interview. I’ve been thinking, who on Earth is going to be the final season villain? Emiko would actually worked really well as the Big Bad for the final chapter. Provided she was played by a better actress, of course. This season could have shown her grudgingly accepting Oliver after distrusting him because of Robert and then events happen when she feels betrayed by Oliver himself, so she turns on him. Like, NTA bullshit from last year, only sensical. Oliver going against a sibling is (or should be) a huge deal. How do you top that? Thea would feel like a retread. Anything else would be a let down. Unless they magically managed to make things work with CD’s schedule and come back to their original plan of pitting Tommy against Oliver. Here’s a horrifying thought - Malcolm for the millionth time. I don’t think someone in the vein of Dhark, Ras, 3D or even Prometheus would work for the end, the Big Bad should hit closer to home. Hell, given that it seems Robert’s character is being torn down by the minute, maybe he magically faked his death or the League found him and tossed him into the Pit, maybe it’s been him behind everything all along.
  19. I get that Robert was a shit father, but Emiko has clearly been off her rocker to sign off on killing him. Go after his damn money and reputation and ruin him and his first family that way. Not to mention that while she couldn't know about Oliver and Sara being on board, she absolutely had to have been aware there would be other people there, Robert sure as hell wouldn't have steered a vessel that size over that distance alone. So cool on knowingly killing the ship crew.
  20. They never said what the age difference was, but I imagines 5-10 years since she mentioned most of her friends were closer to his age than hers. Co-sign on hoping there was a therapist referal.
  21. Is there supposed to be a new show this week or not? It’s usually up by now.
  22. I’m still waiting for the episode on Netflix, but White Josh! Oh, that’s great news, I missed him last week. I get there was no place for him, but I’d have loved to have gotten his reaction to the revue. ETA: Watched it and yes, the mess with the guys is exhausting, even to Rebecca apparently. But I liked the Math of Love Triangles (Quadrangles) reprise and I found And I shall... samesies. genuinely funny. I suppose Rebecca has taught Josh well, though. Because Tap That Ass definitely implied he didn’t always manage to satisfy. I wasn’t crazy about Slow Motion, but Valencia’s sneeze and Paula’s facial expressions managed to elevate it. Loved Audra’s crazy ass and the JAP Cheer Rap.
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