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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. I cannot believe he is wearing his hair in a bun.......muahahahahahaha. Judging by what you lost posted on here, those who have some inside knowledge of fundies, this must be such a humongous breach of etiquette. For that alone, bonus points. Can't stand the look personally, but well....... They both are really greasy, yukky looking, with no interest in grooming and looking decent. Bleurgh.
  2. So she finally got married. Looks like a nice stylish dress and appearance. A first for a Duggar. Perhaps the outside influence. I really really hope she will be happy and able to figure out a life of her own where she doesn't need to conform to made up notions and doesn't feel the need to starve herself and be miserable. It must be so utterly weird to go from never having been alone with a guy to moving in with him, having sex, cuddles, life...........her parents are just so vile for doing this to their kids.
  3. It's snowing out. Snowing........obviously not that much, but still. Winter is a coming
  4. The Bateses girls have style. You have to give it to them. And their collective skirts seem to go ever shorter. Mind you, damned if you do, damned if you don't, whatever they wear will always be criticised.
  5. Oh thank fuck she's getting married. Now we can move on with our lives. Marrying in a Cathedral seems a major step up for any Duggar wedding, let's hope that Baaaaabe's influence will continue to be positive in her life. Marriage in Germany is somewhat different, you must go to the Registry Office and officially get married there, after that, Church or whatever is an extra. It's different for you lot, right? Gotta love the Anti Duggar FB bitch "don't be stalking them but if you ARE going on a walk, take photos"......that woman has a major attention whore problem. And she fancies herself as the authority of all that is good. Blah. Kudos for keeping the date private, so there won't be too many Duggar huggers or other assorted riff raff. Personally, apart from the snark I really couldn't care less anyhow Edit, okayyyyyyyyyyyy.......THAT's a Cathedral??? I may be showing my own roots, but a Cathedral should be a large majestic building. That's a Church. And historic? Built in 1945 is not historic......muahahahahaha.
  6. Well, as long as the media doesn't use that bitter old hag on Facebook as a source, I'm good. She is wayyy too up her own arse. Who gets off on having a hate page? Snark is fun, but she is beyond that now. Believe it when I see it. It'll never happen
  7. Washing up? A huge FU Momen "see, we DO use proper china and pots, we dooooo". Yeah right. They've got a dishwasher, haven't they? Why do washing up?
  8. I still think that Jessa, because she does have spunk and a personality, was beaten terribly as a child (what with being "willful" and all), as a result, she had to shut down quite a few emotions and natural reactions. So she may come across as hard and cold. Nobody is born that way, unless it's based on illness. No excuse for her to be bitchy and nasty though.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/batesfamily1/photos/a.866915156747697.1073741930.103566863082534/959008064205072/?type=3&theater It's official, I spend wayyy too much time digging into these families. That's the photo of Tori. Mighty short skirt your one is wearing. They seem to be getting shorter and shorter. Good for her. She's rather young though. I think by their weird logic, courting is getting to know you and official courting is "we are getting married!"
  10. That Sundae looks utterly gross and digusting. Full of sugary crap. (I've been losing weight for the last 5 months and have become hyper aware of how much sugar there is in stuff). Not sure what to think about her possibly courting. I've always felt so sorry for her. She's looked miserable for so many years. If she were to meet the right guy to take her out - but I can't see her as a Mother. She's simply not the type. As far as the sons go, WHO wants to marry a guy like that? No job, no income, and not even good looking.
  11. Fabulous David got a lot of flak for those horrible photos. Who does that kind of thing? And what's with those adult clothes on wee babies??
  12. So get married. Please!! Nobody gives a fuck really. He'll turn out to be the same disappointment as the other two anyhow. I just hope that Jinger won't live to regret her choice. I think he may well turn out to be very nasty indeed
  13. Bedtime stories for zach n whit consist of people's heads being cut off. Fuck me..i wonder how long befor that one bans me. Who tells kiddies crap like that?? not surprised alyssa is back, now we know shes popping another
  14. Interest in them really is waning, isn't it? I keep forgetting that Smuggette is expecting again. Is she not posting selfies every day now? Even the leghumpers are mightily pissed off with the show, judging by the comments on the CO page. She must be raging that she's not getting as much attention as she feels she's entitled to
  15. Cringe should just bloody get married and be done. It's sooooo not interesting anymore
  16. He's getting ugly again, what's with that weird handlebar hair? That looks weird. Unfortunately, at least for now, he is truly a Duggar. Poor kid
  17. Not sure where to put this, but the show really seems jaded and tired, judging by the posts on Facebook. Even the most devoted leghumpers are tiring of it. Why is TCL doing this?
  18. Judge Judy would be FAB! She'd rip then some......now that I would actually pay for to see
  19. Jill is a slovenly lazy slattern indeed, mwahhhh. RE is part of our curriculum, you get separated into Catholic, Luthern or Ethics. But then, we don't have such a history as yours, people view Religion as a fairly private matter, although of course, we do have our nationwide religious bank holidays
  20. They both have put on so much weight, they must eat a ton of unhealthy stuff - ususally you would not be able to gain weight that fast. Only goes to show how stressed they are. Still, they are both bloody adults, so take responsibility for once in your fucking lives and ACT on it. If you're that unhappy, leave, change, do something.
  21. Is that something unusual? It's perfectly normal here
  22. I'll go for it. I'm from them heathen countries over there in Yurop. We don't do Religion much. We don't allow homeschooling. We don't wear hideous Prairie dresses. I'm sure I'm a prime candidate, no?
  23. I think that due to her own troubled background, she is/was desperate to fit in, find a family and make them her own. She wants to belong somewhere and sadly, she seems to lose herself far too much. Her own family is never seen or spoken of. Sad. But for her wearing Jeans AND putting them out on Insta is a baby step. Keep them coming
  24. She didn't. This was, as per Free Jinger, an Insta story, which only stays up 24 hours. But yay!! I never understood why she suddenly "felt convinced" to wear bloody skirts
  25. Cringe and Babe, plesase get married so we can all move on with our lives. I really don't give a damn.......it seems that ratings are very very down indeed, so people seem to agree with me
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