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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Actually, if you have a dust allergy like myself, it is better to have carpets to catch the dust, rather than having it flung in the air at every move. Asthma may be a bit different of course, but this is a fairly new line of thinking. It used to be that you should have laminate instead of carpet
  2. This is scary. Those are the words of someone who is drowning and desperately clinging on to whatever straws for dear life. I wont even go to the weird in love shite-again, it's terrifying in both its childishness and implications of major trouble
  3. I'd love to watch that particular show actually. I can only ever view those teaser trailers. Seems that Nathan's "courtship" is truly over now though - seemingly they no longer follow that girl on Instagram. So he's a used bit of goods now....although the Bateses don't seem quite as crazy. Trouble is of course, that they seem normal-ish when compared to total utter nuts like the Dugwads.
  4. I don't think Spurgeon is "cute" at all - the overall look he presents is cute because he is a happy chubby toddler, but he's borderline ugly. That hair needs a cut badly. And his face...well. Just as well that babies change all the time. They got lucky that he seems a happy chappy. What will both Jessa and Jill do when they have a non compliant baby with issues? Having kids isn't all gazing adorably into the crib where the baby lies, sleeping peacefully.
  5. Had a brief look at the video, WHO uses his mobile in a CHURCH?????? I'm truly shocked. How irreverent and disrespectful. And did he ask others if they mind being in it? The one good thing is that he seems to have a sense of humour. Bah.
  6. Well, Merry Christmas, thanks for the explanations. Big virtual hug to those in need - it always seems to be wose if bad things happen during Christmas somehow. The pressure and expectations are so manyfold.
  7. I'm not:-)))) I actually hail from the Proddie North.......... A thousand times No, Joy! No, you are not ready for marriage, sex and kids. I cannot even begin to fathom how anyone would think that this is what she should be doing. She isn't at all maternal. She's certainly not mature
  8. Thanks. I cant wait for this year to be done. Nervous about new years eve tbh, more so after berlin. i have a vague idea what hanukkah is, but festivus? Fsm?
  9. Did I just reveal myself as a heathen Catholic?:-))) But seriously, I can never understand people who drag what they want from the Bible, whilst ignoring the extremely obvious. How is that even possible?
  10. Since I'm listening to the Radio which is playing the usual Xmas songs, do you get that in the US as well? Happy Christmas everyone - for me, it is tomorrow. I hope you will have a good time.
  11. I'm happy for her to be off the radar. Shoot a wee picture around once in a while and I'm good. No major interest in her either. If she is the one Duggar that does NOT sell herself off, that will be something.
  12. True but this weird emphasis on "ye SHALL get married" is totally unbiblical and just doesn't make sense. Marriage is actually a poor second to devoting one's life to God entirely.
  13. The baby could be Donatus, if a boy. That's a very classical old fashioned name. Horrifed the silly bint is pregnant. What about Zika?? She seems overwhelmed with the one babby, never mind two. And Derick? WHAT is wrong with him? He's clearly deranged
  14. This courtship just is so utterly wrong on every single level. Joyanna is a mere child, not ready for adulthood. I dont' want to see them getting married. I have zero interest in anything they do. FFS, what kind of parents would find this good???
  15. No, that's Tabitha Paine, the live in "Teacher". I seriously need to stop being fascinated with their ilk - I was even dreaming about the fucking Maxhells the other night.
  16. I read on Facebook a comment from someone who said she ran into Jinger and Jana in CA-which I presume to be California? Canada? Jana apparently was nice, but Jinger didn't acknowledge her presence.
  17. https://www.instagram.com/jeremyvuolo.rp/?hl=en Is that legit?
  18. I actually like that photo, one of the few moments where she looks genuine. As far as leaving a cult, of course it is difficult, of course people are different and all that. But at the end of the day, we are all adults at some point (well, ok, the Duggars not so much, mwah) and we do make conscious decisions of how to live our lives. It CAN be done to leave, if you want it enough. Don't like JD at all. He gives off very odd vibes indeed.
  19. I can do the long curly hair no bother. I could get a skirt somewhere I suppose. I'll book my flight to Australia now...... Who the hell wants to attend this shite? And Lawson dear, give up. You're just not interesting. Mind you, in a way he's just as trapped as those girls. If he shows off his muscles we snark because it's imodest. If he doesn't, we also snark because he should man up and be a big boy and make his own decisions:-)
  20. Mackynzie is the spitting image of Anna. And she looks increasingly unhappy, poor child. I cannot bear looking at Smugs, literally, he makes my stomach heave. HOW do you manage to gain this much weight that quickly? He'll die from a heart attack before he's 30 if he keeps going that way. Having said that, he IS part of the family to both the Duggars and the Kellers, so yes, he has a right to be in a family photo shoot. The Kellers don't usually exploit themselves, so I give them a pass. For the Dugwads, not very much, since they are famewhores who will stop at nothing to stay in the news.
  21. I simply don't see JD with anyone, period. He is so awkward and creeps me out. I haven't forgotten that photo where he posed with a huge gun, I found that horribly weird and creepy. I still think that both Jana and JD are asexual, having borne the brunt of everything. Who'd want to get married and have children with their background? No matter how you were raised, you always have a choice. They've been exposed to normalcy and have had opportunities the average fundie dreams about - so yes, if they stay where they are, that's an indication to me that they are either happy or willing to accept it. Other people have escaped from horrific backgrounds, so.....
  22. Tinned green beans, full of salt? Very healthy. Not. Why do they continue to be blind to that child's obvious issues?? This is GBH to me, truly. It makes my blood boil how their children are mistreated, what with the lack of love and nurture and actual care.
  23. Don't EVER download any kind of "your PC/mobile/whatever is infected" things! They are malware. I don't even care if she is or isn't, and anyway, doesn't it take a wee bit longer to establish if you are? JinJer's wedding doesn't interest me at all. They court. They marry. They pop babies left, right and centre. So what?
  24. I'm banned too, but I know why:-)) That pizza looks yummy, what is all that orange stuff though? Cannot stand Lawson, his smugness, hypocricy and whatnot gets on my last nerve. Carlin's rather a show off as well. Why is he wearing those gigantic headhphones when he is with company?
  25. A lot of stuff gathering dust there, but it does look pretty. Why don't they put up a fireguard so they can enjoy that wee heater thingy? Love the Motto, forever and always, and what not. How depressing to think that no matter WHAT happens, that silly moo will stick by her man. In their world, such mottos are really sinister to me, knowing what we know about molestation and abuse.
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