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Everything posted by MunichNark

  1. Alyssa Webster is pregnant again?? And here's me thinking she just MAY wait a bit. Sigh. I find her daughter a somewhat odd child. She never seems so smile, ever
  2. I stalked, ahem, looked up purely in the matter of research that girl. She has quite a few photos of both her son and the Duggars, so clearly, they have been in touch for years. I hope no media will use those photos - she's ill advised to post them on public setting. She does talk a lot of blather of her son being raised "Godly", which raises my hackles since stealing isn't terribly Christian really, but ok. I hope the poor child is not being made to feel guilty in any way. Why anyone would give those horrendous people a child is beyond me
  3. Like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-adhesive-filtering-Protection-Windows-Tint/dp/B004PA6QXG it does darken the room and i rip them off once summer is over but it cools the place down nicely
  4. Slightly off topic, but you can buy special window foil that you put on outside the window to stop the sun from getting in. I use them for my top-storey flat and it makes a huge difference. Plus, getting proper sun shades fitted outside would be an option. I also use special blinds inside, but once the sun comes through the window, a lot of heat is already inside your place. Apparently, damp towels will cool the place down, although I never quite agreed to that. Can't they stock up on water? How difficult can that be? But I forgot, Jilly Muffin doesn't do planning...
  5. She looks rough and lined....yikes. Davia is surely one ugly child so far. I hope she grows into her looks. Being homely is not good in their world, no matter how much they spout about inner values
  6. I-a is currently a passenger in my car.......muahahahahaha. A lovely fluffy cuddable plush with a nice big bum just begging to be squeezed..........:-))))
  7. Happy Birthday! You rock, Zoomama! Do what you feel like, don't give a damn about other people's opinions (within reason....), have a cracking time. We only live once. Make the most of it
  8. That video gave me the creeps. Big time. TFDW gives off such weird nasty vibes. The child looked terrified until the camera focussed on him and then he smiled. I'd fully believe that TFDW would be the type who will delight in scaring people with nastiness - much like the clown scare the Dugwads did. Do you know what I mean? Ugh.
  9. Get married, and spare us the uninteresting facts. There's not much interest in this, is there?
  10. Is it just me or does the interest in these freaks really wane? Their FB page isn't really all that active, comment wise, and unless it's a "good" photo, likes are very......little. Those wannabe sermons never draw any attention, thankfully
  11. Oh dear goodness, that silly girl is pregnant again?? A mere 6 months after the first? These people are just fucking stupid. If she wants to have a ravaged body before she's 30 or simply die soon, then keep going. Other than that, I just dont fucking care. Yawn
  12. I hope you went to the Police! How utterly scary. And get those locks changed. Have a lovely restful Sunday everyone, regardless of all the crap that may be or have been in your way
  13. Now that you said it, it's true. It's the same here I Just realised. Wedding or engagement rings are just "plain" bands. Wearing jewels would be an almighty inconvenience after all. How will she run after the litter of a dozen she'll soon have with that? Jeremy's hands are truly disgusting though. Once they've set up their wedding pressies registry, I hope some hand cream is included
  14. Whoopee doo. They have yet to master even a very basic amount of Spanish, haven't done a damn fucking thing to HELP. Some Bible classes, right. I really am so over this fuckwads of a family.
  15. I can't stand that smug grump bitch. She has no problems being hurtful and snide about the Dugwads, but is as much of a speshul snowflake in her own feeling as the Dugs are. She bans just as quick if you disagree or even if you don't. Plus, she has no problem whatsoever to steal photos since none of those are hers to post. A lawyer would have a field day, she'd be up in debt til eternity and after. They always have a mobile around. So much for the "we don't do modern technology"
  16. Bitch, give that girl privacy! But it's a nice shot essentially. At least it shows some closeness and intimacy. More than that one had
  17. I'm glad she's safely delivered and hope they will shut it down now for good. One each is plenty for her. Alyssa doesn't seem to like that much noise and chaos. Good for her I'd say, live your life the way you want it.
  18. Speedy recovery Arwen! At least it's done now and over you did it. I'm a bit preoccupied with my personal shite, but love and hugs to everyone who needs it. Remember, we are all just fucking fantabulous and deserve the best
  19. Good luck Emma! Don't be too nervous, they are interested enough in you to ask you for an interview. Think positive, you'll do it!
  20. Does anyone remember Neneh Cherry's Manchild? Now it's going round and round in my mind, sigh
  21. I'm so not interested in their courtship. I never even got up to be excited. It's just not fascinating. So they'll marry, Jeremy looks like another loonie famewhore, they'll pop out blessing after blessing. How exciting. Not.
  22. Is that fat bloke Josh?????? Seriously?? How can you gain this much weight in such a short time? I've put myself on a diet 3 weeks ago when I realised I had put on weight, but that would have been about 4, 5 kilos in the space of at least 6 months AND I had been very liberal with the sweeties (cannot resist, sigh). So WHAT does he eat to put on that much?? How is that possible?
  23. Gosh, no, it's just that Ms Nark, despite her obvious narkyness is actually a total yellow cowardy custard with anxiety disorder and thus gets very scared indeed when she hits her head. It was quite a bang though.....I'm fine now, thanks. I've spent a significant amount of time living in both the UK and Ireland..... I agree about the gallbladder, I had just one attack thankfully about 15 years ago and by golly, it was the most painful thing ever. Apparently I had (have?) gallstones but so far all's been well. In my case it had been the Xmas food I think and stress that brought it on. Drink plenty!
  24. Whitney Bates deleted my comment on her insta, saying that the bracelet on her wee daughter is a choking hazard. Da fuq?
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